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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 222 KB, 2048x2048, Polizei_Bomber_Back_CLEAN_1024x1024@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13994042 No.13994042 [Reply] [Original]

did any of you cop dis?

>> No.13994046

lol nah, that fucker asking like $250 or some shit for a fake surplus jacket.

real talk no difference than copping a fake gucci jacket and saying "it was made in duh same factory"

>> No.13994058

no but i wish i did now

>> No.13994184
File: 34 KB, 720x720, 1E36CE29-B71E-4A85-B275-97356F46C10F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of their shit I like.

>> No.13994191


>> No.13994207

same, theres no chance Im gunna get the exact one I want for resale

>> No.13994208

Their legitimate austrian surplus jackets and shirts is where it's, got one of their ripstop jackets and you can put a velcro patch on each upper arm.

>> No.13994230

yeah but got a refund after i realized it was too edgy for me

>> No.13994238

I did, i thought what the hell, the price was alright for 100 bucks i think it was, it's a bomber jacket at the end of the day, easy to wear with pretty much anything...can't wait till i get it delivered...they said sometime soon...

>> No.13994239

Found one at a Goodwill for 5 bucks

>> No.13994253

ahaha i get it

>> No.13994257

No but FUCK I wish I did, anyone know where else I can get something of the same quality? Or just any other source of these ones?

>> No.13994399


>> No.13994418

no because fuck the police

>> No.13994420

>trusting ivan with any preorders

>> No.13994450

no because i'm german

>> No.13994900

Is this Vetements?

>> No.13994903


>> No.13994922

I got my polizei coat for 30 dollars on an army surplus website about 2 weeks ago

>> No.13994937

I would you even... wear pig clothing if you're not a pig?

you get arrested for impersonating police men in germany

>> No.13994943
File: 951 KB, 2048x2048, tfw_italy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eins Zwei Polizei
Drei Vier

>> No.13994947


>> No.13994949


>> No.13994975

This would be extremely embarrassing to wear in any country with a population that speaks or at least is familiar with the German language.

>> No.13995248

the polizei text is lame, I wanted to order one without because I like the bomber itself

>> No.13995252

That I agree with. The colour is great.

>> No.13995454

halloween costume tier

>> No.13995465

No, there really is a difference because it's not a status symbol and you're not harming the designer's business.

>> No.13995469

yes I did

I was going to order w/o polizei but then I thought what the fuck is the point in getting it without. Guess it adds something to it. I'm never going anywhere near a German-speaking country with it so idc

I have no idea when it is coming, but Ivan said Feb. doubtful...

retarded take. it's what to expect from a name poster though I guess. faggot

>> No.13995629

Yes, but it's probably not going to come next month

>> No.13995730

Fuck, I want one of this so bad :((
>tfw poorfag
>tfw is summer here
>tfw I will never use it bc I don't go outside anyways

>> No.13995736

>"Harming" a multi-billion dollar kike operation by refusing to pay thousands of dollars for a piece.

I mean replicas are fucking stupid for various reasons but you must have brought the single worst one to the table.

>> No.13995882

I never got my spicy almonds...

>> No.13996016


>> No.13996265

No, why the fuck would I want to dress like a cop? People are going to think you're weird as fuck walking around in that. You're going to look like the type of person who tries to put you under citizens arrest and calls the cops on you for no reason. It's like dressing up as a security guard.

>> No.13996387

Just buy an alpha industries ma-1...I did .. $100 better jacket.

>> No.13996417

Good thing I'm Aussie :)

>> No.13996732

I'm not sure if you're borderline retarded but no, nobody is going to think that when they see someone in a green bomber that says police in German on the back.

>> No.13996741

>paying to label yourself as a pig
lmao hilarious

>> No.13996764

Obviously they're not going to think you're an actual cop you fucking retard. They're going to think you're dressed like a cop, which you are. People who dress like cops are fucking weird.

>> No.13996798


t. Mutt

>> No.13996819
File: 16 KB, 300x377, a0b67707e96e12262035d7182f2917bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13996838


PA dutch here. Kan niet neuken wachten fag.

>> No.13997336

Im white im just not a pathetic bootlicking cuck

>t-thank you for your service officer

>> No.13997344

you guys are all retards

you're supposed to cross out the text on the back or write Mörder on it

>> No.13997400

I have one of those and I fucking love it

>> No.13997407

Yeah but I don't really have anything against the German police.

>> No.13997413

then you write something positive

has /fa/ always been this unimaginative

>> No.13997420

I don't want the jacket. Why would I put thought into writing something on a jacket I don't want?

>> No.13997426

then why bother clicking on this thread

>> No.13997431

Because I wanted to make fun of people who bought the jacket.

>> No.13998454

just got this in the mail. It fits well and looks good as well.

>> No.13999148

Please don't support Ivan or other overpriced milsurp sellers. You can get everything they're selling for half the price or less elsewhere. Thank you.

>> No.13999309

That's not what american cops dress like, are you retarded? most probably even know that it's a foreign police uniform.

>> No.13999339

>That's not what american cops dress like
American cops don't wear German uniforms? Wow, you're fucking blowing my mind here. Forget everything I said, you look cool as fuck now!!! I'm fucking blind so when I go outside I can't clearly see that American cops don't dress like that. Thank you for informing me.

