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File: 95 KB, 600x600, diorcummerbund-9_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14026880 No.14026880 [Reply] [Original]

When you talk about jeans online, the conversation always becomes a mudslinging contest between fans of raw denim and people who hate raw denim.

Can we have a thread where we don't talk about raw denim for a change? Who makes the best jeans now that it's well established that the quality at SLP has declined since hedi's departure?

>> No.14026905

I couldnt care less about raw denim but how the fuck do these ‘jeans’ companies get away with putting elastane in all their jeans nowadays?
It’s lazy as hell and just screams Zara

>> No.14027003

its comfortable
it doesnt actually compromise the quality unless youre a retard and dont follow the care instrucitons

>> No.14027004

>implying SLP ever made good jeans
>also posting le meme archive jeans
you're either a zoomer or asian

>> No.14027005

Anti-elastane needs are the same as neo-Luddites

Hating on stuff just because it didn’t exist previously

>> No.14027014

DH cummerbund jeans are GOAT tier
they made great jeans nog

>> No.14027022

>DH cummerbund jeans are GOAT tier
Go back to Instagram you dumb teenager. You wouldn’t care about them at all if your favorite influencer didn’t wear them. I bet you didn’t even know what they were before 2017

>> No.14027032

If I saw those raw denims in the wild I'd think that person didn't understand personal hygiene. If your jeans look like that you better have an excuse such as you just performed an oil change and was laying on your shop floor.

>> No.14027036

I’ve worn almost exclusively elastane infused jeans for the last 5 years. Now I’m back to 100% cotton SLIM FIT ones.
The point I am making is that by adding elastane jeans will always fit ‘well’. It’s a cheap trick I feel like experienced jeans makers shouldnt have to pull off in order to make jeans fit well and from a quality standpoint I just have a much harder time finding differences between €40 skinnies and €120 ones, whereas with 100% cotton ones it is much more apparent

>> No.14027039
File: 236 KB, 1200x1600, PANTS3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of crust pants then

>> No.14027065

The Flat Head
Iron Heart

>> No.14027070

You're an idiot. Hedi has always used sourced and produced his denim in Japan, the quality has always been way better than other fashion houses

>> No.14027076

>n order to make jeans fit well
youre a retard
it has nothing to do about fit
it has everything to do about comfort

>> No.14027078
File: 126 KB, 500x500, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I didn't know people on this site could be as retarded as this. Hedi boys are truly brainlets

>> No.14027082

SLP and Dior denim were both made in Italy as well you fucking idiot.

>> No.14027083

you don't even know how to define what makes the denim good quality

>> No.14027085
File: 77 KB, 900x1044, 3297C584-0AF2-44EA-976C-418C03291A40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it has nothing to do with fit
Are you serious?
You really think people don’t see you’re wearing a glorified legging?

>> No.14027090

do you actually wear skinny as fuck 100% cotton denim?
you were yourself talking about slimfit you retard

>> No.14027093

>dart pockets
>fantastic stitching
>japanese trade and fabric

>> No.14027099
File: 57 KB, 480x693, 4B3F7479-4BFB-4E66-8894-848128FF254A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skinny as fuck
I never claimed I did. Just normal somewhat slim fit jeans that don’t look like leggings because no elastane

>> No.14027100

In English, doc

>> No.14027102

yeah, so you're projecting and actually know nothing

>> No.14027103

none of those are objective indicators of good quality.

>> No.14027109

and in slim fit elastane is there for comfort
not for "fit"
fit comes from the pattern, the cut, you can do the same cut with with or without elastane in fabric, it doesnt change the fit
it does change how comfortable they are straight out of the store and how well you can move in them however

>> No.14027114

Explain to me why a selvedge fabric is better than a non-selvedge one

>> No.14027123

>elastane doesnt change the fit
How retarded are you? Elastane’s property is that it is elastic and tries to pull itself together while also being able to be stretched out. It 100% changes the fit of the jeans.

>> No.14027126

How about you use google?
Yeah I'm sure you'd know all about good quality when all you've done is shitpost without backing up your statements

>> No.14027130
File: 796 KB, 1023x765, 1481373584988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14027136

asking who makes the highest quality indigo-dyed cotton twill pants is like asking who makes the highest quality cardboard box. denim jeans were an item designed for laborers

and most of the time people think 'quality' means 'durability.' if you are looking for durability why not get carhartt? they are reinforced with extra fabric and rivets in commonly torn places and triple-stitched. they will last years longer than japanese or italian jeans from a luxury retailer.

if by quality you actually mean the properties of the cotton itself, whether or not the yarn was rope-dyed or the jeans were object-dyed with organic indigo or shit like that i guess 45rpm is where you should look, probably some other brand offered by blue in green i am not aware of, i checked out of denim autism years ago

>> No.14027142

>dart pockets
literally no indicator of good quality. just a design element.

