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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 162 KB, 900x1200, reba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14026809 No.14026809 [Reply] [Original]

Celine show in 5 hours.
Get ready.
Hedi is reddy to btfo 40yo divorced mothers again.
Don't miss out.

>> No.14026824
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>> No.14026842
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>> No.14027042

men clothes?, Can I watch it online?. I'm new in this

>> No.14027044

yes, today 8pm(french time).
You can watch on celine.com or their instagram.

>> No.14027050

While I love seeing middle age women getting triggered I hope Hedi does something a little bit different this time

>> No.14027051

thanks mate

>> No.14027537

different how? different from his overall style or different from the last show? if you mean the former then it's not gonna happen. the latter may very well happen. every first hedi szn is basically permanent collection items and basic clothes in black. it's always been that way, at dior, at slp.

>> No.14027543
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My biggest dream is Hedi letting me stroll down his runway. Only thing keeping me alive is the thought of this.

>> No.14027575

I hope he experiments with another music genre as inspiration. A metal collection would be nice.

>> No.14027586

idk why kids on /fa/ are so obsessed with being a model. it's not fun.

>> No.14027587

that'd be cool desu, but ingenuine on his part. hedi's never been into metal. all his collections are embodiments and the essence of his heroes and idols.

what other youth cultures and music genres hasn't he touched? i don't think he's done any punk.

>> No.14027598

Has he done goth? Like early goth, Nick Cave style, that would fit him so well

>> No.14027608

Fucking hate those type of women.

>> No.14027609

I really don't wanna be a model, I just wanna meet him and work with him, just once. I sent an application to TIAD in 2016 and I got called to a casting. Problem is that the agency was in Germany and I was 17 at the time, so my mother had to accompany me. She refused because she didn't want me to put modeling before school, so I couldn't go. Anxiety and depression hit me hard and I'm too scared to ever apply again. Still got my bod though... Once I conquer this shit I'll have another crack at it. There are some great agencies here with good representation.

>> No.14027612

She's Hedi Slimane biggest fan.

>> No.14027619

Most of his models aren't really models, just guys from bands that he's into.
Just make a shitty band and have the body. You don't even need to be popular, he casted guys with like 200 plays on soundcloud.

>> No.14027630

not really. there's been elements of late gothic/steampunk in a few dior homme collections, and that was only a couple of items.

>> No.14027631

you recon he lurks on /mu/? He seems autistic enough

>> No.14027635


>> No.14027636

1 min lets goooo

>> No.14027650

can't see shit

>> No.14027662

who in the fuck made this website

>> No.14027665

wtf is this, fix your shit Hedi

>> No.14027669

Can't see a single thing except the background

>> No.14027673

something happened


>> No.14027676

He's just late, he's always late.
I think that the ss16 show was like 1 hour behind.

>> No.14027678

There's a building now. Has it even started?

>> No.14027680

Techsupport FW2019 not looking all that great

>> No.14027681

Why the fuck is Celine instagram filled with kpop fans

>> No.14027686

hasn't started niggers

>> No.14027690

Of course, Hedi is the one who dress them up.

>> No.14027691

because gooks are obsessed with looking white and sang laron parish. they think wearing hedi jawns makes you white and 6'2

>> No.14027692

kpop people wear celine and slp it fucking sucks they all suck fuck kpop

>> No.14027696
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What is this elderly music
Where are the ROCKSTAR VIBES

>> No.14027698

Some chick from a kpop group was wearing celine for a magazine.

>> No.14027717
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>> No.14027718

Only 10 posters in this thread, kinda sad

>> No.14027722

/fa/ is dead

>> No.14027731

Nah the real /fa/ posters don't contribute on shitty thread like this. This subforum fit topic like this better: >>>/lgbt/

>> No.14027732

Nu/fa/ is only interested in getting art hoes or drowning in self pity

>> No.14027734

Stream is on now.

>> No.14027741

The whole internet is dead for proper fashion discussion, the only thing people are able to say is "i like that" or "i dislike that" in one way or another, without giving any arguments why they think so. Shoutouts showstudio, one of the few platforms which are able to generate actual discussion. Some real critics are able to generate interesting thoughts aswell, but discussion with "normies" - just doesn't exist. So if you find friends, or small discord communites or things like that where people actually discuss, you should be very happy. It's not easy to find places like that

>> No.14027746


>> No.14027748


>> No.14027751

their site/streaming service is actually just the shittiest thing of all time

>> No.14027750

The orb doesn't really have the body for Hedi stuff

>> No.14027752

music lit

>> No.14027753


>> No.14027754

SLP FW14: electric boogaloo
personally i like it this far

>> No.14027755

Sick jakets inc

>> No.14027756


>> No.14027758

this gives me a rudeboy vibe.

>> No.14027760

This is going to sell, he got the SLP boots, Dior combats, great coats, tailoring, that one jacket was very neat aswell. Great music. Going to get murdered by media for casting, 90% white boys. Wow that teddy, taking straight shots at SLP. Love Hedi, I'm excited

>> No.14027765

gay eton boy vibes!!

>> No.14027768

fuck I have to wait until this is uploaded to youtube, this stream keeps buffering

>> No.14027769

post some pics pls

>> No.14027770

Everything look great but it's a bit "safe" desu

>> No.14027771

song name?, /mu/fags

>> No.14027776

Philosophers calling by crack cloud

>> No.14027780

His only objective is to sell, nobody is expecting him to do anything revolutionary. Great wearable pieces, this is exactly why he was hired. Pricing will be interesting though, if it's sl level then this is going to bang

Probably custom made for this show, will probably on youtube later on

>> No.14027781

I used to think I would never find clothes before methamphetamine exposure?

