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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 64 KB, 1591x1642, 1545959848919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13958309 No.13958309 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get examples of the "Chad Embrace"? Come on, help a receding mustache bro a chance. I'll post some inspo

.t 25 on the 31st Bloomer

>> No.13958312
File: 49 KB, 640x698, 640px-Iain_Glen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13958318
File: 74 KB, 900x750, steven-ogg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13958319
File: 286 KB, 885x854, 1544845677504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13958323
File: 595 KB, 1534x2044, 1544154892215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13958325
File: 443 KB, 1400x946, 1515026732474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someday I'll get my self esteem up enough to go buzz if this doesn't work out

>> No.13958331
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, 1517090863715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13958333
File: 121 KB, 1080x1350, 1531937325827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13958338
File: 188 KB, 1000x667, 1545935643974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13958375

The sad part is this only really work if you are quite old. My hairline is receding like crazy and I'm only 22.

>> No.13958600

tfw I'll probably peak in looks at 50+

>> No.13958613


>> No.13958749
File: 36 KB, 306x520, 38FA12D200000578-0-image-m-18_1475878122023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13958761
File: 978 KB, 442x320, 1545954007740.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13958772
File: 255 KB, 500x501, running.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture hurts me

>> No.13958784

wtf is this me

>> No.13958787
File: 56 KB, 500x625, 1413040166432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13958788


>> No.13958789
File: 42 KB, 500x563, 1413040069657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13958790
File: 33 KB, 521x567, 1938046_44fd_625x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13958803


Getting over the fact that most men lose their hair and that you will probably be one of them, and to really just stay in decent shape and enjoy life and your friends and family. If you are losing your hair, there's little you can do. The chad embraces his hair falling out with stride. He may get a bit stressed about it at first, but ultimately he realizes that there is nothing he can do and that he shouldn't stress himself over it. He does what he can, like taking some vitamins, taking care of what he has, but ultimately he knows it's his physical well being and family that's more important than his hair.

>> No.13958812
File: 50 KB, 455x700, f835015a1ebdb06e4bea68bd8173e05e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13958851

Would unironically look pretty hot if he went full bald.

Same with these guys. Go dome or go home. Don't let these dishonest edits fool you into thinking life is over.

>> No.13958855


>> No.13958956
File: 89 KB, 1000x563, fargo-season-3-fyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13958989

If it gets worse you're done but this actually looks fine; nicely done

>> No.13958991

the edits are particularly dishonest because they have no idea what their skull shape actually looks like under the hair, it just shoops in some random's
if all of those guys buzzed irl it would probably be a much different story

>> No.13959121

samurai retainer core

>> No.13959124


>> No.13959329
File: 474 KB, 1920x1080, downloadfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 : 1 with kane

>> No.13959332

this is absolute chad embrace

>> No.13959339

That's spooky black/Corbyn. Nice face, mediocre facial hair growth, good head shape and nice aesthetics. Hope I can pull that off too.

Do you sometimes look at people like this and think that without their "flaws" they wouldn't look as good?

>> No.13959448

Tfw rounded forehead so my hairline will always look receded despite having great hair genetics
Why God?

>> No.13959450
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, Ahh_Man_Of_Culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13959466

try having a sloping x rounded forehead lad. I can never rock anything but a fringe


>> No.13959470
File: 318 KB, 946x1280, 3093518B-56A2-44F2-906C-9267F6B8BBD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nick Cave

>> No.13959485

wtf are these terms

>> No.13959486
File: 61 KB, 970x545, 61B13385-3816-48E1-85CB-21BDFDB1E15F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13959498

the reason this looks bad is because
1) that level of hair loss is not natural for his age in the pic so it doesn't match the rest of his face/body
2) his style is boyish, but his hair is manly. if he was wearing something more adult it wouldn't look as bad
3) once it's reached that point, shaving is much better. and his head shape is great for a shaved look.
stop trying to scare these poor people kek

>> No.13959629
File: 128 KB, 1420x946, B96F945C-E219-4ED9-B7C9-571D26004FBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13959780


Yeah, if you take a young mans picture and just take his hair off in the next pic, it makes it look worse than it is.

>> No.13959792

>Oh, you're going bald anon? Just>>>
>Become a....
>Famous musician
>Body builder
>If they can pull it off.. Why can't you, anon? I think you're just being negative....


>> No.13959797

legit looks like one in ops pic. holy shit

>> No.13959803


>> No.13959857

Post a diagram I want to see if yours is similar to mine since it'd be nice to not be alone.

>> No.13959863

Haha bump cus we share birthday

>> No.13960203

just fucking swap him in ops pic. holy fucking shit. nick cave confirmed god of /aerostardrivercore/

>> No.13960215
File: 30 KB, 890x473, the chad embrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13960219
File: 17 KB, 300x300, mussolini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All great looks. Now be 35 with a liver that looks 60 and you're good to go.

>> No.13960225
File: 58 KB, 620x931, ap_16238344438010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13960350


>> No.13960415
File: 1.43 MB, 3088x2320, 009F70E2-D92B-4B08-9828-6247019E78A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reposting me

>> No.13960425

tattoo makes it even better


>> No.13960492

loved u in terminator 1

>> No.13960564
File: 73 KB, 473x600, Jude+Law+2018+Toronto+International+Film+Festival+nQ5o_l1Lkdnl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13960695
File: 424 KB, 1536x2048, 544CB50F-D0ED-4421-B621-FFAA8AE2EBEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13960714
File: 93 KB, 440x607, ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F0f%2F7d%2F3e%2F0f7d3ec4b56ef72d973b14104d76229a.jpg&f=1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13960719

Not going to lie, been noticing my hairline receding a bit. Can't tell if it's maturing or beginning to bald, but it honestly freaked me the fuck out, especially since I've always had crazy thick hair.

Worst part is not knowing what's ahead, IMO. But there's also nothing you can do about it, so if shit hits the fan I'll just accept it. Not going to hop on drugs in any case.

>> No.13960867
File: 97 KB, 1024x1024, 1540481910541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13960879
File: 42 KB, 472x481, 1539167035343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically based and redpilled
Do you hit on high school girls ?

>> No.13960905

how was nick cave so effay when he was ugly as shit and had no chin or jaw?

>> No.13961030
File: 665 KB, 1536x2046, 1010E8DC-B9F6-481E-B175-2455D91AD2AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, have an adult girlfriend already you little goober!

>> No.13961171
File: 76 KB, 1065x859, 1467937689964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chaddest embrace

>> No.13961213
File: 47 KB, 835x360, waingroheat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13961317

thanks I saved your pic for a reason and I'm glad I summoned you. You've given me hope

>> No.13961322

Power - Spiritual Power.

>> No.13961389
File: 1.48 MB, 3088x2320, A2D720FC-E4CB-4CDE-B1B8-DD3717C1340E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem!

