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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 104 KB, 736x736, 1546817550417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13987358 No.13987358 [Reply] [Original]

I just don't get it.

>> No.13987362

They let you desecrate every inch of their body and ahegao while you do it

>> No.13987364

Yeah yeah, we know art hoes dress like shit and look like they smell bad but we don't like them because they're hot, we like them because they're EASY and wear this brand so we know what we're getting

>> No.13987378

I don’t know, but they’re disgusting

>> No.13987380

Are art hoes really that easy? They always seemed like the kind of people who are really frigid in terms of sex. As in, their abusive fathers/uncles made them scared of men or some shit.

>> No.13987399

People on here legit PINE after art hoes. They see something special in them, not just someone to easily fuck.

>> No.13987494

They seem fucking insufferable to be around. I just want to fuck them

>> No.13987498

I legit like these fits except for those gross bulging jeans on the girl on the right.

>> No.13987501

sometime easy sex translates into something you find attractive, or maybe the fact that they put in more effort than the average hoe into their appearance so you feel slightly less like you're banging an npc (even tho they're exactly as empty headed as the rest)

>> No.13987518


>> No.13987524

they're the female equivalent of 'incels' but by virtue of being women they still happen to be desirable albeit easy

>> No.13987541

art hoes are boring molestees

gym thots can at least laugh at something that isn't existential memes

>> No.13987572

No these are the types of people so liberal that they offended by the television show friends.

>> No.13987588



>> No.13987605
File: 149 KB, 691x1100, 1538943633176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My last ex was an art hoe, she was always trying to dress me in basic Instagram tier shit. Incredibly stubborn, pseudo-independent and free thinking, always talked about double standards but was a hypocrite when it came to unfair double standards against men because "that's just how it is". She was also the easiest lay I ever had and would always end up on the dick every time I went to her house even if she said some shit like "no fucking today, just chilling".

They are only good for a fuck, garbage tier relationship potential. I won't touch them again.

>> No.13987613

That’s cute
What kind of clothes did she put you into?

>> No.13987615


>> No.13987619


>> No.13987620

Women, amirite

>> No.13987622

Hawaiian shirts, skin tight jeans and fannypacks. She did get me into turtlenecks though which was nice.

>> No.13987626

I would be glad if my women cared about how I dress, mine seldom notice

>> No.13987645
File: 82 KB, 408x1243, IMG_20190107_032543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art hoes might just see you as a project. Pic related was the last outfit she made me wear before we split.

Find a girl that you can talk about your interests with Anon. It can be fulfilling.

>> No.13987704

lmao these chicks are not easy lays. they're usually closet dykes and any kind of pop culture you throw at them they roll their eyes at. maybe I'm not the target guy. i'm a meathead gymfag but a buddy of mine who is a lanklet dyel who dresses like urkel would go to these bohemian art shows monthly and I would tag along to see if I could smash some dingy puss. there was one skinny bitch with a cute face who made fun of the fact that my bicep was bigger than her waist. couldn't get it in although I gave up pretty easily because she smelled like pickles.

>> No.13987707

i wanna fuck some art hoes

>> No.13987729

can you not fucking read

>> No.13987733


most of them have some freakish health problem

>> No.13987851

ill take their problems over normie girls who watch E! news, housewives and other reality tv every night wanting to make you blow your brains out.
obviously there is a middle ground but it is the lesser of the two extremes.

>> No.13987853

>t. actual virgin

>> No.13987863

>couldn't get it in
I assume you mean you could not place your penis within her pussy?

>> No.13987891

coming from a guy who uses trending meme speak

>> No.13987909
File: 243 KB, 466x526, yummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

par for the course

>> No.13987929

that is correct, broseph.

>> No.13987936
File: 390 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20190106-225444_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm both disgusted, and sexually attracted to lefty art hoes. From experience, i say the feeling is mutual.

>> No.13987958

it's the contrast. if you're an ardent trump supporter and fuck a degenerate leftie scuzzbucket it's pure sex. you know you'll never be with her and she'll never be with you but the sex is fucking amazing because it's basically a mutual hatefuck (the best sex btw).

>> No.13987960


>> No.13987969

People contain multitude.

The distance between the soul, and its pains and the mental is a universe. Despite being a happy person, I can't write a happy song or put anything as joyful as the energy I bring into a room into a coherent form.

It's impossible for me. Likewise, the opposite is true. Sometimes what appeals to the soul isn't what appeals to the intellect, and there's a universe of nuances within people. The submissive are the dominant, the men are the women. All of this usually under a veil of comfort.

Don't analyze why you're doing something too much. You may be terrified at what you discovered in yourself. If you're brave enough to take acid and go on a journey of the mind, be prepared to go on a journey into the depths of true enlightenment few have seen.

