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14007722 No.14007722 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14007770

dur hur twavis scott and drake

>> No.14007773

Ar-Raqqah is /fa/ as fuck

>> No.14007775
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>> No.14007784

Is that another well known Houston figure?

>> No.14007786

Houston??? Fuck off

>> No.14007802

Minneapolis is pretty hip

>> No.14007806

It’s definitely a European city, likely somewhere wealthy, not east of Germany or Austria. But ideally with as little hooka smoking sand niggers as possible.

>> No.14007811

I love Houston and all but this place is overall not very /fa/ at all. Cezanne's and the Black Lab are pretty great, though.

>> No.14007835

Is it the humidity, the scalding hot sun, the highways, the traffic, the potholes, the obese 56%-ers with room-temperature iq's, the upper-middleclass teens from the Woodlands larping as Latin Quarter bohemians, the blacks talking to themselves loudly on the street corner, while twitching?

No, it's that all these things set the bar so low that all you have to do is be white and not-fat, and people will look at you like a model.

Houston is a dystopian hell blueprint for the future of American urbanism.

>> No.14007853

We get it, you're from Dallas.

>> No.14007855

totes williamsburg

>> No.14007865
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>> No.14007866

Nope. Dallas whites do come down here and act like total white trash snobs, though. My first social scene I got really into was the Montrose and warehouse rave scene, in the early 2010's. They're trash. I'd say there's this weird thing in the demographics of Texas and Louisiana to a lesser extend (and the rest of the south?) where whites are de facto middle to upper middle class but got lifted out of rural poverty in a very new money way, and are basically trailer trash promoted beyond their station. McMansions, etc.

>> No.14007870

I just want to get hte hell out of Dodge to the PNW, where I'll never have to see direct sunlight or non-white hordes ever again. Nothing but pines, hills and hipster qt's.

>> No.14007894

Nice rose colored glasses

>> No.14007898

>anywhere in america

>> No.14007909

Hipsters and ethnonationalism don’t mix. Please don’t dislike nonwhites.

>> No.14007922
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probably, hong kong

>> No.14007926


>> No.14007938

t. non inner looper

For real Houston’s got it all without the trust fund destination address like the east or west coast (yet). Lots and lots of art, the most diverse city in the country and it’s all driven by MONEY MONEY MONEY. from oil rich Arabs to old money river oaks people to rich gays from elsewhere in Tx. A surprising amount of European architecture and luxury brands combined with space age technology in public spaces (were the home of NASA and the biggest medical center on the planet) Every different scene you can think of and loads of hidden decadence, all with little to no blight but yet still without all the manufactured arthoe culture of NYc It’s the closest city to European in culture and vibe west of the east coast

>> No.14007983

Had to be Europe. A random Northern Italy city like Bologna is more /fa/ than all the American cities combined. The usa excels at being out and freedom. Go elsewhere for fa city life

>> No.14008007

>Anywhere in the south

>> No.14008013
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i preffer a more classical style desu, something like Segovia or Zaragoza

>> No.14008286

Money doesn’t make a city cool. In fact it’s usually the opposite.
>It’s the closest city to European in culture and vibe west of the east coast
Horseshit. New Orleans, Eureka Springs, Solvang, San Fran, etc. fit that bill much better. You’ve never been to Europe. In Houston you pretty much need a car to live there, this is an almost automatic disqualifier.

>> No.14008304
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>not a small comfy European town

>> No.14008307

Zaragoza is ugly as fuck except for some parts of the old town. Beautiful cathedral, though.
You literally picked one of the ugliest cities in the country.

>> No.14008336

Melbourne, Berlin, Copenhagen, parts of Tokyo

>> No.14008346

The best places to live are small towns or neighboorhoods that are reasonably distant to fashion capitals

>> No.14008357


>> No.14008710

is Toronto /fa/? I'd like to say it is but I'm conflicted

>> No.14008715

Only cities that matter are Tokyo, New York, Paris, Copenhagen, and Milan.
All others are irrelevant.
Boston is pretty cozy though.

>> No.14008734
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>mfw born and raised houstonain

>thinking houston is fashionable

love the houston shoutout tho. it can't be fashionable tho due it's weather. on average there are over 90 days over 90 degrees.

>> No.14008746

You just have to accept that you're not going to get to layer much and your sweaters and outerwear won't get very much use. I wear lots of linen and lightweight chinos and stuff like that.

>> No.14008758

Not sure how Milan or Paris are relevant, both are disgusting places overran with Africans. Copenhagen being relevant is a big lol

>> No.14008767

It's just another hick filled shit hole, America is probably the least /fa/ place on earth

>> No.14008791

hear they have a good street fashion scene

>> No.14008796

The most effay city is Venice or mayhaps Rome.

Sorry, but cities in Italy are beyond everywhere else.

>> No.14008797

Montrose is the best part of Houston
Nah you can ride your bike everywhere. Source: lived there

>> No.14008803

You people with your rose tinted views of beautiful Rome and a romantic gondola ride through Venice are cute, Italy is an African ghetto now, it has really turned to shit

>> No.14008806

Houston is a trash cesspool when it comes to fashion. I have never seen anyone dress well here. The closest semblance to anything /fa/ comes from the employees at the vintage shops in montrose.

