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/fa/ - Fashion

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14023938 No.14023938 [Reply] [Original]

Why dont women wear skirts anymore?

>> No.14023948

(skintight)Jeans help to highlight their figures better

>> No.14023950

Skirts aren't the most practical piece of clothing..

>> No.14023953

because they still wear them and because there is more to fashion than what society expects of you? because of trends and experimenting? because they can dress whoever the fuck they want just like you?

>inb4 the reply of the incel saying that femininity has died and other stupid shit
>the jews
>damn son
>grow up

>> No.14023956

they actually do, at least where i'm from

>> No.14023963

because it's a symbol of the patriarchy

>> No.14023986
File: 142 KB, 1278x892, 1547838747867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they do
only povvo women wear trousers exclusively

>> No.14024171

>wearing pants as a form of rebellion

Nothing says "proud to be a woman" like dressing like a man.

>> No.14024199

Nothing makes me angrier than women and fashion. It's as if women are intent on doing everything they can to look as shit as possible, by wearing clashing, hideous colours, and bizarre and unnatural proportions. How a girl dresses tells you pretty much everything you need to know about her. Modern fashion tells me that the majority of women are just broken.

>> No.14024214

I walk almost exclusively in skirts/dresses , just a habit from highschool
In eastern europe skirts are super popular still

>> No.14024224

That skirt is ugly I would never wear that shit

>> No.14024261
File: 432 KB, 1080x1398, Screenshot_20181114-113259_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes anon simmer down. Not everything is a social issue

>> No.14024303

It really isn't. It's kinda cool.

>> No.14024339

Many do. We just don’t usually post here much anymore because /fa/ has become so unfashionable.

>> No.14024352

this 2bh
you dont see a lot of men post on /fa/ anymore either that could be described as fashionable,its all just baggy sweatpants oversized sweater thriftstore garbagecore
people that wear adult clothes such as skirts, shirts, leather shoes etc. dont really go on /fa/ anymore

>> No.14024367

-Skirts have poor insulation
-May fly up in harsher winds w/ lighter fabrics
-Guys fetishize them
-Don't fit well with a lot of clothes
-There are many other options for bottoms
-"Easy entry"/Slut stigma

>> No.14024370

you should just have listed the most /fa/ answer first:
-Because I can wear whatever the hell I like

>> No.14024373

Well, I did say there are other options.
Seems like so many people on this board want women to put on their schoolgirl cosplay wherever they go lol

>> No.14024374

>Don't fit well with a lot of clothes
only if you wear retarded streetwear shite, look at>>14023986
>Guys fetishize them
doesnt seem to stop yoga pants or skinny jeans
>Skirts have poor insulation
you're supposed to wear thighs if its cold
>Easy entry"/Slut stigma
this is really not a thing if you wear a good length skirt or dress
you just have poor taste

>> No.14024375

you can but ive never seen a good womens outfit in the waywt for like 2 years 2bh
i dont really mind trousers on women either but still

>> No.14024379

why all the people from the UK always shit post and are retardedly inbred? Moot was right about you guys holy shit

>> No.14024381

Why do you associate skirts with high school cosplay? Thats weird
You know that adult women wesr skirts way more often than women in high school or even college, right?

>> No.14024384

nice argument retard, im also not even from the uk
just accept your poor instamoron taste

>> No.14024391

Skirts shouldn't even exist anymore, it is a retarded unpractical piece.
1. You can't sit comfortable with them
2. You can't ride a bike
3.You can't run
4. You can't crouch

It is also a inherently a misogynistic piece, so your boss doesn't need to go though hassle of removing your pants to abuse you.
Also it's even shittier now because of anime and one hundred anime that's wanting to pull off the le cute innocent girl hehe uwu kawai vibe that makes people like OP orbit them.

>> No.14024400

>1. You can't sit comfortable with them
>2. You can't ride a bike
>3.You can't run
>4. You can't crouch
i can do all those things just fine with a skirt, as could millions of people before you.
maybe you are just fucking retarded

>> No.14024443

All I see in that pic is a good way to cover up a landwhale, also it's severely dated
Yoga pants aren't meant for anywhere but the gym or indoors, I hope you don't see such often lol
Stockings aren't my thing, plus they're not a huge help
This point is true, you can wear more modest dresses.. but they go with even less stuff.
I don't, but I've seen how people think on these boards from the previous threads revolving around this topic
Also, as for adult women wearing skirts, I have little experience with this, also pencil skirts are ugly (still in school)

>> No.14024444

femcel detected

>> No.14024446

Exactly this

>> No.14024451

Corduroy pencil skirts are fucking hot

>> No.14024462

imagine going to the beach dressed like that

>> No.14024474

virgil is such a fucking hack
fuck him and off white AND Louis vuitton

>> No.14024485

they literally are?