>> No.13987975
File: 199 KB, 814x1200, Cm3zhLEWIAAZHzY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this is what the right has to offer for women.

Face it, Trump won the election in 2016 because hotter women supported him. The new new is young Bernie supporting chicks who listen to Can and let you cum on their face.

Beto's gonna get it in...the White House.

>> No.13987995

is that girl supposed to be....hot?

>> No.13988010
File: 200 KB, 683x797, 1501721490743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13988012

Ugly as fuck but a perfect female fit

>> No.13988013
File: 613 KB, 800x1200, 1502675426639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13988014
File: 310 KB, 540x540, 1516911072781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic

>> No.13988023
File: 96 KB, 500x500, 1511178360178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you must have some high standards brethren

>> No.13988028

do any of you really wonder why youre single?

>> No.13988039

My ex moved to Europe>>13988028

>> No.13988058

If you're decently attractive (not short, good fits, good face, somewhat fit, nothing exceptional, good personality) get yourself a 7. they'll let u do whatever and they're generally more interesting ppl

>> No.13988061

Define short, and define fit

>> No.13988062

Where do i cop a gf like the one in the right

>> No.13988080

art hoes (like many on this board) entertain themselves with a set of predisposed styles and fashions a mere arms length away from norm fashion, displaying only a basic interest in maintaining a persona unlike those of “other girls”. many boys do the same. these boys enjoy seeing the minimal efforts girls display as “different” (goth gf also comes from this same strain) and the two vaguely non mainstream attract each other with their faux uniqueness

>> No.13988081

shallow people love other shallow people

>> No.13988084

Why are art hoes never actually interested in art apart from wearing it on their socks

>> No.13988090

any girl who is a self professed art hoe in 2019 has stunted growth

>> No.13988092

These are girls with mental illness or social difficulty as bad as any Brony. Just because they are slightly attractive doesn't make them any better. They probably have depression, bipolar, or some other kind of mood disorder. however the fact that they are women lets them do whatever they want and get by somehow. When you point out reality to them you will be rejected entirely and realize how shallow they are and that they live in an imaginary world.

Unless they are actually good at art, stay the fuck away.

>> No.13988095

People here like them because everyone here is the male version of an art-hoe.

>> No.13988103

exactly, most people here are too young to realise it tho

>> No.13988221

All the art hoes I've known liked me a lot not because of my looks or how I dress or anything but rather for my openness about the things I like and the things I do. The ones I've known find it refreshing. Just a tip if you wanna get one.

>> No.13988223


>> No.13988226

what are the things they find refreshing and what are the things they don't?

>> No.13988239

just the openness desu. maybe passionate is a better word. they love it when youre being open about your passions, if those passions are art-based.

>> No.13988331

I never even see art hoes anymore. This style must be relegated to the burbs now, where it will stick around way past its expiration date.

>> No.13988345

are you for real anon? these instagram art-hoes are copy pastes of each other. like a living textbook stereotype. its more of a basic bitch than any standard basic bitch.

>> No.13988382

For me there was something nymph-like to them. The way they pranced and peacocked and draped themselves in false costumes, trying to wear a lifestyle. They're little girls that seek individuation from their parents, without separation from their parent's wallets.

The self-absorption and obvious posery of an upper-middle class girl from a suburb larping as a Latin Quarter bohemian triggered in me some sexual loathing for young women. The desire to posses, dominate and destroy.

They are in-fact typically not so sexual as a "normally" dressed woman you'd meet. Highly neurotic, desiring a father-figure or rape or some symptom of mental deficiency.

>> No.13988388

They're just the scene girls of this decade. It's a trend fetish.

>> No.13988412

As with most things on this board, the fact is they're very common at Urban Outfitters, Ikea, community college bookstores, and whatever counts as the local music scene in your town. /fa/ isn't willing to admit that most of its inspiration actually comes from the mall lol
But it's true

>> No.13988417

I'm from Eastern Europe and here only the trashiest mentally ill bottom of trash dresses like this

>> No.13988420

some are cute and really nice persons worth investing time in like anyone else. some are good friends others can even be good gfs. it depends, it varies, it's unique like the other human beings in the planet.

now grfo /fa/ this isn't r9k

>> No.13988424

t. incel (or psychopath or psychopath incel)

>> No.13988431

lol post pic of yourself with some art hoe then.

>> No.13988470

>t. smelly arthoe

>> No.13988493

Everyone here seems to know exactly what’s meant by „art hoe“, but I never met this type

>> No.13988500

Agree about art projects, but this isn't half bad

>> No.13988570

Extremely accurate posts

>> No.13988597

You're a faggot bro. I'm not saying it for anyone else to hear it, I'm just letting you know you're annoying pissant with no life experiences of your own.

>> No.13988611

because thats art for 99.9% people? even if they went to a museum they would only photograph whats on their socks.