It doesn't matter if it's a foreign police uniform. You are wearing a police uniform. Milsurp is fine but cop gear is lame as fuck. You are going to look like one of the kids who tell on people in school and say "but teacher, you forgot to collect our homework!" It's really not a good look but I'm sure you already pre-ordered one so you have to justify it mentally to keep from feeling like a retard.

>> No.13999362

where? everyone talks about cheap surplus but I can't find any

>> No.13999469

You're talking to the wall, Zoomers go around thanking cops because they're all fucking losers

>> No.13999505

For once, you and I agree on something. I can't wait until they actually deliver these things and people start posting them.

>> No.13999697

Durr what's irony??

>> No.13999712

>Dude police suck lmao.
>Haha no bro i'm wearing this european police sweater ironically.

>> No.13999770

>They're going to think you're dressed like a cop
No, they're not, because at no point has a cop ever worn a green bomber you fucking mongoloid. What flavor of Eurotrash are you? Or are you a fucking leaf.

>> No.13999816

That's because my generation grew up on cops ticketing us on high school parking lots, kicking us out of skate parks, harassing us for loitering when we just wanted to hangout and arresting us over poession of any amount of weed.

Zoomers are going around saying I love cops and shit like that because it makes them Sound virtous on Instagram.

Your generation is a bunch of boot lickers who report shit on YouTube and hate guns and love Hilary.

I can't wait for a civil war....how many supreme backpacks does it take to stop a 308 from digging into your chest let's find out

>> No.13999840
File: 1.87 MB, 1978x1551, bluelineshirts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn you retards are taking that too literally. Obviously it's not a complete police uniform. Fucking hat boots and all. It's still cop gear though. I mean shit, I already responded to someone who said the same shit. Learn to read a thread before responding you fucking cancer.

Here's some shirt inspo, faggot. It'll go great with your jacket.

>> No.13999845

Only white zoomers love cops, but white people have always been boot-licking cop-worshiping racist subhumans so it's not that surprising

>> No.14000169

maybe Americunts..

>> No.14000460

I'm gonna buy one and embroider "fuck the" in patches above the text.

>> No.14000494

copped like 3 years ago off rakuten

>> No.14000499

>still in his angsty teen phase as an adult

>> No.14000632
File: 73 KB, 1024x1001, IMG_0971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vetements gave it there seal of approval. Not that this really helps cus vetements is kinda shit now. Always kinda liked that oversized raincoat In a autistic school shooter kinda way

>> No.14000697

I remember this meme from years ago, why is it a thing again?

>> No.14000765

When are these arriving? Bought some months ago from kommandostore

>> No.14001049

You are complete cringe and should stop posting.

>> No.14001676

You like the polizei jacket. Your opinion is dogshit, like your taste in jackets.

>> No.14001695
File: 984 KB, 894x894, image (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these salty poorfags

>> No.14001740

Yeah I'm just mad I can't afford a $100 jacket, you really nailed it.

>> No.14001761

lol since when is this 100, bought this for like 20 30 max

>> No.14001764

my bad just checked it was 8.95 lmao

>> No.14001770

The kommandostore guy is charging more because that's what he does.

>> No.14001793

he's charging more because there aren't any jackets left so the manufacturer has to do a new production run for them

>> No.14001807

Yeah, I was there, I read the thread. But he also charges more for everything else he sells so you can guarantee he's charging way more than he needs to to make a profit. He did the same shit over on /k/ but we ran him out because of his bullshit. Now he shills over here since he can get away with it.

>> No.14001863

>charges more for everything else he sells so you can guarantee he's charging way more than he needs to to make a profit

so literally every fashion brand ever

>> No.14001907

No, not at all. This is getting exhausting though. Apparently /k/ is smarter about this sort of stuff, which is fucking surprising because /k/ is retarded. Just make sure to post fits so I can laugh at you.

>> No.14001951

>This is getting exhausting though


>Just make sure to post fits so I can laugh at you

cringe af

>> No.14001995

Because I've been losing steam since my first post and people keep not getting what I'm saying so I have to keep explaining myself. Now I feel like I have to explain how kommandostore is a rip off but it's Friday night and I really don't want to do all that.
>cringe af
Not as cringe as your jacket.

>> No.14002004
File: 26 KB, 300x250, 1532675024132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I copped it in a DE 56 but I honestly think I should have gone with a 58. Does anyone know if Ivan would let me change sizes? I'm to scared to ask him.

Also Bavaria patch > the rest.

>> No.14002008

I didn't even buy one but all the retards that pulled a 180 just like you when this was first posted especially considering how many threads were made in the past about it

maybe take a look at your own insecurities instead of shitting up several boards over it

>> No.14002026

I didn't like it from the start, and I'm not insecure or shitting up multiple boards, all of the other threads I'm in are great. Only one thread on one board and I'm going to keep doing it every time it gets posted.

>> No.14002042

he does it for free

>> No.14002147

He used to be alright back when he sold nutria shit, the flecktarn parks for $15 shipped and the shirts for like $7

Then he got greedy and started overcharging for everything.

And started making up rumors about flecktarn shortages and pulling dirty marketing like same fagging

>> No.14002652

Says the retard conflating a german police bomber with thin blue line moldy labia apparel. Post an image of your body so I can confirm you meet the potato stereotypes I'm envisioning.

>> No.14002679

Dude I'm sure you've got some sick fits planned and I can't WAIT to see them. Why don't you post your body and face and SS# while you're at it.