>> No.13961965

Lloyd is just autistic enough to be one of us

>> No.13961980
File: 228 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm certain the the "Chad embrace" was modelled after Stormare

>> No.13961983


You look like an anglo-saxon prince

>> No.13962074

most based person on this board

>> No.13962170

effay gf and so are you

>> No.13962189
File: 617 KB, 1536x2048, 1D2CB195-09FE-42D5-8C32-9D09376339AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you!

>> No.13962205

cute, does she post here too or does she know of /fa/?

>> No.13962221
File: 553 KB, 1538x2048, 1F9E21FE-3494-4E6E-995F-1414B676CC0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’ve been on imageboards since 2007, but all of her exposure has been watching me browse .webm and jack threads on /ck/, or me reading /dbt/ on /o/. she knows of /fa/ because i’ve mentioned it, though

>> No.13962236

Hey few things
A) I love the stache
B) How did you two meet
C) Give me advice on how to be successful look good and get a cutie of the soul

>> No.13962255

a. Thank you, I actually have “the largest and most concerning underbite I have ever seen in my professional career” to quote my dentist, so the moustache helps to mask it
b. We are both in the same major and she asked me out shortly after I performed surgery on her foot to remove splinters deep in the heel.
c. 1. Success: Success is how you define it. I used to think making beaucoup bucks and living on the beach was being successful. Perhaps itnis a case of the fox and the grapes, but I prefer a more humble and simple life amongst the trees. What makes YOU happy? I would start there, and then determine what you need to do to sustain that way of life. It just may be getting a $200k farm in the corn belt and practicing agrarian living, or it may be owning a Tesla and living in downtown Carlsbad.

c. 2. In terms of looking good, it all depends on how you look and how you act and what you do. I am a balding Hungarian dude who works with trees and constantly makes jokes about bombing buildings and beating women, and then makes a giant pot of stew for 30 people at a house party. I’m also homeless and live in a van, so my dirty bum aesthetic fits.
c. 3. jus b urslef buzz buzz ;)
Don’t fall for a thot, don’t fall for the first broad to smile at you, and remember: Don’t be a fool, wrap your tool! Also, don’t shit where you eat, though I never followed any of that.

>> No.13962269

Are you two from Iceland? Det ligner det

>> No.13962277
File: 43 KB, 500x500, BD495346-C0FD-46E4-84AA-085A1F0DBDD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn fuck mary elizabeth winstead
why the fuck even live, might as well hang myself with a gucci belt right now.

>> No.13962289

Close! Northern California, why?

>> No.13962306

You look like fellow Scandinavians, but with that Celtic twist. How tall are you lad? If you don't mind me asking

>> No.13962325
File: 594 KB, 1536x2050, D96415CC-190B-44FE-97AD-D8B5E887098C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6’1” or 185cm
idk how tall she is though, shorter than me I suppose

>> No.13962335
File: 105 KB, 1000x674, one-flew-over-the-cuckoos-nest-1975-002-jack-nicholson-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one pulled it off better

but you guys have to understand it's highly dependent on skull shape, facial proportions, eyebrow density, hair color, facial hair and overall persona

if I were to go bald, which thank fuck isn't prevalent in my gene pool, I'd be straight up done for, I'd drop 5 points and look like a chimpanzee and my days would be numbered

>> No.13962420

Fine height, I'm 190 myself. Do you ever make a handlebar, or perhaps style it in a similar way?

>> No.13962424

unironically based

>> No.13962450
File: 450 KB, 1536x2046, FD0EB657-96D6-4634-ACB3-9F6AF80FFFA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I let it grow out as a handlebar a little bit, but it looked awful. Trying out the soul patch with moustache wax to keep it together, though!
thank you sir

>> No.13962560

Another solid choice. How will you handle the patch though? Just let it roam free, or keep it at a certain length?

>> No.13962565

Fuck you look cool

>> No.13962569
File: 305 KB, 1024x737, gallagher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13962574
File: 34 KB, 696x449, here's daddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13962589

you might be fine, depends how old you are. When I was 19-20 I started losing hair around my temples giving my hairline a bit of a peak, but I'm 22 now and it hasn't changed in years

>> No.13962593
File: 187 KB, 1024x768, carl-spackler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13962594

U cute boa

>> No.13962600
File: 60 KB, 720x423, conso-drogues-hunter-thompson-720x423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turbo Sleazy Gonzo Freak Chad

>> No.13962605

Sleaze to the max
You fuck little boys right

>> No.13962637
File: 112 KB, 950x1409, IMG_1183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13962665

>black sun tattoo
you're a faggot and if I saw you in real life I'd duff you but you have a nice sense of style so kudos

>> No.13962715

you'd do what now you little faggot?

>> No.13962752

mirin' the mustache, how long you been growin it

>> No.13962771

if I saw you in real life I'd blow you but you have a nice sense of style so kudos

>> No.13962857
File: 795 KB, 2048x1536, B84B0859-EADB-4872-8F76-F5C0E4BDAE9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna let it grow wild for a few months, no real plans for it
no, but I do live in a van, pic rel
thank you sir, ive yet to meet a single person who even recognized the tattoo in real life

>> No.13962870
File: 630 KB, 1536x2048, 20191BF0-E928-40C6-8ED9-BB1E570D12C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve had one pretty much since I was 19, I shaved it once or twice for the memes but regrew it immediately. I stopped trimming it one I had to live in the trunk of my car, so about 6 months.
van soup night btw, the battery is to power the LED lights & vent fan

>> No.13962928

Not to scare you dude but my hair was full and ridiculously thick until I was 23-24. Within two years my hair, especially my temples, thinned so much I started to look 10 years older. I was worrying myself sick over it so I said fuck it and got a prescription for finasteride.

>> No.13963102

>coping with kike-fueled drugs instead if following the path that Allah himself chose for you
never gonna make it, brother

>> No.13963117

kek, nice anon

>> No.13963132

Why do you live in your van? How do rate living in you van comfortwise?
Maybe its just autism but thats something i could imagine myself doing.

>> No.13963134
File: 19 KB, 978x583, 1544221160527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the soul patch brings it all together.