>> No.13988622

Can women into art at all? In this era at least.

>> No.13988624

Can't believe I didn't realize this sooner. You've really opened my eyes, thank you based Anon.

>> No.13988635

This but unironically.

>> No.13988641

>t. needs meme labels to mentally survive because his whole weak sense of self is tied to ideology and the internet

>> No.13988649


So others feel this, too? The kind of loathing that makes you want to destroy a person with your dick? I guess it's just hatefucking but with more contempt and less anger.

>> No.13988660

I just really like the short hair and glasses. I love bobs/short hair, but not the roastie bangs like the girl on the right.

>> No.13988662

Pretty much this.

>> No.13988667
File: 508 KB, 640x636, 98427023-3ACB-447F-868E-C735FB5362C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do they get their style from?

>> No.13988672

If my (non-existing) daughter ended up being an art-hoe I would kill myself. or her rather
I would be more okan with a heroin addict than something like this

>> No.13988674

Aren’t /fa/gs just male art hoes?

>obsessed with looking a certain way
>feel different from normies despite having the same needs and goals

>> No.13988677


It's okay when we do it, only men can be artists anyway.

>> No.13988678

living with one is hell on earth and im thinking about just fucking off with my stuff. Stay away

>> No.13988690
File: 24 KB, 339x294, 1546519871922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do Art at uni and they're generally pretty normie, nothing special about them even though they might think otherwise. The occasional is less vacuous. That's the same with all people though.

It's just a mix of mainstream 80-2000s fashion, it's just an extension of some wierd nostalgia trip everyone seems to be going through.

>> No.13988698

Almost this desu, at least you can help a heroin addict recover.

>> No.13988702

old roastie

>> No.13988709


>> No.13988720

For me /fa/ is easily the most and (only) useful 4chan board I visited. I don't live in a big western town so literally almost every single clothing piece I own now, I heard it first on this site.
I don't really like how people dress on this board, maybe there is like one or two fit I like in every bump-limit WAYWT thread but for discovering items this is a really good board, I would say better than any other site I've seen on the internet. streetwear subreddit is too meme and kiddie and MFA is way too serious and formal.

>> No.13988740

This. Hooked up with a Puerto rican chick after an evening of drinking which turned into her talking shit on every republican she could remember the name of. She got to trump then asked me how I felt and I just said I don't get all the hate and I agree with some of his policies, but I don't worship the guy. She was slightly shaken by this, but about an hour later she had my right wing magnum dong down her throat.

>> No.13988742

Why is this bowlcut so popular among art hoes?

Legit I see like 10 girls like the one on the left per day at my university.

>> No.13988746

yup we're art fuccbois pretty much nice that you posted this realization

>> No.13988752

art hoes are seriously not something you want to deal with. they are vapid, dry cunts, with no sexuality.

>> No.13988764

it's odd to think some anons literally just frequent one board on this site. I'm all over these boards and have over the years learned a shit ton from /lit/, /sci/, /fa/, /fit/, /his/, etc... for as many stupid assholes are on here there's double the amount actually posting hidden gold.

>> No.13988767

we are the same lol

>> No.13988775

They often wear things, that regular girls don't wear nowadays. Skirts, stockings, fishnet socks, knee socks and other kinds of unusual clothing are a turn on for me personally. It's just preference, some people are into the goth gf look.
They might look like they have an interesting personality but probably don't.

>> No.13988781

I used to browse this site way too much and I regret it. havent really learned anything outside this board.
/g/ is a bunch of insufferable cunts. I remember going there and people were like 20 is too late to get into engineering because 8 year olds are programming now and after 30 you not gonna find a job and you need a minimum of phd to get a decent salary and jesus man overall just negativity and autism.
When I started working out I started browsing /fit/ too but its legit just height threads. like every 2nd thread. and its the same shit recycled all day. makes my head hurt honestly, just seeing all the same shit all over again and again. I remember those Tinder catfish threads being reposted like thousands of times. wonder who can even tolerate that shit.
Then /v/ is just literaly console-war threads. not even people in youtube comments do that anymore.

Only actual good place was certain generals. Oh and when I was a freshman back then some guy on /sci/ explained something I did not understand. Guy legit wrote like 10 pages. that was extremely nice, I could not even believe it

>> No.13988786

yeah it's because in majority /fa/ has one of the more down to earth communities compared to the socially retarded boards desu. Can't blame ya, we get leaks of these idiots coming here tho we're in 4chan after all. Absolute chillness just doesn't exist here there is always that creppy inferiority complex guy who already failed on some of his suicide attempts, etc.

>> No.13988801

it's true that threads and genuine questions get derailed easily, but I usually just spam my question until some anon calls me an insufferable faggot and then explains shit to me like nobody else. feels good desu.

