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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 151 KB, 648x595, feel3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14023485 No.14023485 [Reply] [Original]

Tell us how you feel /fa/

>> No.14023496

I buy fakes and wear them to flex but I never tell anyone cause I come from a wealthy background and noone will dare call me out

>> No.14023500

What do you gain by doing this?

>> No.14023532

I drank a glass of vodka and juice. Now i think im going to get fat, and look like a fat animal.

I have a date in some days and i shaved but maybe was a bad decision and now I'm anxious.

>> No.14023542

I went on a date with a former runway model this week and she made me hate the fashion industry. I feel like gaining weight just to spite them.

>> No.14023561
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I want to buy a SLP cardholder since it's one of my grails. I'm poor but I'm debt free and have all my basic needs covered. I don't have anything better to spend the money but still feels wrong to do it.

>> No.14023849

I look great but have no friends and feel like life is generally unfulfilling, at least for me right now

I’m terribly unhappy and no amount of materialistic possessions can fill the void

>> No.14023857

Im buildung my wardrobe for the first time and ive spent so much money on clothes and I want more

>> No.14023863
File: 279 KB, 1379x2072, D3B2B998-AEEC-460F-884F-1AC6089E78B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to achieve a 90s madchester britpop parka-monkey style because thats the music i like but im not very confident with what looks good on me so i stick with the boring NPC style. Ive ordered some new clothes and hopefully it will be the start of my transformation

>> No.14023872

I realised I don't have a single friend left and even my parents never call me. At least I have a job and my autistic hobbies.

>> No.14023899

t. incel

>> No.14023908
File: 142 KB, 1278x892, BBU8yfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are good feels okay too?
my mates are becoming more effay by the second and we all know your effayness goes up a point if youre in an equally effay group

>> No.14024703

>i'm not sure if this is the right period of time for me to focus on things other than school and breaking my routine.
>I'm sorry I had a great time and you seem like a great person but I have to force myself to concentrate on exams and my thesis and other uni stuff.

We only had one date. I'm completely finished, aren't I?

>> No.14024705

I feel so awful. Apparently a while back I didn’t pick up after my dog because I forgot bags or something but the guy in the house where it went saw me and he knows some of my friends so now he hates me and they think I’m a dick. The worst thing about it is I can only blame myself.

>> No.14024795

Jesus. Stop being such a wetwipe

>> No.14024806

>Tfw already 21 years old
>Still have shitty baby fat face
Just end me plz
Also, do short girls mind height? I'm 5'7

>> No.14024814

I’m trying to become less self conscious and more confident but it’s not easy

>> No.14024899

>jacket isnt usefull for current season
>but the sale is so good i would be stupid to not buy it

why this happun

>> No.14024907

short girls care about height the most

>> No.14024913

fucking this. i'm 6'4/194 and womanlets hit on me all the time. i just want a tall gf

>> No.14024916

>tfw no 6'0 gf with long legs

>> No.14024929

Women always want what they can't have

>> No.14024931

5 7 is unfortunately the cutoff where you become visibly short. At 5 8 you can fake it with good proportions and boots but you're unfortunately fuckd. Luckily for you most girls don't care about height as much as they think. If they like you they're more likely to project positive qualities onto you

>> No.14024996

That Is a meme, or It may be true In the hypergamous U.S. Short girls at my uni go for guys no taller than 5'10. But then again, I don't live in the U.S.

>> No.14024999

okay? i dont live in the US either retard

>> No.14025002

I assume he saves money

>> No.14026032

I always buy out of season. Where I live it is so conservative fashion-wise that something from last year will easily still be fashionable here for a couple of years.

>> No.14026036

Buy it. Because why not? You will enjoy it.

>> No.14026040

We can tell, we can spot fakes. Please know that we are judging you and laughing behind your back. Guaranteed.

>> No.14026083
File: 50 KB, 418x503, 8c1913ab7cdbed556e78de1ce1e31394fcfe2e9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally got a gf
>feels like I'm carrying the whole thing
>all I want to do is break up with her

Truly only the dead can know this suffering

>> No.14026116
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1527081611035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bite the bullet before she gets too attached, I've been there plenty of times before. If she's prettier than average she'll get over it really quickly and leech onto the next cute guy.

