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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 347 KB, 746x558, feels9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14061264 No.14061264 [Reply] [Original]

How ya feelin /fa/?

>> No.14061268

I pee 12 times a day from all the water I've been drinking but at least my face is clear of acne

>> No.14061449

Just copper my grail

>> No.14061993

i don't know how to stop dressing like a dyke.
dressing this way is what my heart desires, but i'm never going to get a nice normie boyfriend like this.

>> No.14061995

How about you stop being a dyke

>> No.14061997

Nobody compliments me on my clothes, just on my muscles.

>> No.14061998

i'm not a dyke i want a boy friend

>> No.14062005


>> No.14062177

post fit or grid of your outfit if youre a shy pussy

>> No.14062265
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Everyone (me included) thought my ex was a dyke because she really dressed like one, but we started going out regardless, so it's definitely not impossible to find a boyfriend while looking like a dyke. I miss her.

>> No.14062286

Waiting on my plug dropping some cocaine to me, feeling alright bit anxious

>> No.14062291

I dress like a dyke too. But only cuz I feel like I'm too ugly to pull off the fem look
Also I feel ugly and tired

>> No.14062295

I'm going to meet my girlfriend and her friend to go to an art museum later and I'm feeling pretty derealized about the whole thing
I can't believe as little as 3 months ago I was jerking off to Japanese lesbians for hours at a time and now I'm doing things that a socially functioning adult would do.

>> No.14062306

Good on you anon, I'm genuinely happy for you, I know that feel very well. Enjoy all your normie moments to the fullest, they will make for beautiful memories.

>> No.14062316

Thanks senpai, I'm just hoping I don't blow it and disillusion her

>> No.14062331

No problem, only piece of advice I can give you is to always be as honest as possible and communicate about issues as soon as they appear instead of letting them eat you or her. Good luck anon.

>> No.14062369

Been hooking up with the same girl for a couple weeks and just cut things off. She didn't want to date and I felt used for sex. Kinda sad about it overall

>> No.14063050

I feel you anon, happened to me too

Hang in there bud we'll make it

>> No.14063068

Stressed. I'm moving house with my fiance in the morning and I fucking hate it.

>> No.14063074

i dont enjoy living. never did
dont think i ever will

>> No.14063091

Realized today that my crooked smile is from chewing my food with mostly one side of my mouth for the last few years I guess, and I feel dumb for not noticing sooner

God I hate moving, and I only have a small bedroom and living room to worry about. Have fun anon

>> No.14063122

What is it?

>> No.14063154

>no one buying a sweatshirt I posted :(
>missed out on sweatshirt I was watching :(

no fashion for me

>> No.14063157

Pissed, roommate put my clothes in the dryer on high and now my favorite pair of pants shrunk 2 waist sizes.

>> No.14063158
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good but miserable at the same time, finally have the drugs to deal with my mental health bullshit so I've gone back to school to fix my grades and try to not be a huge, sad, failure of a man any more. I have the energy to care about how I dress but after spending the little cash I had on clothes I still don't have enough to look like I want to. tensions with my dad are rising again, I usually just shrug my way through but I've got energy now and I might have to fight him this time and I've got years and years of stored gripes and pain. I'm single again for the first time and the loneliness is new to me it used to be the only thing I knew but now I have direct knowledge of what I'm missing, the lack of touch and spooning and hugging and fucking it didn't feel this cold before not even masturbation scratches the itch.

I don't talk to the few friends I have left any more. I don't want to play vidya over discord anymore. one of them had a kid. and my best mate, who I thought was maybe actually going to be a shut in forever, is actually making enough from his state administrated temp job and his parents found a apartment in the middle of nowhere for him so he's moving out. I'm still living at home, I never wanted to believe I was the biggest fuck up of the gang. just living the way I lived 5 years ago. I may be emotionally evolved but everything else stays the same.

its not all bad, the diet is taking effect, I forgot to weigh myself but gut is not scary looking any more and my jawline is more defined. hope I can keep this up. I'm getting back to a place where I actually enjoy studying, I'm still not getting as much done as I need to but I think I figured out that I need to eat more medicine. hope I can keep this up. girls are watching, i still hear the little voice in my head that says they're not actually interested and just happen to be looking right at me and smiling for completely unrelated reason, but they're watching. also doing art again.
ty /fa

>> No.14063165

bought a 6 pack of pints. CUrrently drinking, might get some more later even though i know i shouldnt.

>> No.14063168

I'll be your boyfriend, I'm kind, decent looking, and will care for you

>> No.14063172 [DELETED] 

Taking my life in exactly four months
Started rolling my own cigarettes again for the first time in years and it's great

>> No.14063173

What are ya drinking anon? Cracking into some Unveiled dipa tonight. Pretty good

>> No.14063177

miller lite, i had an IPA a couple days ago, tonight i want to keep things simple though. May or may not go to the same gas station tonight. Pretty sure the guy working the register is judging me, should I care though?

>> No.14063178

I need some help, I don't know what to wear, but I'll explain my situation, I feel like I lost my style. After being one month in the beach and only wearing shorts, not even shirts, now that I'm back in the city I just don't know what to wear, I lost the like for colors and I don't know how to mix them, now I just wear all black (I didn't use to do this). Also I got a full time job I have to wear an uniform, and I have no time to wear things I used to like few months/years ago. I feel lost, like if my taste just vanished, I don't know, I don't belong to a certain "core" anymore and this is weird. Any advice? Does this has ever happened to any of you?

>> No.14063183 [DELETED] 

Got fasttracked for an appointment with the psychiatrist due to my suicidial ideation and either binge eating or not eating at all so stuff is pretty fucked

>> No.14063184

Best friends to have are the ones selling you the booze in my opinion. Could be the alcoholic in me talking though

>> No.14063186

He's just the guy the works at the gas station lol, he is far from a friend.

>> No.14063190

No way you should care dude he'll stop thinking about you the second you walk out the door

>> No.14063191

Got fasttracked for an appointment with the psychiatrist due to my suicidial ideation and either binge eating or not eating at all, also have been sleeping about 4 hours a night max the last week

>> No.14063192

He already made a comment about how I drink a lot (went twice in the same day) idk though, fuck it I guess?

>> No.14063196

Hopefully they help you out man, at least you aren't doing anything too self destructive. Sometimes whenever I cross the street I think about getting hit by a truck and dying, and thinking maybe it wouldn't be so bad

>> No.14063199

Maybe he just feels the need to open his mouth, I wouldn't give it a second thought, I might not be the best person to ask though I don't drink so that's a foreign world to me

>> No.14063200

After going through a skater phase for most of my life i started wearing boots and denim and now I've safely settled into full prep/ivy and I've finally found my style and look.
So my life is good.

