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File: 54 KB, 640x640, 1523216325315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13993494 No.13993494 [Reply] [Original]

Tattoo Inspo thread!

Post your best, and the rest.

Also welcome to all the filthy clear skins who have clicked on this thread just to share their bad opinions

>> No.13993498
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>> No.13993504
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>> No.13993505
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>> No.13993507
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>> No.13993508
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True, but women prefer men who aren't too pussy to have some art put on them. Your virginity reeks

>> No.13993512
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a legend

>> No.13993515
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>Yeah bro, covering my skin in some "art" bullshit is totally cool!

>> No.13993516
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>> No.13993520
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What's not cool about it? You don't have to get a tattoo if you don't want to, but other people want body art. I don't see what's 'uncool' about it.

>> No.13993528
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The only voluntary tattoos that are acceptable are ones earned after initiation into various male brotherhoods (military, gangs, secret societies, etc.). Otherwise, they are just attention whoring consumerism. A tattoo is a branding. It should be reserved for sacred initiation.

>> No.13993623

Is this dnd related?

>> No.13993632

i agree with this but i still respect fools who get dumb tats on their face

>> No.13993636

imagine getting a tattoo in 2019 LMAO

>> No.13993664

I got no problems with tattoos, but calling a shitting drawing of a snake "art" is highest level dilettante.

>> No.13993704

>defining art by what you subjectively find beautiful

>> No.13993714

You don't know what a dilettante is, do you? Something tells me you can't even name one single artist living and practising in the current year.
Pay people to draw on you all you want, but don't compare that shit with art ya pleb.

>> No.13993718
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>What's not cool about it?
The real question is, when will subhuman individuals stop believing that it is "cool" to mutilate their own body, and occlude ontological remembrance, for the sole expedient purpose of having an image/symbol to gawk at.

>> No.13993750

>aren't too pussy to have some art put on them

M8, it's 2019. There is no man that is "too pussy" anymore. Do you really think there's dudes walking around going:
>oh boy I really want a snake on my arm but I am just too scared of the pain!

Girls have more bloody tattoos than guys now so you're way too late to think you're a tough guy.

>> No.13993762


Are you running into too many girls with debt problems? Is that a big deal breaker for you?

>> No.13993763

I do, but shitty art is still art anon. Also I don't have any tattoos, and I don't understand your point of view, how are tattoos not art? They're drawings on skin, but still drawings, so why would they be considered differently from drawings on paper?

>> No.13993770

He didn't invent that it is a meme tailored to upset girls with debt and tattoos which are at least abundant enough on the internet that amusement can easily be had getting a rise out of them.

>> No.13993886

You don't know what art is so.
Tattoo is a medium. No medium is "an art". An individual work can be art, no medium is. Art can be made with anything. This has been common knowledge for hundreds of years.

>> No.13993892

ITT: boring minimalist linework tattoos that everyone has already been getting for a decade now

>> No.13993902

Art is just expression of creative skills anon, doesn't matter if it looks like shit or not. Tattoo is a medium sure, but a tattoo, like the snake thing is an individual piece of art.

>> No.13993925

>Art is just expression of creative skills anon
You art education is obviously based solely on googling "art definition". Come back to me when you know who Parreno and Huyghe are ya pleb.

>> No.13993952

I don't care about Parreno and Huygue, and I don't care about some ineternet faggot calling me a lpeb, I don't give a shit about your favorite artist, all I know is that art isn't limited by what you think is good and by how recognized the author is

>> No.13994052
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when will this trend end

>> No.13994059

>I don't care what art is, I want to call random things art to assume quality and value to them because I have no idea what it means
Yeah, I know that's why I called you a dilettante. Don't talk about art, you don't know what it is. Stick to paying some fat chick 50 bucks to draw a swallow on you.

>> No.13994176
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If you have the pain threshold of a fucking 5 year old, nobody is ripping you in half.

>> No.13994177

lol you're legit retarded

>> No.13994182
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My new piece

>> No.13994193

bad mistake bud

>> No.13994197
File: 35 KB, 584x584, 41958031_261276944727342_5856236445521412096_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, a man.

>> No.13994203

>black logic

>> No.13994237

>i still respect fools who get dumb tats on their face

Even if they're these new rappers that were clearly told they had to do it for their job?

>> No.13994247

reminder these people would never say this to someone's face

>> No.13994261

You should call them virgins too because they can't prove you wrong about that either.

>> No.13994273

Jesus christ what an obnoxious pseud. Different anon btw.

>> No.13994277

>having non-virgins
Good joke mate.

>> No.13994315


>> No.13994318

speak for urself incel ;)

>> No.13994583
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>> No.13995096
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>> No.13995108

is that some kind of hello kitty marketing?

>> No.13995112


>> No.13995138

I have no issue saying this shit to people's faces. I lecture this shit.
>you know more than me so you a pseud waaaah
Maybe read a book sometime instead of being aggressively ignorant.

>> No.13995171

why aren't tattoos art? explain with sources, since you read so many books

>> No.13995172


>> No.13995180

There are only four things you should ever get tattooed on you: hearts, hands, skulls and knives. THAT'S IT!

>> No.13995240

>clear skin
You're not very bright are you, then again what can be expected from your kind?

>> No.13995261


Hahahaha. Tattoos are a fad for conformist. Tattoos were not popular in other eras only by tiny groups like merchants to identify they had done ship work or worked on ships.

If tats were for unique people, people would have got them on and off throughout years. In 10 years they will probably no longer be a fad.

It's like dressing in 70s fashion and wearing big glam rock boots.. in 10 years you can change your outfit and evolve past the fad or you'd be embarrassed looking like that forever. Well with tattoos you will be.

You will be stuck with that fad of a conformist forever.

Nobody gets tattoos for le deep and unique reasons but simply because everyone else does. Then they give you some BS about it being art hahah. It shows you are stupid and can't think ahead or have any sort of awareness. That's why the dumbest fucks have them all over their face and neck.

You people are the opposite of fashion.