I've been in gay scenes, straight scenes, you name it in my two years living here. I will go to clubs like numbers and only see two people who are close to well dressed, and compared to New York they are essentially starter level.

The only good thrift stores are the value villages on northside and the heights. All of the vintage is picked through. >>14007835 says that there are teen bohemian larpers here, but the only thing I see on them is urban outfitters and UNIF. The best dressed here look like they came out of an instagram 'niche meme' account.

The people who work downtown have this attitude that is unwarranted for working in such a shitty environment. They see Houston as the big city, and that the suburbs are lesser than them. How about neither are good at all? You can live your entire life here and never blink an eye, just whisk it away down the San Jacinto river telling yourself that you're happy here with your low rent and decent wagecuck job.

I have met some decent individuals but most come off as lame, complacent, dumb, and uninspired individuals. I can not relate to the attitude of people here and I think that if you do it's a sign you need to get out of the coping circlejerk that is Houston.

I am very much glad I moved back to northern Italy in 2017, away from miles of uninspired townhomes (that were built upon the decent 1900s ranch homes), away from the soulless millennial-zoomer poke and tex mex food establishments, and gone from the stares of the young Houston moms and fags who thought American Apparel was the "best store ever". Your culture is disgusting and you look gross.

Have fun when you're going outside and pretending like you're not sweating you fucking retards!!

>> No.14008828

You can ride your bike most places if you're determined enough and the cycling infrastructure keeps improving, but you still have a pretty good chance of getting flattened by a lifted pickup.

I was going to tell you that you have to go back, but I'm glad you already did.

>> No.14008841
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>transplant hate meme
All of you fuckers are transplants. I couldn't name a single person I met who had all their grandparents be from Houston. The city is way too new to even have an identity, and it doesn't. It's just people floating by, everyone's lives just float by without ever realizing it happened.

>> No.14008852

>the most diverse city in the country
How is this a positive? Yeah I really like having BLM blocking the freeway and mexicans without car insurance wrecking the place up.
This. I lived in Houston for 24 years, and that was 24 years too many. The city keeps getting worse too with time, so living there is a losing proposition.

>> No.14008862

> I couldn't name a single person I met who had all their grandparents be from Houston.
No shit if all you do is hang around faggots. We were still lynching homos until the 90s so it makes sense everyone one of your kind would be a transplant. Glad you left and I hope you take the rest of your kind with you.

>> No.14008874
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>everyone one of your kind
Gtfo it's true for everyone retard.
The suburbs just keep moving further out and the mixed use apartments keep getting uglier.

>> No.14008907
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>DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favorite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.14008910

>using soijaks

>> No.14008934

it's Paul wall

>> No.14008981

you really missed the good shit in the early 00's my friend
bad news, there's plenty of sunlight in the PNW. our winter has been dry, warm and sunny. the suicide rate is nonexistant and desu, it won't go back to the way it was. also, hipster qt's? most of it is filled with garbage californians so uh, good luck with your dream of 2009

>> No.14008983


>> No.14008984

i like the fallout aesthetic

>> No.14009054

>defending any rural area whatsoever
for shame anon

>> No.14009069

I need to vent my angst, please bear with it

I fucking hate living in the Pomona California area. Ghetto, hot, expensive cost of living, car dependent, has draconian gun laws, hopelessly impoverished and socially destitute. I can't wait to make it out of here this year. Those shitting on Houston haven't got a clue. The Inland Empire is like Houston with its sprawl and social ills without the low cost of living and high paying jobs

>> No.14009093

it's undeniably London pretty much every relevant young designer is London based
pretty shit city to live in and definitely could do with a bit of a clean if you get me

>> No.14009101
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i just want to move somewhere with interesting architecture, beautiful nature, a small downtown area and economy, and friendly people. i get so fucking jealous looking at old photos of san francisco, we had everything but everybody decided to build more shit.

>> No.14009114

DayZ lol

>> No.14009116

Sounds like you are on the wrong continent

>> No.14009119

unironically, what are the best cities to live in for a recent college grad? im studying to become an IT security specialist and plan on kinda going wherever the wind takes me to find good employment when i graduate. 2 cities im looking at are seattle and austin (i know those are both meme cities but shut up they seem comfy and full of opportunity)

>> No.14009120

i know damn well i'm on the wrong continent, thinking about new zealand or norway but intimidated by going through the citizenship stuff.

>> No.14009123

(US cities, i should have specified. im potentially willing to go international to an at least partially english-speaking country)

>> No.14009126

Maybe if you are some generic faggot with chinos and boots.

If you do anything actually interesting then it's a pretty shit city.

>> No.14009133

Grew up in Garland and lived in Houston for a quick minute. It was still 45 seconds too long. I'm in Turin, where did you end up?

>> No.14009173

There are things between massive cities and rural towns.