>> No.13963139


>> No.13963164
File: 2.58 MB, 4032x3024, 75023257-1861-4337-8A0A-67E019BF9258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parents are incredibly weathy, and told me that they would assist in paying for my housing after I go away to university. Before that, I had paid for al of my tuition and such myself by working full time and going to the local community college. I was working over the summer, and two days before the semester was set to begin my step-father called me and said: He doesn’t like me, he has never wanted to pay for me at all ever but he relented because my ma would bitch at him, and that I was cut off and that he didn’t care. Fair enough, it’s not my money in the first place. Unfortunately, they claim me on their taxes, meaning I was ineligible for FAFSA benefits (my “expected familial contribution” was over $150k/yr, they gave me ~$5k for rent)
Because of that, I had enough to buy a parking pass and literally sleep in the trunk of a camry for a month until I bought the van and started to renovate it for dwelling. They maintain that homelessness was my choice, and I am still ineligible for FAFSA benefits. Oh well!

before I was with my girlfriend, it would be so cold at night that my body would force me awake because I was so cold, my limbs and face would be numb from the chill, and I would be wearing thermal underwear inside a sleeping bag with a blanket and hat. With two people it’s MUCH warmer, and I added 1.5” thick foam insulation, a propane heater, and more sleeping bags+blankets, so it’s comfy now.

Tons of vanlife resources out there, but make sure you PLAN what you want to do. It’s also WAY easier to do it while you have a place to work on it; I did mine whilst living in it and it took forever to slowly build it out.

pic is cutting a hole for the vent fan to live in
I relied heavily on “ParkedinParadise” and “TheVanual” for construction help!

>> No.13963181

Additionally, I have a kitchen and storage and such inside the van, so it isn’t a huge bother to fulltime in it. If you have the means, get a newer cargo van and install solar and water tanks. Most things can be replicated in the van, use the TinyHome movement as inspiration!

Also get used to pissjugging and using babywipes to take a whore’s shower. My uni has showers that I use every morning, but something as simple as using the bathroom can dominate your entire day if you don’t have the means to do it!

>> No.13963182

Y-you make that can look tiny... u///u

>> No.13963194

Fascinating stuff

>> No.13963210

>this is the guy calling you a degenerate

>> No.13963219

>autistic parents birthed a willingly homeless nazi
>types like he's on reddit

>> No.13963223
File: 103 KB, 543x680, 1451644558827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13963226

Your retarded if you think that thats redditspacing

>> No.13963239

you remind me a lot of nietzsche

>> No.13963428

>being such a degenerate that homeless nazis have to call you out

>> No.13963503
File: 226 KB, 900x521, phil collins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13963547
File: 260 KB, 1200x800, 1531569287212-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up

>> No.13963646

the chad germanic
the virgin anglo

>> No.13963776
File: 6 KB, 259x194, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search "balding long hair" on google images

>> No.13963782
File: 88 KB, 596x383, jeremy_meeks_model_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2) his style is boyish, but his hair is manly. if he was wearing something more adult it wouldn't look as bad
This. Him in a suit would look good

>> No.13963784

Based and racepilled

>> No.13963789

Winning at life

>> No.13963792

Makes you look like a cossack

>> No.13963809

>being a pagan
hell is forever

>> No.13963813
File: 211 KB, 647x864, 3FA224DD-1672-48A2-B0E0-97C22AABED1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the bumpill, friend

>> No.13963830

where you from bro?

>> No.13963871
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x3024, 851EE28F-26D7-4566-B5A2-397C61E4EA6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a christmemer
w e w
northern cali/south oregon

>> No.13963893
File: 30 KB, 340x343, 22710899_148836119193707_2018258308380491776_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shave and beard works if you dress hard and look mean

>> No.13963894

Just wondering, landscape looked pretty.

>> No.13963900
File: 3.15 MB, 4032x3024, 4E0B25CE-417F-4E85-B0B5-8A0F4C05FDF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye its pretty pretty

>> No.13964214

>having such poor genes that your a hairlet

I may be overweight but fuck nothing makes me laugh harder than faggots in their 20s wearing St Laurent but half their scalp is gone

>> No.13964333

being overweight is also a sign of poor genes
none of the metabolism shit, just an innate affinity towards poor self-control and discipline

>> No.13964448
File: 38 KB, 620x878, james4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13964479


how old are you?

>> No.13964482

wait is this trevor

>> No.13964485

what would you do if someone did ? This could get you in trouble, you have some balls.

>> No.13964488

that's chris jericho lol

>> No.13964506

stop being a pussy and do some fucking work and you can accomplish something, if you lets something as weak as going bald stop you then you are just a fucking loser anyway lol

>> No.13964633

JFL at this fat fuck

>> No.13964674

based, gives me hope

>> No.13964681

>hurr durr womin won't fuck me 'cuz i'm bald and i didn't do anything with my life why girls want only men with positive features ?

>> No.13964713
File: 88 KB, 564x649, b6da2cc32230f985bf0b1f0aa469cddb (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that receding hairline =/= balding

>> No.13964862

Based and blackpilled

>> No.13964920

fight back? I dont understand the question. It’s also always covered so it doesnt matter, coupled with the fact its pretty esoteric and ive yet to meet a single person that cared

>> No.13964944

wtf are you a white nationalist or something?

>> No.13965074

just buzz/shave, if u cant pull it off u were ugly and not effay to begin with

>> No.13965086

traditionalism isnt white nationalism my friend

>> No.13965097

Any sane person is. And before you make any hasty conclusions; that doesn't mean that we hate /fa/gs like you. Be nationalistic, make the world a better place. Take care

>> No.13965114
File: 2.76 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20181228_135501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doomed boys? I'm 21

>> No.13965119

Hello young Steven Ogg

>> No.13965163

Ouch. I'd rather go out like Jude Law or Don Delilo

>> No.13965192

Just get the same attitude as Ogg in TWD, and you're all set

>> No.13965217
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw same age and receding hairline, not as deep as yours
>tfw feel better about it bc i would never call you baldie
>tfw the norwood slayer is not that scary anymore

>> No.13965230

looks just mature hairline

>> No.13965281
File: 39 KB, 470x640, 847DE2EB-8FB7-465D-9DFA-9668D9591A1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was me in 2015 for what it’s worth, if you wish to judge a timeline

>> No.13965289
File: 60 KB, 392x379, 1515595618766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shedding a ton of hair each day (estimating around 150-200 total)
>started noticing in october
>no one in family is bald

>> No.13965312


>> No.13965339
File: 313 KB, 1024x682, 9452766916_fe1c3d1e39_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The buzzcut is a stupid joke invented by niggers. A norwood 2-3 on a white guy is completely normal. Also, this is the gay ass guitar guy from the homo-core band Ring of Saturn when he had short hair

>> No.13965340
File: 389 KB, 3220x2371, Vuk-Draskovic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13965346
File: 105 KB, 783x960, 33032500_1690121184357110_5257963233653817344_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is the same faggot after he let his hair grows

>> No.13965354

are you under a lot of stress m8?

>> No.13965366

I had uni exam period 2 months ago and was stressed a bit for one of my subjects but the only stress I have now is worrying about my hair.

>> No.13965368
File: 108 KB, 677x903, hairline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me right now, i started losing hair at 19

>> No.13965377

everything about pop music is so cringe. imagine not exclusively listening to bandcamp autists in 2019-2 days

>> No.13965426

what about depression? is this your first exam period?

