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14017056 No.14017056 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here actually managed to get a girlfriend?

>> No.14017058


>> No.14017062


>> No.14017069



>> No.14017073

No, that would be gay

>> No.14017135
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in a very loving relationship atm

>> No.14017137
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A cute girl asked me out once in middle school, but I said no. Now I'm 22 still a virgin.

>> No.14017140

Use a dating app if you're so hard up for ass

>> No.14017149

stop being a retarded shut in and go clubbing

>> No.14017155

Yes and almost all of them have been crazy.

>> No.14017160

I had one but I broke up with her 2 weeks ago cause she was too clingy. I’m now talking to a significantly more attractive girl.

>> No.14017205

Several times, just be a likeable human being.

>> No.14017207

Yep, met the love of my life in my freshman year of highschool, started dating her about halfway through my sophomore year, and we are still in love 4 years later. I am going to marry her as soon as I finish college and can provide for her.

>> No.14017257

getting close brahs

>> No.14017271
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Fuck man. I met the love of my life in freshman year too. We kicked things off immediately, but she didn’t feel ready for a relationship so she ended it. Then she died in a car crash

>> No.14017307

Same here man. Senior now, have been together since the beginning of sophomore year. I plan on marrying the girl one day.

>> No.14017311

she sure was desperate to get away from you

>> No.14017323

what for? to spend all my money?

>> No.14017325

I have a non-HRT trap boyfriend.

>> No.14017326
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Thats horrible :(

>> No.14017382

That's ok you'll find someone else.

>> No.14017586

I want to but then I also dont want to be with anyone very long-term and I dont want to have to break it off for no good reason when I get tired

>> No.14017591

I have an ex that I see casually.

Stop turning /fa/ into /r9k/.

Being effay barely helps with getting laid.

>> No.14017715

I'm 30. Since being a teenager I've been in many meaningless relationships and a few serious ones. I enjoy being single though. I drill have casual sex from time to time, but now I wouldn't date someone unless they had wife potential.

>> No.14017725

>Being effay barely helps with getting laid

If you take /fa/'s opinions seriously, I'm proof of that being true.

>> No.14017735


>> No.14017947
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I feel your pain bro

>looking through old Jr high & high school yearbooks
>Multiple qt girls literally left their phone numbers with a message hitting on me
>Spent all those summers inside playing Gmod and going on 4chan

>> No.14017968
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>> No.14017981

Similarly to people in this thread, I met the “love” of my life in Freshman year and started dating her in sophomore year, but nowadays I feel like I don’t know if she’s what I want for my future or if she’s the one I want to spend my whole life on, I don’t really know what to do

>> No.14017988

clubs are a trap. girls dont go clubbing to meet guys, they literally go just to have fun and dance. 80% of them already have boyfriends and the ones that don't wont feel comfortable meeting a guy at the club anyway. Theres like 1 in a million chance you will pick up a girl frm a club even if you're chad. Your best chance is at bars or maybe house-parties.

>> No.14018045


yes, extremely overrated. Better off alone, grass is always greener

>> No.14018057
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But I'm not from /fa/ so that's probably why.

>> No.14018197

What makes you feel this way?

>> No.14018251
File: 130 KB, 750x726, AB4D4545-B3C6-4E8E-B4E1-622ED580B170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically this. only delusional boomers say shit like "just go clubbing" to people who want a gf.

>> No.14018304

dating apps are just hypergamy in action

>> No.14018343

had 3 gfs. dumped all of them. i got issues and im happy being alone and being fwb with 2-3 girls.

>> No.14018486

mostly true, you can get a kiss quite easily and sometimes a one night stand. boyfriend or not doesn’t really matter but you’re playing with fire there

>> No.14018490

i am the gf

>> No.14018597

what other choice do you have?

>> No.14018602

Not yet.

>> No.14018618

She’s just not someone who I would see spending my whole life with. She is very kind, lovable (clingy and obsessive sometimes) and sweet with kids but she doesn’t have any actual goals, ambition or drive which would be nice (plus badass women who know what they want is sexy). I talked with her about her dreams and stuff and she said she just goes with the flow, but her dream would be acting. She’s not very intelligent or smart either

>> No.14018631

I'm in the exact same situation (22 and virgin) but I rejected at least 2 girls who 100% wanted to have sex in highschool and at least another one who was interested
I wanna kill myself every day

>> No.14018635
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Yea meeting her for lunch rn

>> No.14018642

I've only ever been in two relationships, but this weekend I'm meeting up with a girl I met at a concert.

