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File: 26 KB, 480x320, vetements-x-reebok-genetically-modified-pump-02-480x320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14004162 No.14004162 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make shoes look dusty without wearing them into the ground? I want to recreate this affect on a pair of all white shoes but I dont want to actually wear them. any one have any ideas?

>> No.14004168
File: 84 KB, 600x600, 11928018-1224635420723726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ive seen a lot of brands do it so it cant be that complicated? are they just getting some kind of gray dust like metal shavings and just throwing them against it?

>> No.14004172

Looks like there are maybe wiping it with another material with excess black dye

>> No.14004179
File: 121 KB, 1120x630, 00-social-tout-gucci-sneakers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ohh kinda like how raw denim bleeds on shoes maybe? I would imagine you would need some dark asf dye though because most of the time the ones you get at the store are really just dark purple

>> No.14004190

Looks like misted spray paint to me, take a can of spray paint and spray it far away from the shoe/

>> No.14004294

take a walk on a road on a hot summer day. dust especially brake dust will deliver the effect

>> No.14004315

just wear them out in urban areas exclusively, seattlefag here & walking around in dusty spots/gravel can give your desired effect, dont wear them in mud or dirt tho
speaking from experience

>> No.14004397


>> No.14004404
File: 120 KB, 1120x630, social-vetements-dirty-sneaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


brake dust is carbon which is pretty much what pencils are made out of. I think im going to try and grind up some pencil lead and kinda just toss it on and see what happens

>> No.14004408

why dont you want to just wear them exactly?

>> No.14004429


i dont want to destroy the shoes. most of the time to get them to look that dirty you have to wear them at concerts and shit and they will actually get holes and nasty stains on them. I want them to look more like dust from the moon

>> No.14004447

Probably aluminum dust could do the trick. I work in manufacturing and my boots have this all over them as well as my work clothes. The shit doesn't come out with a regular wash even.

>> No.14004449

I've been interested in this style of distressing as well, please post results.

>> No.14004900

No, they tumble them with some shit that colours them. Probably something carbon based.

>> No.14005264

Throwing carbon or simply dirt until they look like you want is your best bet but I'm afraid it won't look very natural as it will be pristine leather with some dark spots

>> No.14005661

Just actually wear them you fucking autists. What the hell is a shoe good for if you're not gonna use them anyway?

>> No.14005675

Go to a janitors closet at uni or a shop and look for a stick with a tennis ball on the end. You’re going to want to steal that ball, they use them to rub those black skid marks from mongoloid foot draggers off the floor. Rub the ball on your shoes and you’ll get a similar effect.

>> No.14006197

these are my grail sneakers, but i dont know if i will ever be able to commit to that price.

>> No.14006211

Leather dye and sponge use some fast and random swipe motions

>> No.14006340

this. unironically only shitciaga i want

>> No.14006928

Can only hope they'll drop eventually. Every other Vetements sneaker has.

>> No.14006955

Charcoal works for this but use sparingly

>> No.14006962

Get charcoal on your hands and just rub your hands around the shoe

>> No.14006966

>dust from the moon

>> No.14008364

You can buy charcoal and graphite powder at art stores.

>> No.14009171

Which highschool do you attend, neighbor?