>> No.13965727


>> No.13965761

Jesus fuck I thought you were like 36, damn

How can you look so fucked at 24 /fa/? That’s still like twink age

>> No.13965766

>How can you look so fucked at 24 /fa/?

>> No.13965825


>> No.13965833
File: 1.12 MB, 1458x2592, 11C9DC96-DDB1-41B4-803B-5B50AF993641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motorcycles, homelessness, working in the sun, drinking, being with women of ill repute, being unable to sleep most nights, and the ol’ classic anhedonic depression
I wouldn’t recommend it if you had the choice, though I don’t always look like irredeemable aged trash

>> No.13965851
File: 212 KB, 414x480, me 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you start balding, you look sickly and low-T. No other look looks good.

When it starts to go, it's over. Thankfully, a scant percentile of the male populace will keep our hair (AND look hot to boot).

The rest of you can have your crumbs. Cheers.

>> No.13965856

>ignores entire thread showing that balding men can be attractive and /fa/
>guzzles cum
really wews the lad

>> No.13965920

Revolver Ocelot

>> No.13965928


Revolver Ocelot

>> No.13965931



>> No.13965936


>> No.13966040

Could go either way m8

>> No.13966081

super based and inspirational, best looking guy on the board

>> No.13966184


>> No.13966238


>> No.13966254
File: 2.00 MB, 3088x2320, 555B9A9A-00A4-4C30-B6D3-2AC795F8AC61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you! dont forget to enjoy nature while you’re still young!

>> No.13966453
File: 7 KB, 242x208, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13966454

not pagan bro but same shit here, i look 25 since my 16 birthday

>> No.13966465

the only thing that "age" you is the high hairline. It doesn't make you looks old, just mature. Low hairline is kid shit.

>> No.13966583
File: 1.27 MB, 1440x2560, 20181124_135432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is me a month or so ago. i had to cut it recently to get a new job. but i'm currently growing it back out.

>> No.13966839
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>> No.13966880

this unironicaly made me feel better. thank you bro. time to embrace my inner Agent 47

>> No.13967032

never gonna make it

>> No.13967223

Nobody knows what black sun means except spiritual rightwingers. Shakira was selling Black Sun necklaces for her album even lol

>> No.13967261

Charles Manson did a lot more with his life than I ever will

>> No.13967269

I like your jacket

>> No.13967412

redpill: this only applies if you already have masculine face / head shape

funny how the guy in the picture isnt a chubby faced chinese guy rocking an extreme thin combover glued to his scalp

>> No.13967926

this. legit looks like statham or some shit. just shave it bro teee heeee

>> No.13967929

confirmed for sleaze god

>> No.13967972
File: 57 KB, 750x731, rare mcpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fucking old jaguar
memes are leaking irl

>> No.13967996
File: 475 KB, 750x1062, 78DC426D-E0DF-4294-82AD-8815561CB08A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do brehs

>> No.13968301

Having the villain eyebrows helps

>> No.13968444


>> No.13968524

1969 looks unironically beautiful

>> No.13968526

You look like you’d one day pull of SopranosCore

>> No.13969014


>> No.13970099
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, 2C48BDFB-7A3E-4F61-903D-8349E6368503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s called I’m a fool to care core


>> No.13970100
File: 34 KB, 450x270, A791F91B-5936-4637-8F53-D21AFA3595CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like the dude from super size me

>> No.13970177

>2010 to 2011
how does one even grow hair that fast

>> No.13970602


>> No.13970950

Buzz. You have a good headshape.

>> No.13971128

You look like what the guy from American History X would look like if he were a real person

>> No.13971132

So is she a neo-nazi too or is it just you?

>> No.13971134

>non-aryan in the background
If she's not the maid you're a race traitor. If she is the maid, stop hanging out with the help you fucking hippie

>> No.13971140

They probably recognized it and stayed quiet. People with those tattoos have a tendency to be violent assholes

>> No.13971152

Agreed but your tattoo choice certainly implies white nationalism

>> No.13971161

Oh gods you look like a mirror universe version of that commie H. Bomberguy
What the actual fuck bro

>> No.13971209

>not knowing what black sun means
The rest of the western world isn't as retarded as your country, Amerifat. In my country we actually learn about history and the majority of adults would know the black sun on sight. The absolute degeneracy of Americans is fucking hilarious, whether they're dark skinned pretending they have some kind of spiritual connection to "Mother Africa" or light skinned pretending they have any aryan blood or viking heritage that hasn't been diluted beyond all meaning. Get your own fucking national identity, you lazy sponges. No one else wants you.

>> No.13971228
File: 465 KB, 1535x2048, D35D94AB-2A8D-44CA-B89B-3499A814DDB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a perfectly normal run of the mill citizen, and nobody can prove otherwise, sir

>> No.13971252

why'd you get such an edgy tattoo then

>> No.13971265

because I like it

>> No.13971276

why though
it seems at odds with your general demeanor

>> No.13971280

wondering this too

>> No.13971298

I am not a neonazi, though all the women who have found out that I’m trad have been either indifferent or fine with it. She is indifferent.
I can’t be a loving and amicable guy who wants all peoples to be able to have their way of life preserved if they so desire, from Namibia to Iceland and beyond? I just love people, doesn’t really matter to me who you are, and if you have sometbing you want to maintain, then I want to help! I feel traditionalism is in line with this, and thus the tattoo

>> No.13971444
File: 689 KB, 519x551, chrisartmasshdckce8t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

final stage of the redpill is beautiful

enjoy my friends cute doggy btw

>> No.13971474

holy fuck you're cute and cuddly

>> No.13971505
File: 1.11 MB, 3088x2320, 887CF440-82F4-4338-A2D9-40D198CF6EE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have but a black cat
A lot of people in my department thought I was gay at first, because I am so free and open with hugging and massage and sharing food etc. I just like making people feel good, there isn’t enough love going around!

>> No.13971518
File: 94 KB, 1200x675, die hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13971545

but only love for whites eh

>> No.13971547

if you're that trad why don't you move to europe

>> No.13971569

Where did I ever say that?
was not born or socialized there. my great/grandparents may have come to america by way of ellis island, but I would simply be a transplant. additionally, traditionalism is not restricted to europeans/euro-americans. much like how caifornians are resented in america for moving elsewhere and changing that region to be more like california, i wouldnt want to move somewhere and change the environment to make me more comfortable by destroying the norms and customs of that region

>> No.13971647

>im normal
>still here doing a narcissist q&a

>> No.13971730

shitty memes aside your hair is ok but frizzy as fuck and your stache looks uneven.

do u go to sports clips?

>> No.13971790

i dont use any product for my hair, it looks different every day, and is cut by my friends every now and then. stache is even, just didnt show up well

>> No.13971800

>thinks hes proving anything

>> No.13971857

im stealing this pepe

>> No.13971893

You're not doomed, you are ascending.