>> No.14027782

Crack Cloud - Philosopher's Calling

>> No.14027786

Try other browser, chrome had trouble - ms edge seems to work well

>> No.14027797

Detachable sleeve leather jacket mmmm

>> No.14027800

some dudes in coats with black sunglases and chelsea boots

>> No.14027803

thats a "yawn" from me

>> No.14027806

Most of the coats are oversized, could it be Denma's influence?

>> No.14027808

ugh this was so commercial, predictable and cheap

>> No.14027812

thank you mr skeleton

>> No.14027814

Hedi looks great in that coat

>> No.14027816

yeah it was alright nothing too crazy, some of the jackets caught my eye though

>> No.14027817

that's all?

>> No.14027820

Definitely nothing special, if you're a "real fashion" fan. To me this was just straight shots from LVMH towards Kering. So many iconic hedi pieces redone, they just really want to sell. Reviews will probably be brutal, but imo this is going to be another commercial hit by hedi. We'll see

>> No.14027821


>> No.14027828
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what did they mean by this

>> No.14027829

That they won't go broke for another year

>> No.14027834

i wasnt expecting anything, i watched it knowing what it was but i still feel let down and bored

>> No.14027836

And by taking shots I mean they want to steal customers from SL. Biker jacket, coats, boots, probably good trouser/jean selection coming aswell. Virgil at Louis is their antidote to Demna's Balenciaga, Dior is doing strong but maybe it's a stretch to say they're competing against Gucci? I think the customer base is fairly young for both, but Hedi at Celine is definitely going against vackarellos sl

>> No.14027839


>> No.14027842

you fools, that's a discount code.

>> No.14027845

Fair enough. You don't find this battle between kering and lvmh interesting at all? Look at the growth they've had since 2014/2015, imo it's extremely interesting to see which one is going to be able to keep it up and will the other one fall off (of course not completely fall off, but whereas 16-17 was very strong for kering, i feel like after hedi, kim and virgil lvmh is looking very strong. I really enjoy this aspect of two giants going at it, but maybe that's just me

>> No.14027852

well i know now which giant i would put my money on

>> No.14027866
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>D-did you like my show, anon?

>> No.14027892
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Teddy war.

>> No.14027938

We probably need.

>> No.14027944
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Chad haircut

>> No.14027974
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>> No.14027998
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Some art chick was rocking this 6 months ago in one of my classes, looked brilliant irl. If you've got a strong jawline it can work as a man aswell. Pic was probably my favorite look, featuring similar hairstyle and that trench is just beautiful. Love that shade of navy, brilliant look this one

>> No.14028020

its a 60s rock haircut. it get used by Hedi for obvious reasons duh

>> No.14028071

Imagine being 11 months this butthurt.

>> No.14028098

>90% white boys

he's based for this desu, no artist should compromise to the baying mobs demands on how they want to present their art.

>> No.14028122

And not even a single asian lmao

>> No.14028137

This, someone that actually understands the business part.
Hedi was hired to rebuilt celine as a cash cow brand and attack directly the kering group, mainly slp.
He makes simple classic pieces of clothes that people want, not everyone is looking for a edgy jacket with straps and a picture printed on it. He was hired to do this not reinventing the wheel.
I don't understand how fashion "experts" can't see that, they still crying abou muh céline, if they want to blame someone blame lvmh, Hedi is doing what he's supposed to do.

>> No.14028177

no i saw one asians but he was wearing sunglasses kek

>> No.14028195
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Hedi watching a lot of preppy/ivy league threads

>> No.14028203

Who is the titcow?

>> No.14028214

She's a dominatrix/fashion "expert".
She talked shit about Hedi in the saint laurent ss16 fashion panel for showstudio and became a meme in the Hedi fanbase world.

>> No.14028216

Dope fits

>> No.14028234

Kill yourself

>> No.14028245

Hedi is referencing old school British/post punk fashion.
I did similar baggy suiting in the aw14 saint laurent collection, way before the Demna Balenciaga era.

>> No.14028364

>I did similar baggy suiting in the aw14 saint laurent collection

>I did

>> No.14028373

Ups, I'm not Hedi
Don't share it.

>> No.14029293

what in the everloving titfuck was this hefty bag bullshit

>> No.14029553

he didn't even bother. dior era hedi is dead. he's gonna make millions for LVMH and that's all that matters I guess. now I just wanna see his couture collection

>> No.14029733

What's so great about Dior era again? Even his GATs ain't the best

>> No.14029736
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>> No.14029861

What's so great? He literally set the bar for everything in male fashion after every collection. The Citizen Kane, Metropolis or Wizard of Oz of men's fashion. Slim cuts wasn't really a thing for men then. He made slim jeans, shirts, coats, suits. It was a breath of fresh air at the time. His 17.5cm jeans are really one of the more influential items made this century for men's fashion.

>> No.14029907
File: 42 KB, 900x676, 46454_13823dio12ihd-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dior era hedi was at his apex. top 5 fashion designer gods skill level

>> No.14029911
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>> No.14029914
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>> No.14029915

Based poster

>> No.14029930
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>> No.14029991
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Thank you hungry skele

>> No.14030347


>> No.14030360

Hedi is a meme.

Please be from philly you absolute faggot.

>> No.14030703

Thank you Anthony Vaccarello, very cool.