>> No.14018659
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>> No.14018847

cute in a school teacher kind of way !

>> No.14018872

yeah my gf is an azn arthoe. got a problem pussy? le just lift brah lmao
no need she likes me thin and pretty. fuccboi.

gonna fucking RICE MIX to trigger /pol/tards more too.

>> No.14018881

just put in there "no hook ups" you retard. might as well have it floating there you can get lucky you never know but you are right nothing beats real life, making a friendship with the girl then developing it into something more.

>> No.14018914


>> No.14018915

Yes, she works in a clothing store and has been interested in clothing all her life. I'm encouraging her to wear more trad clothing and it's working. We'll make a perfect couple.

>> No.14018961

I had a relationship back in the past. Not anymore.

These last few months I've received some mixed signals from a colleague o'mine. I believe that if you have doubts about a girl liking you or not then the answer is usually no, therefore I don't have too much hope about it, but even if it were I wouldn't know how to make things go forward right now.

>> No.14019084

fucking kek, they put "no hook ups" in their bio as a meme, they are literally there for hookups.
and if they see you with a "no hook ups" in your bio, it's a red flag for them that you can't or won't hookup.
>"lol, this fucking guy is on a hook up app looking for a ltr. what a creep"
only option nowadays are meeting someone way below your level (financially, looks-wise, etc)
because women that are at your level are currently holding out for a 10/10 man.
once their SMV drops, they'll be back to their normal dating range, but who will want them at that point?

>> No.14019095

wow anticlimatic much. rip there's more women down the road bruh

>> No.14019107

I have qt bf. Together for 1,5 years already.

>> No.14019137

>down the road

>> No.14019147
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>> No.14019277

Meh you’ll grow up. The moment you realise a good woman is one that sticks with you in sickness and in bad financial health, not just the sunny days, is the one you want to have kids with. Women either think with their heart or with their head. The ones who want kids and a loving hubby arent the ones with full time jobs and mortgages. The career building women already want someone better than them, and guess what, its not gonna be you. Its never you.

>> No.14019313

So whats keeping you in the relationship?

>> No.14019322

Nope. I'm 29. Never had a relationship. Had some dates and flings, but things never really worked out. I have a large social group and several good friends, so I don't know why. Maybe just bad luck? Not a lot of fish in the sea here either. I live in quite a rural area, and I'm gay. I'd have to move to the city to find some love.

>> No.14019326

lol no youre just ugly and cant pull

>> No.14019327

>Theres like 1 in a million chance you will pick up a girl frm a club even if you're chad.
what terrible country do you live in?

>> No.14019357
File: 131 KB, 648x907, 2CCBD3C8-9C0E-4CFD-BD28-7B75EEC6536E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came to realize that i dont want a boyfriend i just want to "romantically abuse" someone, play video games and make music with.. Idk man parties aren't really my thing, im pretty anxious and i prefer staying alone and working on music/art so ill probably stay alone and a virgin .. shit

>> No.14019615

True that brother, I guess I will eventually grow up out of this. I just wish she was more involved in stuff.
^ that and the fact that I know 0 people like the one I described in my post, so it’s like I don’t want to ruin something relatively good even though it’s not entirely what I want

>> No.14019750

How to get a fwb I sometimes have Ramen with?

>> No.14019914

the fact those moments wont ever exist again really gets me down. Spent so much time alone growing up i never learned how to socialise with people now im 22 and my worst is peaking. extreme anxiety from my fathers death when i was 7 which has snowballed into depression and maybe some mild bi polar. I feel so fucked up. i just want a cuddle.got lucky dating some kr and china girls in college but that was a couple yeas back and my mental health fucked the relationship up.

>> No.14019936

Do you ever think. If you had stayed together she would not have gotten in that car crash?

>> No.14019942

Who's this chunky monkey. Make sure she doesn't get a desk job. She has balloon potential.

>> No.14019943

Totally agree. Most of the girls there are out on ladies nights and looking out for each other. Maybe, just maybe you will get lucky but it will be a fight and the odds are low. House parties for the win.

>> No.14020258

Wrong . Everytime I go to the local club I pull. It's a University City but still your wrong.