>> No.14063214

Thanks anon hope you get some help too. I've been very calm about suicide the past month thinking it wouldn't be too bad to die, I kinda avoid heights now because I sat on the edge of an 8th floor balcony for a while thinking about just dropping down, luckily one of my friends saw me and said not to be so dumb to sit on the edge like that

>> No.14063246

>Thanks anon hope you get some help too.
Help with what? I don't need help. Those bad thoughts go away when I resume drinking.

>> No.14063249

Good news, a different guy was working tonight

>> No.14063255
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My hypochondria is destroying my life. My anxiety has evolved to blockade positive emotions. I feel dejected but not depressed

>> No.14063316

I'm scared of how used to loneliness I'm getting. I used to only think about suicide every other week or so but it's starting to happen more often these days.
but hey i'm dressing more /comfy/ which is awesome even if i never leave my apartment except to go to my pointless job

>> No.14063358

Haven't had friends for 6 years, honestly it tears me up.

>> No.14063381

It's been hard for me to make friends where I am, but let's not give up.

>> No.14063496

It’s been 8 for me

>> No.14063504

i try to dress colorfully and minimalistically but it all ends up coming out likeL solid color shirt, solid color jeans, solid color sneakers, colors dont match that well, looks bland
how the fuck do I fix

>> No.14063506

tfw it took 5 months for a seller on grailed to reply ro my offer(s) for my grail jacket

Im just glad i got it bros :')

>> No.14063551
File: 22 KB, 317x365, 1526511404992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the seller accepts your first offer

jesus anons do literally anything different with your lives. been there and that shit is depressing as hell

>> No.14063568

I’m not depressed I’ve been in isolation honing my talents.

Talents are best nurtured in solitude
~Von Goethe

>> No.14063586

I'm always going to be missing something in my wardrobe
I've accepted that its endless till I die

>> No.14063684

Raf Simons velcro extreme sole lol

>> No.14063719

if you've been there then you should know how hard it can be to break out of the cycle, especially considering the physical manifestations of depression, particularly lack of sleep. it's hard to do something different if I'm tired every day even after 9-10 hours of sleep

>> No.14063865

Id rather have acne

>> No.14063874

if you can't sleep that's the opposite of depression, depression makes you sleep all day and you dont want to get up. if you cant sleep that means you have excess energy and you should do something productive instead of lying there

>> No.14063892

Lonely. Home alone on a Friday night.

>> No.14063908

I pussied out of friends birthday dinner/celebration at the last second when I found out some of his family would be there.

I'm such an anxious piece of shit who does this to everything good in his life and now my friend hates me.

>> No.14063909

i didnt say it was easy. I could list the things i did to climb out of the abyss I unknowingly spiraled down, but good place to start is def a therapist to help motivate you
I think both can happen. the first time I was dealing with it years ago I had trouble getting enough good sleep. the second time I used sleep as an escape. I would say every situation is different

>> No.14063961

Sweet Jesus, dear mother of God... what the fuck is wrong with you guys...?

>> No.14063965

please send him a well written apology. start forcing your self to absolutely go to things no matter what, anyway you can.

before you end up like me. Lose contact with all firends and only leave the house for work and errands.

>> No.14063966

what do you mean?

>> No.14063968

I think it started when I was a little kid and my neighborhood friends came around to call me out to play and my controlling mother would tell me that they dont actually want to be my friends and are just using me for my toys and bike--in order to keep me from wanting to go outside.
she succeeded in that but also fucked my self-esteem forever in the process.

>> No.14063971

are you going to let your feelings out anon? or just shame people for letting out theirs. just let it out anon, stop judging.

>> No.14063977

One thing I've started doing is when I agree to go to something I have to go. I lost contact with one group of friends for years because my anxiety kept me from actually meeting them often. Lucky for me my friend saw this trend and helped me get out of it.
Even if you only show you face for an hour I'm sure your friend would still appreciate it Anon

>> No.14063989

I think he especially wanted me to go along because I was the only really non-family member going to be there.

>Even if you only show you face for an hour I'm sure your friend would still appreciate it Anon
We live together so we'll definitely be seeing more of eachother. We're both open about being pretty distant to people and events like this so it means a lot when we spend time with eachother I think. Lost a good opportunity to show I care about him desu.

>> No.14063996

I had an argument with some of my friends today about some shit I care a lot about. Not really sure what happened or what to do. Feels like I'm losing control of my life again. The worst part is I know it's going to end with me ruining my life but I don't want to stop yet. At least I'm getting closer to my goals in fashion.
anxiety fucking sucks but you're not the only one dealing with it. There is a way out.

>> No.14064085

yea, i agree, you buy a nice shoe and you think it's the best, then you realize it isn't the best, so you buy another one, because you think it's the best, and then this keeps happening, mainly because you need to burn through many different shoes until you find one that you really gel with. there is no shortcut to it, and your taste is always changing, but you get better at knowing what you like the more you buy. it's impossible to avoid, if you are really into learning your own style. this is the main diff between people who truly are into finding their style and those who aren't, they keep experimenting and trying new things

>> No.14064090

What type of clothes and fashion do you guys consider "dykey"
Asking for a friend of course

>> No.14064204

-blue hair
-thick rim glasses
-nose ring
-facial hair
-lgbt rainbows imagery
-sport jacket

>> No.14064335
File: 100 KB, 652x600, RRuLLh7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds like you're already working on the little things to improve, losing weight is a good step.

Keep it up anon.

>> No.14064348

If thats the case the best thing you can do is apologize. You seem genuine about this so I'm sure he'll understand.

>> No.14064408

zoomer bitch here, going to make a blogpost

you know they say youth is all about being free, doing stuff you want to do etc. and that seems to correlate with the stories of my father and my brother (who is twice my age), but i feel like that just isnt at thing anymore? no one i know today lives life with the kind of freedom the stories old people have. wonder if it really changed or im just paranoid
i dont mean this in a le wrong generation way, just an observation

>> No.14064419


>> No.14064538
File: 226 KB, 220x346, 1519670697389.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this board now look like new r9k?
Did all the angry incels move?

>> No.14064712

why are italians so undeniably effay, it's effortless...that's my feeling

aww old fags gonna fag aint they. it's ok, you can handle change oldfag, u will learn to accept change, or become obsolete

>> No.14065136

its true. Everything costs more and we are making less money comparatively.

The state school I graduated from was free back in the sixties and if I was a student in the 70s and 80s I could have paid the year by just working during summer.
Now I work a desk job I feel trapped in because otherwise I couldnt get health insurance.

