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14011091 No.14011091 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone had any experiences with plastic surgery? I have a fairly weak chin so I'm thinking of getting that done, maybe as mandible surgery. I've heard Korea is a good place to get plastic surgery done, especially for the chin/jaw.

>> No.14011183

I had a medically necessary double jaw surgery about 15 months ago now to correct the fucked up jaws I was born with. I have a minor amount of permanent numbness on the left side of my lower lip and flossing my upper teeth hurts like hell. If I apply even the slightest amount of pressure to the right side of my face and try to open and close my mouth, my jaws don't move correctly and that also hurts like hell.

The plastic surgeon that did the operation was a woman. Interpret that however you want.

>> No.14011256

Get good plastic surgery and marry rich

>> No.14011258

>be me
>have an 8/10 jaw/chin
>not a 10/10
>I will always know it's not a 10
>am also wanting surgery
Tell me how it goes boss.

>> No.14011344

i got minor stuff done in korea before (tip plasty + small sliding genioplasty). it was an interesting experience, don't speak korean etc. but they are used to oversea people visiting now.

wouldn't be against to going again in the future for a lil tune up

the best candidates for plastic surgery are already those with a great foundation, with that being said might wanna lower your expectations to a 9. don't wanna overdo it and ruin everything

>> No.14011347

>Provides negative context
>Post about particular characteristic of surgeon

>Interpret that however you want
Stop being such a fucking pussy

>> No.14011453

I've been considering the same. I'm really neotenous because of developmental problems. Facial analysis stuff thinks I'm a girl. I don't mind being kind of androgynous, but I want sharper features than I have.
My understanding is Korea is best for azns, and they aren't as good with white faces.
This is more likely to just fuck you up than anything.

>> No.14011830

Keep the good news coming.
Isn't that a worthwhile risk? I'm an incredibly shallow person and I can recognise it is a fault of mine, but don't you too feel the overpowering need to look better than everyone else no matter what social situation you are in?
and don't YOU or ANYONE who is reading this feel less than dirt when it is apparent they aren't?
I feel its a necessary risk.

>> No.14011833

Yeah, you're a horrible candidate for plastic surgery. Almost nobody thinks that way, and the people who do and get surgery are the people who end up getting hundreds of procedures and barely looking human. You'll go from an 8/10 slayer to a 2/10 monster.

>> No.14011839

So only potentially fuck my self up and ill be unhappy with how I look... or stay the same and be unhappy with how I look?

>> No.14011840
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>> No.14011842

my nose is crooked and big. might fix that but its like 3,5k
besides that im alright

>> No.14011843
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>> No.14011869
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Gook here.

The difference between asian faces and white faces isn't biologically enough to make much of a difference. What does matter however, is the amount of bone you have to work with and the amount of leeway the location of the nerves in your jaw give you.

As a rule of thumb, it's easier and cheaper to take away than to add.

I'd recommend you go through with it only if your jaw is visibly/medically deformed. If you're just plain ugly, it's not going to do much.

>> No.14011890
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underrated surgery tb h

>> No.14011895

For what it's worth, the androboi/soft features thing is enough I've been mistaken for hapa at baseline. Not that common, I'm white-pale and have green eyes, but it's happened.
I don't actually like the chad shit like >>14011843, the guys I find interesting-looking and aspirational are the sadboi necklace-selfies type. yes i fuck art hoes how did you guess
My face isn't that far from them, so I guess I've got a shot.

>> No.14011897 [DELETED] 

>tfw nice chin
>also shitskin and manlet
Life isn't fucking fair. I also have a fucked up crooked nose I got from skateboarding that I hope to fix with cosmetic surgery.

>> No.14011899 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 1126x716, xeyby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.14012037

consider getting psychotherapy first

>> No.14012393

Just had my nose done 3 days ago I’m Japan. I got in a fight and broke my nose so it was medically necessary, but I’ve always had a crooked nose and they made it straighter than before the fight. It’s still swollen so I can’t see the final result yet but as of now I’m pretty happy.