>> No.14020310

>kissless handholdless virgin at 23
>actually attractive but socially retarded
>first kiss, makeout, handhold at 24
>few months later lost my virginity to a 6/10
>got more confident, fucked a 7 after that
>at 25 I dated a fuckton, probably 30 different dates and fucked 12 girls that year, got my first GF at the end of it
>now at 26 I'm on my third GF, an absolutely QT /fa/ 9/10, we've been together for 5 months, going great

kissing, fucking, dating, relationships, all of that is easy as fuck once you've done it once, you just have to start.

>> No.14020322

>be in long distance relationship
>things are ok when she returns
>leave things as being “on a break”
>seeing random girls on tinder but somehow feel guilty
This is the dumbest shit ever. I love her and could see things going somewhere but I just feel I’m too young to really be sure and stick it out with someone. I’m 23 btw

>> No.14020325

>use a dat(a min)ing app

>> No.14020352

How did you get confident?

>> No.14020365

w2c sweater
are cheesy animal sweatshirts like this worn semi-ironically effay or just lame?

>> No.14020366

Yeah but i suspect she gave me an std so stay single

>> No.14020369


>> No.14020371

For a couple of months, yeah sure. It's harder and harder every year to convince a girl I'm not a failure when I drop that I haven't worked in a year and live at home.

>> No.14020383

im interested to know the weight of the people in this thread

>> No.14020417

is that charls

>> No.14020437

here's a tip dudes. if you're ugly, get out of the city. period. move to a small town. and secondly, women aren't going to approach you, so approach them. this is where you having a personality comes into play.

>> No.14020451
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unfortunately im dull as a bag of bricks. genuinely, how can i change my personality? its impossible... im fucked

>> No.14020463

sorry dude you're gonna have to settle for another dull personality. that doesn't mean that you have to marry some hambeast either. just don't expect to get with someone that is a total 10 with a great personality. that's not an insult man. the truth is most of us have to settle. you will never feel like you have met the one most likely. if you can talk to someone and have mutual respect you're better off than most

>> No.14020769

you are pretty fucking creepy if thats true not cool man sounds gross as fuck and one sided that ur only willing to only do your shit, a relationship is mutual I can kinda tell you never been in a rlshp

>> No.14020772

the best place to get a girl is school or workplace ez as that, its in the place you frequent

what you say about clubs is true but incels will never get it they think everyone goes out looking to fuck in the end like the thirsy motherfuckers they are themselves lmao never realizing that, that there is what makes them so weird and creepy as fuck. They dont think about not giving a fuck and only haing fun, no they want to score they think its some sort of WoW quest and shit lol

>> No.14020808

Lmao it

>> No.14020813

She probably killed herself because you are such a cuck

>> No.14020823

ok incel learned that from another virgin's advice on the net huh? yeah shows

>> No.14020890

No he just leaves his basement. You should try it, get some vitamin d.

>> No.14020949

Hey man think of the bright side, at least you've had a gf. I am a year younger than you and got rejected by my high school crush after working up the nerve to take her on a date, and haven't even gone on a date since. but I am the same way, grew up alone on the internet so I don't really know much else. I think and hope we both make it this year family

>> No.14020951

I had a long distance relationship with someone very far away. Just get her out of your system and live a good live. Beautiful women wont die out. Also lets be honest: you absolutely need complete trust in each other in a long distance relationship. You both dont have that. Just leave this behind and get happy.

>> No.14020977

Married a slav qtpie when I was 22, ask me anything.
I am from Finland and 25 y o.

>> No.14021130
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Got a girl who's basically my gf but we've also not put titles on anything yet.

>> No.14021328

>looking for love/ltr on a hookup app
>"ok incel"

>> No.14021638

I'm so gay... So no for me.

>> No.14021708

Fuck, are you me?

>> No.14021720

No, I am a 29 year old incel

>> No.14021723
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Since the last time I actually fell in love I didn't find anybody, I thought it was because I hadn't any kind of self confidence, but I rebuilt it in the last year, and I guess I'm still not ready

>> No.14021782

probably eats him alive, every single night lmaoooo sucks to suck

>> No.14021799


>> No.14021804

cute gf anon

>> No.14021822

this comment smells like 15 year old

>> No.14021827


>> No.14021838

yeah except im not effay, literally nevery payed more than 30 eu for a jacket or anything for that matter, im pretty cheap. but i guess my face looks good.