>> No.13972324

the dude from timber timbre

>> No.13972533

Fucking beautiful thread fellas

>> No.13972552

>when you start making 4chan and other stupid websites so much your lifestyle that you start believing in memes

Just do whatever the fuck you like man,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fuccboi you already have hairs in your anus to be concerned with such shit.

>> No.13972564

rich would unironically look good if he lost weight

>> No.13972584
File: 428 KB, 768x960, 1546317940737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mire it anon
keep it up

>> No.13972740

Stop dissembling. The Black Sun is associated with the more spiritual and esoteric branches of Neo-Nazism, and Neo-Nazis want to genocide the Jews, cleanse their countries of non-whites or reduce them to second class citizenship, and establish a traditionalist authoritarian government that would discriminate against gays and other non-conformists. If you don’t support any of that it’s weird you would be so unapologetic about tattooing their symbol on your body. I doubt you actually think white nationalism in a multiethnic country like the US is compatible with a tolerant philosophy of peace and love.

>> No.13972758

That's nice.

>> No.13972809


>> No.13972811

We're all gonna make it, bro.

>> No.13972843

What do you do to style your hair now? Help a receding brotha out

>> No.13972941

only 24? shit you look 30.

Also biggest kek at the Black Sun tattoo. You should read Foucault's Pendulum, learn a bit about semiotics, and rethink the /pol/ propaganda that the Discordians produced to fuck with middle class whites.

You literally got memed into getting a Luciferian tattoo.

>> No.13972947

You can peacefully love browns in countries not built by whites. I love little nigs in afrika and little spics in gutamala. As long as they don't come here.

>> No.13973014

no chin and jaw kinda helps for sleaze

>> No.13973022

idk if you still here but as a young guy who's balding and just struggled with accepting it, I just wanna say thx for showing that we can be confident with it and pull it off :)

>> No.13973037

>Oh my!

>> No.13973065

you already seem to have a strong opinion on the matter (that I disagree with), so there really isn’t a point in discussing it with you. even your views on traditionalism are curious and not really in line with various authors on the subject. I would argue that traditional societies have existed all over the planet at various times, and that contemporaneous western society is seeing a relative lessening of its hegemony throughout the world. India, South America, and Asia have seen large dynasties throughout the ages, just because somebody is doing comparatively worse today doesn’t mean much in the long run. I also disagree that the black sun is some spooky “neo-nazi” symbol. neo-nazis are as much of useful idiots as champagne sociaists and limosine liberals, identity politics are a meme. good luck!
the 2015 pic was during a photoshoot in japan, even then I didn’t use any product or anything. today I just rinse it with cold water, slick it back wet, and ruffle it messy throughout the day
based schizoposter
no problem friend!

>> No.13973219

man, if it isn't asking to much, can you post, if you have, a pic of you with your mustache very short?

>> No.13973340

Are you Slug Christ?

>> No.13973350


>> No.13973367
File: 489 KB, 1280x960, AC946CD0-F3E7-47B0-AB9A-C9A6C5A42E2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this short enough?
i am not, sorry sir

>> No.13973380

Solar symbols represent Aryans, everyone knows this

>> No.13973383

>political tattoo

other than that its cool

>> No.13973394

literally have right at 25

these pics me want to throw up and cry. i cant take it anymore boys...

>> No.13973588

just b urself

>> No.13973753

yeah, thanks a lot.

>> No.13973900

what are you using it for if I may ask

>> No.13973963

this, nothing is more /fa/ than loving your people

>> No.13973967

You seem like a nice dude.

>> No.13973992
File: 118 KB, 550x416, mussolini550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13974053


>> No.13974324

You seem to be using traditionalism, which is a fully justifiable reaction to the modern world, as a motte to protect the bailey of white nationalism. The Black Sun represents a very particular school of tradionalism. I’m not as ignorant of these ideas as you’re assuming; I’ve probably read more Evola than you have. Can you at least do me the courtesy of giving me a straight forward answer about your favored solution to the Jewish question? How do you think black people in the US should be treated? This shit isn’t cute. People like me were murdered by the millions over these ideas less than a century ago.

>> No.13974351

your type aren't welcome here

>> No.13974360

growing a stache for the first time and sometimes I get insecure if its going to turn out OK or not so I like to see some mustaches, how they looked short and how they look with a decent length.
almost 20 days growing it.

>> No.13974366

oh yeah that's it right there

>> No.13974376

This isn’t your safe space faggot. If you don’t want to answer tough questions about your beliefs don’t come to a loosely moderated anonymous forum.

>> No.13974379
File: 376 KB, 750x560, 1542458499547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13974388

have nothing against them. have nothing againt a uniquely jewish nation-state. I DO have a problem with /any/ group of people trying to exert their will over another group maliciously, whether that be american cultural warfare, israel destroying settlements, colonialism of antiquity (and neo-colonialism being practiced by china in the present), the golden khanate, and the looming wars over cheap manufacturing and the right to pollute unobstructed. I am not hugely knowledgeable about WW2, but from what I understand there were a large number of jews behind an attempted communist coup that hitler never forgot. I don’t think the average jew had anything to do with it, benefited from it, or supported it, and non-partisans should never be rounded up and mistreated during war, as they did nothing to deserve it. However, using the holocaust as justification for further misdeeds is unacceptable.
>black people in the US
I’ve had many discussions with other traditionalists, liberals, BLM members, and everyone in between: I have no idea, and neither do they. I feel it is wrong to allow people to suffer needlessly when help is available, but /forcing/ somebody to do something they do not want to do is similarly wrong. I think the black community should decide what THEY want black success to look like, because as it stands now the model black person (and everybody else for that matter) is just a white person: college education, nice car, house, family, etc.
I feel the current system is untenable, and will need to see sweeping changes to address the needs of black america, namely fatherlessness, proliferation of drug abuse, violence, incarceration, and lesser value on higher education. This absolutely can change, and hopefully will
If you are implying I hate black people/jews, that is just false. Sorry to disappoint.

>”people like me were murdered by the millions”
you and everybody else, traditionalism isn’t new, neither is murder

>> No.13974390

Not him, but I share the same values. You're implying that white nationalism is a bad thing - which is not the case. And I'm confident that I have read more evola than you (not that it matters). The answer to the JQ (as well as to the islamic question) is rather simple; give them the choice to either abondon their religion completely, or move to their ancestral homelands. Potential converts of European decent should be given the same choice; abondon it, or move to an/a islamic/jewish country. For people of African heritage; send them home, or alternatively give them some states to rule. This will also ensure a more representative, representative democracy for everyone. And before you ask; yes, race mixing should be avoided. It benefits no one (with the exception of the globalists in charge, Schlomo). Can we stop the politics now? Post your mustache / semi-bald head / jew curls, or be gone. All the best

>> No.13974397

Oh, and besides.. Modern nationalism is nothing like in the 30's, which was rooted in imperialism. Rather, it resembles what happened around the 1840s.