I would feel way more fucking free to do what I wanted if I wasnt one medical emergency away from being fucked

>> No.14065185

I'll just paste what I already posted on /fit/.
Let me tell you about why I spent yesterday evening drinking cheap beer in my room.
I wake up. I live with my parents. I am a virgin. I am a 30 year old man who has never even kissed anyone.
I go to the toilet. Wash myself, brush teeth. Apply Minoxidil. Eat breakfast watching old Family Guy episodes. I should watch some programming video courses but I lose interest since there is so much to learn.
I go to work. I sit down in front of a computer and spend my day ctrl+c/ctrl+v'ing most information I deal with. It's the more modern and elaborate equivalent of shoveling sand from one place to another at a building site.
All the while I am surrounded by people my age, some younger than I am, who have all had their share of sexual education, learning, experience. They have been in relationships, they have been happy. I try to work but other stuff enters my mind.
I meet some nice women who I would like to go on a date with (and who are interested in me) but I have never been on a date. I don't know how a date is supposed to look like. I'm not clueless enough to just imitate what I see in films. I learned a long time ago that romance and love just doesn't work like it does in movies. But I didn't replace this fantasy with something real. There is just a gaping hole where a whole history should be.
But let's imagine I do go out with a woman. What do we talk about? I've never travelled, after being an autist and sperg in high school I went to uni and got a degree in something I'm ultimately not very much interested in but something that gave me enough education to get this corporate job. I don't have any real interests. Just something that helps me pass the time while I try to save enough money to move out of my parents' house.
Let's imagine it goes well. I don't know how to kiss. Let's imagine a kiss is acceptable. Let's imagine another date goes well. What do I tell her when she asks about my previous relationships?

>> No.14065187

I don't know how to have sex. Nobody has ever seen me naked. I have never touched a woman's breast. I have never seen a vagina in real life. I have never been hugged in a romantic way. No woman has ever held my body close to hers.
I leave work and I'm faced with a choice: I can go home or I can go to the local mall. It's full of pretty women, often accompanied by boyfriends. I'm too tired to go for a walk. When I go to the mall I can't help but look those beatiful women in the eye. I don't stare, it's just my eyes wander and sometimes they stop at a beautiful women's faces. I often wonder if looking at strange women at the mall is the only thing in store for me.
I can't bear going straight home on a bus so I walk. I enter my house. My mom asks me about my day. My dad is working. I think they are both disappointed in how I turned out. I think they are partly to blame but I'm trying hard to blame myself only. I was a sheltered kid. My mom didn't want to me stray. My dad was largely absent when I was young and later was clueless about how strict he should be with me. I was a scared, sensitive, physically weak kid. It's not much different now.
It's 6PM. I know I should do some programming to switch careers and leave this place with a bit more confidence but I'm tired, sad and lonely. I don't watch porn but I frequently go to /hr/ to see some high resolution pics just to know in detail what a vagina looks like. Or a naked woman for that matter.
I turn on some music on youtube and my mood gets slightly better. I open a bottle of beer. Take a very large sip. I don't feel better but I can focus on the music much easier. Then I start to dream. I imagine I have my own place instead of a room that doubles as an office for my dad when I'm at work. I drink three bottles of beer and listen to a lot of songs. I take a shower, apply Minoxidil.
I go to sleep. I live with my parents. I am a virgin. I am a 30 year old man who has never even kissed anyone.

>> No.14065205

1. get a proz to know what sex feels like. this unironically takes a lot of the pressure away when pursuing women
2. after that get the balls to ask some coworkers out. no one knows how dates go, dinner dates are ez as fuck just talk about autistic shit. literally anything, if she doesnt have the personality of a boardwalk she will also ask you questions. ask dumb shit like 'are you a picky eater?' when she is picking a meal or other mundane shit like 'is there anything you wouldnt eat' if the convo is going shit
3. when it comes to sexual experience just say you are (/were up until recently) saving yourself for marriage

>> No.14065206

4.get the fuck out of your parents house ASAP, why do you even live with them
5. if you are able to hold a corp job your social skills arent as bad as you think they are

>> No.14065431

You sound 15-16

>> No.14065516

I am over 18 and u sound like a bitter oldfag

>> No.14065541

>4.get the fuck out of your parents house ASAP, why do you even live with them

do you think I want to? shit's expensive over here.

>> No.14065543

>5. if you are able to hold a corp job your social skills arent as bad as you think they are

holy shit that's uplifting what you've just said. you don't even know anon. thank you :)

>> No.14065636

Keep crying

>> No.14065846

dude dont worry so much about intimacy
once you start making out and touching, things just flow even if youre an awkward person.
you have to put a little intention towards leading it to the bedroom but not much.
and its okay to ask about what they like as youre going along.

>> No.14065961

basically same, i bought some make up recently i hope it helps me channel my feminine side

>> No.14066177

My dad is like 6'2 and has a super high waist. I'm not short or anything but my waist is so fucking low god why cant i just have a high waist

>> No.14066187

I don't know guys, I'm unhappy all the time. Some times I have stints where I laugh etc but whenever it disappears I'm just back on being sad

>> No.14066212


>> No.14066220

damnnn i fucking love corduroy. i have 5 pairs of them and a jacket


>> No.14066229

Very excited when I bought my sewing machine but have barely used it so far. Combination of being really busy and slight loss of interest, which sucks because thats what i was hoping to avoid. Need to throw out a fuck load of old unused clothes as well, my room is so cluttered

>> No.14066234

Making your own clothes and sewing in general is very rewarding you should just force yourself to start

>> No.14066337

Yea sorry. just end it

>> No.14066354
File: 28 KB, 707x721, 10d4c6d0c6563356d6e776ddd02c4d33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have anything to wear
I hate all my clothes
I wish I was a girl

>> No.14066360

or i could just get rid of them lol i don't check off anything else on the list besides that

but i think you should have included beanies on it

>> No.14066412

U might not have to end it, if u ditch the corduroy immediately

>> No.14066425

have a big dick and gonna make >300k when I finish school but i’m gonna be bald by december I should just end it

>> No.14066470

what are you studying?

>> No.14066799
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1549102193061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw look like an idiot when smiling or laughing
>have to be autistic stoic man to remain effay

>> No.14066824

well im alone and drunk at my house watching the Genesis 6 tourney on a Saturday night at one of the top party colleges in the world. sooo im feeling some type of way

>> No.14066844

Drinking and watching g6 too /fa/m. Just took a shot for you.

>> No.14066856

While hanging out with my crush last night it hit me that I will never be able to be with her and in 10 years time she will be with someone else. Im in love with her but shes my good friend. Kill me. Found some good cheap pants lately though.

>> No.14066869

Allow yourself to fail. Do what you see in the movies if that's all the info you have, but here's tips on a date: Go for a nice dinner date, or a museum. Museums of modern art are good because the art is so weird there's always something to talk about. Just talk about general interests like books and shit like that, ask about hers at least 60% of the time, but talk about yourself too. Try to crack jokes here and there. It will fail a few times, and sometimes it will work, that's all there is to it.

