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13997527 No.13997527 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13997555

love seeing *nglos and g*rmanics shocked when they travel to eastern and southern europe and realising they're shit doesn't fly there

>> No.13997953

What a piece of dogshit this article is.

>Sometimes, alphanumeric sequences of numbers and letters stand in for racist or nationalist phrases. ("2YT4U," for example, means "too white for you.") Other coding deliberately plays on what's called the "gray zone," offering plausible deniability to law enforcement, teachers, parents and other authorities. Thus, a purple T-shirt that says, in big white block letters, "MY FAVORITE COLOR IS WHITE," could be read as a white supremacist message or as a humorous play on the color of the shirt.

>> No.13998099
File: 135 KB, 800x850, 1545172602044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Other Eastern European and Russian brands widely adopt runic and Viking symbols, which appeal to German far-right groups who believe Germanic tribes descended from Nordic tribes whose origins were Aryan.

But the Germanic peoples did migrate from Scandinavia some time after the last ice age and settled in what is now northern Germany and Poland. And these Nordic/Germanic tribes were descendants from the Aryans (indo-europeans). This is obvious when looking at the languages, symbols, statues and carvings all the way from Scandinavia through modern day Iran, Afghanistan and India.
Why? This has been the consensus for historians and archaeologists for ages.

What is with this trying to rewrite history bullshit? If people want to use Norse symbols on their clothes let them ffs. If someone wants to LARP as a Viking why is that a problem? It doesn't mean they're a Nazi but more like a retard. Jesus Christ the world we are living in.
I bet the people who write this shit check their bed for white supremacists before they go to sleep.

>> No.13998113

>muh historical reasons
It's really no secret that a lot of nordic symbolism was used by the nazis and is used by right wingers since it represents the white ideal.

>> No.13998212

So what? Nazis used Roman symbols as well. Should we can those as well?

>> No.13998220

I'm not advocating any symbols should be canned but if you walk around in a t-shirt full of Nordic symbols you don't have to pretend you do so because of some vague historical reason about indo-European migration.

>> No.13998275

What if you're Norwegian?

>> No.13998339
File: 37 KB, 600x545, UT8EW9zXohbXXagOFbXY[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not from there but I highly doubt people won't think you're some fringe right winger for wearing a 'heritage' shirt like this.

>> No.13998403

>represent your heritage
>get called a nazi
I wasn't talking about literal nazi apparel, you disgusting scum

>> No.13998404
File: 388 KB, 2000x1333, 180202-norway-olympic-team-neo-nazi-signs-index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic because Americans make me fucking livid with their bullshit. Leave my history alone, I don't care that some germanigger used it for whatever reason.

>> No.13998428

The link you posted in the OP is about actual nazi apparel, mouthbreathing faggot. It absolutely does not refer to some cute wool sweaters with reindeers and snowflakes on them.

>> No.13998435

that sweater was called racist and nazi in the media, Norway used then for the olympics.

>> No.13998455


>tfw no comfy aryan waifu to cross country ski with

When does the suffering end?

>> No.13998621

When Europe is pure

>> No.13998629

Wool sweater with reindeer and snowflakes? I'm not the anon you were talking to earlier but I must agree that you are completely retarded. One of the Norse runes on that sweated is the "Tyr" rune. The same one used by The Nordic Resistance Movement or whatever they call themselves in English. "Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen" in Swedish. A Swedish court recently ruled that the rune should not be banned, which came as quite a shock for me. So yeah those are the very same runes that faggot Nazis use now that their swastika is banned. And yes those same runes were used by Germans 80 years ago in a war so why the fuck should we Nords not be allowed to use symbols and letters that our ancestors have used for thousands of years. Fucking retard.

>> No.13998717
File: 280 KB, 937x719, 1448301847001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13998736


>> No.13998745

>In my interviews with 51 youth in and around far-right scenes in Germany (all of whom were apprentices in construction trades)
>(all of whom were apprentices in construction trades)
got to wonder why the author felt the need to include this bit

>> No.13998754
File: 59 KB, 750x585, DrHtZIMV4AAW6Jt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t shirt with a nationalist slogan on usually belongs to a nationalist person
hey cnn guess what
im gonna say the n-word

>> No.13998767

>all of whom weren't studying gender equality or her-story, fucking brainlet scum
based cnn

>> No.13998978

these girls actually look sexy enough, it's the background that's the worst part.

>> No.13999121

based construction workers

>> No.13999304

Because it's an interesting tidbit integral to the article.

>> No.13999324

no because she wanted to portray right wing people as uneducated poor people who know no better than to hate
don't you know having blind morality is symbolic of the upper, educated classes who will actually amount to something anon?

dont tell me you're some kind of immigrant hating builder instead of being a bourgeois champagne socialist with a degree who has soft hands and makes 6 figures giving lectures about james joyce's fart letters

>> No.13999402

>Provides no examples other than one literally who brand from Poopland

Mainstream media is worse than buzzfeed at this point in its clickbaity-ness