>> No.14021873

never even tried
i hate myself too much

>> No.14022031

I've dated lots of girls, objectively beautiful and attractive girls, too. But I only had one actual girlfriend. She's my wife now.
Eventually you just find that one that you don't want to be without and you know you're done searching.

>> No.14022038

If she's not fat now she will be soon.
Make sure you get her going to the gym

>> No.14022829

Holy shit weird Chinese medicines aren't as bitter as you are dude, be honest with yourself, if everybody else is doing fine dating right now, how do you know you're not the problem?

>> No.14022899

I had a gf but I broke up with her since things weren't working well, the first 4 months or so were amazing but the next 3 were bad, really bad, trust issues and insecurities blossomed. Not for me tho, for her at the end I realized she cheated on me and she projected those insecurities on me. I'm better alone.
I'm really sorry for your loss anon, I hope you find someone else but never forget about her, keep the memory alive and be as much happy as you were with her. Remember, love is the only feeling that goes beyond time and space, take care.

>> No.14022904

if you're going clubbing just to get girls you're not gonna get girls ;)

>> No.14022928

Had a few. Why

>> No.14022946

It's not 2003 anymore. Clubs are empty.

>> No.14022969

Depends where you go. If you live in London you have to be a fucking Chad to get laid at a club, or really for any girl to pay you any attention. Go abroad to Shanghai or something... everyone is fucking left, right, and centre. I mean the foreigners by the way. You can fuck a Chinese girl maybe, if she's kind of slutty, but the foreign girls are easy. It's a combination of being abroad (turns girls into sluts) and the fact that Asian guys aren't exactly attractive to them, so if you're a good-looking guy you basically become top 1% of guys they can see by default. Same is true of girls abroad in most places. I've only had sex with one girl from my own country in my own country. Every other time has been with a foreign girl in some foreign country, or if she's travelling over here.

Don't waste your time with unremarkable girls with sky-high standards, where you don't stand out whatsoever.

>> No.14022989
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Yes, but I didn't even have to try at all. She's obsessed with me for some odd reason, so she asked me out on the first couple dates, and she asked me to be her boyfriend. She's probably got autism or something to be so attracted to me.

>> No.14023082


>> No.14023097


>> No.14023108
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... I'm going to die alone.
Nothing for me - I'm just a putrid husk of hideousness.

>> No.14023142

shes fat anon

>> No.14023158

my dad also died around that age, mabye that's why im on this website

>> No.14023205

hell no

>> No.14023291

That's my gf

Y'all just complimented sieg.

She's earning her master's :)

>> No.14023463

thats kind of how i feel but we're very emotionally invested in one another. i think we both know where things are headed but are too afraid to just say it and be realistic. like theres no way we're going to be in the same geographical vicinity for at least the next 2 years

>> No.14023475
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I'm a 6.5 and i'll only date a 5+ but they're nearly impossible to get so I'm forced to fwb an endless stream of 3s and 4s.
Currently its a mexican girl she's a pentecostal and fully intends to marry someone in her church so its a nice time I don't have to worry about hurting her

>> No.14023481
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This chick in my class recently followed me on instagram after we exchanged a few glances one day. The next time we had class together she was sitting next to my usual spot and struck up conversation with me. I'm not so autistic that I don't realize shes into me but I am too autistic to know what to do next. Is it really this easy? I used to be a fat fuck so maybe my low self esteem is getting the better of me here but something in my mind keeps telling me that I'm not worth being into. Any tips or should I just nut up and ask her out one day damn the consequences and her potential realization that I'm not nearly as interesting as she might think.

>> No.14023491

Literally just ask her to get lunch with you u fool

>> No.14023819

Legit just ask if she wants to go do something after school, I'm sure you know a nice restaurant or some shit, right? Maybe go ice skating or some shit.

If you're not what she thought you was she was going to find out AT SOME POINT. There's only two outcomes here:
>no gf
the no gf outcome can happen by your own inaction or because she just doesn't end liking you, but the gf outcome can ONLY happen through your actions. Just try.

>> No.14023826

Oldfag here, word of advice: stay single for as long as you can

>> No.14023929
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Why would I lie about this?


>> No.14023965

she is cute dude im glad you got an azn gf. I have an azn gf too.

>> No.14024130

>Thinking you made it in life when a skinny girl send you two snapchats

Hows highschool going anon?