The only person holding you back is you.

>> No.14066916

I must get one, half of my clothes fit so badly I don't wear them. Is it a mistake to opt for a cheap sewing machine?

>> No.14066934

I have a strange feeling that the world is about to turn into chaos and I'm a bit afraid. It's an odd sensation, as if I'm 'dreaming'

>> No.14067038
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kinda insecure
I want to start dressing more fem this year.

I've got myself a rep of designed parka and I'm worried I'll look like a time traveler next season.

>> No.14067039

Make more friends first and work your way up, you'll be fine

>> No.14067044

find someone you share some hobbies.
or sleep with guys

>> No.14067200

that seems rough, especially the issues with your dad. it sucks cause he's family so its hard to escape it. try not to fight him since it might escalate things even more

if things get really rough you could remind yourself that you can't always change what you have, but you can change what you want

everything we see and make sense of gets filtered through our brain. so if it's not working 'normally' it's not a good idea to depend on it for important decisions

for example, i'm clinically depressed, which causes a lot of negative thoughts and my behavior used to reflect that. however, i remind myself that my brain isn't 100% at the moment so i should try not to act on impulse

by the way, mental health is nothing to be ashamed of, but rather something you should embrace as it allows you to have a slightly different perception of experiences in life, which could lead to a unique character and a maybe even a more refreshing life in the long run. if you have any recurring negative thoughts, remind yourself that your brain can't be trusted completely on impulse

i really hope this helps anon. i was in a similar situation and things are getting better. i wish the best for you :)

>> No.14067231

style is subjective, whereas being fit is objectively a good thing

at least you're being complemented on something :)

>> No.14067233

still fucked though

>> No.14067234

well, onto the next side i guess

>> No.14067305

I feel like good looking people from my high-school now look worse while I look better than ever

>> No.14067541

Why does it work like that?

>> No.14067543

because some people physically age slower

>> No.14067558

me too but not balding :D

>> No.14067673

>have a good paid job
>forced to wear casual garbage clothes
>still spend all the money on clothes

>> No.14067677

i’m fat and even though i dress as /fa/ as possible but i’m working 84 hours a week i haven’t the time to exercise and it’s killing my drive to buy clothes when i do go out

>> No.14067707

if you ask her out and get rejected i guarantee your love for her will slowly turn to hate and you'll get over her as soon as you find some one new

>> No.14067770

eat less

>> No.14067858

I'm gonna spend those 2 bitcoin I have on having myself assassinated

>> No.14068244
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Life hasn't been the best to me. But, I'm beginning to change that, and work with the hand I've been dealt, even if it will be a very slow process. Considering learning a programming language for the fun of it.

Fashion wise: I'm in need of some clothing, bad.

>> No.14068290

/g/entooman here. DO NOT LEARN A RANDOM ASS LANGUAGE FOR THE SAKE OF IT. Learn something that you can use to write into your portfolio or realise some project with, maybe create your own website or make a mod for your favorite Vidya. Whatever it is, don't learn a language that'll not be of much use to you.

As for fashion: this is literally the fucking fashion board, if you want style tips tell us something about yourself and mabe post a pic

>> No.14068340

Yeah, you're right. Don't worry, I wouldn't want to waste my time learning something I'll never actually apply to what have you. Since you're a /g/entooman, what distro would you recommend for someone who isn't all that familiar with Linux?

Fashion wise: I stated that because it is the fashion board. Otherwise, I have it figured out, and all of that good stuff.

>> No.14068711
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thanks bois, being broke as a joke, lonely and sad while everything that i know would make me instantly happier is out of my reach stings. its grounding to know my suffering is being recognized.

>> No.14068736

Conflicted as fuck.
I have a fascination for scum girls. Not talking about your average thot but actual depraved girls of society

>> No.14068778

shit im on my way to this
never really had friends but with school and all at least had some social interaction.
but that ended and i had to go to online uni if i wanted to study what i wanted to study. that means no classes no people to meet. i dont even have those that i knew from school. its been 2 years at uni
i used to think that once i went to university and started studying my passion i wouldnt mind at all not having friends. guess i was wrong

what do you even recommend

>> No.14068804
File: 456 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-04-03-19-04-14[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you talk without having any idea at all
pic related is the DSM-V, its in spanish sry, but i think number 4 is pretty straight forward even for english speaking

>> No.14068847

the one i bought was around $80 which is considered somewhat cheap for a sewing machine but you can go cheaper

>> No.14068934
File: 834 KB, 562x636, 1548607393676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know too many shitty people, Im fed up of them, why cant they just be cool and nice

>> No.14069166

I feel you anon. I’ve been feeling like something terrible is gonna happen real soon that’ll affect mostly everyone on this planet. Kinda feel like I’ll die before that though, so it’s nbd

>> No.14069339
File: 661 KB, 996x855, 1543651718837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14069366

CRIMGE AT THIS Drunk btw lol

>> No.14069996

Same old story. Same old fucking story. Everytime.

>> No.14070676

I know that feeling anons.
I watched this movie called 'yes man's recently. Would recommend for you lot.
It definitely helped me a lot

>> No.14070690

not those anons but deal with the same, i should check that out

>> No.14071799

shut the fuck up you useless faggot, stop throwing the word genuinely around, you don't know him, he's literally anonymous.
fake ass bitch nigger. not even being edgey. fuck off to facebook or twitter. I hope you get raped with a glass bottle and catch aids
>inb4 rude!
burn alive you sick fuck

>> No.14072009

Well I had shaggy hair and a goatee for awhile but decided to cut it short and shave so now I look like Sinead O'Connor (except she had a better jawline than me)

>> No.14072243
File: 784 KB, 960x953, zlddwxjw3w321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this girl I like and I just realized that I was probably her first kiss. I'm just thinking about how much a big deal that must be for her. I never really thought about it like this before but a lot of what she's told me all points to it being so

>> No.14072472

just got withdrawn from fashion school. it's gonna be impossible to get back in.

>> No.14072488

meh I was someones first everything and she still left me for someone else.

>> No.14072504

im experiencing his phenomenon where I phase in and out of girls interest. Its either they all want me or none
Idk if I should ignore this

>> No.14072507

I want a goth gf, but I just hate myself so much to search for it.

