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File: 410 KB, 1711x2049, piercings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14034776 No.14034776 [Reply] [Original]

What piercings do you have?
What are you planning on getting?
Preferences on the opposite sex?
Where to get jewelery?
Share your thoughts.

>> No.14034788

currently indecisive between helix and rook on yet non pierced ear, not counting lobe

>> No.14034803
File: 304 KB, 472x470, 1387312097315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky sevens

>> No.14034843

i prefer to use my skin real estate temporarily for cum than permanently for metal knobs

>> No.14034865
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>> No.14034885

Just lobes, don't really have interest in any more except maybe industrial.

>> No.14034894

Just did left earlobe (23 m)
Looks goofy as hell, reactions from close friends have been a riot.

>> No.14034907

I'm a guy and anything other than upper lobe or lobe on chicks is gonna be a yikes from me.

>> No.14034909

had 2g stretched lobes, upper lobes, double helix on left, tragus on right, and belly button. took them all out when I was 22. can still wear jewelry in lobes, tragus and helix if I wanted but I dont.
I do not like piercings on myself or the opposite sex but they were a fun accessory when I was young. besides the navel I always regretted that.

>> No.14034912

based but I'd still let upper lobe slide

>> No.14034918


>> No.14035992

got a septum piercing, nothing else.

>> No.14036009
File: 3.03 MB, 1711x2049, 1548205047558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All women are whores.

>> No.14036010

>What piercings do you have?
5 on my right ear, 1 on my left and 1 under my lips.
>What are you planning on getting?
I don't plan on getting any more
>Preferences on the opposite sex?
As long as they look good, I don't care that much
>Where to get jewellery?
Uhhh you buy them in shops right? You can get them from tattoo shops as well
>Share your thoughts.
Piercings are dumb, annoying and overall sons of bitches, but I like mine. I still have a few years left where I can keep them on, which is nice.

>> No.14036018

>3.03 MB PNG
>not using jpeg
>not compressing

>> No.14036019


>> No.14036021

Learn how to edit, faggot

>> No.14036031

It's not my image, whore.

>> No.14036041


>> No.14036499

>Tongue piercing (for eating cunt reasons).
>10mm tunnels/plugs (took them out for several years after I went to 20mm, but put 10's back in about a year ago or so because fuck it, the holes were still there, might as well put something in them).

Used to have a nose ring and lip piercing in the middle in my pop punk days like 13/14 years ago or so.

>> No.14036510

Had lobe piercings recently. I'm a nerdy guy so people have been saying ive been shifting to a more "bad boy" vibe. Not really negative but most say it suits me.

Im only wearing black or gold hoops or studs, same color as my other accessories, a bit minimalist. Although I've been eyeing getting a lightly dangling crucifix too.

>> No.14037386

Industrial but I want to replace it with something. Any ideas?

>> No.14037803
File: 51 KB, 640x480, img_221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me currently, thinking to get more.


>> No.14037810

>What piercings do you have?
>What are you planning on getting?
>Preferences on the opposite sex?
>Where to get jewelery?
>Share your thoughts.
Spend your money on something worthwhile instead of finding ways to flush every last dollar down the shitter on frivolity.

>> No.14037840

>What piercings do you have?
>What are you planning on getting?
Lobe on both sides for now. maybe uppers alter and helix. but wanna not go overboard.

>Preferences on the opposite sex?
Lobe ones and helixes. Nothing else as they're OTT
>Where to get jewelery?
Not sure, anyone got any recommendations? People say asos but I want more interesting jewlery before i decide to spend big bucks on designer ones.
>Share your thoughts.
I think they're cool, I wanna experiment with my style so I want earrings.

>> No.14038346

I have a thing for chicks with nose piercing. Not the cow ones, but on the side - I find those really pretty.

>> No.14038361
File: 49 KB, 800x450, 7a7f13d00c619597e1c140e3f116c682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count dankula, looks like you finally shaved, looking 16 years old again i see

>> No.14038372

It'd look goofy on me. They look pretty bad on most dudes. Like vans.

But if you can pull them off, go for it.

>> No.14038377

>caring about file size
Nobody's on dial-up anymore, anon.

>> No.14038428

Pretty swanky, I cannot lie. The gauges or whatever those are in your lobe are viscerally disgusting though

>> No.14038436
File: 402 KB, 720x1219, 20190123_222937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch you though, why lie tho?

>> No.14038525

To add. No piercings are best case If anything

>> No.14038541


Stop with the gauges

>> No.14038688

I have my left lobe pierced and I want to get the right lobe done, maybe nipple and helix as well.

>> No.14038695

anything other than ear piercings on the lobe are fucking disgusting

>> No.14038726

you should pierce your skull with a bullet

>> No.14038741

>Spend your money on something worthwhile instead of finding ways to flush every last dollar down the shitter on frivolity.
Do you know where you are?

>> No.14038761

I have lobe on both side (like most girls I guess), triple lobe on the left

>> No.14039194

>proper facial hair

>> No.14039311

I have an industrial and am pretty happy with it, although now that it's winter that ear gets noticeably colder than the other. Really don't like dangling earrings or gauges; the industrial feels comparatively clean and aerodynamic, which suits me much better.

>> No.14039377

I'm thinking of getting my left lobe, upper lobe and helix done somewhen this year but I had my tragus done some years ago and it was a really bad experience...
So I'm a little worried about that happening again

>> No.14039406

forgot to say I really don't have a sense of what other people think of it other than that my bf thinks it's hot. I'm male btw if that matters.

>> No.14039425

>What piercings do you have?
Just earrings in my lobes. Used to have a lower lip ring but my job required me to get it removed
>What are you planning on getting?
Upper lobes and probably helix in one of my ears. Not getting anything other than my ears anymore.
>Preferences on the opposite sex?
Don't care, not attracted. They look on them but I have no preference. I like some earrings on guys tho. And guys with a cute nosering in one of their nostrils are good.
>Where to get jewellery?
The jewellery store? Sometimes some from Aliexpress
>Share your thoughts.
They look great if there are not too many. Just don't go overboard and if they are a bit subtle, they can really add something. Keep your job in mind though, unless you want to waste €80 like me

>> No.14040253

thin and very discreet helix piercing.
anything but gages or any kind facial and genital piercing.
in the piercing-tattoo parlor.

>> No.14041233
File: 86 KB, 570x854, il_570xN.1362672596_ikwp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are septum piercings effay?

>> No.14041255

I start my new job on Monday and my first check is gonna drop somewhere around my birthday so the FIRST thing I'm doing is getting my nose pierced FINALLY.
should I get a stud or a little hoop?

>> No.14041272
File: 862 KB, 1125x578, 1542937888246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything but lobe and helix is terrible, boys and girls
gauges are disgusting
if you deny this you are underage

>> No.14041337

>Males with helix piercing
>Not septum that is for degenerates, but it can be hidden at least

>> No.14042756

nah, but that makeup is nice

>> No.14042821

Only left nostril ring. Had my ears stretched as a teen, so thankful they shrank back to normal