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/fa/ - Fashion

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14011049 No.14011049 [Reply] [Original]

Why are metalheads so effortlessly attractive?

>> No.14011051

They aren't
That's just Varg

>> No.14011052

kek, maybe on the internet
but most metalheads are smelly greasy bad beard long hair guys that play at smash bros melee tournaments (marth)

>> No.14011053

Norwegians in general are attractive

>> No.14011056
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True to some extent but in general when I see metalheads around they tend to look very intimidating in a sexy way.

>> No.14011456

I laughed

>> No.14011480
File: 37 KB, 421x594, Quorthon4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quorthon was a strikingly handsome motherfucker. This is apparent when you compare him to his contemporaries such as Cronos of Venom

>> No.14012230

delete this

>> No.14012237
File: 57 KB, 656x437, alcest4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black metal is /fa/

>> No.14012263

Couldn't agree more.

>> No.14012314
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>> No.14012344

Ultimate daddy

>> No.14012371

marth main?

>> No.14012596

Spotted Swede.
Either way I support a swedish invasion of norway

>> No.14012598
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>> No.14012778


there are some metal heads that look cringe but the reason varg is so attractive is the fucking oozing confidence and extreme self belief
>spearheading a niche genre
>makes one man band so that he can fully express his work
>actually murders euronymous before he has a chance to kill him instead of making empty threats

>> No.14012812

holy crap

>> No.14012814
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>Why are metalheads so effortlessly attractive?

>> No.14012837

Me on the right

>> No.14012854
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>> No.14012860
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>> No.14012864
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>> No.14012960


>> No.14012978
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>> No.14012995

that's some serious interior inspo

>> No.14013003


>> No.14013036
File: 104 KB, 1080x855, romutus_sairaalloisenapahatfestarit (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think i'm attractive

also >>14011480
Quorthon, Varg and Steele are the expections

>> No.14013317
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>> No.14013336
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no homo

>> No.14013390

Which Varg fangirl tumblr did you get this from? Asking for a friend.

>> No.14013402

Google Images

>> No.14013408
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>> No.14013417
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>> No.14013459

Said no-one ever

>> No.14013515
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>> No.14013550
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>> No.14013553
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>> No.14013566
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>> No.14013570
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>> No.14013587

Based Jon

>> No.14013613

idk, i disagree. wouldn’t fuck a guy whose hair’s longer than mine. metalheads aren’t for everyone.

>> No.14013618

the pinnacle of attraction. i camed.

the only few that are actually attractive to me. must be how clean their hair look.

see, he just looks like an attractive young girl with model features who just happened to be unfortunate and start growing facial hair

>> No.14013620

tfw no longhaired bf so i can braid his hair

>> No.14013672

>the only few that are actually attractive to me. must be how clean their hair look.
honestly they are handsome in face too retard

>> No.14013766
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i dont know but it is a constant desu. i live near a concert venue and i get to see a lot of lookers

>> No.14013985
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>> No.14014001
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>> No.14014044

which HITB episode is this

>> No.14014280

God I wanna use this guys face as a chair

>> No.14014336
File: 27 KB, 250x413, 0FA5EE0E-B449-4F5D-BA6A-416CBAD1AACC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends what you mean by that.
>physically attractive
In concerns of 2nd wave black metal, Norwegians are just attractive
>fashion wise
Black metal fashion is effay because they are larping
>other subgenres and countries
It depends on the genre and country, but in general metalhead fashion is based because they're either trying too hard to the point of autism, and trying to achieve something based, like looking like a vampire. Or they aren't trying at all and just wear whatever they like. Not all metalheads are chad, but when they are they fucking are. Pic rel
(please don't ban it's art)

>> No.14014388
File: 162 KB, 1365x1365, FB_IMG_1547610168841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me when I was 18
Please r8

>> No.14014396
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As far as looks go, I'm still convinced Steele was the chaddest man who ever lived

>> No.14014402


>> No.14014441
File: 185 KB, 854x1280, IMG_7758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i look like varg, my only dream is to

>> No.14014499

This is true
Not really but you're kinda cute, I like your eyes

>> No.14014502

Duuuuude fucking slayer

>> No.14014590

ty f a m

>> No.14014681

why are zip up hoodies so ugly

>> No.14014684

you look like me if i was hot fuck you

>> No.14014717

Most aren't...tf you on about.

>> No.14014730


>> No.14014742

i didnt think i was hot until now

>> No.14014763

Going by the pictures in this thread everyone is larping as guy in a black band shirt with some regular pants and maybe some surplus combat boots. Not exactly viking core.

>> No.14014921


based and redpilled

>> No.14014976

most arent
its because those peple you are posting are good looking and have healthy hair so its that.