>> No.13974398

i won't repeat myself

>> No.13974404

Similar situation here. May I see yours lad?

>> No.13974552

its a hobo who watched altright videos on his cellphone in mcdonalds.
he aint cool at all and he isn't among the beautiful of here.

singed oldfag. fuckin newfags dont know shit.

>> No.13974584

you're homeless, you're indoctrinated, you live in a fly over state butt fucking mule world part of the planet.

you literally browse /fa/ in your phone with wifi from mcdonalds. you're the biggest loser, poorfag if I ever seen one here lmao

>> No.13974647

camper van, but close enough
>fly over state butt fucking mule world part of the planet
Southern/Northern California is generally not considered flyover area, Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Fransisco are large metropolitna areas know around the globe
>browse /fa/ on your phone
sometimes, other times from a tablet or desktop depending on where I am
>mcdonalds wifi
I have a verizon mifi jetpack with unlimited data if I’m not at university or work to use the wifi there like every other student/employee
>loser poorfag

no need to lie and put down others in an attempt to gain precious 4channel prestige, friend

>> No.13974706

lmao at this salty piece of shit

>> No.13974716

stop sperging out, you fucking weirdo lmao

>> No.13974728

I can respect your honesty and I genuinely enjoy speaking with people I disagree with if like you they seem to know what they’re talking about. I wouldn’t use 4chan otherwise.
So would secular Jews be allowed to remain in their homes? Our families have been in Europe in some cases for almost two millennia. My family has been in America as long as the average whiteoid. If we were forced out It could not be done without severe violence.

>> No.13974738

Do you have a problem with a kike like me living out my life in the country of my birth and participating in public life in good faith?

>> No.13974741


>> No.13974772

Likewise anon.
Secular jews that doesn't participate in the religious practices of their ancestor would, of course, be able to stay. They would probably assimilate completely with time anyway. The main problem with having jews in a western society, stems from them following their scriptures. So if they don't do that, the problem is pretty much solved.

>> No.13974775

imagine being this bluepilled

>> No.13974793
File: 536 KB, 1538x2048, A1F73552-26CC-4215-8943-F9CC32DC88A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man I don’t give a fuck if you are jewish, where is this weird enumeration even coming from, like you need to justify not being evicted because you are just a regular dude

>> No.13974796

How would you describe your political ideology and do you have any suggested reading?

>> No.13974802

Well, I'm a positive person. But I should add, that my previous statement only applies when the (secular) jewish population is insignificant in size, compared to the society in which they live. Delution of the blood should only be in very small amounts. Lets say that the (secular) jewish population made up ~10% of the entire population - then seperation would be needed (i.e. giving them a state to inhabit, or something similar).

>> No.13974808

not that anon but i for one im sick of poltards in my fashion board. it's time you guys fuck off.
reported, called the police, just kys.

holy shit collectively all boards already hate the fuck out of your kind already. you retards speak in a meme language, memes make your mindset and you never discuss fashion. better gone from here tbqh.

>> No.13974816

calm down tranny

>> No.13974838

Industrial Society and its Future by Theodore Kaczynski
100 Questions asked and Answered by Oswald Mosley
The Resolution of the West by Oswald Spengler
The Kama Sutra by the Vedic Texts
Eros and the Mysteries of Love, Revolt Against the Modern World, and The Doctrine of Awakening by Julius Evola
off the top of my head at least

>> No.13974886

what do you do if you're balding in the front AND the back? chad embrace kind of loses its kick if you're also balding in the back...

>> No.13974893

Shave it all. What's your skull like?

>> No.13974939

Thanks anon. I've only read Industrial Society in before so I'll be sure to check those out. Thanks.

>> No.13974963

>fence sitting pagan

Sounds about right, very funny considered your ancestors used to main and destroy anyone who they deemed worthy of killing

>inb4 muh druids, muh love of nature, muh shamans

Lmao limp wristed faggot shit

>> No.13974974


A thread as good as this in /fa/
Surely the gods have smiled upon us

>> No.13975032

>the only options are neo-latin africa judeoveganism or GTKRWN purity spiraling
fuck off
my ancestors routinely fought and killed what they considered to be heathen outsiders, now considered near genetically identical kin
you can be trad and/or exclusionary and/or racist without being an asshole, most people are just regular joe nobodies with simple wants completely detached from a larger geopolitical goal
there are nefarious actors, for sure, but handwaving away billions of people because they are different is just juvenile. I love my people and enjoy being around people similar to me, but I dont hate others for being dissimilar
glad to be of service sir

>> No.13975049

browse 4chan everyday. thats how you reduce years to your life time physically.

>> No.13975066

>heathen outsiders
>would travel by ship to rape and pillage


>hand waving away billions because they’re different is juvenile

Lol acting like we’re all the same and can get along fine is juvenile ya bum


>> No.13975072
File: 576 KB, 1536x2046, E896ADED-81F4-4D82-8800-D050D6EB0415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implies going to another country to rape and steal is something to be lauded
>is butthurt when others do it to them, and then claims they are unable to live with the aggressors due to implicit differences

>> No.13975111

Wow what has Sam Hyde become?

>> No.13975132 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 1280x960, 695825AE-01E4-4587-A16F-1AC6F037BA9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me 2

>> No.13975158

>you only solidify my point that immigration on any level is bad even when Europeans do it as well


>> No.13975160 [DELETED] 

This is why this board is such shit now, because these brainfuckdead pol retards have invaded with their moronic politics and garbage fits. Yet another reason I won't follow advice from most of you faggots.

>> No.13975173

dont have a problem with restricting immigration, but that isnt what you were advocating. you implied discriminatory violence is a good thing, while at the same time bemoaning discriminatory violence against your own kind. nobody likes a hypocrite that moves goalposts

>> No.13975400

>Rings of Saturn

>> No.13975403 [DELETED] 


>> No.13975414 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 365x640, andthen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

report em. there is a label there that says "racism outside of /b/" poltards havent been able to spread since its been made rule, they dont give a fuck either way and then wonder why they're so universally despised. they're the actual "jews" of 4chan, always shitting up every single board. Just report stormfags over and over.

>> No.13975420 [DELETED] 

yes it'll be ok, tranny
the big strong mods will save you from the evil poltards

>> No.13975489

>le epin liberalz triggered again praise kek hurrrr!

>> No.13975506


>> No.13975543

you browse this shit daily because your life is miserable with no outlook of improvement. i dont. so yeah you getting the ban hammer would trigger you the fuck out, it will be funny.