>> No.14024165

if she's comfortable why not

>> No.14024194

She's asian isnt she

>> No.14024208

Love is amazing and you should at least give it a try
Don’t overthink it tho

>> No.14024309

Well if posting snapchats that girls send you on bhutanese claymation blog gives you endorphine hits, I feel sorry fot you

>> No.14024310

yeah almost 3 years but we'll probably break up this year

>> No.14024363

>meanwhile nobody has ever sent anything to this anon shit talking
lol incels

>> No.14024555

because I know for a fact not everyone is doing fine dating right now.
you're fooling yourself if you think tinder is for an ltr.
and you're fooling yourself if you don't think hypergamy exists.
I'm not bitter, and that's not to say you can't find a ltr, but women are just as aware as we are and know what they want.
it just so happens they want someone with a higher status than them.

>> No.14024572

yeah, almost a year ago, it's the best thing in my life
haven't told her that I'm a codeine addict yet, it hurts me inside

>> No.14024584


>> No.14024590

is it psychological dependence or the physical one? both?

>> No.14024596

i fucking love this fashion related thread

>> No.14024600

Fuck this advice. Just get on Tinder and other dating apps and put yourself out there. Overthinking this shit and getting scared is just going to prevent you from doing anything. Contrary to typical 4chan belief, a lot of people don't just want to fuck on Tinder.

>> No.14024603
File: 25 KB, 500x460, i-deliberatley-entered-a-thread-full-of-things-that-i-28308860[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an off topic thread every now and then does not harm anyone

>> No.14024609

I guess psychological, I take really small doses (70-90 mg) every two or three days and can go as long as a week with no codeine, then I just have to go to pharmacy
Do you know a way to end this? It feels so good, but I'm scared about developing a full addiction and destroying my health

>> No.14024616

This is true. Mentality is everything, once you get over your insecurities and stop putting sex and women on pedestals, everything starts to come more naturally. Women don't wanna fuck desperate guys. they like guys that look like they have their lives together and have other options, they look more interesting.

>> No.14024621

I've fallen for a boy from 4ch 3yrs ago and haven't fallen out since. I miss him so much, but we will probably never talk again

>> No.14024634

You're most likely dull because you don't have hobbies outside addictive, unproductive habits like browsing the internet and gaming. Addiction really ruins your drive for everything so it's a good idea to start there, replace your everyday destructive habits with something you had an interest in- books, documentaries etc. You're lucky that we live in an era where most people are immersed in media, they want to be able to discuss shows and books and music that they like, it's easier to talk to people if you consume some kind of media or knowledge through reading articles or watching videos on social commentary, watch basic TV shows like The Office or something.

Just start somewhere, it'll trickle into other aspects of your life. Join discussion forums, figure out what you're interested in and run with it. The more interested you get into something, the more interesting you become. So the more cultured you are, the more likely you are to get an interesting (and well rounded-takes care of appearance, has a job, hobbies etc) gf as well.

>> No.14024637

>70-90 mg
how do you even feel anything?
i take it every few weeks and if it isn't at least 150mg i won't feel shit it gets good somwhere between 250-400mg
btw remember to extract acetaminophen out if medicine you take contains it. liver damage is not fun
now about the addiction
it might be a good idea to talk with your girl about it. once someone knows they'll probably support you in breaking the habbit and check if you are sober (this might be annoying)

this won't be helpfull in your fight but i don't think you have a searious problem with opiates

>> No.14024659

I guess I'm natrually not very tolerant to opiates + not taking them for a few days makes them hit me stronger, when I take them
I don't need to worry about acetaminophen, in Poland we have a medicine that contains codeine and sulfoguaiacolum which also happens to be pretty cheap, ideal for becoming a junkie
I just want to avoid talking to my girl about it, she hates people who are into drugs. I guess I just need a good moment and a lot of motivation to cut codeine off. I will manage, somehow. Anyway thanks for response, I have never told anyone about it, now it's a bit easier to live with my problem

>> No.14024667

I've started going out with a cute hapa from work. Pretty pleb, but seems like the type that would gladly enjoy making my hobbies her own and vice versa

>> No.14024680

ah so you are one of those who eat thiocodin
stop it buy antidol and extract
dostaniesz wrzodów żołądka albo zapalnia śluzówki od tego syfu
if you don't want to talk with anyone about it this anon >>14024634 has an idea which seems resonable

>> No.14024684

>every now and then

>> No.14024716

i have been eating thiocodin for almost a year, I guess I have to stop now, my stomach hurts from time to time
That anon has some nice ideas, time to do something with my life