>> No.13995264
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>art is subjective

It’s not tho. Some people have shorty taste and want an excuses to not feel bad about it

>> No.13995268
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>> No.13995272

>i'm tough for having a tattoo
>almost everyone has one


COPE! You people are so out of reality it's hilarious. Tattoos are the most normie conformist fad their is and you have actually convinced yourself it's unique


>> No.13995273

take your pills you turboretard.

also, people in Asia have been getting tattooed for thousands of years, for spiritual and cultural reasons, but also for the aesthetic

>> No.13995280

>art is not subjective


>> No.13995281

Obviously I meant it's a western fad, you brainlet. It's the reason why most top tier models are not covered in tats because they are the opposite of what fashion is.

Hahah oh wow.. this thread. Hardly anyone in the 80s and mid 90s had tattoos. That's because IT'S A FAD! Do you think it will continue? Of course not, lots of young people are turning away from them now.

You are going to be stuck for the rest of your life in a fad that occurred and you'll never move on. Bahaha.. like some person forever wearing flares. My sides.

>> No.13995287
File: 59 KB, 736x864, unique person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm soo not a pussy like i am soo unique and artistic
>i walked into a building and someone put this on me
>yeah respect me

HAH. HAHAH. people with zero tattoos are much rarer, you are a conformist non-thinking brainlet sheep who is so delusional you honest believe "tats" are something different. LOOOOOOL.

Most of you (all) can't even admit tattoos are common normie core to the extreme even though the proof is all around you. Now that's a COPE.

>> No.13995288

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL screaming mate

>> No.13995292

I'm fifty-one and have worked in the construction and manufacturing fields since I was thirteen. When a twenty year old shows up on the job with a sleeve or neck tat, us older dudes just start laughing. They think the tattoo signifies they are some sort of bad-ass. More often than not they end up being the weakest whiners and cry-babies on the job. True story.

>> No.13995294

are you ok? maybe you shouldn't use the computer so much, your views on reality are getting distorted

>> No.13995298

I think that a video of me pooping and then me pissing on the poop and throwing up then cumming on the throwup then eating it is art

>> No.13995299

aren't you a bit too old to be posting here grandpa? go take your meds

>> No.13995306

I'm fine I just find you people so damn hilarious. Honestly if you legit like tattoos and design some private piece I am cool with that. 99% of people are not that though.

They are part of a fad and deep down they probably know that but they never admit it and just double down and start spouting bs and all kinds of cope. Tattoos are a conformist fad, all you people saying it's art never set foot in an art gallery, study or collect art. It's just a way for you to sound intellectual and unique and it's so obvious which is why I laugh so hard.

>> No.13995316

the only thing obvious is that you're mentally deficient or autistic, in fact you're probably not even laughing, but who cares anyway what other people do, oh that's right, you do, a lot

>> No.13995322

I think that says more about your maturity than theirs.

>> No.13995324

>Nobody gets tattoos for le deep and unique reasons but simply because everyone else does.
You're gonna need a hell of a lot of evidence to support an absolute claim like that, buddy.

inb4 anecdotal evidence or single example

>> No.13995345

>he only has a baseless ad hom because he knows i am right

Do you even know what a fad is? Hahaha. Tattoos are a fad. Did women and people outside certain sub cultures such as bikers in the 80s have them? Nope. 70s? Nah. 60s? Nooo etc. etc.

They are a fad. An 18 year old girl goes to get a tattoo because they are popular mainstream (fad) culture, her friends have them and everyone around her.

Once again you are trying tot ell me the most mainstream thing of having tattoos which almost everyone does is someone for unique people. It's like saying having arms makes you unique.

Dumber than dumb, truly.

>> No.13995354

>rose tattoo
>mexican skull tattoo
>tribal tattoo
>store window tattoo


>> No.13995390

tattoos/body art have been around for thousands of years, both in the east and west, this is fact. you're the one who doesn't know what a fad is

>> No.13995392

>he thinks women and men were covered in tattoos in the western world for the past 2000 years

MY UTTER SIDES. This is such a delusional cope. Yeah in the 1950s men and women had rose and skull tattoos all over them.. yep.. are you actively trying to be a troll, retard or both?

>> No.13995395
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>> No.13995396


I know you're trolling, but this is for anyone else who wants to stop being a fucking retard

>> No.13995397

>an individual work can be art
>the medium in which an artwork has been made doesn't universally auto-qualify as art
Pretty simple, common sense. Martin Creed had a girl vomit in a gallery, not all acts of vomiting are art. Real obvious. There has never been a tattoo that was art anyway (same goes for the retarded video games and pro wrestling claims of universally being art because a person did them). I eat and shit every day which is an action by a person which by your logic of "tattoo is art" are also suddenly art. It's obvious nonsense.
Easy tip for plebs: if you don't know anything about art don't try to get argue about it. You may as well call it an engineering or a web design, that's how retarded the claim is. A tattoo is a tattoo.

>> No.13995400

>The first documented professional tattooer in the United States was Martin Hildebrandt, a German immigrant who arrived in Boston, Massachusetts in 1846.[citation needed] Between 1861 and 1865, he tattooed soldiers on both sides in the American Civil War. The first documented professional tattooist (with a permanent studio, working on members of the paying public) in Britain was Sutherland Macdonald in the early 1880s. Tattooing was an expensive and painful process and by the late 1880s had become a mark of wealth for the crowned heads of Europe

tattoo haters are literally poorfags

>> No.13995404

LOL. certain small groups had tattoos yes but the mainstream version of tattoos you see today is a recent fad. yes a sailor had a tattoo or some maori warrior.

Your argument is simply destroyed by the lack of mainstream tattoos during the 90s, 80's etc. Why is that? Please explain this?


>Today, 36 percent of Americans aged 18-25 have at least one tattoo
>That’s more than one third of America’s young adults

>Fast-forward to 2005. Our society still held prejudices against tattoos and, while some people were getting them on their own, no one would say tattoos were a part of pop culture. What changed this? The moment tattoos stepped into society’s limelight can be pinpointed to a very specific event: the launching of the first popular tattoo TV show, “Miami Ink”.