>> No.13988810

>yeah it's because in majority /fa/ has one of the more down to earth communities compared to the socially retarded boards desu.

>> No.13988813

There's something about Russian emo art hoes man I have no idea what it is...

>> No.13988818

Hey anon /fa/ has actually been pretty comfy lately so I'm not complaining about the constructive dialogue, lack of Australian shitposters, and generally positive vibes cuz we both know how dark this place can get

>> No.13989004

I know that feel bro
Don't worry we're all gonna make it n get a emo goth big tiddy art hoe someday

>> No.13989029

That is absolute normie thot tier.

>> No.13989055
File: 27 KB, 720x833, 88c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. compared to fit the r9k and pol shit isnt as intrusive here for some reason. I fucking hate those incels pushing their sad agenda on my gains >:(

>> No.13989057
File: 106 KB, 560x510, get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoooo lmao she ugly as fuck

>> No.13989072
File: 301 KB, 600x536, chad_virgin_laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeahhhhh. Sorry.
You cant sit with us.

>> No.13989093

>date an art hoe thinking you'll broaden each others' horizons
>all she does is play on her phone through movies and abort your child

>> No.13989128
File: 263 KB, 1080x1045, peq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit me hard. Thanks.

If there's any /fa/gs left in this thread that still want to date these succubi, just get it over with so you'll learn who to avoid in future.

>I don't send nudes, I'm not that kind of girl
>one word reply to your texts even though you're dating
>Will fuck you unprotected then tell you how irresponsible you are
>Oh that's what you like? I've never heard of it :) ill check it out sometime
>Has way too many guy friends because normal girls think they're a bitch
>Feminist, but only when it applies to her personal situation
>You don't look bad in that, but don't you think you'd look better in [insert copy paste fit she saw on her ig feed]?

>> No.13989144



>> No.13989149

This is probably written by some lanklet coping with the fact that even arthoes are attracted to chads

>> No.13989152


>> No.13989159


Best things written about arthoes on this board

>> No.13989163


>> No.13989234
File: 89 KB, 720x960, 1493674363681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally someone who is honest.

>> No.13989239

saving this for reference and also so I can post it anytime people talk about these wretched excuses for women

>> No.13989476

Holy shit i just realised my gf of 5years fits that description amongst others of the thread. She broke up with me because heroin addiction wasn't deep enough (or the reality of it rather) anymore for her i guess.

>> No.13989480

delete this

>> No.13989496

ah so you're an incel ok anon

>> No.13989763

Their appeal to me is simply that they dress much more interestingly than the basic normie women do. Which implies some kind of more interesting background, which isn't necessarily true but that's just the impulse it triggers in me.

>> No.13989777

she looks less extreme irl, but she has a cool face for sure.

>> No.13989832

Not him but her face is extremely flat and unattractive to me. Compounded with her completely featureless body it just makes her super unattractive.

>> No.13989856

Mmm that's what you get as a wife.

>> No.13989872

>less than 6ft
>belly fat doesn't fold over waistband when you're sitting down

>> No.13989874

>would always end up on the dick every time I went to her house even if she said some shit like "no fucking today, just chilling"

words can't describe how true this is

>> No.13989903

Where's your trip, poet?

>> No.13989914

This post made me a socialist.

>> No.13989979

A thot like that will wear whatever hat you pay her to wear.

>> No.13990035

Been there done that. Pussy was good but not fucking worth all the "mental illness" ya have to put up with.

>> No.13990036

overalls n stripes make them look 7

>> No.13990037

Massive whores but don't publicly act like it

>> No.13990046

Men with Oedipus complexes want to fuck them because they look like their moms in the 90s

>> No.13990071

that's because you were trying to fuck an actual lesbian who was experimenting with you lol good riddance you mongoloid

>> No.13990097
File: 52 KB, 600x384, La collect 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only successful relationship i've had was with a girl whom I share almost zero common interest and taste with and is just some random normal ass human

>> No.13990101

If you saw what my mom looked like in the 90s you'd realize why I go after a completely different kind of girl

>> No.13990131

some of them are pretty and as a man you should be attracted to pretty women the end

>> No.13990444

state of that knee

>> No.13990450

based retarded projecting incel

>> No.13990466

how is this board useful lmao

>> No.13990468

because they're not like other girls

>> No.13990589

if she was a lesbian then she was giving it up pretty easily. she kept touching my arms and legs and comparing them to hers while making judgement about how i'm too big. i stopped pursuing because she smelled like pickles. that's literally the reason why. bitch smelled like a vlasic classic and i wasnt feeling her anymore. she was obviously trying to play hard to get and i was about a few sentences short of destroying her tiny womb.