>> No.14009214
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New Orleans most fa

>> No.14009274
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Outside the rich inner city areas of London, 90 % of London under 30 dress like this, even In conservative voting white suburbs like Bromley

>> No.14009277

If you have any grandparents born in Ireland or Italy you can get birthright citizenship from them and live basically anywhere in the EU

>> No.14009290

Looks like Saint Denis to me.

>> No.14009310
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>There are things between massive cities and rural towns.
dull, never-ending, featureless suburbia?

>> No.14009313

It's orleans trust me

>> No.14009316

the underclasses and normies in every city dress like shit
doesn't change the fact that London is the most important city in fashion right now

>> No.14009403

>mutt city
>ever being effay
maybe nyc or new orleans in some way but the rest? naaah

>> No.14009500

Literally none of that is bad, learn to have fun loser

>> No.14009504

Where're you thinking of moving? Up north?

>> No.14009509

New Zealand is lovely, Australia is nice if you don't mind the warmer climate, and any Scandinavian country is basically ideal for those descriptors. As long as you aren't a gun junkie.

>> No.14009560

>mutt nigger thinks he can just come to scandinavia
oh no no no

>> No.14009648

oh, i meant santiago not zaragoza, my bad
pic is santiago

>> No.14009676

Check your autism, bud.

>> No.14011040
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Definitely Copenhagen

>> No.14011041

may b Munich

>> No.14011068

True. Most of Northern Spain is beautiful.

>> No.14011402


>> No.14011424

Fucking lol if you aren’t trolling.

Sorry you’re trying to compensate for not being able to move out of there.

>> No.14011429

Imagine actually forming your worldview from infowars without any real world life experience

>> No.14011432

You can’t. Outside of a couple small neighborhoods, Houston is just a large strip mall. It’s not FA or relevant at all

>> No.14011437

Keep trying to compensate for your shitty life. It’s gonna work out really well for you.

>> No.14011462

Seattle has more opportunity to advance in the work place. Most of my friends who stayed in Austin after college kinda just froze and stopped developing in their careers or life. It’s really common there and contagious.
It’s a cool town though, but probably filled with ageing hipsters more than anywhere else in the US (sans Portland).
I’d also check out Denver for a similar vibe.

>> No.14011476

>outside a metropolitan area, commuter rail, bus service, etc.
>not even fully isolated in tranquil countryside
heaven on earth, as they say

>> No.14011486

Correct. These threads are full of superiority complexes because they’ll never make it out of the mediocre towns they grew up in.

>> No.14011488

Look everywhere, and take the best job, wherever that takes you. Work it for 1-3 years then move somewhere else you actually want to go to. Entry level applying is hell

>> No.14011498

I’m in San Antonio. Rate me faggots.

>> No.14011504

Where I was born, Philly

>> No.14011532

we don't want you bud

>> No.14011561
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Based and sprawlpilled

>> No.14011564

I live in midtown. It's not effay in the slightest and I can't wait to move away.

>> No.14011578

Triple dubs checked.

To what extent has Houston recovered from Harvey?

>> No.14011639

That's because midtown sucks except for the Vietnamese food. It's a trap for yuppies who don't make enough to live in Montrose, and the bar scene which was the only thing going for it has been dead for years.

It was just a little rain, it happens pretty often. Most people got water up to their doorstep for a few nights and then things were pretty much back to normal after a couple of weeks. Some people got their shit flooded and it took like 6 months to a year at worst for most of those people to dry out and rebuild their houses.

>> No.14011681

Can’t speak for Rome, but Venice is full of packs of niggers that follow you around trying to sell you shit and fat americanos. It’s also a fucking swamp weatherwise in the summer.

>> No.14011683

>these seething non-white redditer bugmen replying

>> No.14011685 [DELETED] 

I’m from Penrith and I got dinner from that Red Rooster two nights ago.

>> No.14011782

you can get guns easy in all of those countries except Australia
that being said if I lived in any Nordic country I'd probably end up using that gun on myself

>> No.14011792

I feel so bad for SF honestly, my dad's great-grandmother used to tell him stories about it before the earthquake. The loss of Nob Hill alone set California back probably like 70 years in terms of charitable infrastructure,

>> No.14011816

SF has literal piles of rigs and shit in the streets...the entire population are either gay, mentally ill men who think they are qomen, and blue hair dikes.

>> No.14012134


>> No.14012274


>> No.14012278

Montrose ain’t that cool my man. But have fun larping like you’re living in the big city.

>> No.14012280

>unironically using bugmen in a sentence.

Sorry about your life anon :(

>> No.14012289

>tourists can't bike everywhere but the locals can
Must be the Tokyo Effect

>> No.14012573

fuck off we're full

>> No.14012614

You’re not special and you’re town isn’t made just for you. If someone can come and push you out, it’s your fault for being that easily replaceable.

>> No.14013169

You can bike everywhere if you don't mind arriving at your destination soaked with sweat, your clothes saturated with sweat, and sweat dripping off of you.

>t. Houstonian who lived without a car many years

It's just not a great option if you have a non-kitchen, non-retail job. I know BO isn't a real concern if you've showered recently, but unfortunately WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY where being drenched in sweat is somewhat of a faux pas.

>> No.14013184

Fuck off pepo