Tattoos as we know it today are part of popular culture, they are a fad, they are not for deep spiritual or cultural reasons, the worse part of all is your cope that you can't even admit that and honestly believe some 18 year old teenager who just got a rose tattoo did it for deep spiritual and cultural reasons.

You are only lying to yourself.

Your argument is like saying if people starting wearing metal armor today because they saw it on tv and it was popular that it isn't a fad because we used to wear armor. You don't even know what fad/popular culture means.

>> No.13995411

Delusional cope because you are basic. You are a basic conformist who has no mind of their own and try and justify it that it was for "rich people" and even though you can get a tattoo for a few dollars now you convince yourself in your head it makes you rich because 100 plus years ago they were expensive

Seek mental help.

>> No.13995420

I thought you were trolling but apparently you're being serious. How in the fuck were tattoos not mainstream in the 80s and 90s? It's painfully obvious that you're a sheltered retard

>> No.13995422

>Enter social media. Another game-changer for the tattoo industry. The same artists that gained celebrity status on the tattoo TV shows are now followed by millions of people on these platforms


>n-no, i'm unique like everyone else because a tiny percentage of people throughout history had tattoos (which made them unique) so that means half our population has always had tattoos even though photo evidence shows us it is not the case and it means because a majority do now so somehow it's unique

Hahahaha. You people are so funny. You got trolled by tv shows showing tats that became pop culture and followed all those around you.

Cringe and embarrassing.

>> No.13995423

>How in the fuck were tattoos not mainstream in the 80s and 90s?

OK, so you have just told me that you are 18. If you honestly think women and men had tattoos all over their bodies in the 1980s like they do today then wow.. I'll give you some credit that you are not even aware you are partaking in a mainstream fad and you honestly believe women in the 80s were no different than today.

Have you ever seen any 80s videos? photos? movies? Ask your parents, kid.

>> No.13995427

all you have is anecdotal evidence you stupid moron. tattoos have been mainstream since the 60s

>> No.13995428


>How Tattoos Went From Subculture to Pop Culture

Yes they were for small sub cultures now they are POPULAR MAINSTREAM FAD CULTURE.

It's not even debatable.

You literally have tattoos because of a fucking tv show HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH

>> No.13995430

I don't even have tattoos, its just hilarious that it bothers autists like you so much

>> No.13995431

>he thinks 35% of men and women in the 70s, 80s, and 90s had tattoos.

LOL. Delusion, stupidity or outright COPE?

>> No.13995435

Tattoos don't bother me, what bothers me is the total cope by you people instead of just admitting it's current pop culture and trying to convince yourself otherwise.

What bothers me is people who legit think they are unique and different for having a tattoo.

That's what bothers me because it's just so damn stupid.

>> No.13995438

>What bothers me is people

I have a word for that, it's autism

>> No.13995443
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>> No.13995445

>being bothered by people who choose to not believe in reality is autism

Think you might have autism pal.

Tattoos were always for a minority sub culture. True? Yes, no?

>Tattoos really went mainstream in the 2000s, thanks to reality TV and social media. Shows like Miami Ink, NY Ink, LA Ink, and Ink Master brought tattoo culture into all sorts of living rooms and tattoo artists like Kat Von D became celebrities.

Is that not true? Even tattoo artists and famous ones agree with that. Tattoos became sub culture to mainstream culture in the 2000s.

THAT IS REALITY. Why can't you all admit this? You are honestly trying to convince people say in 1880 Victorian England that women with tattoos was as mainstream and common as it is today and that's just fucking nuts.

>> No.13995447

Bahha shit like this is ridiculous. OMG dying.

>> No.13995455
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>> No.13995457

you're trying to convince people that their decision to get a tattoo was because of a TV show or some shit like that, and that somehow you know how people with tattoos feel deep down. how do you not realize how autistic you seem?

what point are you even trying to make?

>> No.13995461

Although the art of tattooing has been around since early humans, it only became popular in the western world in the last 25 years or so. Up until then they were more the mark of a few groups of individuals such as military or cons, or bikers. Lots of other people from all walks of life had been getting tattoos but unlike today, they kept them to themselves. In the last 20 years or so, everyone and their dogs has been getting tattooed.

>> No.13995464

>spiritual hand symbol
>face drawn by a marker pen
>self harming leg cute

I can understand some of you with actual artistic self designs but people like this bring you down. Really hope that's a troll post.

>> No.13995476

I thought they looked nice. To each his own I guess.

>> No.13995477


>> No.13995484

such a nice body... ruined.

>> No.13995494

No, I am saying those are the roots of today's tattoo fad and most people get a tattoo today because it is mainstream culture.

My point is nobody here can accept that. There are people trying to tell me tattoos were as mainstream and popular today as they were 50 years ago which is just an outright lie.

My point is, if you have tattoos just think before you have more and if you have none, really think before you get one. My final point is.. please don't go around like a pretentious cunt saying you're unique and different from the mainstream because you have tattoos.

If you have zero tats.. then congratulations, you are unique and different and did not fall into the mainstream culture trap.

>> No.13995495

Explain why they look nice? is the hand symbol part of your culture? What is the le ironic sad face that looks like a child drew it for? Is that some Russian text? The self harm scars only adds to you not being mentally stable.

Not to mention just uneven black across your wrist.

Explain the deep meaning of these tattoos or how they are real art or are they just you partaking in a fad? be honest.

>> No.13995517

people can do things in their lives and it doesnt have to have meaning or be deep at all. you seem to have a weird fixation on maintaining the purity of the human body. are you religious?

>> No.13995528

>people can do things in their lives and it doesnt have to have meaning or be deep at all

Yes, I agree with you.. they do it mainly because it's mainstream pop culture. That's my point! It's the people who lie and tell me their store window rose tattoo is a piece of expressive body art with a deep meaning is who this is aimed at.

Just be honest.. my tattoos don't really have a meaning, they are not really art either but I like how they look and I don't have a problem.

>are you religious?