>> No.13990609
File: 285 KB, 1440x1337, IMG_20181205_223655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's the trend to be attracted these things for "I'm so introvert and unique" teenage and early-twenty-something dudes who are objectively unfashionable and unoriginal sheep

>> No.13990616

holy shit you need to go outside if that's what you think normie girls are like

>> No.13990633

/fa/ fears this reply

>> No.13990643

>tfw you start hanging out with real people (normies) and realize you might be an arthoe.

Score my arthoe bingo card.

>Curly hair in a short bob.
>Sew my own clothing with vintage patterns.
>lmao 420 blaze it bro
>Only drink bourbon whiskey and stout.
>Dedicated interest in collectible toys.
>Mostly listen to music produced in the 70s.
>Homeschooled so functionally autistic with little interest in what is popular.
>Favourite movie is unironically Conan the barbarian.

What else do I need to qualify?

>> No.13990648

ugly therefore approachable

>> No.13990680

Do you smell like pickles?

>> No.13990689

this is not something to be proud of

>> No.13990695

What are the other options, though? Is the opposite of an arthoe a basic bitch who exclusively enjoys popular things?

>> No.13990701

i realize it may be hard but try developing an actual personality and style to where you don't fit neatly into any stereotype

>> No.13990716

I don't really know what that means, but I don't know exactly what the 'arthoe' stereotype is, either. Everything I mentioned is just things that other people have recently commented on. This is arguably the most thought that I've ever put into my hobbies and interests.


>> No.13990721

If you can define yourself by a stereotype, you've failed to be an interesting and/or likable person.

>> No.13990725

>the only successful relationship i've had was with a girl whom I share almost zero common interest and taste with and is just some random normal ass human


I know so many people who walked into toxic, shitty relationships because they were blinded by "DUDE BUT SHE LIKES THE SAME [game/band/thing] AS ME"

Getting to play games or watch anime/film with your gf like you imagine it in your head is never worth her poor personal finance and hygiene, addictions, """"mental health probems"""", weird male friends, destructive behavior and overall lack of goals or desire to have children. And she'll have some fucking annoying gay friend who constantly pushes into your life with histrionic drama, gossips, micromanages, urges her into slutty behaviour and to whom she tells any and everything you do, however personal or embarrassing.

Once the honeymoon phase is over you'll realize her participation in the shared interest is appearance-based and external anyway

There's this recent netflix show called "You" which I thought was amusingly redpilling (probably unintentionally) in this aspect, basically a stalker violently manipulates some NYU MFA into liking him, but as time goes on it turns out she's a slutty, vapid basic bitch with made up problems who hardly even bothers to write and he, the stalker, gives up on her

>> No.13990726

I made a 'lol I wore something yellow am I an arthoe yet' joke; I didn't say I'm an arthoe and proud.

>> No.13990813


>> No.13990829

They're either dead fish or absolutely fucking WILD. No in between at all.

>> No.13991327

So you guys agree that it looks dated and irrelevant?

>> No.13991330

I just think it's the new fauxhemian look

>> No.13991476

yeeeah i guess it’s the fact that they’re easy. their style is disgusting, their everything is disgusting. but guys want pussy, so.

>> No.13991599

Confirm. Arthoe ex had an abusive father, she didn't like talking about sex but was unbelievably easy to engage in sexual activities with. She would finish foreplay and then immediately lie down on her back like she was Jesus Christ himself preparing to be crucified, when I tried to switch things up from fucking her missionary every time she got upset because "it's like you're treating me like a fuck buddy, I thought we were in love".

>> No.13991614

It's a bit cuck to wear what women make you, but what's wrong with Hawaiian shirts? A little bit of sleaze never hurt anyone.

>> No.13991630

For ugly and low tier males to feel like they've met both their looks match and someone as special, unique and quirky as them.

>> No.13991636

Imagine putting this effort into dressing like a twat and they still don't sleep with you haha

>> No.13991680
File: 2.74 MB, 300x252, 4ee2439b42ef5fbdbb59fffe689079f6586e21191ee48b45ceb50c2778365573.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13991694

I read the book but didn't know they turned that into a series. Book was so fucking lame that I had to put it down halfway through. The author unintentionally projected herself onto the female character and the whole story was just looked at through a shitty lens that didn't make sense.

>> No.13991708

Source on this image friend?

>> No.13991760

Same guy here. There's nothing wrong with how they look, as long as you're fine with looking the same as everyone else.

>take her shopping for a concert outfit
>she picks out a Hawaiian shirt for me
>was gonna wear a box shirt and style it with a jacket but fine
>spot at least five other guys wearing the exact same shirt at the concert

As far as dressing for your partner goes, if you're both into fashion it can be interesting to pick outfits for each other and swap unisex clothing. I wore the same shirt to a party after and got a lot of compliments.

>> No.13991855

haha didn't think I'd see you here.

>> No.13991880

I think it's purely association. It says "I am between the ages 18-22 and I am in need of love" not hard to figure out why dudes go for that.