>> No.14072510

I'm feeling fat as fuck therefore not effay at all

>> No.14072521

i do this and still have moderate acne

>> No.14072975
File: 652 KB, 923x1280, 2018-11-17 21.16.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in the other thread:
>be me, 21 and in college
>me and trad gf of two years split
>she lost her passion for me, realized we were too young and too prone to change to reasonably expect long term marriage or kids yet
>she said I was too stressed all the time and worried I'd not make a good husband because of it, that I'd also work too much and not be around
>I was destroyed but putting myself back together, working out, being more proactive, following through on my ambitions
>I am talking to more girls now, but none are as pretty or as wholesome as she was
>I date for a wife, and ain't even sure what to do since she was sorta right about us being too young and in too much of a transient stage of life to be able to get that commital.
>I still lookup the same picture of her in the Schott jacket I gave her for her birthday.
>I cannot believe a nutjob manlet like me ever dated anyone as good as her.
>Dressing in full esoteric milspo
>gorka pants, GATs, Sherpa jackets
>Finding a new woman that could top her won't be easy, it feels nearly hopeless, but at the end of the day, I can only do my best, whether is good enough or not.
>we have a marriage pact for 27 in case neither of us finds anyone better though, so that's I guess a good redundancy

If we weren't in college, I would've married her. We aint perfect together, but we never fought, and she was someone who you could build a life with. She was someone real. I saw her tonight and I nearly broke down. It hasn't even been three weeks.

For no good reason at all, I am gonna ask out this random polack from a class I have who's nice, but I'll probably just go on a lame date and then tell her it's too soon for me to be out there.

pic related is a fit of mine from last fall.

>> No.14073110
File: 60 KB, 382x522, 1C36F4C3-03B6-461C-BCFC-BDB287EB425B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my friends and I miss my parents, I hate working away from home. I also don’t get along with any of my coworkers

>> No.14073139

I also feel so disconnected from other people, no relate ability at all. It’s so fucking shit all I want to talk about is asthetics and my skewed politics but no I have no friends and my coworkers are boomer scum. I also have this craving to be known for something like just something big but it never gets satisfied

>> No.14073267

>fit of mine from last fall.

I dont like it

>> No.14073638

need a fkn gf....now...... help me anons

>> No.14073644

i feel this too. i feel like the internet shows us a world where people have like minded friends but this isnt always true. a lot of people out there dont have friends that really fit the bill of who they wanna be friends with and the type of crowd they wanna surround themselves with irl

>> No.14073829

kill yourself before you kill another human being. thats my advice. thanks. you incel right wingers are insane and actually do shootings from time to time furthering the argument on why you guys are cancer but whatever.

>> No.14073942
File: 67 KB, 600x532, 1548688758344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you get the impression he was going to kill anyone? Because of the attached image? He could've simply thought it was a pretty fashionable and iconic outfit. This is the fashion board, you have other threads full of people fawning over military clothing, insurgent uniforms, or what have you. Grow up and stop being a sensitive, sumptuous faggot.

>> No.14074733

I took the plunge and threw out my whole wardrobe and replaced it all with one brand that I like. Feels good

>> No.14074748
File: 394 KB, 1000x800, 01d91a2b92c277a1e0fc33dfaf5548a80259ea85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's him in the image, he said he want's to kill me

>> No.14074770

trying to get in to the army
the pay is shit and its heavy shit compared to what im doing but i guess it is the kick ive been looking for
an objective you know
i feel good

>> No.14074771

I dont enjoy anything anymore

>> No.14074785

I feel ya anon. Nothing is worth getting up for in the morning

>> No.14075278

depressed and just got the worst fucking haircut

>> No.14075533

Pretty bad but not majorly depressed
Anxiety is making my life a misery. Suffer from derealisation in stressful situations so I don’t allow myself to get into them, I just live in fear and do nothing I’m unemployed because of it and I’m considering breaking up with my girlfriend because I have no money and can’t be a good boyfriend when going places takes a lot out of me and it’s all she wants to do. Sat in her room and watched her cry after I told her how I was feleking felt fucking bad. Afraid I’ll take her back confusing sympathy for romantic compatibility.

>> No.14075577

yeah you are not being a good partner. its not a bad idea to break up and focus on your self improvement for some time.
it really sucks when you cant make the people you love in your life happy you do have to step back then think about a project and work on it.

>> No.14075740
File: 1023 KB, 1035x817, 2019-02-06 01_31_39-Burberry_ Grey & Black London Check EKD Card Holder _ SSENSE Canada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have CDG cardholder made out of calf leather
>use it for a month and the card slots start to get loose with only 1 card in each slot
>double up on cards to get snug fit
>3 months later it starts to get loose again
>literally have 3 cards in each slot, and some bills in the top slot to fill in as much space as possible

Im kinda sick of this shit and want to find another minimalist cardholder.

gf has the OG pattern version of pic related and is still good after 5 months of 1 card per slot. Should I pull the trigger and embrace the PVC meme?

>> No.14075742

>Suffer from derealisation

So you're a dissociative type? Maybe you could apply at the CIA and tell them you're prone to dissociative episodes and willing to be reprogrammed as mind control slave agent.

>> No.14075770

go to therapy man
I think youre going to need help if you ever want out.

>> No.14076151 [DELETED] 

>made out of calf leather
calf leather is ultra stretchy, it's also very strong. it sounds like the holder is not designed very well. the slots should be cut smaller. move on, get a different one. or buy bigger cards

>> No.14076161

Are you me? I'm exactly the same but i don't even bother with the gf stuff (and i do have a job). Its not that i couldn't get one i just know i'd feel exactly like you do with one. I'm running out of excuses when i people ask me why i've been single for the long. Welcome to the pity party, /fa/ggots.

>> No.14076218

It’s like the most tame form of dissociation. You don’t forget who you are or anything

>> No.14076226

thank you

fuck them both

>> No.14076233

stop being a fag and overthinking regular shit that people do. Literally everyone goes from single to dating (and hilariously) back to single soon after

>> No.14076243

i dont know what i look like anymore

>> No.14076250

Buy a mirror

>> No.14076255

Edgy little faggot hahahahaha

>> No.14077105

not that /g/entooman but ubuntu should be fine. if you're more into desktop customization or whatever, you could try arch (or use anarchy linux -- it makes the installation easier)

lots of resources online which makes the learning curve a lot easier. google as you go

>> No.14077945

i want to just wear whatever i want and not care about what other people think but im too insecure

>> No.14078861

im poor

>> No.14078877
File: 584 KB, 1280x1920, IMG_0671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send help lads. Nobody to vent to but you losers.

Been dating a girl for 2.5 years, long distance for 4 months. She's cute, caring, loves me, my family loves her, etc. However, we have few shared interests and lately when we talk it feels like there's nothing to talk about. I'm going to visit her for the first time in a month next week, and I'm not even excited. Can't tell if I'm falling out of love or just being a depressed shit.

Copped a jacket I've been looking for for a minute recently with poker money though so that's nice.

>> No.14078881

Feeling pretty motivated now. I'm all about my boots and un fattening myself so I can make myself look better in them.

Also going to teach myself how to sow so I can turn old deniem jeans into something useful.