Yes. Deus Vult. No I am just a regular guy trying to tell people tattoos are mainstream pop culture right now so please think before you get one because one day this little fad is likely to end. Tattoos will always exist in certain groups but it's likely they wont be popular like they are today in future.

>> No.13995587

>literal autism patient ablooing about tats
>art sniffer brapping about art
>russian bot posting russian bot tats

>> No.13995622

why do ppl only come here to complain. ur not gonna get people to untat themself. its like you just want to waste your time and argue

>> No.13995623

because of autism. there's nothing more to it

>> No.13995650

There he is! It's Mr. Strawman. of course people are not going to untat, it's about making people think twice about getting tattoos because it's a current fad that is likely to change in future.

Just like how someone dressed in the 70s would stand out to us now and not usually in a good way, tattoos might very well be that in the future only you wont be able to take them off like 70s clothing.

It's called offering a different viewpoint as opposed to an echo chamber. Sorry if different opinions offend you.

Mate this is sad. You are just coping. Do you regret your tattoos? I'm not even attacking you, you are a victim of pop culture. Just think twice before getting anything else.

>> No.13995659

you sound like a lil bitch who's always afraid of what people think of you

>> No.13995660

ppl dressed like any decade will look good in 10-20 years again
tatoos and "alternative" shit will always be in fashon for that crowd.
i doubt anyone will change their mind based on what people say on 4chins

>> No.13995662

"mate", I don't have any tattoos, I just can tell when someone is acting like an autist for no reason whatsoever. you have no self awareness, it's ridiculous.

why do people who get tattoos for no reason trigger you so much? youre the one obsessing over pop culture and getting triggered by alleged fads. who's the real victim here

>> No.13995673


I wouldn't want to be stuck with a perceptual afro or mullet, no. I guess that makes me a little bitch.

It will be in fashion in a smaller subculture probably yes, but it will no longer appeal to the masses. Although tattoos of the future will more than likely revert to what they were in the past, small sub cultures and tattoos will be based on that, all these nu male tattoos wont fit into that so you would still look out of place.

How can I break it down any more simple.

Do you dispute my point... tattoos right now are part of a fad and are mainstream pop culture.

That's all I am saying.

people are trying to say it has been the same for hundreds of years or somehow tattoos make them unique. Neither of those are true.

So answer me.. are tattoos current mainstream pop culture? If so they are neither unique or fashionable due the evolving nature and trends of fashion. They are stale.

Those are reasons so your whole "autism" argument isn't an argument and is infantile.

>> No.13995681

I think you have a misunderstanding, you're autistic not beucae of opinions on tattoos as a fad, but because of the fact that this is even an argument at all. I dont think tattoos are a fad, and you can't take that.

>> No.13995687

and now you're saying that tattoos are not fashion. can you not see how autistic that is?

>> No.13995690

And who the fuck is trying to seem "unique" by posting tattoos in a tattoo thread?

It all comes down to you being triggered by others self expression, perhaps you're insecure

>> No.13995694

Are tattoos not current mainstream pop culture? If you say no you go against every famous tattoo artist and people in the industry. So if you choose to ignore reality perhaps it is you who is autistic.

Pop culture isn't synonymous with fashion, autist. Top tier models are not covered in tats. Tats do not heavily feature on the runway.

The fashion industry evolves, changes and morphs. Tattoos are the complete opposite. Why are people like you even on fa, reddit? You don't even understand the concepts of the high fashion industry.

>> No.13995699

Why do tattoo threads always have to end up like this? Are you all such little bitches that some anon saying "tattoos are not cool" makes you cry? Some of them are trolling and some of them are genuinely upset because someone they'll never meet got something on their body. But why do you have to get so defensive about it? Just fucking ignore them, it's not hard. Every fucking thread is full of shitty tattoos, "tattoos suck", "I totally didn't get mine because tattoos are popular now" and the rare good tattoos Why should we have to go through hundreds of shitty posts for the occasional good tattoo pic? I get that /fa/ has many insecure teenagers/young adults, but this is too much.

>> No.13995700

>self expression

Most normie buzzword.

Look at these:


"self expression" hahah the most pretentious garbage I have ever heard. Those are just random doodles to fit in with current pop culture. You are not fooling anyone, not even your self.

>> No.13995711

Pretty much. They are so insecure and sensitive which is why they got tattoos in the first place to fit in.

I don't care if someone has a genuine interest in tattoos, actually likes arts, designed their own, it has meaning etc.

I'm against people who hit 18 and get random store window tattoos just because "it's the thing to do and it's cool and unique" and that nonsense. In my experience that's a large majority and genuine tattoo people should despise them because they bring tattoo wearers down as a whole making people think all tattoo wearers are as dumb as them.

You can tell by the replies itt almost all of them are teenagers with shitty window tattoos and I am saying don't be that person.

>> No.13995719
File: 760 KB, 599x748, 7453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there ever been a woman that tattoos have made more attractive?

>> No.13995721

I hope one day they find a cure for autism

>> No.13995724

How much do girls like this stand out? Imagine a young girl with no tattoos. You just can judge she has her mind of her own and is different. That's attractive.

Then you have

>heh yeahh my hobbies are tats
>i have a rose on my lower back


>> No.13995725

I was making fun of a tattoo autist earlier in this thread but you're a retard for caring about what some idiot draws on their skin. They can to whatever they want, who cares? A bad tattoo, if anything, lets me know how deep a conversation I can have with someone. That's pretty valuable.

>> No.13995726

Yes tattoos are mainstream, yes they are part of pop culture, and yes they are a part of fashion.

what's hard to get about that?

>> No.13995732

imagine caring this much about what other people do

>> No.13995744

>youth start taking drugs
>you're a retard for caring

Of course people can do what they want but if some young people actually understand it's current pop culture and they think twice about it possibly saving themselves for regret then that's ok with me.

I know hundreds of people with tats, I grew up when a girl with a tattoo was like rocking horse shit and I saw the rise of them. I'm just trying to guide some people, the people who get all offended by it are the teenagers so sensitive and weak an opinion that differs from them makes them cry.