>> No.13975597
File: 245 KB, 2053x844, IMG_20190103_072447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is 12 days in, its a bit better than this right now but nothing to be too proud about. No idea if its going to look decent at any point but since I'm on vacation going to reach at least the 2 months mark before making a decision

>> No.13975655

You're based as fuck lad, being how you are and using the word goober makes me wonder; does ETF mean anything to you? "THE BEAUTY OF..."?

>> No.13975663

Fruaaarrrrk just scrolled down to see you have a fucking birb, you truly are an absolute pagang lad on tour.

RoS are sick, you shut your mouth.

>> No.13975677

lmao u guys are really hitting it off, I don't even know what is going on anymore and don't even know who to @ in this post

mustache guy is based though

>> No.13975753


>> No.13975764

Lmao why does he have to be such a goof all the time

>> No.13975780
File: 41 KB, 1033x797, 1033full-roy-batty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This god of course

>> No.13976034
File: 32 KB, 640x559, 19665237_868026710020289_5157986362903961874_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chad embrace thrads will be now a thing, thanks based moustache nazi, may the norwood god bless you with coolness on your temples

>> No.13976043
File: 77 KB, 500x700, f470df7e49a496f84289f3074ccc1fd8--natural-born-killers-film-stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shameless ponytail

>> No.13976249
File: 97 KB, 612x585, 26FBF51C-10C0-4D21-B2F2-CE0AACFB25C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my own kind

You must not realize that even within countries and even within the same race boundaries come up. Now these are less prominent and less harmful within the same race but it’s defiantly prevalent in the north and south in the United States where the only real defining thing is dialect

But to act as if Force is not necessary to achieve a pure racial home land is to think like a child.

Sure you can “love” everyone, but unconditional love will only harm. You see you need love that knows discipline, that knows right from wrong, love that understands positive and negative reinforcement, love that makes the punishment suit he crime. You can love unconditionally all you’d like but you’re only going to be a cancer that kills what real love worked so hard to create


>> No.13976310
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Dark hairs though. Imagine being blonde.. Takes much longer before it becomes visible

>> No.13976348
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no clue lmao, google shows it as some investing thing and ULTA makeup
thanks, sirs
I’m all for having homogenous societies, japan was the most beautiful places I had ever been to, and if every society was able to have that level of cohesion and social trust, the world would be perfect. however, we do not live in a bubble, and our societies ARE mixed. I think restrictive immigration is needed, and oerhaps deportations of undesireable immigrants, but if you legally came here and are integrated into society, what should be done?
At least in SoCal, the 2nd/3rd gen hispanic kids are fully integrated, and are completely like the white kids. same music, videogames, clothing, accent and speech mannerisms, hobbies, everything. At this point, discriminating against them is pretty much just because they’re brown. It took decades to get to tbs point, and i’m not saying we should LET THEM IN or blandda upp, but if your average prole euro can manage to do something, most likely your average prole 2nd/3rd gen immigrant can too. Your views being so extreme and gtkrwn makes my views look pusi-tier in comparison, but I have no problem in shutting down immigration from everywhere but europe, if that’s what the bation-state desires. going to a county is a privilege, not a “right”, something that is often forgotten.

I mean hell, I’m a second generation immigrant, and I navigate america normally.

>> No.13976554
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Just because a pitbull is raised around and lives around golden retriever for generations doesn’t make it a retriever . If it happens to interbreed with a lab then you only lose what made the pitbull and retriever unique and special, they only lose, nothing is gained

Race is deeper than skin tone onions goyim

>> No.13976582
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>hell im a second generation immigrant

further proving my point that even immigration among Europeans is bad. You don’t fully share American ideals or American policies. You just come over here with your gay pagan crap and hollerin bought “I’m in love”


>> No.13976700

>implying I ever advocated for racemixing
your dog analogy only serves to show distinctions between breeds, yet dogs that are raised together are able to live peacefully. Hell, prey and predator animals can coexist peacefully when raised together; a friend has a cockatiel that plays with their cat, and they have been left unsupervised together for years. I’m not saying everybody should become a mutt, but if you are trying to say that non-euro’s are subhuman by way of being non-euro, then you absolutely need to travel more and experience different places.
I want unique traits to be preserved, but somebody being uneducated today does not mean they lack the capacity to learn. Scandi countries were backwater shitholes less than 100 years ago, and are now some of the most advanced in the world. Japan, once a brutal land torn by war, is now at the forefront of innovation. India, China, South America, the Middle East, all of these places have had grand civilizations with social cohesion and progress. Just because they happened elsewhere doesn’t mean they are worthless.

It’s fucking embarassing to talk to other /pol/tards that have watched TGSNT and read the turner diaries, beliving they are experts on world history and political science. Try actually going to the phillippines, namibia, chile, morocco, japan, russia, ethiopia, or malaysia, and see for yourself how other people live.

>american ideals and policies
which are? contemporary policies include fucking with people around the world in an effort to secure israeli political hegemony, suppressing developing nationstates, and securing neo-vassal regions. I don’t even know what american ideas are anymore, it certainly isn’t freedom or justice. America reminds me of China, in that is it so many disparate regions with often conflictory goals and norms, loosely bound together by a powerful central authority.
I voted Trump, and will do so again.

>> No.13976754
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>Scandinavia countries once backwater shitholes

>people who understood advanced forging techniques, how to navigate the oceans and how to domesticate and utilize agriculture

Now look at South America and Africa. Same generic set up
>inb4 bad spawn point

Wrong, their spawns were the most plentiful that’s why they never evolved the most valuable thing a human has their minds. They had no worry of winter so being able to understand agriculture was pointless when their was food and animals year round ripe for the picking and hunting. Nothing lit a fire underneath them to actually develop anything because they had no need to. Europeans on the other hand had to learn how to do these or else they’d die. They highly competitive placing of Europeans caused for their brains to develop insanely fast meanwhile Africa and South Americans just needed to eat sleep and fuck and because of that they never developed mentally or made anything note worthy.

Also your Japan statement is rather funny because it assumes the Japanese did it all by themselves. They were isolationist for centuries before they realized they’re wooden ships were no match for western naval capabilities who brought innovation and creation to their homeland

If you want to experience other unique cultures go to Somalia, go to the heart of the Amazon, go to big city China. Be surrounded by bug people.

You’ve only ever been to tourist countries and it shows. But you won’t be going to Egypt, Vietnam or Afghanistan anytime soon

>social cohesion
Yes within their own KIND, have you ever heard of something called war? Every civilization has experienced it because we as people don’t get along. That is why isolationism and deportation is the only responsible answer

>what are American ideals

Go post revolutionary war, after they let other races in it lost what it was

Every founding father advocated for an ethnic state

>> No.13976957

but what about mix? I've dark-reddish hair, dark eyes, skin pale as a corpse in winter but become mexican tier in summer, my face looks like a mix beetween Zlatan Ibrahimovic and a chinese and i'm 6'4, i don't have a clue of my ancestry. No hate just curious about my heritage.