I fucking hate girls who can't hold their own and/or give anything back, it feels like the equivalent of dragging around a body pillow.

>> No.14026121

Same, I just keep it moving for practice and healing done of the damage of my years of loneliness (counts for friends too). I don't think I want a relationship with women or men after this will be over. I don't think I will get anyone better. I want it to end soon and to last longer at the same time. Good thing about being with someone selfish and emotionally uncontrolled is to understand how you yourself are selfish and emotionally uncontrolled. Don't like many of my friends either. However, life has never been better. I don't think I am obliged to be grateful. I hate how she dresses. I don't find her as much attractive as others find her attractive. How attractive others find her gives me self confidence. We don't share many interests or beliefs. I don't appreciate the way she thinks. I like her humor, our jokes and that she is very attracted to me. I don't like my attitude towards her. She's liked, but I don't like her much. Tldr; never date someone who has been lonely/ostracised for a long time like me

>> No.14026123

You gotta find a hobby that you can work at and improve. It cant just be a goal, it has to be something that makes you grow. Going to the gym with a.goal or playing sports are usually pretty good starts.

>> No.14026126
File: 92 KB, 496x626, 1544416672092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch some videos from develop attraction and coach corey wayne
Basically back up until she reaches back to you, the more you chase the more you drive her away

>> No.14026135
File: 138 KB, 495x743, 1537401082933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh and I've been with her for a few years now. I think it's best to drop her as soon as you think you got all out of your relationship you needed or wanted.

>> No.14026175

I thought my acne was gone this summer, but now it’s come back, hard. It used to be so bad I couldn’t even shave without bleeding everywhere, but I had it down to just a few pimples and some heavy scars.
I think it was just because I spent so much time in sun and salt water this summer. As soon as it got cold and I got away from the beach it started to come back. It’s like the last 6 months of progress never happened

>> No.14026190
File: 367 KB, 1080x1314, 1547315791510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'll just back off a bit. Kind of sucks, but even if she breaks up I really don't care if this is the alternative. Busy with other things in my life anyways

>> No.14026195

Tell me about it every day I feel better than the day before but when I actually think about it I’ve been stuck in the same place for months
Im turning 23 soon just fucking kill me

>> No.14026399

can't get over girl that i blew it with. how tf do i move on?

>> No.14026418

What are your hobbies

>> No.14026463

i miss him alot, i wish i didnt because it has been 2 years and only now im having serious breakdowns over it.

>> No.14026469

man it would be so easy to just die. this is all i've got though, i'll stick it out i guess. there's few reason my life should be going this bad.
do your best because it's not up to you.

>> No.14026671
File: 120 KB, 981x1024, 1546579282178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the states
>tfw cant find socks that fit me right
>tfw the only shoes that can fit me are nigger shoes (aka Jordens)
In Mex
>tfw i just want a par of boots but have to special order them which cost more
>tfw i have to do the fucking same with sanddles (fucking sanddles)
Why can't my feet be smaller

>> No.14027087

need to occupy your time with productive hobbies and meet new people

>> No.14027120

What size are you Bigfoot?

>> No.14027459
File: 2.07 MB, 3120x3120, 20190120_095749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14 man, its like im in hell

>> No.14027514

shite man, I feel so happy to be size 7.
I'm 1.45m (4'7)
weight 43kg maybe less.
This is not a /fa/ feel but kill me please, luckily my legs are longer than my upper body.
What style should I embrace?

>> No.14027536

I bought two flannel shirts today. Don't care about the nu male meme, I'm cold and I need something to wear under my sweatshirts.

There's a girl I like and she might like me back, as multiple people have suggested me to make a move on her based on her behavior when I'm around. The good news? They might be right, as last time I saw her I noticed by myself that she tried to get close and talk to me.
The bad news? I'm too much of an insicure introvert to make a move on her. I've been in relationships, but this time I don't even know how to approach her.

>> No.14028066
File: 374 KB, 1232x1226, gangganggang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im jelly man i can't never find shoes that fit me maybe if i cut off my toes i can drop it down an inch or two