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File: 481 KB, 800x800, shawl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14012883 No.14012883 [Reply] [Original]

what are these for? are they for winterwear only?

>> No.14012900

Shemaghs are worn in the summer and the winter

>> No.14012925

ISIS core and based as fuck

>> No.14012928

If you wear one you will look like a LARPerator

>> No.14013286


>> No.14013383
File: 1.99 MB, 320x240, thumbs up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, remember to always greet muslims with your right hand, waving or shaking their hand with your left hand is a great offense since you wipe your ass with your left hand.

Probably Sunni. Most terrorists are Sunni.

>inshallah ("God willing")
Say this a lot when agreeing with someone about positive stuff.
>A: "I hope my favourite cereal is half price at the store."
>B: "Inshallah."

>allahu ackbar ("God is the greatest")
'Takbir' is like the name of 'allahu ackbar', often used in call and response chants. If someone says 'takbir', you say 'allahu ackbar'

>al hamdu lillah ("praise be to God")
Say this where you'd say 'woohoo', 'awesome', or any other excited exclamation.

>as salaam alaikum ("peace to you")
>walaikum as salaam ("and peace to you")
'Hello', the first person says the first phrase, the second the second

Pretty sure this is the term for 'thank you'

Now go out there and blow 'em away with your knowledge!

>> No.14013444

I wipe my ass with my right hand though

>> No.14013454

Signaling antiZionist feels

>> No.14013458

I use them while hiking in winter and summer, they are very practical, but would never wear one in any other circumstance

>> No.14013989

i love this scarf, have several, but can never wear them

>> No.14014002

for rawr'ing at your crush

>> No.14014018

for /out/ they are pretty poor in winter because they take forever to dry if wet, great in summer though

they can work with certain outfits and I wear mine in winter as a scarf sometimes, it can look a little larp but the cotton softens up over time and the way the patten is stiched in gives it a waffled effect making older shemaghs supremely comfy

>> No.14014026

wear in winter only unless you want to look like johnny depp

>> No.14014237
File: 143 KB, 214x326, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rawr. I'm So RaNdOm <3333 ~nuzzles~ If I had a cookie to give to you, would you come to bed with me? ;3
>sMeXi BeAw ;)

>> No.14015172

just don't tell them

>> No.14015173
File: 376 KB, 640x1136, emo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it'll never be 2007 again

>> No.14015199

Neckwear like this and scarves for males are highly specialized. You shouldn't be wearing this outside of protecting you from freezing gusts that blow into your neck from speeding around on your scooter or motorcycle.

>> No.14015206

They are for your neck. They are not for winter wear if you live in a country that has cold winters. Don't wear them around people old enough to remember the 2000s.

>> No.14015213

Closet communist-core.

>> No.14015325

i wear them in winter only