>> No.14024499

very specific....

>> No.14024507

cord skirts look better a line 2bh

>> No.14024510
File: 485 KB, 3024x4032, 0fwhldevdj421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfect skirt length

>> No.14024517

I wouldn't call it my "thing" but pleather and jean ones dont work the same magic
Maybe if you hang crosses on your walls

>> No.14024522
File: 152 KB, 701x847, 1546271498953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this show made me love skirts

>> No.14024545


>> No.14024848

>dat pacific northwest layering

>> No.14024855

If you constantly have to remain presentable, no, they're not. Limits movements. Sounds counter-intuitive but pants don't allow for upskirts.

>> No.14024862
File: 77 KB, 800x800, 1529303552258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfect skirt length
lmaoing @ ur lyfe

>> No.14024865


>> No.14024868

hope this is bait

>> No.14024874

lol ok incel

>> No.14024883

this skirt length is just as thottish as yoga pants or jean shorts

>> No.14024887

when a women wears a skirt it makes it easier access to rape. so women adopted jeans and tights which are much harder to remove to rape them. gives them extra protection from toxic males (which sadly make up most men. thanking P&G is trying to combat the toxic masculinity of men).

>> No.14024893

are you seriously saying women stopped wearing skirts because of rape
lmao get out of here tranny no one wants to rape you

>> No.14025086

where the fuck do they go then?

>> No.14025092

Because leggings are easier and sluttier. Leggings require absolutely zero effort and guys will think you're sexy in them even if all they're doing is squeezing your fat into place.

>> No.14025772

I personally just have a hard time finding any skirts at all (especially high waisted, and small enough). Same problem with jeans that aren't skinny jeans, the demand just isn't enough. Skinny jeans are the default, kinda sucks.
I think it's probably cause they ( unsuccessfully ) hide lumpy large bodies that they're so popular.

>> No.14025776

Not to mention when you do find a fitting skirt, it's either disgustingly tacky, and/or terrible quality. But I guess skirts aren't too difficult to make yourself...

>> No.14025790
File: 1.22 MB, 2000x2000, DSCF2156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because western women want to be edgy and masculine, a skirt automatically would make you appear more submissive and feminine.

>> No.14025926
File: 155 KB, 480x640, 1547579733224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14025974

This is retarded, you realize skirts make your waist higher, make your legs slimmer, make your butt bigger, etc
Both pieces of clothing greatly improve women's looks, just in different ways.

>> No.14025976

Cool slut skirt, don't think anyone outside of cosplay is going to wear this cringe though.

>> No.14026037

they do what now?

>> No.14026099


>> No.14026117

>He doesn't enjoy the simple pleasures like reaching up under a skirt to grab some ass or flipping a girl's skirt up for easy access without even having to undress
What a fag. Dresses are nicer than skirts, but both are good.

>> No.14026160
File: 141 KB, 761x901, 339078D2-AAA4-4F95-B3E0-5521EEBBB6EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you all for proving to me just how low functioning this fucking board is. I’ve been suspecting this for the past week that I’ve come back here from my vacation from this site and as suspected it’s become a hellish cesspool of edgelord virgins who dont know a single thing about fashion but will pretend like they do, equally edgy bitchboys who like to piss of their edgy friends by larping as “liberals” and bringing up the latest twitter developments relating to women, and, surprisingly enough, femcels who are bent on crafting this victimized image of themselves for the world to pity and pander to them over, which only serves as fuel for the former to edgy characters to jerk each other off on about how wrong that “libtard feminazi is”. And no actual fashion is discussed and all of the threads on this board serve as loaded questions to get these three groups to argue. Fuck all of you.


>> No.14027292

I would but other girls look weird at me when I do
The cause is unironically nigger culture making ""streetwear"" the norm

>> No.14027305

>Caring about what other women think
Never gonna make it, femanon

>> No.14027887

literal incel dude posting as a girl lol pathetic