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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 239 KB, 1368x1400, 4FFF03CB-599A-4EEE-B29F-0EB66D4B818C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13997013 No.13997013 [Reply] [Original]

/Huckleberry for bessed dressed 2019 edition/

>> No.13997021

He dresses ok but his body language says volumes. He just looks like a low confidence introvert who doesn't talk to women and is only confident when the camera is on. His fits are decent but he just wouldn't be the coolest guy in the room, even in the IT club. Also manlet.

>> No.13997028

How dare you

>> No.13997031

where's your jaw
please stop posting you dumb faggot

>> No.13997035

I lost it in your moms pisser hole

>> No.13997201
File: 29 KB, 446x357, just stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your fits but it is obvious you're very self-absorbed and hogging the board a bit too much. How about logging off and not using a camera for a week or two and go outside a bit? It would do everyone some good.

>> No.13997233

sorry the 6'4 korean anon takes it

>> No.13997330

How old are you? How tall are you? Where do you live? What's your SSN? qt;)

>> No.13997352

25, 5’ 11

>> No.13997376

yo this nigga Huckleberry out here doxxing himself lmaooooooo

>> No.13997468

Whats your phone number

>> No.13997558

this is what happens when you are mentally disordered and become overly fixated on some online persona. let alone a persona that you are literally imposing into existing against the culture of an anonymous message board. the option to even use trips or namefags is truly the rope

it's like they are super imposing their own delusion of self into this sea of anonymity

>> No.13997876

That’s what it’s like to exist and go outside

>> No.13997906

What did he mean by this?

>> No.13997924

why did u make froggo stop posting

>> No.13997954

It actually just clicked for me. not even joking but this poster is Satan. Satan incarnate. I've seen this before. The Devil shows Himself in the strangest ways

>> No.13997967

Me or Huck?

>> No.13997970

He’s obviously talking about you, dummy

>> No.13997971


>> No.13997982

Shit, I've been called a lot of things before but Satan is not one of them. When do I get my devil powers?

>> No.13998352

Nothing fits together. you look better when you larp as a cowboy. aslo you look like shit with that mullet

>> No.13998376
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>> No.13998381

crop your face out of your photos. you're a goofy looking motherfucker

>> No.13998624

If this is true I love huck even more now

>> No.13999371

I meant to make this a waywt and I forgot to put it in the post.

>> No.13999420

‘Best dressed’ is not really hard to be on this board. Huck isnt it but post ONE good poster from waywt it can’t be done.

>> No.13999422


>> No.13999633
File: 831 KB, 2200x2732, 1545432668213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree there arent many good posters but the thread idea itself is pretty juvenile so what do you expect. that being said pic rel is almost always on point. maybe not quite as adventurous as could be but for /fa/ standards he is a standout

>> No.13999641

post more fits huck

>> No.13999688

Uhhhhhhhhhh okay gimme in a minute

>> No.13999698

huck what lessons, if any, have you learned from posting on this board for a few years? you seem set in your ways and not that attractive to boot so im curious what you get from this

>> No.13999705


>> No.13999717
File: 339 KB, 1400x1400, E8695F69-5A7B-4E9D-A9AA-77452011E779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only nerds and fags care about brands. Just do what you like. Sometimes you miss the mark but for the most part you can see what doesn’t look right. I post for a laugh because sometimes y’all spurg out and sometimes the pretty girl calls me cute.

But mostly I like to make content. I like to create and throw it to the ether and watch the fire burn. It’s what I do.

>> No.13999722

>actually believing a chink could be that tall

>> No.13999725

Are you unable to shut your mouth fully?
Are you that much of a mouthbreather?

>> No.13999730


Why do you look like Jerry Seinfeld. Also are you a virgin?

>> No.13999732

ok. what is your life like though off the internet?

>> No.13999734

Yeah. I am. When I was a kid my dad would drive me home drunk with one eye and his mouth open. I idolized him even then and just did as he did. My brother breathes through his mouth and he’s way more handsome.

It’s the reason why I smile too much but the mistake was made and now I gotta live with.

>> No.13999747
File: 3.36 MB, 2048x2048, DA9CD1D3-BF9D-4A97-94EF-51E4CABBAE49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I’m Spanish and polish so that makes a very Jewish profile. Jerry is a long faced funny guy so it was easy to adapt to break the ice with normies. I get
Jerry Seinfeld
Napoleon dynamite
Adam Sandler
Billy Joel
Cole mohr once (I couldn’t stop laughing about it)
Tim lincicum
And john frances Daley
I lost my virginity at 15 to a girl in a drainage ditch
Wholesome. Peppered with cocain and alcoholism. I like to dance, my latest story was dancing at this club they play 80s music at every Saturday, I was drunk from the office party at the painting company I work for. I got so drunk that I had to dance to sober up and I danced with this girl to closing time. I led her to the street and found out she did speak English. My Spanish isn’t great but I sealed the deal vato. Shouts out to google translation. Nessicito tu voca Bonita

>> No.13999768

what is your end game?

>> No.13999769

Your face makes me want to physically assault you. I have a feeling that's a common sentiment expressed towards you.

>> No.13999805

To die? It’s a funnel to death ain’t it? We just get a box or a fire at the end. Experience what you can. That’s what it’s all for. Why live?
How would you know what chocolate taste like?