Nothing at all. Just people saying that's not true and that they have always been this popular. Not true. That's all I am saying. They are mainstream pop culture. So think twice if you get a tattoo is it because you really want them or because they are current pop culture.

Fashionable is debatable.. they are too mainstream to be fashion or common and in their heyday of tattoo tv shows (Miami ink etc.) you could class them as new pop culture and fashion but not so much now.

Normie-fashion? Perhaps. High fashion? Nah.

>> No.13995749

Yeah imagine giving a shit about people and the youth, imagine that! Imagine not just being selfish and fuck the world and people, amirite???

You are a real cool guy, you.

>> No.13995755

>posting like an artist on 4chan will save all the cute 18 year old girls from doing drugs because that has something to do with getting a tattoo and then they will marry me
Shut up, retard. That is way too high level projecting.

>> No.13995762

now you're larping as a savior for the youth? lmao

>> No.13995770

No, you are projecting. It might make 2-3 fa male posters think twice. Good try though.

I have a wife and kids, moron.

>> No.13995772

>tell people to think twice about a decision
>hahha savior

Now that's autism.

>> No.13995790

you claimed that I don't give a shit about people, that I'm selfish and that I want to "fuck the world", all because I don't mi d that people get tattoos.

You're implying that only you care about the youth, because of some bullshit about girls and tattoos.

I think you're just old. Get with the times, gramps

>> No.13995809

Is this English? I don't care if people get tattoos. Just don't tell me they are not mainstream pop culture, something deep or unique.

How can you not understand this?

I said youth, not girls. If you are 18 and on fa and about to get a tattoo, think twice. Do you want to be part of mainstream pop culture?

You people really can't handle a difference of opinion. I'm mid 30's, by the way and involved in the fashion industry which is where I met my (non-tattooed) wife and very aware of the rise of tattoos.

You are just a bitter teenager. It's simple really.

>> No.13995830

let tattoofags do whatever they want bro, they're the ones who'll be living in regret for the rest of their lives or have to fork over money to get rid of it

>> No.13995842

if you didn't care you would be posting in this thread in the first place, you obviously do care, since you were just saying that you were trying to dissuade people from getting a tattoo.

also, when did anybody on this thread claimed that they were deep or unique for their tattoos? you're the only one fixated on that

>> No.13995854

A lot of people I know have wives and kids and they're retards just like you.

>> No.13995869

Those are pretty neat.

>> No.13995906

A shit tattoo thread with more paragraphs than images

>> No.13995983

Is this the ideal female body?

>> No.13995994

>people arguing with the incel
Lmao, he just wants to feel 'friggin superior' because he doesn't have tattoos. He will only achieve satisfaction when certain number of people have been 'owned' online.
Why are you fueling his autistic fetish? He's just a contrarian, the definition of one

>> No.13996005

it shows a shallow mind, among other negative personality traits.

>> No.13996267
File: 150 KB, 960x720, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of getting pic related (just the flower, maybe the hand holding it) in the center of my chest. The symbol has a lot of familial/religious meaning to me. My question is how do eyes look in a tattoo? These ones are slightly stylized but i imagine it'd still be hard to replicate.

>> No.13996725

hey kid, tattoo technology has come leaps and bounds in recent years. the difference in ink and gun options available to artists is insane compared to where it was in even 2004-5. because of this, the tattoo community has opened up to all sorts of artists who have found their art transfers well to tattooing now.

tl;dr - change your attitude, calm down about what other people do with their bodies

>> No.13996866
File: 120 KB, 736x982, gato-tatuajes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13996889
File: 18 KB, 1024x551, Saturation_1024x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Otzi and Queen Victoria had tattoos so my tribal sleeve will never be out of style!

>> No.13996921
File: 7 KB, 273x185, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is art by this idiot's definitions

>> No.13996932

how old are you honestly?

>> No.13997243

is that nermal?

>> No.13997250

thx boomer.

>> No.13997333

Drain Gang

>> No.13997526

Hello fellow Drainer

>> No.13997542

what are you gays arguing about
I have tattoos and will get more because it looks hot

>> No.13997563


>> No.13997598

I best not answer that first one.

>> No.13997606
File: 177 KB, 1114x587, 49676596_2401771949852278_8814168606821580800_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, sometimes.

>> No.13997614
File: 31 KB, 390x458, tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13997638


>> No.13997665

(assuming) Nova is my favorite YouTuber to but would rather have a patch instead of a tattoo

>> No.13997839

Tatt2s. 2019. Utterly fucking cringe.

>> No.13998443

Because tattooed faggots are so fucking intimidating, right?

>> No.13998457

>girl vomits in a gallery
Pick one, you gullible retard.

>> No.13998497
File: 1.10 MB, 2560x1440, 20190106_181838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13998598
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>> No.13998699
File: 230 KB, 2048x1364, 17760791_1876341019270666_185037887157705522_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13998710

this isn't real, is it?

>> No.13998714


>> No.13998825

Trolling a thread about things you don't like in 2019: cringe.
Like your fucking opinion means anything to anyone.
As if your sack of shit opinion is even going to change one person's mind about get inked. Fuck off you loser, go back to your sad no-life in your mom's basement.

>> No.13999025


>> No.13999027

Like... What is it?

>> No.13999036

ive seen you post your tattoos on other threads too
i like em anon

>> No.13999100

i bet your tats are fucking sick bro haha wicked man

>> No.13999115

people with a bunch of little tattoos look like junkies

>> No.13999161

tattooing a shark on my calf when I get home. the shitty self done collection expands

>> No.13999173

Honeslty looks good, like an authentically smeared circle of paint. For me, it would have been way to big, and I probably would have made it a line. But I have never seen the idea and it's executed quite ok.

>> No.13999211
File: 442 KB, 594x748, 22539858_141971509769056_4622649578862734561_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13999226
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, 890794FF-4714-47D3-BFFD-079541A9748C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut u lil fookin nonce

>> No.13999227

As much as I like minimalist tattoos that is a bit tragic. Also where do you get your tattoos done? I'm looking for somewhere good in Northern England for stuff like the medieval/occult type stuff you have.