>> No.13991887

i think we're art hoe boys /fa/
and we're just being hypocritical.

>> No.13991893

This is a cringe post
t. Trump supporter

>> No.13991920

based bost

>> No.13991939

I still don't get this meme. these just average girls who wear quirky clothing

>> No.13991941

this could easily apply to most people posting in this thread (including you)

>> No.13992010

spoken like a true virgin

>> No.13992012

so girls like us.

>> No.13992182

Everytime I had sex with my ex she would get teary eyes and get depressed for the rest of the day and I wondered why
Turns out she got raped by her dad when she was 12 LOOOOOOL

>> No.13992273

Is art-hoes being "down for anything" just a meme? How would an art-hoe react to a foot/dirty sock fetish?

>> No.13992318

this is the most basic shit ever for real

>> No.13992352

Pure fantasy

>> No.13992354


>> No.13992671

homie idk get to know the person maybe yes maybe no. they're not dressed in full BDSM nobody can tell. if they were to own BDSM gear then yeah man easily but you can't know.

>> No.13992716

I agree with this guy, but I have one question: what should we call male art hoes? Just /fa/ggots, or something else?

>> No.13992728

Even if they aren't, they're super submissive so as long as you give them positive reinforcement (compliments, spooning and other bullshit women like) they'll do the most depraved shit ever. Lots of women are like that but art hoes especially fall into that category.

>> No.13992747

These are the kinds of chicks that are so liberal it becomes problematic. Like you can't enjoy simple things. Take for example the death of super Dave. I was at my girlfriends place and she had friends over and they didn't know who he was. So I showed them the video where Dave is going to have a native shoot arrows at him while he's spinning on a giant target. Obviously the native hits him with a few and all her friends are laughing and having a good time. Then Dave calls the native over and is like "I knew I shouldn't have trusted a stupid Indian to do this" and you could literally hear a pin drop and they all looked at me like "why the fuck would you show us this?". Then they are like you are sad because some racist died what is wrong with you blah blah blah. That's why I never open my mouth around those bitches God damn. I'm somewhat liberal too but these bitches are fucking annoying .

>> No.13993012

unlike most girls, art hoes at least try to be effay and cultivate an interest in art or literature
sure, a lot of the time they're just pretentious and obnoxious, but not all of them are the caricatures you guys talk about ITT
desu someone should compile a list of subspecies, because lumping insane hyperfeminists with girls who just happen to get their inspo from tumblr is a bit dumb

>> No.13993033

One of my close friends is a bi arthoe, only guys i've seen her date were lanklets

>> No.13993147

>using anecdotal evidence as a coping method

>> No.13993184

empirical methods are the only way here, do you really think there is a sufficient theoretical framework of arthoes?

>> No.13993445
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>> No.13993462

nice blog post about some corny and outdated comedy bit. you both sound young and insufferable

>> No.13993581

The one on the left is objectively the best and most put-together looking. Do you guys think she's aware of this?

>> No.13993607
File: 97 KB, 498x594, 13f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not fat but i am 5'10. Is it over for me boyos?

>> No.13993633


>> No.13993777

shoulda gone with a clip from curb my dude

>> No.13993791

buddy have you ever spent any time around women? Most of them are insufferable to be around, especially art hoes.

>> No.13993806

Been there. Worst relationship I've had.

>> No.13994371

>my right wing magnum dong down her throat
God fucking dammit I loved reading this

>> No.13994380

>>I don't send nudes, I'm not that kind of girl
>>one word reply to your texts even though you're dating
>>Will fuck you unprotected then tell you how irresponsible you are
>>Oh that's what you like? I've never heard of it :) ill check it out sometime
>>Has way too many guy friends because normal girls think they're a bitch
>>Feminist, but only when it applies to her personal situation
>>You don't look bad in that, but don't you think you'd look better in [insert copy paste fit she saw on her ig feed]?

Holy shit I dated that girl

>> No.13994390

based peqeri poster

>> No.13994392
File: 8 KB, 282x380, Coping?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... coping how?

>> No.13995530

Fringes on a girl instantly change a 10 to a 4.

>> No.13995709

You all act like /fa/ is so different from art hoes. Both have entry level taste and superficial aesthetics when it comes to clothes. and it’s obvious you weirdos keep making these threads just to talk about them and hide your obsession with hate threads.

>> No.13995752

I'm not sure if it's possible, or fair at all to determine that your girlfriend is an easy lay because she has sex with you when you meet each other. Maybe I've just been dating hoes, but even the once who were virgins before we started dating were obviously getting my dick in between their legs each time we met.