Idk. Life’s funny

I used to get in a lot of fights in high school. I would kick the shit out of people and they would call me a pussy. People box here but a fight is a fight. I got my nose broken once

>> No.13999822
File: 39 KB, 453x576, 0039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you larping on 4channel.gov/r/fa/ of all places

>> No.13999826

I hope this thread is better for your mental health than it looks from the outside

>> No.13999832

Remember that time you fell for a huge frogo bait from a random anon and told them you loved them?

it makes sense now that I see what you look like but fuck what a thread

>> No.13999837

I’m just hAvin a laugh bud. I love you guys. You all make me laugh

>> No.13999839

huh, thats kinda respectable,,

>> No.13999902

At one point, I honestly mistook a picture of you I found years ago as myself in my old bedroom. I have it saved on my old laptop. In it, you have yellowish walls, and you're holding a fist in front of your mouth on one half of the picture.

Seriously though, what is your end game? Why are you so fruity? What is your fucking deal?

>> No.13999908

>You all
you mean y'all right?

>> No.13999912

Wtc this fit?

>> No.13999947

I want u to not pay attention to those anons, Huck. I luv u and hope u have a GUD DAY, stay toasty

>> No.13999979

best fit in the thread m8
dig the glasses

huck is cool

where do you live/work boyo?

>> No.14000000
File: 320 KB, 1024x726, huckhuckhuuuuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've always reminded me of a vintage sears catalog...if they hired from the special ed classrooms instead of modeling agencies.

You're alright with me, huck.

>> No.14000003

sexts very nice

>> No.14000014

Nice repeating numbers at the end

>> No.14000037
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>> No.14000041

tears for fears is more based than this dumb faggot could ever imagine being

>> No.14000133
File: 332 KB, 2048x2048, 9D36C813-6488-464F-B79D-D7219E7082A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life’s not a destination man. We all end up in the ground as worn food?
I dinj

>> No.14000680

This BMI and style suits you a lot better than the oversized cowboy larp you're currently rocking

>> No.14000898
File: 334 KB, 2048x2048, EE6D04E9-6A8B-4A0D-9C77-878073414135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s always an identity crisis with me man. It kinda drives me crazy

>> No.14000902 [DELETED] 

All your pictures looks like there's a cricket in your mouth and you really don't want it to get out.

>> No.14000904

All your pictures look like you're holding a cricket in your mouth and you're trying really hard to keep it from getting out.

>> No.14000905

It I wasn’t listening to cemetery drive by mcr I would say something mean to you.

Consider this a warning

>> No.14000906

what a waste of those digits to use them enabling a tripfag

>> No.14000980


>> No.14000988

bro if this were instagram everyone would have a trip and they would be saying "dude wheres your jaw" go outside more 2/10

>> No.14000992
File: 2.18 MB, 1368x1400, retardedlyingincel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The juxtaposition of your words with your face is hilarious and you deserve to be meme'd into oblivion.

>> No.14000998

Rel’s body proportions are god tier

>> No.14001081

I feed off your hate because it only proves you care

>> No.14001110

No you feed off of the one or two uggos that say anything close to nice about you or your thrift store fits. You said it yourself.
I only care that some namefagging creature is killing so many threads.
If you want to keep posting to spite us then go ahead but when you shed a tear at night because we all think you're fucking ugly you only have yourself to blame.

>> No.14001141

Lmao. I was asked to trip years ago so people could filter me. You asked for this anonymous

>> No.14001150

lurk more newfag. /fa/ was so much better when it was full of trips like trunks and tinfoil who actually posted unique fits and weren't afraid to get roasted. at least huck is trying.

>> No.14001212

Uniqueness is not inherently good, nor is lack of fear of criticism. Both are traits of autism.

>> No.14001214

I miss shit talking birthday and trunks. They were big nerds

>> No.14002267

what part of texas?

same height age and location

>> No.14002287

yep, that's the one. Wish I had some pictures of my old bedroom to compare right now, we have the same jaw line, hair, eyes, nose, hairless forearms (and probably rest of body). My grandmother painted our whole house that color, and my bedroom door was cornered exactly so.

Makes me feel all the more, that if we were to look the same, than you must share some of the same struggle. Tell me about your woes casanova.

>> No.14002293

trips have only ever shitted up the place by making everything about themselves, they can go to reddit if they want usernames.

the face that you liked thier fits is irrelevant, you could have liked their fits just as much if they were anonymous

>> No.14002409

Post a pic

>> No.14002433

Haha tunnel snakes rule am I right.

>> No.14002985

I know. I felt instant regret, but only got checked twice, so whatever.

>> No.14004084

>used to get in fights a lot

Good to know we aren’t the only people who can’t stand you lmao

>> No.14004096

Only good trips have ever belonged to /fit/ scooby and zyzz blessed us

>> No.14004150

No way you’re 25! You look 17-19 lmao

>> No.14004295

shit is that your social?

>> No.14004306

ITT: 1 schizophrenic tripfag posting about and responding to himself

>> No.14004311
File: 1.70 MB, 400x196, AB04813F-BB82-47DD-B638-52F2BD91AA51.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80s party every saturday
boom u just doxed yourself
it’s houston and the club is called numb3rs I’ve been there before

>> No.14004362


>> No.14004369


>> No.14004427

this guy looks like a faggot.

man you effayers are pretty cringe

>> No.14004723

You are one pathetic figure. You really are.

>> No.14005765


>> No.14005810

should've not worn a button down under the sweater. fit would be +2 better. otherwise i like it.

>> No.14005870
File: 477 KB, 1080x1920, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were always a fag

still posting stupid fag shit years later

>> No.14005897
File: 125 KB, 750x1064, 71169DA9-C5C3-457A-9ED3-4D155C422441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s so funny how people are STRESSING over how much they hate you. Typing full walls of text full of hate towards you. You’re doing something right bruh

>> No.14006190

I'm 26 and I look quite a few years younger than he does

>> No.14006686

>those teeth
Big book of British smiles right there. What an ugly faggot.

>> No.14006696

Trip on Huckie.

>> No.14006996

Sorry. I was out dancing.