>> No.13999234

Imagine judging people based on their outward appearance and claiming that it’s other people who have a shallow mind

>> No.13999273

Tattoos are the graphic t-shirts of the body

>> No.13999277

human skin is aesthetic. Don't defile it with ink.

>> No.13999280
File: 45 KB, 900x900, 16114173_1213053068749123_6199604497674307945_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I mean, my guy is only down here in Birmingham at House of Thieves Tattoo. Most of the other artists I know [in that style] are European.

>> No.13999284

cheers pal

>> No.13999321
File: 128 KB, 960x960, 15871528_10154467282643043_994163664658641736_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although I should note that while the back and the front bird were done by Rob, nearly every other tattoo was by a different artist.

For posterity:
@andy_cryztalz - Left chest lines
@maxrathbone_tattooer - Arm and original stomach lines, all planned to be covered. Back of right leg. Foot/soles of the feet. Didn't have a good feel for things until after this point.
@robert_w_ashby - Chest bird, Over the shoulder florals and entire back.
@hollyjadeashbytattoo - Robs wife. Leg cat and dog.
@raineisonfire - Hentai shoulder hearts. Ahego face.
@emiltramp - Leg Kinbaku girl
@_hand_job_tattoo - Leg 'Take Pleasure Seriously'
@analoguedisaster - Buttplug + Yolandi blowjob
@shojoonly - Leg shapes with femdom & rimming
@eatenbyfoxes - Hans Bellmer piece
@sad_amish_tattooer - of course, the rib Cuirassier
@gakkinx - Rib eel
@rei.ink - The little boudoir girl fillers
@skandinsky - Stomach rose

>> No.13999440
File: 2.85 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20181226_154129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my doggo and a tree
Next week gonna draw a snake below the tree, wrapped around my leg, like an ouroboros

>> No.13999446
File: 2.65 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20181226_153928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13999461

Send it

>> No.13999467
File: 201 KB, 720x1399, Snapchat-1583791329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13999566
File: 772 KB, 744x733, kc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this artist recently, what does /fa/ think about his style?

>> No.13999601

I have no tattoos at 29 , I have thought about getting many. Having to explain my tattoos has made me not want to get any. if that sounds weird sorry.

>> No.13999605

you don't owe anybody an explanation, if you want to get one, do it.

>> No.13999611
File: 791 KB, 850x850, 7c0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything4views is that you?

>> No.13999704

I too base all my decision on 50 year olds opinions from youtube that need to prove they're men by working construction.

>> No.13999778

needs more Kappa tats

>> No.13999998

Imagine the best tattoos ever.

>> No.14000023
File: 1.15 MB, 1229x1222, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at 3.10.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking of getting this bird on the vase tattoo done

>> No.14000029
File: 879 KB, 796x783, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at 3.12.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like this one tho

>> No.14000282

post the IG page

>> No.14000303

what words does it mean?

>> No.14000402
File: 1.22 MB, 480x902, 46292938_2143144199269123_4119198222016138828_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're better off getting them for more general reasons, instead of giving each one something individual.

>> No.14000595


>> No.14000602


>> No.14000865
File: 120 KB, 960x1280, xd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my new meme

>> No.14000875

Please tell me that someone has the pic of the Japanese woman with tattoos all over her body

>> No.14000955
File: 388 KB, 960x1200, CE762A5E-5368-4AC7-87AC-362F2D363470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop arguing with the anti tattoo puritans and post more cool pics
Oozy is my fav

>> No.14000972

Is it dumb to get a religious tattoo if I'm non-religious?

>> No.14000976

you'd date a girl with a massive debt?

>> No.14001080

Which one?

>> No.14001123

The knifes position and the hand look awful, someone really out here with that permenantly on their skin

>> No.14001129

been thinking of getting this. not sure about the design though

>> No.14001135
File: 265 KB, 800x533, dagger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops. forget image

>> No.14001377

I'm sorry but that tattoo you are getting is just straight up ugly and doesn't work with what you already have

>> No.14001438
File: 142 KB, 640x392, kill it with fire tank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yegads! All the reddit spacing on this thread.

>> No.14001445

this cover actually looks lovely as a tat. nice taste anon

>> No.14001472
File: 65 KB, 737x960, 32418015_179738292684233_5524626568967618560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like it as a centrepiece though. It's perfect for what I needed, a cover-up and to fill a very odd space.

>> No.14001500
File: 81 KB, 774x960, 13256430_1418176871541973_2674915190189784527_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And remember, stuff doesn't stay that bright once it;s settled in.

>> No.14001521

Based Proto Indo-European Scythian

>> No.14001570

Makes me sick to the stomach at the sight of this.

>> No.14001577


Just about the worst thing I can imagine, but if you're into a bit of single linework in the name of advertising...

>> No.14001655

Where can I go to browse tattoo inspos

>> No.14001721

Jesus christ all this super-boomers in the comments. I don't even feel bad for blue collar workers for where they are now, they deserve it.

>> No.14001775
File: 37 KB, 359x353, 48ad8cedbac7576740fbe4a4c6fd249a--sigil-seals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this look cool on chest?

>> No.14001797

what the fuck is it you rampant occultist

>> No.14001824

Sigil of Murmur

>> No.14001960

you edgy faggot

>> No.14001989


Looks dope and yes would be sick on a chest.

>you edgy faggot
I don't know why I'm assuming this dude's an atheist but I feel like the only people who get pissed off at heathen shit are 1) a small subset of Christians and 2) a larger subset of atheists

>> No.14001990


>> No.14002096

What should I go for, for a body with a lot of tats eventually.

Nordic/Celtic traditional
Kind of Rockabilly
Or something else?

>> No.14002381










These tattoos are literally just shitty doodles. I don’t know why I still post on this board with people like you guys and the thinspo retards. How the FUCK do you think it’s fa to cover yourself in unoriginal and insincere cringe pop culture doodles that will only be fashionable for like two years?

>> No.14002392


>> No.14002430
File: 1.68 MB, 2288x1520, DSC00524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always not post.

