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File: 33 KB, 500x750, 8607e1d927cf6e47296deebf53d9fe69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13964426 No.13964426 [Reply] [Original]

I think we can all agree that coloured eyes - be it green, blue, or even violet - are far superior to brown eyes, right?
Brown eyes are so bland, and boring. Whilst coloured eyes are far more expressive, and are overall very alluring. With coloured eyes, you already get +2 points to your looks.
I find it difficult to trust people with brown eyes. Shakespeare said eyes are the windows to the soul, and their windows are muddied and gross.
Truly, coloured eyes are superior.

>> No.13964531


>> No.13964545



>> No.13964549

Brown eyes are fine on people with dark hair. I find brown eyes on blonds very unusual though.

>> No.13964558

Eh not really. Brown eye are traits of dominant genes whilst colored eyes are recessive(hitlergotitwrong). Not muddied or gross, you can't trust brown eyed people because their eyes are dark and blank, you can't read them and that intimidates you and other colored eyed people, with their weak genes and all. All colored eye people have some kind of other bad medical problems/conditions/intolerances.

>> No.13964570

I have really dark brown eyes (look black unless you are shining a light at them) and I love them

>> No.13964644

nah, its all about contrast. if you have light skin and very dark eyes, like very dark. fuck it you are lucky. otherwise brown eyes are meh

>> No.13964793

People with brown eyes look like digusting Pajeets.

>> No.13964795
File: 90 KB, 660x397, sanpakueyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purge your bodily colour fetishes OP. Beautiful eyes are characterized by great depth, and subtle glow, indicative of healthy/strong Spirit, regardless of pigment type.

>> No.13964800

Ok nigger

>> No.13964847

lmao shut up dumbcunt

>> No.13964857


>> No.13964879

>you can't trust brown eyed people because their eyes are dark and blank, you can't read them and that intimidates you
You're retarded

>> No.13965142


>> No.13965338
File: 97 KB, 1080x1350, c28f9ccf911f846f3754871dd0cbc809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coloured eyes look cool on photos and can be more attractive than brown. It depends. The shape of the eye and the saturation are more important.
If you have light eyes especcially blue it makes you look like a psychopath imo.
It really depends on the brightness of the eyes.
Personally I don't care about eyecolor. I care more about if the person looks at me while talking and if the 'expression' of their eyes changes depending on the conversation.
There's nothing alluring about blue or green eyes if they look at me like an 80 year old with alzheimer.

>> No.13965771

Its all about harmony.
Imagine Francisco Lachowski with blue eyes, he’d look stupid as shit.
Generally it doesn’t mean anything if you’re not attractive in the first place.

>> No.13965922
File: 45 KB, 540x720, medium_portrait7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dominant means its better
>you can't trust brown eyed people because their eyes are dark and blank, you can't read them and that intimidates you and other colored eyed people
C O P E ing this hard just becasue you have melanin in your eye
Why the fuck would I be afraid of you non-European niggers? I'm 6'2 blonde hair and blue eyed product of my Scandinavian biome which I've adapted to. You never see light eyed people wearing brown contacts. Its always brown eyed chinks, niggers, and poos trying to LARP as Aryans because they know they lost the genetic lottery and light eyes are objectively more attractive from an evolutionary standpoint because the pupil is more visible and humans are attracted to enlarged pupils because they are a result of sexual attraction and happiness. The color blue is also proven to relax the brain, thats why all social media is blue. The most intelligent countries in the world are East Asian and Germanic/Northern European (Blue eyed majorities)
>All colored eye people have some kind of other bad medical problems/conditions/intolerances.
Colored eyes were adapted for low-light conditions.

Enjoy your poo eye, and remember you will literally never be Aryan.

>> No.13965974
File: 305 KB, 500x474, tumblr_inline_n72w8gGaof1scka6w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Imagine having such low self worth you unironically throw your toys out the pram when someone insults your eye colour.

>> No.13966037

Feels good to have darker blue eyes so I get the best of both worlds.
Greybros where you at?