>> No.14078957
File: 329 KB, 700x722, 1549167068257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i was trippin on acid and i wanted to take a bath. so i let the water start goin and was super psyched. a bath with some headphones and music goin was gonna be a blast. the tub gets filled and it's hot. it's hot as shit. but im trippin, im like 'dog, it's not that hot, you're just trippin'. well i get into the tub, and im like 'damn, this is hella hot' and then im like 'I AM BURNING ALIVE' so i got out and well i burned my entire backside. pretty edgy i guess. well i was like fuck this shit hurts hella bad, and i immediately remembered the physical pain i felt when my girlfriend left me. so i called her and talked to her for a while. hung out with her, discussed our break up and kind of healed from it i guess. we arne't ever gonna get back together. i saw things in her personality that were so unattractive, she was spazzy, anxious, unrealistic, and unsatisfied even though she had just attained her life goal of tattoos, which was all she talked about. but ya know theres one thing i cant get over and it's her beauty. the most gorgeous girl i ever ever ever seen. it kinda sucks but it's ok.

so then i started to work on myself. right now, i'm on week 4 of working out. i ran 3 miles today as the end of week 4. i am learning japanese, i am learning guitar. i am reading books.

thanks 4 reading my blog
this week: im lookin for some sweat pants at the goodwill!!!

>> No.14079315

just opened a new cartridge of thc oil and my body already feels the effects a little, it's bliss so far this morning for me, thanks for asking anon <3

>> No.14079866

>straight dude
>only attracted to the dyke look
>all the girls dressed like dykes are dykes

>> No.14080044

i don't love my husband anymore but he'll die if i leave him

>> No.14080205


I am


I went through the same thing in october with this girl, relationship of about 1.75 years at that point. I felt like I fell out of love with her, I broke up with her, everyone said I did the right thing, ande even though I felt it was right, I knew how hard it'd be to find anyone as good as she was. I decided that a spark going out of a relationship is something that happens in all long term rekationships and tried to make it work. I swallowed it, got back together, and then she mirrored the same, and dumped my ass. I still had doubts here and there, still considered whether I was right in getting back together. Now that I'm alone again, I wish I kept her but with the perspective of today and not what was up back then.

You just can't control matters of the heart. I always thought I'd be able to, but the feelings just kill and eat you.

>> No.14080517

How long have you guys been married? What is he like? What are you like?

>> No.14080558

t. cuckservative

>> No.14080698

tfw no dyke gf

>> No.14081218

I'm more of a third position type.

I think hookups and multiple casual, dead end relationships are a waste of time, and make people value intimacy less. She wanted kids, a house, marriage, but I think we were getting ahead of ourselves. We could've committed even further, but the feeling was gone. Maybe she just wanted to fuck other guys. Doesn't matter. It's over.

At this point, I miss her, but she definitely made me a better man.

>> No.14081629

people are more resilient than you think
even people with fucked self-esteem


>> No.14081976
File: 136 KB, 648x595, 1547110247975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long distance gf drove 90mn to see me
>fuck for 1hr
>cant cum
>get tired and pass out together
>almost puke on her in the middle of the night
fellas, we gotta stop masturbating and smoking cigs

>> No.14082651

big ups to you, man. hope it all works out for you.

>> No.14082896

i don't remember having a crush making me feel awful, insecure and anxiety ridden when they simply breathe my way. it use to be fun to like someone but now it's just torture. 4 classes a week with this person for 3 months. make it end.

>> No.14083859
File: 44 KB, 700x469, 1491173144333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was there before man.
I asked her out, she gave a maybe (that means no), but I held out hope because I am retarded.

Ask her out, and force a yes or no. Or spend time with her to see if there's anything that breaks the illusion. Just don't be a pussy and suffer because you are a big coward.

It took a year to get over, because I got a different woman and got closer to her to the point where the crush was tiny. But I will say that now, two years later, when my relationship with that woman hit the rocks, I was thinking about the crush again even though the time where it made any sense passed. Now I am single again, and the hole in my heart from my ex is a lot deeper than my anguish from the crush.

>> No.14084021

7 years in may.
he's super intelligent, has gender issues, very clingy. ocd. legit ptsd.
im not that smart as him. more independent. bpd.

we met when i was homeless and only 18 and he was madly in love with me and helped me a lot and i didnt see any other option for my life at all. i was thinking to myself that nobody wants me anyway and im gonna kill myself within a year so i can marry him. i feel like shite every day of my life now.
maybe. but im still worried as fuck. he doesnt deserve that, he's a good man and im a mess.

>> No.14084753

fuck dude FUCK

just be you, smile when you want, don't smile when you don't want to

let's do it, let's be real people for once

>> No.14084790

>she was someone who you could build a life with

And I'll do just that, only to spite you, anon

>> No.14085637

turned 19 while working night shift and was literally mopping toilets as the clock turned to 12. now lying in bed listening to death in june. glad i started going to the gym i hope things will get better

>> No.14085691

Too pure for /fa/

>> No.14085727
File: 3.89 MB, 200x200, 34344765576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw look like an idiot when smiling or laughing
>>have to be autistic stoic man to remain effay

So uneffay

>> No.14086041
File: 281 KB, 750x745, 9818C142-49C7-475D-9175-DBEC42994E71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely good.
>girl i like called me cute
>confident enough to ask said girl out
>noticing mad gains lately
>effay as fuck, partially due to gains
>girls compliment my cologne
Feels good man.

Pic unrelated

>> No.14086167

you want to be cleaning toilets the rest of your life?! you are thinking way too small. do what you like to do, not matter what anyone says or makes you think is "bad". no matter how "crazy" or "dreamy" they have brainwashed you into thinkiing subconsciously. the things you like and get excited about are valid. your life is valid, you can be happy but only if you chase what really gives you happi9ness on a daily basis. no matter how impossible you have been brainwashed into thinking, or that that isn't something you are able to do.... you can do it, and you are probably hugely talented at the exact thing, but you are surrounded by shitty mediocre narcissists, probably your parents or one of them

>> No.14086188

Gave an awful speech at a meeting at work infront of my superiors and higher ups . My hand started fucking shaking and I looked like a pussy. But my outfit was pretty good at least in the work circle

>> No.14086227

>been on a bad hookup binge
>tinder really taking over my life
>decide to settle for the least attractive of the bunch but she is the nicest and most trad, decided I was going to make the leap this weekend
>srat wannabe art thot and I go out last night
>see Cold War, get drunk, great sex even if she's dumb and vapid

wat do i do /fa/

>> No.14086979


you'll be fine brother people are too self-absorbed to remember an unremarkable speech your aesthetics and one-on-one interactions will build their perception of you

>> No.14087398

thank you anon I really needed to hear that. I am going to put this as my screensaver unironically and try and follow your words and be happy

>> No.14087440

Tfw I keep fantasizing about wearing some specific type of outfit and having them* see it

*) the cool attractive people that I wish I could impress

>> No.14087448

What about friends? Like, good looking extroverted friends that you get wasted with? A gf is not a social trophy anymore, anon. I still want friends, I still wish I could be more self-confident and be myself when I’m with acquaintances.