>> No.13995774

I falsely accused my ex of being a rapist creep because he broke up with me, all our mutual friends and his own friends completely dropped him and he was basically banned from any diy spaces in our town. He commited suicide 1 month ago and his mom messaged me asking me if I knew what happened, and told me he killed him self and I just replied with “good riddance”

Heard when he hung his self in his on some pipe above the washing machine he somehow diarrhea all over his self while it happened holy shit what I would give to witness it.

>> No.13995784

No such thing as a female incel besides anomaly’s such as severe deformities/physical conditions/injuries

>> No.13995813

this is a very novel and interesting bait
on the offchance you're actually serious, this is why he dumped you and why you should seek professional help

>> No.13995863

It’s not bait, I would post his obituary but I don’t want any of you linking it back to me

>> No.13996014


>> No.13996099
File: 251 KB, 2048x1419, 2348837g38h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of people go to art school do so to find safe haven from bullying (ie.faggots) and or to get attention

the 1% quit school and are over at /ic/

>> No.13996104
File: 1.44 MB, 500x290, 1515653422342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ultimate butthurt art hoe response

>> No.13997154

This is the best new copypasta I've seen all year

>> No.13997162

I've been single for over a year, at this point I'd be willing to date an art hoe.

>> No.13997414

art hoes are insecure hell to be around
design hoes with cold hearts and fits as shapeless as slabs of granite are where its at

>> No.13997458
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>> No.13997494 [DELETED] 
File: 1.98 MB, 1738x998, erterge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is almost the exact pure manifestation of the art hoe. I think she is a lesbian though. She's a
These are her exact quotes lol
>No, I wanted to write a book that was not political at all. I wanted to just write about a family, it was going to be on an oil rig, the world has flooded, and it was going to be all about their isolation.
ArtHoe check 1: has these "great" "artistic" ideas and is so "creative"
>But while I was writing it,
but what?
>I just felt really lost and angry.
ArtHoe Check 2: it's all about feelings

>The idea of a masculinity that is literally toxic
ArtHoe Check 3: literally every time

>just felt really right to me,
the feelings yes

>that this is the kind of disaster I’d be wanting to write about. I was so focused on the survival, and them living away from the rest of the world, but I think the outside world just sort of leaked into it, and forced my hand on that

>> No.13997516

fair point

>> No.13997725

yeah but you won't find as many of the real professional artists publicly.
the best women artists i've met are more focused on art than flaunting it online.

that's just me tho

>> No.13997751
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>> No.13997785

But those /g/ things ard true.

>> No.13997798

>smelled like pickles
Imagine, haha.

>> No.13997802

>Wanting women who are into art and culture and who you can have interesting discussions with
huh what a strange world

>> No.13997808

They all love Leon the Professional and Pulp Fiction

>> No.13997812

Theyr girls

>> No.13997822 [DELETED] 

I agree with everything you said, I don't appreciate that you sound like the type of person to walk into a Walgreens asking the cashier "to whom do I dispatch payment?"

>> No.13997828

I agree with everything you said, but I don't appreciate that you sound like the type of person that would walk into a Walgreens and ask the cashier "to whom do I dispatch payment?".

>> No.13997836

Based. I wish I were gay because liking pussy but hating women is the worst hell to be trapped in.

>> No.13997985

>only drinking bourbon
>Not sticking to scotch
Bourbon is basically meant to be mixed cause the fuckers like syrup
Scotch with some lukewarm water all day every day kidda no hangover and best taste

>> No.13998006

/fa/ is filled with ART HOE BOYS

>> No.13998023

the artsy feminist chick from The Big Lebowski also had that haircut

>> No.13998026
File: 149 KB, 666x1036, 146222816501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current wife is high-school sweetheart, we lost our virginities to each other
>sex is incredibly infrequent, but she's otherwise lovely
>fantasize about a sex-craved art hoe
>mfw I read this
The grass is always greener I guess.

>> No.13998035

dont believe everything you see in 4chan ffs. the stories here are works of falsehood etc you should know better by now newfag

>> No.13999236

desperate thots who think being "quirky" and "not like the other girls" will make them hot. they usually dont shower and do drugs for the ~aesthetic uwu~, own a tumblr, are into tarot and astrology, only attract beta orbiters. always have bipolar disorder.
are either "kawaii aesthetic" weebs, or "goth" slavaboos. no inbetween

source: i worked at one of those edgy "alternative" clothing shops

>> No.13999253

Who doesn’t

>> No.13999381

U are right

>> No.13999531
File: 40 KB, 726x669, 1543883427411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage advice. Needed this. Thank you.

>> No.13999603
File: 301 KB, 2251x1022, 1546041282631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any /biz/raelis here?

>> No.13999831

idk they seem a little more interesting than the typical thot and could possibly have some relatable music interests

>> No.14000347

I'm a pseud from /lit/. I did get a bit high off my own farts when what I set out to do was try to put my own psychology to paper, in terms of why I'd be attracted to silly looking teenagers playing pretend.