>fantastic stitching

selvedge is just the edge of a fabric where it is loomed. every single roll of fabric has it. doesn't mean good quality at all. only a few iterations of Hedi era DH/SLP denim that wasn't sold as raw was selvedge anyway.

>japanese trade and fabric
almost all SLP denim was made in Italy. a bit of DH was MiJ though. this is the only remotely close point to where you could argue good quality.

>> No.14027144

Selvedge is not an indicator of quality, you can find selvedge jeans at Target and Uniqlo! You don’t know a god damn thing! You don’t know what makes fabric better you’re just a person that reads secondhand information on the internet and thinks he’s an expert, proof me wrong

>> No.14027149 [DELETED] 

can someone explain why elasnate is bad? i dont know anything about jeans

>> No.14027158


selvedge is just the edge of a fabric where it is loomed. every single roll of fabric has it. doesn't mean good quality at all. only a few iterations of Hedi era DH/SLP denim that wasn't sold as raw was selvedge anyway.
Wrong. Selvedge looms have denser weaves than non selvedge and also create unique inconsistencies within the fabric
You're on a fashion board arguing that design doesn't add to the quality of a garment, maybe you should go someplace else?
you "proofed" yourself wrong with the fact that you can't even write

>> No.14027161

>Wrong. Selvedge looms have denser weaves than non selvedge and also create unique inconsistencies within the fabric

you literally have no idea what you're talking about. every fucking roll of fabric has a self edge. you would know this if you actually knew jack shit about clothing and production and weren't just a fucking teenager trying to suck hedi slimane's cock.

>> No.14027162

not the guy you are replying to but i am up to speed on selvedge. i have yet to see any hard evidence or rigorous explanation on if twill woven on a shuttle loom has any more strength than twill woven on a projectile loom. if anything, the number of people posting to denim forums about their crotch blowout a year into wearing their raws suggests selvedge has less durability than mall fare.

a self-edge is less likely to tear or fray than fabric finished with an overlock stitch? the inside of the seam isnt the most likely place to wear or rip. that's the knees, hem, or seat. yarn weight would seem to have more to do with durability than what kind of loom the fabric was woven on.

>> No.14027168

you keep becoming more retarded the more you post

>> No.14027173
File: 199 KB, 1600x1200, 899658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really got me there haha! ouch!
>every fucking roll of fabric has a self edge
that's because most people on "denim" forums look like this

>> No.14027182

doesnt matter what people look like. if the same guy wears a pair of selvedge jeans and a pair of mall jeans and the selvedge fails before the mall jeans, its objectively a mark against claims about selvedge durability

>> No.14027195


I'd never wear them, but I'm not a zoomer nigger or punk.

>> No.14027203

>The point I am making is that by adding elastane jeans will always fit ‘well’.

Oh no, not that

>> No.14027205
File: 180 KB, 760x1344, 53D34B4661924E1EBC6DCBB1669D709D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is jeans general, then I have a question.
I am a tall (5'9") roastie, and even my legs don't look like this in jeans. What causes the legs of men to look like this? I've seen this in women, but it's usually in fat women who's obesity deformed it for them.

>> No.14027211

You have to take into account that out of shape people who buy fast fashion denim goods aren't part of online clothing communities and that you don't hear about it when they do.

The denim community is a very vocal niche within fashion and when you combine that with the fact that those jeans are going under serious strain when these fat fucks sit down or bend over you're going to see a lot of complaints about crotch blow outs

>> No.14027214


Poor genetics and no exercise

>> No.14027216

You can tell that this dude is pretty fat from his wrists and waist, but judging by the boots at the door he works manual labour, which would mean that he would have pretty big quads, combine that with high body fat and you have legs that look like that

>> No.14027256

Hi guys, what is good cheap raw denim now? I was always buying uniqlo, but they drastically reduced quality and now i dunno what cop with acceptable quality and poorfag friendly price.

>> No.14027279


>> No.14027286

people are going to lose their shit over this post but i have had the same pair of H&M jeans in my closet for 5 years. no rips, no tears, no seam breaks. just the indigo fading over time as usual.

>> No.14027293

I bought a pair from Uniqlo last March and they’ve held up nicely after almost daily wear.

>> No.14027304

>last March
It was before quality reduce, now they are using extremely cheap denim, you can go to store and check.

>> No.14027638

Whats wrong with being a neo luddite?

>> No.14027707

Just a tought of having to buy jeans makes me anxious.
Shits nightmare.