>> No.14002445

u take life 2 serious xxd

>> No.14002506

what do we think about getting a tattoo of one's home state/country

>> No.14002534

my old drug dealer had the outline of our state across his chest, with some personal symbol marking our city. it looked dumb, but he was crazy so i never said anything. the 3rd next tat i want to get will be my city flower, though. i'm excited for it.

>> No.14002539

you are all, fucking idiotic babbies. LITERALLY.

that tattoo is of a zen concept, 1. and 2, its actually executed nicely. does anyone of you faggots want to give a non "cringe" answer, or am I speaking to an audience of divas.

>> No.14002547

lol your entire angle is an adhom. lmao shut the fuck up kid

>> No.14002561

>dude have you ever heard of an ouroboros?
>it's a deep zen concept man
>I got a tattoo on my chest to show how in tune with nature I am

>> No.14002572
File: 28 KB, 320x512, 1546743191894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually hold sincere convictions and beliefs

look we have another " you've got to be fucking kidding me " 2 brain celled retard over here who thinks it must be fantasy that other people don't think like him.

what's ironic is you're looking for a fight over something so you can cram your views down someone's throat, which is exactly what you want to do seeing as how your stance depends on others holding a belief that contrasts your life, but here's the kicker - you need to do this to validate your existence, while others continue to do what they want without a speck of what you're saying mattering at all! LOL!

oh and, you do this all while pretending to not know that someone can't defend then selves on an inherently SUBJECTIVE matter, OBJECTIVELY. because literally all anyone has to do is tell you to fuck off, but you insist that it's something that requires argumentation to be justified... yet, people get them anyway, and have been, and continue to do so for thousands of years because oh well, you know... they are self justified.

but you know what's not self justified? (((you))), lonely little bitch. the best part is, being that no one gives a shit about your opinion, you'll continue to paw away at the keyboard to see if you've "affected" anyone because this, THIS is what you do to justify your life. and its beautiful to watch something so effortlessly futile HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

*breaths in*


>> No.14002574


>> No.14002576
File: 318 KB, 496x559, 1438369922677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14002577
File: 550 KB, 750x751, 1542095508033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of mine comrades

>> No.14002584

>le funny "dude" """stoner""" he couldn't have possibly thought this out strawman

yeah that's what I thought. dumbass jit.

>le too ""adhd"" to read haha I won't dare actually do any legit argumentation meme
re: your existence is meaningless

>> No.14002598

>hurls an insult without actually making an argument
Waste of dubs. Don’t come back to this site

>> No.14002606
File: 28 KB, 543x533, vape man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and your sorry ass really wants to look clever and sophisticated despite being a boring sack of shit that thinks a tattoo of a circle somehow gives you a personality you vapid twat

>> No.14002608

>calls others “conformists” while confirming to boomer traditions/beliefs

>> No.14002609

go the fuck back to r*ddit, virgin

>> No.14002613

>he thinks he's not a conformist because he has a tattoo in 2019
this fucking has to be bait

>> No.14002615

>really wanna look clever
>durr yur shape of... uh tattoo
>valid twat

nice. I see I've won.

>> No.14002618

Lmfao no one was influenced by Miami ink or tv shows like it

>> No.14002619
File: 65 KB, 386x500, thebiggay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he adds another tally to internet arguments won
alright kid, don't you think its about your bedtime now? I get that it's the weekend and all, but you need your sleep to grow up big and strong

>> No.14002620

>same guy that says only 35% of people our age have at least one tattoo says you are unique if you don’t have one

>> No.14002623

ITT: virgin incels mad at those who simply can't hear their desperate cries for attention.

you guys honestly will have a better time preaching to the choir, at least there you can get jacked off

but then there's this guy, who has no arguments, continues without them, and then blasts his dna on to his chest at night because the self congratulatory posts never truly satisfy, and he never truly argues. yup, I did win and its more proof that, especially right now, your life is meaningless.

>> No.14002626

calm down sperg

>> No.14002628
File: 337 KB, 613x619, smart babby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is coming from the guy who's jerking himself off harder with every post
you're a sorry little man, and you have my pity

>> No.14002629

Literally didn’t say anything about that in my reply but okay you fucking illiterate retard

>> No.14002632

Still waiting for an argument. Btw way to essentially copy one of my sentences. You’re totally unique

>> No.14002634
File: 668 KB, 2008x1506, 1547121768344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, nah. that's all I had to say actually. it was enough. you're projecting through your avatar now, clear indicator. thanks for the "rebuttal" though lol

>> No.14002635

Those aren’t all from the same person

>> No.14002636

uh oh mr unique individual got his feelings hurt ;(
might have to get another tat

>> No.14002638


>> No.14002641

shh they're desperate LMAO

>> No.14002644

>uhhh i only made 5 of those 6 posts lol

>> No.14002649

this is how delusion is created. who do you think youre talking to? your imaginary tattooed boogey man?

hmm wow its almost like, if there was argumentation, you could follow a line of thought but... instead... ohhh woooowww

>> No.14002651

>is it dumb to deep throat if i don't like sucking cock?

>> No.14002656

this thread is proof that tattoofags should not only be disregarded but euthanized as well lmao

>> No.14002657

t. incels

>> No.14002664

imagine being this dude

>> No.14002669


why imagine? its reality. you can't think your way out of it, so instead you keep "imagining"

>no people aren't like this

this is the definition of cope

>> No.14002670
File: 335 KB, 645x822, do you feel in charge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've ever seen people with their head so far up their own ass, exclaiming all the while that they prefer it that way. I don't get it: why would you want to mutilate your own bodies?