This is actually the best and only necessary post ITT.

>> No.14000353

Fah is filled with insecure college freshmen that are trying to buy hookers in the most roundabout , inefficient way possible.

It's not true. They're bad fucks and generally sexually neurotic, which in the real world translates into being fake and try-hard at best, afraid or low sex drive at worst. Tall confident women who are actually beautiful are the best at sex and have the most of it, in my experience.

>> No.14000360

Truth. I think they're just female Robots. Insecure, needs oribtors but only wants "Chad", off-putting because they're so obviously in costume, would actually be alright and get what they wanted if they just looked that way, without all the stupid play-acting and neuroses.

>> No.14000362

>muh poore an fahmilu values waif

>> No.14000376
File: 44 KB, 736x828, realistic pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like most of the art hoes don’t really look good and they just compensate with style.
Best way to tell if a girl is actually attractive now a days is probably at the beach / pool because they all wear minimal stuff and minimal makeup or none at all, easier to tell who is more attractive that way.

Art hoes are just creating an illusion with their style.

>> No.14000379

the best well to tell if she is attractive is if she rejects you, that way I know she isnt crazy af to go with spergs.

>> No.14000427

This is true.
5'0" recessed chin with blunt bangs detected

>> No.14000447

>current wife is high-school sweetheart, we lost our virginities to each other
americans are weird

>> No.14000458

I used to hang out with chicks like that, they act all aloof and then they get a little bit drunk a fuck some fat, sweaty mess, so I think if you just hang around them enough you will inevitably hook up

>> No.14000465

this. the women I know who work in art and/or media (Hollywood makeup etc) are sometimes normie but typically alt-stacy and shit, definitely not art-hoes

>> No.14000467

Bad bait try less harder next time

>> No.14000476

so exactly like us?
also as long as they don't use heavy makeup, they can't really mask their ugliness, at best they can own it

>> No.14000477

If you look even mildly alt they’ll come for you.
Bonus points if you’re in a band.

>> No.14000522


>> No.14000544

that face is very very grim
nice legs though. Not sure why I’m so into thin legs, probably because my gf’s aren’t so thin

>> No.14000601

idk man. call me a 30 year old boomer, but i still prefer goth gfs.

>> No.14000609

she looks like a fresh sculpture that fell face down. her face is just so pressed and unbearable to look at.

>> No.14000611

did u ignore the knees or something

>> No.14000627

i can back that. the man’s speaking the truth

>> No.14000629

i think a REAL art-hoe would be the type of girl who looks modest and maybe even nerdy, not this barn.

>> No.14000636

haha yeah I clearly did. looks dislocated.

>> No.14000641

not sending nudes to be different is a shit excuse. i know people that don’t send it because of how paranoid they are. you can’t trust your own phone at this point, and do you really wanna get your dick/titties get leaked god knows where?

>> No.14000649

except at this point every normie girl dresses like an art-hoe cause everyone wants to be unique and quirky, only they end up looking like a herd of sheep

>> No.14001746

theyre easy

>> No.14002990

heh pic related is my cousin

>> No.14003000

ive had this friends and benefits relationship with this art hoe for about a year all we do is smoke weed, have sex and take pictures.

they have the greatest sex, she literally fucks me back and loves rough sex.

thats the only thing attractive about them to me

>> No.14003046

BASED psycopath poster

>> No.14003046,1 [INTERNAL] 

New to this site, broad chinned chad ever since 2015, but use to I didn't have even the confidence to speak to chicks. Literally was surfing, and found this thread. Me personally I find the more a chick is unattractive to the normes, the more they turn me on. They have to be attractive to ME obviously. I'm experienced enough to know at the end of the day the good looking girls, instagram esque bitches, are usually pretty bland, and they slap so much foundation on their face that once its off you have another girlfriend. If the image pops up, this chick is my second to most recent ex, canadian artsy gal, with the obvious bi polar disorder type 2. They usually have childhood trauma, for her she dealt with slight abuse, and lived in a violent household. Her bi polar disorder creates a subgenre of manic episodes, and hypersexuality, art hoes FOR THE MOST PART, are into rough sex. Now if you find an art hoe with left stroked political views, theeen it becomes a vacancy. There are apolitical art hoes. This chick was alright on the eyes, when you're 5'11" and you have the sense to treat girls like you don't care, you reel something in. I know with her she had beta types hitting her phone being her emotional support when I made her mad or whatever, I would assume I'm insane and therefore she's insane so we matched, but I believe an art hoe's target niche is wallflower men who take the innocent mask as a literal animation to who they are. I won't respond to the smell rumor because for my example, she had bi polar disorder type 2, with that comes cold manic episodes, and until they are interested in affection again, and you're present, thats when the next shower is. Clean pussy has no flavor so what's the fun?