>> No.14087454

Same. 7 years for me. I just don’t know where to start. Mostly I don’t even have the energy to seek for one, but I can’t stop comparing myself to other people and I’m feeling missing out. I keep fantasizing about ideal life scenarios where I have friends. Good looking extroverted friends that dress like me.

>> No.14087461

Small dick here. The self esteem and self confidence issues have been messing me up. I’ve been friendless for 7 years and I’ve lost the energy to pursue women. I always feel like a boy next to them, like my penis is not big enough for an adult relationship. I definitely feel inferior to bigger men.
I’m 25.

>> No.14087715

that feel when you are already all the way in your gf as far as it will go and she pushes her hands into your ass and moans "deeper"

bitch thats all I got

>> No.14087770

Aesthetics only matter as far as looking clean and presentable DEPENDING on your field. PERCIEVED effort, talent, and skill matter a ton.

>> No.14087776

That’s my biggest fear. I don’t want sex.

>> No.14087796

Have sex dude. I thought that situation was funny more than anything because I still made her orgasm.

I think once you find that you can still make a girl cum with a smaller dick you wont care anymore.

>> No.14087812

Idk yeah maybe. I’ve tried Tinder multiple times and got a lot of cute ones but still, I can’t find anything to talk about and I just don’t have enough energy to do the whole thing (talking, being nice, etc etc). In my head, I just want to simply say “let’s fuck or I’ll unmatch you”. I really have no time and energy to socialize, I’m simply not interested in their personality or stories. I don’t find pleasure in talking with people, there has to be something in them that I need, otherwise I’m leaving them.

I guess I’m an asshole.

>> No.14087824

A question, do you guys like this hookup culture? I feel sort of repulsed by it, I’m not preaching but isn’t it just meaningless sex after meaningless sex?

>> No.14087852

I’m>>14087812, eh it’s fine. I’m not into it, but I’m not repulsed by it either. Maybe it’s meaningless but my life in general feels meaningless as well so yeah.

I don’t long for connection. Yet. I’m still too busy with myself and my own activities. I can’t really pay attention on someone else. I don’t socialize partly cus I think I wouldn’t be able to give them the attention and comradery that they would expect. Like, they would care about me and do things for me but I wouldn’t care much about them or pay attention to them. Idk, it just doesn’t seem fair, and I don’t like being unfair to other people.

But hookups, yeah I’d like to try one but I live in a conservative country where girls don’t expect sex during the first 100 message exchanges. And I can’t keep up my fakeness that long. I don’t like talking to them, I can’t be patient. I just wish it could be as simple as “let’s fuck or don’t talk to me”.

>> No.14087863

ill fitting ones

>> No.14088009
File: 261 KB, 1024x682, bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get mistaken for a guy a lot I'm not even a good looking andro

>> No.14088022

I just want a teenage - Leonardo DiCaprio - young Charlie Day - look -a like - bf -__-

>> No.14088024

I think theres times where you have to fuck
times where you have to date
times where you have to be in something serious
and times where you have to be alone

its just life man

>> No.14088029

I finished grad school 2 years ago and have been at the same job since. I like it but I feel like it's time to move on. My girlfriend, who I've been with for 5 years, is in school on the other side of the country. Previous to that, she was living with me here, in her hometown. Ironically she's now living closer to my family and friends so I've been trying to move there. It's seeming like nothing is coming up and I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with feeling like I have one foot out the door. I hardly see my girlfriend and my family.

When I started this job I told myself I'd stick in it for two years tops and then move on. Should I just jump ship without a job lined up? Anyone know this feel?

>> No.14088040

Take sabbatical.

>> No.14088072

That would be cool. My boss would probably consider something like that too because my company is small and she doesn't want to lose me. I don't think I want to stay here long term even though housing is cheap here and housing is brutal in the Toronto area (where my girlfriend is)

>> No.14088080

choose. chase the married life and family, or chase a career

>> No.14088089
File: 753 KB, 1440x1440, 20180807_003403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure others have said similar in this thread, but I feel kind of empty. I don't care about classes, I barely talk to people in real life (and even online, only once or twice a week). Some days, I forget what my voice sounds like. My impulse control is degrading, and I keep buying shit I don't need online. I'll probably have to sell some soon but that would involve being proactive about anything which I seem incapable of right now.
I think I should feel depressed or stressed but I just feel fucking empty right now. I don't have anyone to talk with because I don't want to scare my family and I project some bullshit image of responsibility and happiness to my internet friends who don't see me in my day to day life to be able to tell otherwise. I can't afford a therapist because I keep blowing money on this random shit, and I can't get a job until I get off my ass and request a replacement SS card.
Sorry this is pathetic I just needed to put it somewhere.

>> No.14088096

not on this board

>> No.14088153
File: 706 KB, 1920x1080, 1438406784022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either start working out or go on a 48 hour fast. You need to physically shock your system. Drink more water

Also - if you have your birth certificate or could get it from parents you can use that while you file for your ss. It will work as a legal document to prove right to work in the US.

>> No.14088172

Will worshipping Frejya make me feel more worthy of wearing fits I wanna try but lack the confidence to?

>> No.14088215
File: 770 KB, 2824x2721, disheveled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a major crush on my friend
we get along great, but no idea if she likes me back at all
I'll probably learn for sure today

>> No.14088219

I've been drinking a lot of water, but I might go for the fast. I've experience with it so it shouldn't be too bad.
I'll ask them to send it over tomorrow when I talk with them. Thanks for the care, Anon.

>> No.14088627

I look at average penis size and I’m about that size.
But in /soc/ or Tumblr whenever I go past the guys sections their dicks are like twice my boner when they’re soft.

I’m starting to think average measurements are a meme. Average height is 5’9” but I rarely see people under 6’1”ish
I’m a manlet at 5’9” but whenever I see guys shorter than me(occasionally) their hands and feet are huge and I’ve even seen girls with bigger hands than me

Is being a dicklet/manlet/handlet(wristlet) the worst death sentence?

>> No.14088634

I’m struggling with this too anon. I’m all of them, dicklet manlet handlet. But manlet and handlet don’t really bother me, it’s the dicklet that makes me feel inferior to most guys.

>> No.14088747

>Toronto area

yikes you better make good money

>> No.14088762

that is because average height takes into account old people and spics, add 2 or 3 inches and you have the real average height

>> No.14088773


You aren't unique. Stfu and go home you reddit fag.

