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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 21 KB, 296x296, D4IYM9XH_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13969759 No.13969759 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on this guy?

>> No.13969760

Retarded manlet shill.

>> No.13969767

Good salesman.
Prefer Robin

>> No.13969769
File: 28 KB, 700x700, 7EAF3EFC-0C4B-4258-88D7-E19A77E3EA3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His skin products dont work for shit. My acne is worse than ever...

>> No.13969773

he dresses like a fucking hairdresser.

And his products are literally branded dropshipping shit.

>> No.13969776

>he fell for the Tiege Henley shit

are you for real, LOL?

>> No.13969778

>buying anything this gnome tries to sell you
Why anon?

>> No.13969833
File: 158 KB, 1080x1350, 43817758_2283312048564390_1637092031139485777_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mogs /fa/ unironically

>> No.13969841
File: 105 KB, 1275x674, 1543602411599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13969847

an absolute fucking douche

>> No.13969856

In what way?

>> No.13969860

He's a manlet, but he has nice hair and jaw genes

>> No.13969862

Does this feel humiliating? Im 6'3 so I dont know that feel

>> No.13969870

this. i wanna know
i'm 6'4 and the rare times i see someone who is way taller than me (i dont notice a difference at 6'5-6'7),i am taken back

>> No.13969874

>Does this feel humiliating?
Im 174 cm and dont give a fuck desu
Nobody really cares about your height irl (I even fucked women taller than me)
Basically it boils down to you being insecure about it

>> No.13969880

That's actually a pretty good fit. By normie standards. By fa standards it s shit of course. Because his jacket fits him properly and isn't 3 sizes too big, and his jeans touch his shoes instead of being above the ankles and looking like a clown

>> No.13969887

looks like he smells like shit/piss masked with cologne, also has that gross thing in his eye

>> No.13969911
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took his advice and now I look like this, fuck. /s

>> No.13969914
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Insecure af

>> No.13969921

It really annoys me the way he addresses his viewers as "gentlemen",both in the way he pronounces it and the fact that the people who watch this guy are far from gentlemen.

>> No.13969931

dude looks like my gay turkish barber

>> No.13969944
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>> No.13969958

hes shill and dresses like shit aka like normalfag

>> No.13969960

>la creatura

>> No.13969969



But isn't obvious what he's doing? I think he is just bluepilling incels and then slams his products into your face, your avg. salesman-con man

>> No.13969974
File: 244 KB, 1024x683, 5688248840_8f31d0acdf_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a seller.
He tries to be a motivational speaker but doesn't really get deeply into fashion. Like for instance, if you are a bit overweight listening to this guy is utterly pointless.
I dare to say that Pinterest algorithm gives you better advice than alpha m.

But listen, if you have insecurities he will absolutely help you.

>> No.13969997

Gives decent advice to young men on proper grooming and fashion.

However, he blatantly shills garbage products afterwards that are a waste of money.

>> No.13970116

yeah, it's manlet that wants people to refer to him as "alpha", no insecurities what so ever ...

>> No.13970221

this. I'm 7'8" and 396lbs of muscle with 4% bodyfat so everyone is a pitiful little dwarf to me

>> No.13970260


>> No.13970293

nice try Aaron

>> No.13970310

Big phone

>> No.13970448

Average mongrel Amerimutt

>> No.13970519

Small guy

>> No.13970655

AlphaM sucks because his channel is the equivalent of a sponsored Buzzfeed listicle designed to turn guys into a type of cookie cutter male instead of encouraging them to develop their own style.

>> No.13970684

Legit gotta ask from those who will give me proper info, whats his skin care range like? Does it genuinely do fuck all aye? That bad?

If so, what would ya recommend as a daily routine

>> No.13970688

Agreed. It should be obvious at this point however his viewers seem completely oblivious.

>> No.13970780

Probably if youre 5'2 and get mogged by average people
But being 5'10 and getting mogged by 6'4 isnt bad

>> No.13970784

He doesnt want you to be overweight tho

>> No.13970786

Why would you want that, wtf?

>> No.13970865

it's an American thing apparently

>> No.13970993

his channel is shit but you're coping hard if you think that he looks bad here >>13969833

>> No.13971029

He needs to work on his proportions. He would look 10x better with high cut pants and a shorter jacket

>> No.13971156

173 here and unless you are really insecure you don't care. Besides it's not like I can get taller besides wearing high heels so I just accept it

>> No.13971160

why would you want that? I actually have the opposite problem and my dick is average

>> No.13971173

His "reviews" are literally just advertisements paid by his sponsors. He's nothing but a shill.

>> No.13971240

You only hate him because he is a confident brown man

>> No.13971427

Shave and get a nice haircut

>> No.13971453

kek i am 173 too
lol I know I just made a bad photo for a joke I even put /s there lol

>> No.13971457

Based latino man. Ugly shits from /tv/ hate him for no good reason

>> No.13971475

i found him in my garage taking about cars and buying books books or something before i kicked him out

>> No.13971525

Has pushed some great products on the YouTube community. Always hated his style. His recent videos are complete shit. Unsubbed last year

>> No.13971554

is his channel name short alpha manlet?

>> No.13971578

>alpha mexican
yes I do like the guy.

>> No.13971624

His videos went from being actual content that occasionally had a sponsorship to being an advertisement that occasionally has some content in it

>> No.13971644
File: 28 KB, 304x404, 1448301847002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alpha m is stealing the white women that rightfully belongs to us.

>> No.13971895

oh god those manlet proportions. You might as well go naked if you are under 6 foot because holy shit hes got such a big head and short arms like a baby that kept its proportions

>> No.13971910

this guy sells bluepill advice to incels and basedboys. that's not to say that cleaning up doesn't help attract women, just that you can't expect to make em wet by acting like le supreme gentleman. being alpha is all about shutting women down and making them chase after you. if you want some real alpha advice look up alpha male strategies.

>> No.13971958

double dubs of kek

>> No.13971964
File: 46 KB, 573x609, 1546200300830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw when he's italian
still a shill tho

>> No.13972421

everything about him is so try hard and tacky. his tastes are middle or the road or just trendy and mostly ill-fitting. plus he's annoying as fuck. he just tries to up his energy in the hope that's the same thing as charisma but it's just cringe. he's a teenager's idea of a cool dude.

>> No.13972854

im 6'1" and don't get height mogged often but when I see someone 6'4" or 6'5 my heart drops and I feel terrible. can't imagine being a proper manlet

>> No.13972856


>> No.13972858

for you

>> No.13972881

I'm nearing 6'6, and when I meet people taller than me I feel intimidated. It does feel good however to meet people I can look in the eye when I'm talking, instead of bending over or looking down.

>> No.13972896

sounds like he fucked your mum

>> No.13974049

Sounds like you base too much of your identity and sense of self worth on your height mate. Plus manlets are used to people around them being taller, leaning down to talk to them and picking them up and putting them on their table

>> No.13974378

If giving fashion advice is so easy to get rich off of why dont you all do it?

>> No.13974381

youtube salesman