>> No.14002672

lmao no surprise this thread is full of reddit spacing

>> No.14002673

Again, I’ve never called myself unique. (You) have self-proclaimed yourself “unique” contrary to the statistics you
provided lmao.
How is it every time you get dubs you post something even more retarded? Apparently this is too much for your m&m sized brain to comprehend but there’s multiple people replying that disagree with you. I’m convinced at this point this is b8 so if you have a legitimate rebuttal I’m all ears but I got better things to do than keep the current back and forth going. In any case, I wish your handler the best of luck anon

>> No.14002674

for self expression, art, rite of passage, and memory. that's why. you can stop pretending to be astonished. like you know, with your mouth hanging open and all that. s o y

>> No.14002681

>implying having tattoos and being a basedcuck aren't the same thing
good goy, mutilate yourselves and stay out of our cemeteries

>> No.14002687

yeah dude, fuck the jews lmao what the fuck is your point again? that I shouldn't have a tattoo? because of your feelings? got it. I knew this was about feelings.

>> No.14002688

lmaoing at the tattoo autists sperging out itt

>> No.14002947

No its not

>> No.14003033
File: 70 KB, 711x923, 1537205590690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking IMAGINE thinking any image could be preferred over the delicate subtly of your platonic skin tone. Any flesh at all is better than this edgelord counter culture cliche.
You *really* think this is cool™, huh? Turning your body into an Affliction t-shirt was passé like 25 years ago. Even just putting the money into dressing better reflects better on your than this degenerate cringefest.

>> No.14003059

>want to see tattoo inspo
>instead I get a bunch of incels arguing
should've seen it coming

>> No.14003060

>he finds tattoos inspiring
>he spends his free time looking at pictures of them on the Internet
Dubs and you die

>> No.14003062

>he actually cares about what I do on my free time

>> No.14003086
File: 995 KB, 1440x1441, Screenshot_20190112-101626_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14003132

cope harder, friend.

>> No.14003251


Men do whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.14003254
File: 661 KB, 597x595, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Raine, she's nice in person and every other artist I've seen who does hentai does it in colour, bar one in Canada that someone posted a while ago. @Scabslut I think.

>> No.14003285

tattoos make it easy to identify sluts and retards

>> No.14003299
File: 603 KB, 599x602, tentacle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don;t need the tattoos to know I'm easy.

>> No.14003317
File: 2.76 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20190112_225446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one that i got for my love of the bioshock series. I have quite a few tattoos but this is probably one of the ones that means the most to me.

>> No.14003322

>I lecture
lol, parasite

>> No.14003328

Despite my best efforts, my youngest brother got the chains.

>> No.14003355
File: 144 KB, 588x1000, Slowthai for clash (3)_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14003380

i tossed up getting those myself but didn't feel that it portrayed my aesthetic accurately enough

>> No.14003402

Sick Kali tat

>> No.14003494

Is this your go to line for picking up art hoes with daddy issues?

>> No.14003549
File: 176 KB, 640x791, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14003561


>> No.14003570
File: 39 KB, 508x524, 1478192236066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cope harder, friend.
>is himself coping with his impulsive behavior and poor life decisions

>> No.14003572
File: 125 KB, 1094x590, 1536357949073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone might correct me on this one, but hasn't she had some of those removed.

>> No.14003574

Not if it's something beautiful like that Michelangelo.

>> No.14003585

The lighting and anatomy on that is so fucking trash it hurts to look at. Why pay to have permanent shitty art on you? Stuff like this proves that even people who think they're aesthetically inclined are still just getting tattoos to have a tattoo and cannot appreciate art.

>> No.14003621

I follow her IG and shes still got em and more

>> No.14003632

Hm, maybe i'm thinking of the other one, the one with the eye on her forehead.

>> No.14003645 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14003726

what if I get tattoos because I like tattoos you pretentious fuck

>> No.14003754

I'm not the guy you're replying to but why do you like tattoos? They don't seem particularly aesthetically pleasing to me and I don't see needing to remember a moment a good enough reason.

>> No.14003763

Personally, I like the experience.

>> No.14003769

The feeling of getting the tattoo?

>> No.14003793
File: 118 KB, 1200x936, d795372331a6a64fc5811c1274d76498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A tattoo just follows the same law of everything else. If the guy with it is badass its badass, assuming its a cool design. If the guy with it is a faggot its cringe, even if its a cool design. Same thing with jokes. Once i get my upper body back and look genuinely ripped i gotta pay tribute to goat. If youre not jacked tattoos look pretentious and tryhard no matter who you are.

>> No.14003798

Sure, and it;s like a whole social event for me at least.

>> No.14003819

I sorta get that desu. Still not keen though

>> No.14003846

Nah, you'll just look like a meat-head with shit tattoos.

>> No.14003849

let me get that ig

>> No.14003872


>> No.14003934

>can't handle others being different
>has to assume things to make him self feel better
>"t-theres no w-way you could feel good about what you're doing"

the pathetic-ness is real. you might suffer from "patheticism" ... lol and isn't this what leftists do? police others thoughts? like what exactly makes you think you can change my? lmao further more, are you so arrogant to think you can just change people at the push of a button? rethink your life

>> No.14003943

If you use any of these words to defend your cringeworthy posturing you should unironically blow your brains out.

>> No.14003955

imagine being this insecure lolxd

>> No.14003960

>imagine being this insecure lolxd

>> No.14003969

hahahha insecurity intensifies, make sure to follow the shitposting rules

>> No.14003997


>> No.14004119

Pleasing aesthetics aren't universal. Some people like sun and clear skies, some like storms and lightning.

I like the way they look, I want to get them done, and I think they look good on girls. What else can I say

>> No.14004153

yikes school shooter tier

>> No.14004157

I dated this chick who just started getting fucking blasted with tats and i dont know why but man i found it really hot and i just enjoyed it idk so i think so i like girls with tattoos

>> No.14004242


>> No.14004279

To have your own beliefs and still respect other people?
What’s your logic then?

>> No.14004290

Who said that pop culture can’t be self expressing? And also, why would some life philosophy tattoo be better than just can of tomato soup tattoo?

>> No.14004292

Chestlet and commie
what a surprise

>> No.14004690


>> No.14004695

the place the knife is coming out of looks like a vag lol

>> No.14004768


>> No.14005188

Bai tats are so fucking sick, saw him live back in September one of the best gigs I've ever been to

>> No.14005236

fucking boomers

>> No.14005486

>men have preferences