>> No.14088780


Spike their drinks and rape them.

>> No.14088847

Make sure to carry your momentum forward. We're gonna make it.

>> No.14088871

Just turned 27 today. Still a virgin. Got a blowjob once though (couldn't get off from it). Is it over for me?

>> No.14089085

>browsing tumblr
found your problem, faggot

>> No.14089163

Yeah, Tumblr made me have a small dick
It didn’t expose me to the fact that most people have thicker dicks than my wrist

>> No.14089178

As a short dude, I hate how anything I have needs to be slim fit to look good at all. I don’t want to appear short.

>> No.14089179

are you going to ask her out?

>> No.14089186

the amount of insecurity in this post is your death sentence

>> No.14089249

I found a dark green sweater that really matches me and it makes me feel good I wore it when I finally got my contacts and it made me feel like a chad. I feel bad still over some dumb bitch though.

>> No.14089289

Probably. But it helps to think otherwise.

>> No.14089297

>tfw wive no longer lets me watch her fuck other guys so now i have to jerk off to the sounds in the next room over
i hate being on a break

>> No.14089303

walked into my sister sucking a black guy
not sure what to do

>> No.14089307

Why the fuck did I have to be born. Why the fuck did I have to be born Asian.

>> No.14089315

Be happy, you aren't an amerimutt who's been balding since he was 17.

With all the pc shit people of color are in a better place than 20 years ago at least in america

>> No.14089327

I’m in a third world shit hole with first world taste, who recently broke up with his European ex. I really want to end myself desu

>> No.14089330

Join in of course.

>> No.14089352

nah thats gay
i jerked off to the image a lot though
i could her them fucking once from my room and jerked off too

>> No.14089361
File: 1.64 MB, 500x375, 1536020402830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me male
>dress like a cute Dyke
>feel happy and cute

Have the hair and everything.
I'd look in a mirror and make a lwed face.

>> No.14089443

Denounce her for being a race traitor

>> No.14089449

Pretty sure that’s some guy getting off his cuck fetish mental illness by posting it on her. Best you ignore it. He got zogged and he’s spreading it.

>> No.14089559

life is shit

>> No.14089565

god isnt real because i pray everyday to die in my sleep and it never happens

>> No.14089578
File: 63 KB, 196x197, haircut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling down. I cut my own hair because I have going to the barbers because they talk to me and I go bright red. I fucked it up though, I think.

>> No.14089582

hate going***

>> No.14089615

I'm insecure of the way I've dressed, and my teenage phases keep haunting me after all these years.

Yes, I was that virgin kid who wore button shirts, sports pants and wore sport shoes everywhere, I though fedoras looked cool but never wore one, it wasen't until I turned 14-15 when I bought my first real "shoes" being some converse ones, and not until 16 when I dressed somewhat decently.
Even after all these years, I can't mantain a good opinion on my own fashion sense, I'm not ugly, quite the opposite really, but I'm too insecure to pull anything off.
Have any of you faced this feel before?

>> No.14089637

i was insecure about the way i dressed, not because of how i dresaed because i knew i looked good but because of the reactions of people around me
in the last year od highschool i decided 'fuck it, im never gonna see any of these people ever again in 6 months' and got a bit of backlash but i didnt care because i was never gonna see them again anyway
then when i got to uni i got praise for the way i dressed because people in uni appreciate people who have their own style

>> No.14089648

Realise that everybody on Earth is a nervous breakdown away from being a shut-in NEET watching Japanese lesbian porn and then understand that you are not special.

>> No.14089706

8mg of ativan. dont feel good but at least numb for the moment

>> No.14089708

Man it must suck living in the states, how many of you have ever been to a hospital with it being so expensive and all

>> No.14089894

sorry about that anon, I'm sorry that I don't know if I can say anything to help, but best of luck

>> No.14090569

thinking of dipping my toe into the online dating.
where should i start?
Tinder, bumble, or okcupid?

>> No.14090634

recently turned 21
finally losing weight after obese childhood (50lbs down, idk like 30 to go?)
bought some clothes that actually fit, looks decent for once
turns out i have super luscious hair if i grow it out
never been more depressed in my life and somehow gets worse almost daily
feel like a hollowed shell of whoever i was, not that i was ever anyone worth being
finally found a career path that makes me want to work towards something again
if it wasnt for that, id definitely have killed myself by now

>> No.14091409

How do I overcome them then?

>> No.14091422
File: 74 KB, 525x800, 1546610240812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I've been my moms guardian angel for the last 4 months and she has no idea

>family is lower middle class (not poor at all)
>dad is breadwinner but retarded when it comes to saving
>threatens to leave mom and I every month or so
>mom makes next to nothing because she has to help stubborn grandma with her own business bc shes too good for retirement homes
>dad never keeps track of bills and spergs out when mom asks for money to pay the rent/car/phone bill
>mom has had perfect credit for 2 decades but it's on the line due to dad

>be mildly into streetwear and fashion in late highschool
>buy the odd thing here or there until I get my first part time gig
>start paying attentions to drops and entering raffles
>get pairs of really coveted yeezys and supreme bogo hoodies
>see how much the resell on these things are
>net an easy 10 grand after a few months of reselling

>with said money I set up a direct deposit into my moms account
>start putting in a couple thousand each month
>still have a good amount coming in because of part time job and reselling
>saving up for an apartment for mom and I

Things have even going well lately and I managed to flip a good amount of the adidas bape football collection .

>> No.14091489

Not so good, I got a cold-sore and I'm fuckin upset real hard cus I've been doing nothing but downing water, and just doing my best to keep my face clean, but this shit hurted.

Why is it legal to prepare and make sure your face stays clean as fuck, but still get hit with this cold-sore B.S


>> No.14091509

I know the feel. Don't listen to anyone else that derealization and deep thought its throwing you into is positive. Reflect and build.

>> No.14091516

had this thought recently. I appreciate her a lot but I wish I could get with more people. Even though I have all of this confidence I still have no clue how to make platonic friendships. Honestly getting a gf is a lot easier than making friends. to me at least.

>> No.14091518

Everything is starting to feel pointless again and i'm scared. The idea of success and doing things I enjoy doesn't seem very attractive anymore

I hope this is just a minor phase desu

>> No.14091523

I've been here for almost 3 years now and its always been r9k lite with a fashionable edge. 4Chan even today is still looked down on by the very large majority of people who have heard the name. You don't go to 4chan if you're happy.

>> No.14092605

I mean, you might as well just do it at that point.

>> No.14094150


>> No.14094222

Art hoe aesthetic is big in private liberal arts colleges.

>> No.14094733
File: 102 KB, 612x868, 1545268555284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here jerk off to pics of exes sometimes?