>> No.14014979

im a marth main and i can confirm lol
im not greasy tho im /fa/

>> No.14014999

Of course, that's with everything. You have ugly and beautiful people everywhere (being metalheads or not). The thing I like about them though is the attitude and the intimidating vibes I get from them... Everyone has their own taste.

>> No.14015010

i wouldn't say they are intimidating but their locks are beautiful, its always nice to gaze at healthy hair for a moment.

>> No.14015073
File: 48 KB, 800x800, a32025_s800b1b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly really surprised to see so many people saying positive things about metalhead fashion on this board. I knew for a long time that elements of black metal were interesting to a lot of people here but this sort of long hair, cargos, boots and band shirt or viking or whatever I never thought any of you would care about at all.

I've been a part of the local black metal scene where I live for years but I never once thought any of you would find the way a lot of these people typically dress as "good". I don't even know what to say I'm just surprised.

I guess I have noticed though that a lot of things 10 years ago which were considered "untouchable" by people outside these scenes have now become sort of an exotic fascination and there have also been musical projects that have blended genres and concepts like Ghostemane and Bones, bringing more interest into this sort of thing maybe.

>> No.14015079

Fuck Metal!
Rock is the only genre of music that matters.

>> No.14015083

Go home Jack Black.

>> No.14015089

Jack black sucks liberal dick and is a fucking greasy metalhead himself.

>> No.14015090

That's actually very nice that you were part of the scene before the whole new age rap guys started to use elements of black metal in their music and looks. I personally like the simplicity of the looks (band shirt, black pants and boots) and the efficiency of it. Long hair and a beard can also complement the look! And in the end everyone stares at you, and wish they could pull such a simple but at the same time intimidating and "mysterious" aesthetic.

>> No.14015092

stop drinking so much white monster pls

>> No.14015102

Fuck off!
I only drink fucking sugerfree RedBull.

>> No.14015114

Black metal is effay in large part due to the guys being Swedish. They can dress themselves black as midnight and look as intimidating as they can but underneath it all they're really cute Swedes with good hair and nice facial aesthetics.

>> No.14015149

Jack Black acts like he's into metal but he's actually into very very soft rock/metal
Even Jim Carrey is into more brutal stuff

>> No.14015165

never heard of Tenacious D ?

>> No.14015218
File: 44 KB, 720x960, 50035179_291414824887895_2045398657695481856_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly am thankful that some sound cloud rappers and streetwear designers adopted some black metal aesthetics. It brought new interest and innovation into the genre and got me more interested into hip-hop and rap. The "Trve" Black Metal scene is extremely insular. I'm hoping that as more time passes my friends will socialize themselves better and I think more "normal" people taking interest in Black Metal will be a part of that process.

When it comes to the "traditional" look. I'm not even sure if it is really about fashion as it is about tribal signalling. Most guys I know in the scene don't know anything about fashion. The boots, denim and leather really are a sort of armor as sometimes these shows get rough and fights have broken out on more than one occasion for this reason or that reason.

Pic related is my old battlejacket before I lost weight.

I don't know I always thought most of those Swedes looked kind of lanky.

>> No.14015563

Fuck you

>> No.14015576

Metalheads are the epitome of cringe

>> No.14015657
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My man

>> No.14015696

About a month ago this metalhead dude came into my job and all the girls on staff spent 15 minutes discreatly oggling him because he was so handsome.

He was a manlet but his gorgeous hair really made up for it. I'm sad he hasn't been back in since.

>> No.14015705

the face is key. good hair compliments a good face. thats why a lot of models grow their hair long and because of versatility of looks with long hair.

long hair can mimic short hair if you tie it and truck it or if you bun it you got the bun look.

long hair is cool but also has its downsides like everything. you need to take care of it like a girl does, its important. otherwise it will be greasy like Varg in that picture his face carries his greasiness there thats by far not his best look. He looks better in album promo pictures since he is styleized.

>> No.14015765

tenacious D is cool but it's barely metal.
metal is mostly about violent music and tenacious D isn't

>> No.14015771

yeah dude violence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrQyPHzzfCA

>> No.14015777

Is this a fucking joke

>> No.14015779

I recently cut my very long hair, some girls liked it and some hated it.
It's really about face and confidence
I have mixed long and short hair with metal and casual clothes, and whats works the best is clean shaven and half starved so my chin an jaw look like it's made of stone
(btw they like long hair but don't want to date guys with long hair)

>> No.14015783
File: 75 KB, 597x302, carach-angren-2012-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lads from carach angren have some really nice well kept hair

>> No.14015792

its because it turns out the world inst like incels say... people like a variety of things.

just like there are men who prefer tits over asses or petite frames over thicc mommas, etc. or short haired girls over long haired ones. There are mainstreams sure but its not bad to be a niche, specially if you like it. Thats what bieng /fa/ is about, you defining yourself not others defining what you should be. If its liked cool, if not its cool too.