>> No.13977081

Hmmm hard to tell without actually seeing you but based off your description I would say you’re of Scandinavian/ Northern European decent. Possibly Finnish.

There’s no defninitive way to tell from looks really. a DNA test like 23 and me would be your best bet. Also looking into your family history is a great way to learn about your lineage and ancestors. Makes you feel a more personal level. Also good bonding time with your parents and grandparents just asking them for pictures and stories of their families and past

>> No.13977154

>south america and africa are only Somalia and undeveloped rainforest
you’re a fucking clown man, the fact that you handwave historical euro failings while highlighting ones from elsewhere is embarrassing. Imagine if this conversation took at the height of the roman republic. Everybody not in the direct sphere of rome is subhuman and retarded genetic dead-ends. barbarian slaves everywhere, and worthless pagan degenerates. implying that euros can do no wrong and are god’s chosen people who have lead the world singlehandedly out of the darkness is demonstrably false. Have you even read any evola or spengler, where they talk about this shit over and over again? it’s actualy embarrassing to have to discuss this.

I have no problem with deportation and isolationism if that’s what a people decide to do, but it appears that those things aren’t wanted by the american population at the moment.
>founding fathers
I agree, the naturalization acts prominently displayed the founding fathers’ views on immigration, that were slowly eroded over time. I feel that having a more exclusionary immigration system would have benefited america in the long run, but you can’t undo the past 60 years without compromise. I’m a second gen hungarian immigrant, what right do i have to live in america?

I’d love to go to vietnam or afghanistan or egypt, assuming it was safe. I wouldn’t want to go to Somalia right now, or parts of Ukraine, or russia in the 80s, or yugo in the 90s, or germany in the 50s, or canada in the 1800s, etc. Using literal active warzones in attempt to prove an area is populated by worthless subhumans is retarded. No shit I wouldnt want to vacation in a powderkeg of death. Newsflash: rural japan was just as podunk bummy uneducated nothingness as rural america and rural europe.
Just because somebody is currently poor doesn’t mean they are stupid. From where do you think Evola got his inspiration from?

>> No.13977227
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>you’re a fucking clown man, the fact that you handwave historical euro failings while highlighting ones from elsewhere is embarrassing.

>social cohesion
>Yes within their own KIND, have you ever heard of something called war? Every civilization has experienced it because we as people don’t get along. That is why isolationism and deportation is the only responsible answer

Does the little northern Cali babby not wanna read? Wahhhhhh

The only note worthy places in the world (that aren’t western countries) are places where western countries developed IE Kenya, South Africa, Hong Kong, Japan, Argentina, Brazil(barely), Canada (barely)

I don’t wave away the bad things Europeans have done because Europeans and some asains are the only species of human capabale of right and wrong, all else are animalistic instincts with no foresight because they’re brains aren’t evolved for it.

Try and tell me people who still practice cannibalism, witchcraft, boiling animals alive for their “health properties”, kill one another without a second thought, skin people alive just for the fuck of it all

We’re not the same. Do you also want boers to be kept around in America even though they’re an invasive species and kill off the native foliage and wreck havoc on the eco systems. They’re such a problem there is no bag limit. You’re allowed to kill the babies and leave them where they lie. No reporting necessary. That is how much of a problem they are in America.

Now by your logic we should let them leave on their own merit and their own want. News flash dumbass they’re in the ideal conditions here. They can eat sleep and fuck with the added benefit of money to fucking blow on whatever they please and they don’t have to work for it

>> No.13977311

>The only note worthy places in the world (that aren’t western countries) are places where western countries developed IE Kenya, South Africa, Hong Kong, Japan, Argentina, Brazil(barely), Canada (barely)
What meanest Thou by this

>> No.13977336

>europeans practice cannibalism, witchcraft, boiling animals alive for their “health properties”, kill one another without a second thought, skin people alive just for the fuck of it all
just practicing right from wrong!
>dark person do
hol’ up

assuming you meant “boars” instead of boers. horses are also an invasive species and rape the landscape, same with housecats in new zealand and southeast asia, same with white fir in the PNW. What is your point, other than europeans bringing invasive species to an area and purposefully proliferating them while practicing harmful environmental policies is bad? Speaking of invasives, I don’t recall the founding fathers ancestors originating from the 13 colonies.

I don’t really understand the point being made here, as non-euro and euro people have, do, and will continue to integrate peacefully and successfully. I am completely fine with deportations and restrictive immigration, as I have already said numerous times. Your weird and non-applicable analogies are getting more esoteric and less legible. You continue to project qualities on me that I do not have, viewpoints I do not share, and experiences I have not had. I don’t understand what your problem is, and would suggest that you actually fucking read books talked about on /8pol/ instead of coming up with ahistorical memeshit. You have already said that asians have the same capacity as europeans (which apparently includes the middle east based on your photo). This leaves us with India (major civilisations), south america (two major civilisations), and africa (has done more than you likely will ever give them credit for). World history is more than the past fee hundred years in europe, dude.
Hell, europe used to be insanely divisive until the past hundred years. People back then were considered different species, yet they now live together. I’m not advocating racemixing, but implying non-euros cant have normal regular boring lives is dumb.

>> No.13977505
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>europeans practice cannibalism, witchcraft, boiling animals alive for their “health properties”, kill one another without a second thought, skin people alive just for the fuck of it all
>just practicing right from wrong!
>>dark person do
>hol’ up

My point being that brown people still do this in the modern day. Showing no evolution at all aka developing no moral system

You’re not even arguing at this point. If Asia, India, Africa and South America developed such great and amazing civilizations then why did the eueropans never immigrate there? Why is there such a disparity of brown people to white countries and white people to brown countries?

Also your argument
>dur founding fathers weren’t originally from the 13 colonies dur

Doesn’t matter. It just poses the immigration argument that the Europeans came over and completely changed America to be there own and actually created boarders n shit, with laws n sheit, and and them crazy wacky legal tender n shiet.

>inb4 well if might makes right then if enough Mexicans come over and take over the US then you can’t bitch about it because that’s what the founding fathers did with North America in the first place

That’s why I’m racist baby cakes (; don’t make them feel welcome, hinder their progress at every turn, don’t support their business and I don’t vote in their favor. When the time comes to go hog hunting I’ll be ready

The difference between white immigration and brown immigration. Is that white people create and brown people degrade

>> No.13977562

>then why did the eueropans never immigrate there?
what the fuck are you on?
I live in one of the cunts you mentioned and the amount of immigrants from Europe, specially from German, Ukraine and Poland, that settled here is pretty big. My great-grandfather, in fact, was 100% German and the first generation to come to my country.

>> No.13977572


What’s your country so I can look at immigration statistics