>> No.13966249

The shape matters the most. Light blue eyes wont help you if you have bug eyes

>> No.13966728

Light eyes only good if you have strong limbal ring.

t. eyes like ice

>> No.13966734
File: 631 KB, 2533x3000, 154636655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is weird you post some under 18 fag with fake hair colour to prove your point, rather than something like pic related

>> No.13966742
File: 24 KB, 726x484, 7C3B5C22-C629-4485-AFE2-1F4C2EDBB3E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t you mean colored eyes vs black eyes? White people are capable of every eye color whole asains, Africans, and islanders are only capable of black eyes

>> No.13966755
File: 584 KB, 1280x1920, 1501606790092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. larping amerimutt
i live in a scandi country and i know of a 9 female who wore brown contacts. scandis think southern europeans and their brown eyes are super handsome and exotic. that being said, hazel is the master race of eye colour.

>> No.13966810

Should I point out that brown is a color?

>> No.13966885

literally every person ive met w blue eyes wouldnt stop staring me in the face until the topic of eye color came up in conversation, its almost like they use eye color as a part of their personality and not an uncontrollable facial feature

>> No.13966960

Hey man, sorry to burst your bubble but you’re supposed to look someone in the eyes when you’re talking to them.

>> No.13966989

Except the eyes in pic rel are brown.

>> No.13967142

And you're a weakgene bitch, kill yourself please, and your parents while you're at it so they can't have another disappointment like yourself.

>> No.13967146
File: 41 KB, 121x123, 717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder that everyone who says they like their brown eyes copes and actually wishes they had light ones

>> No.13967150
File: 20 KB, 150x150, 1393415062235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and also anyone with brown eyes is not white either

>> No.13967164

Maybe try using a pic of an actual blonde person before you start spouting hitlerspeak, also one that doesn't have fucked teeth like your boy there.

Yes dominant means better, it's exactly what it means. You keep saying nigger lmao? You realize it's not just black people that have brown eyes you stupid cunt, europeans and azns have it too.

Why the fuck would I want to be some skinny ayran faggot when I could be a 6'2 jacked brown eyed guy who can grow a real beard

>> No.13967214

Colored eyes CAN look good, but I see a lot of people that mistakenly think their eyes look good solely because they're colored.

>> No.13967221

>Africans, and islanders are only capable of black eyes

wrong. they are brown. absolutely nobody has black eyes.

>> No.13967226

you are correct, and anyone that says otherwise is coping

>> No.13968177

What about Hazel eyes? Talking about the fake green ones with specks of brown in the middle.

>> No.13968186

Motherfucker talking without recognizing Lucky Blue Smith

>> No.13968359
File: 52 KB, 1100x618, D45A0D5C-6888-4E2F-9307-B90C31CA400E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is brown eyes

Anything darker is black

>> No.13968405


>> No.13968484

Those are more of a hazel, no?

>> No.13968888


It's all about face and eye shape rather than color

>> No.13968897

no, they'd be dark brown, you stupid faggot

>> No.13968901

Black eyes

>> No.13968905

Blue, green, gray and violet look really nice but a light brown or hazel can be even more stunning. As most said though it is more about the rest of the eye that really compliments the color

>> No.13969251

>If you have light eyes especcially blue it makes you look like a psychopath imo.
Are you retarded?

>> No.13969253

This, in all cases
Shiteyes on suicide watch

>> No.13969262
File: 15 KB, 350x437, 10_Albino_africans-s350x437-1380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats up, my aryan nigga!

>> No.13969288

>le dark brown meme

Nah you got charcoal eyes nigga

>> No.13969312

light brown hazel eyes look nice but dark brown/ black looks terrible

>> No.13969439

i have sanpaku eyes what does this mean

will i get as much poon as kennedy and manson?

>> No.13969455

Imagine being this handsome haha

>> No.13969461

yea bud i lurk lookism.net too

>> No.13969506

>t. literal aspie

>> No.13969511

"three whites"
It's some boomer pseudo-science that suggests your eyes correlate with your personality
Specifically that sanpaku eyes belong to sociopathic people

>> No.13969518

i think contrasts are the most striking, like black haired people with light eyes and blonde haired people with dark eyes are magnetic to me, but in terms of BEING ATTRACTED TO THEM, its shape etc because a guy with the smae shape with either clours is attractive but one MAY be more striking if he is rare colours but yea its all bullshit