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13990736 No.13990736 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck getting older sucks ass. I'm 29 and the past year or two I've got so many wrinkles. Started with laugh lines. Now where my fucking dimples are it's a wrinkle. The crowd feet just started being permanent too. Fuck I think my foreheads next. It's probably not even that bad but it's all I can see. Is it time for Botox?

>> No.13990749

Maybe if you're a faggot. If you didn't smoke and drink and eat non-organic food you'd still look young at 40

>> No.13990759
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Own it. The only problem is in your mind.

>> No.13990765
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You really think 20 year old girls are attracted to 20 year old guys?

>> No.13990767
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tfw had worry lines since i was 23
silver lining tho, the laugh lines were delayed due to constant depression

>> No.13990793

my dad smoked since he was 16 and he's 50 now and he still looks young.

>> No.13990843

i smoke and drink and am old as dirt and no crows feet, no laugh lines

i think its the people that fake smile through their lives that get them

>> No.13990857

Smoking causes oxidative damage which causes wrinkles. Those are just folks with good genes. Most people with shit genes don't recycle their electrons efficiently and age prematurely from smoking. It's not exactly rocket science. Rubber soles on your shoes also make you age prematurely lol

>> No.13990880

im 29 and nothing changed
just dont be white bro

>> No.13990893

What a nightmare scenario, haha.

>> No.13991012

'''''''''laugh lines'''''''
an idea pushed by corporations to instill in women anxiety relievable by purchase of their quack creams. that you, a man, have fallen for it makes you doubly retarded. Have some fucking dignity, please

>> No.13991194

Get a dermaroller

>> No.13991216

>Rubber soles on your shoes also make you age prematurely lol

>> No.13991269

i can't fucking wait to look older, I'm almost 20 but look like i'm fucking 15. not even babyfaced either, just young looking

>> No.13991273

>not even babyfaced either, just young looking
what did he mean by this

>> No.13991298

all this plus balding at only 22.
at least my parents don't expect me to go out and get a job and work to keep this shitty life.

>> No.13991318

cosmetic surgery is a slippery slope that ends with people looking inhuman. creams and supplements are snake oil. just accept it

>> No.13991576

Not OP but I have one, did it work for you?

>> No.13991581

>Look mid 20's
Feels good to have great genes

>> No.13991593

I legit had all of the shit you mentioned at 21

>> No.13991595

Add fasting into your lifestyle. Like intermittent fasting or occasional extended fasts.

>> No.13991597

>At least my parents don't give a shit about me as much as I do

Shave your head and grow up

>> No.13991601

the earth gives off electrons (except in maybe a dry place like a desert), rubber insulates you from the circuitry that would provide your atoms that have lost electrons due to UV radiation, pollution -- general oxidative damage, from picking up the electrons that the earth shoots off. The negative feedback loop caused by losing an electron (wherein your atom will steal an electron from another atom, and that one will steal from another, etc.) is the cause of general aging, so wrinkles, chronic disease, inflammation, etc.

There's a reason they sell the plebs shoes with rubber soles, makes that cancer come your way all the quicker and you have to keep buying the snake oil sold in stores in order to bring your body to full charge (which they don't do anyway). Consider leather soles. Or ignore basic chemistry and pretend I'm retarded, doesn't matter to me.

>> No.13991711

youre turning 30
nobody cares anymore just be the old guy you are

>> No.13991795

28 almost 29 here. Just in the past year or so I've finally, after being the skinny guy my whole life, started gaining weight and it's going straight to my belly. Now I'm skinny-fat and i hate it.
Fuck this getting older thing.

>> No.13991806
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>> No.13991969

Sunscreen every single day of the week all year. Most aging is the result of sun damage.

>> No.13991977

work out

>> No.13991991

>when your life got so fuck'd up and you're about to kill yourself
the post

>> No.13992045

You are retarded

>> No.13992092

Where my fucking /dimples/ at?

>> No.13992220

I mean that I have a decent jawline and really pronounced cheekbones but I don't look nearly as adult as my peers and look weird in the nicer things I want to wear. My sister has the same thing, she's 22 and could pass for a high schooler

>> No.13992228

Even if you needed to recharge your electrons directly from the core of the earth your soles wouldn't block your entire body unless you're one feet tall and wear size 18