>> No.14015794

Ok we don't listen to the same metal obviously, there are so many different bands
But my point is to not consider Jack Black as a metalhead

>> No.14015798

he is a fucking actor ffs why did this even became a topic of discussion? who cares he is a comedian hahahahahaa so funny! wow.

>> No.14015807

They also suck a mean dick

>> No.14015810
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I think Nergal has reached peak metal aesthetics

>> No.14015822
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I wouldn't know, i just like their soft hair

>> No.14015832
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Fleshgod Apocalypse steal your gf

>> No.14015838
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Angel Vivaldi is the /fa/ggest

>> No.14015855
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>> No.14015868

paska neekeri :D

>> No.14015889

white people all look the same

>> No.14015908
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>> No.14016236

What a beautiful vampire sex god

>> No.14016246

This thread is filled with jealous hairlets who can't compete with the absolute nord gods that are longhaired metalheads

>> No.14016251

I'd become a male rapunzelf if I didn't live in a hot tropical hellhole

>> No.14016255

Hair can be tied up though. Women live with it, so can you.

>> No.14016261
File: 35 KB, 480x600, manbun1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But until it becomes long enough to look good I'd be stuck with a hipster manbun

>> No.14016269

I have lived in the fucking desert or desertish plateaus and this is no excuse. what a bitch ass.

>> No.14016284

Literally what... There are other ways to tie your hair, just admit you're too much of a pussy and can't grow your hair out

>> No.14016319
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Modern metal musicians look mostly shit, most of them are manufactured, but there's something about this dude

>> No.14016448

You know you can just not make it a bun right?

>> No.14016470
File: 134 KB, 400x252, 7d2aa097-0bc5-464e-8a21-a8da4d5c8252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me a rundown on the history of black metal face paint and why of all the ways to hide or paint your face, distort it, make it spooky, this formula has caught on? I really don't get the significance of it aside from "everyone else is doing it".

>> No.14016526
File: 123 KB, 650x867, EarlySepultura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First wave black metal/early thrash metal has some of the best aesthetics IMO.
Started with Mercyful Fate, Celtic Frost, and Sarcofago, which heavily influenced the black metal genre(Though it was done earlier by Alice Cooper among others)

>> No.14016531
File: 231 KB, 928x960, Destruction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't get away with wearing a lot of this stuff in public however.

>> No.14016543
File: 340 KB, 1349x1000, Hellhammer(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related would be acceptable to pull off in public, however. Just swap the bullet belts with a regular studded belt or something

>> No.14016584

nah man trashers are... that... trash. the 80s sucked.

>> No.14016630

Yeah I get that it's got a history to it but I guess the question is... Is that all? Just group behaviour of trying to fit in with what everyone else is doing? I understand long hair for example or using runes has lots of connotations and meaning outside everyone else doing it. The corpse paint just doesn't strike anything culturally with me. I guess day of the dead but that's hardly intentional.

>> No.14016655


>> No.14016697

In the early days it was about looking evil and intimidating soccer moms but now its just cliche IMO. Dead from Mayhem wore his because he had Cotard Delusion(He genuinely believed he was dead and rotting) but otherwise its always been about imitating the forerunners and looking "evil".
I'm gonna have to disagree with you there, but you have the right to your preferences.

>> No.14016788

you forgot to say no homo

>> No.14016815

He was way hotter younger, now he's kinda meh

>> No.14016824
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When done right it makes a really strong impression in black and white high-contrast photos. I think it manages to trigger the brain's receptor for recognizing the most primitive, basic and most ancient sort of evil really well.

Also while maybe sometimes looking goofy in band photos, when you are at a show at night with just the right atmosphere and blood alcohol level and perhaps even some hallucinogens in your system if you're brave enough, it becomes more than just a show. It's a ritual and it's real. It just wouldn't be the same without the corpse paint.

>> No.14016848

w2c '90s black metal black skinny jeans?

>> No.14016885

You totally could minus the bullet belts. You'd also have to be doing something cool. Like skating, thrashing or running away from cops. You walk into a bank to make a deposit dressed like that and you'll be laughed at for being a faggot.

>> No.14016889

The Adicts started it back in 1975.

>> No.14017612
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Who's cute?

>> No.14017710

The slim fit sonic Cheap Monday jeans I got fill the niche.

>> No.14017907
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True af

>> No.14017922

> 9/10 Varg Vikernes

Because metalheads have shaved or long hair that's usually complimented with a short or hardcore beard.
It make them either look manly af or like a wanna-be fem if done incorrectly.

>> No.14017943

Get a proper leather jacket and some boots and you'll be 9/10

>> No.14018708

Desert - dry heat
Tropics - humid heat
Big difference, especially when it comes to keeping hair looking good.
Not even that guy, just giving my two cents as a former longmane.