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File: 60 KB, 736x994, eb3dfb4bef12303113fd1964746ab580-bald-men-style-hair-style-for-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13953348 No.13953348 [Reply] [Original]

How important is hair?

>> No.13953366
File: 189 KB, 1400x700, superman-comic-book-dc-flying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't pull off the rich black haired superman hairstyle

>> No.13953374

Pretty important for most people

>> No.13953506

When you have a face like that you can get away with not having hair.

>> No.13953562


>> No.13953581

Not very if you are handsome and muscular.

>> No.13953737

For women it is, for men it's only important, if you're ugly and you need to hide your face.

>> No.13953790

Not at all because my face is fucking amazing. I have also been shaving my head since I was a little kid.

>> No.13953842

Extremely important and you always lose some attractiveness with hair loss. This man would be more attractive with hair. Most men aren't on this level and will become incels after hair loss.

>> No.13953848

>Extremely important

>men will become incels without hair!
Then it would have been eliminated from the gene pool retard, and not affect 2/3 of men. Cope

>> No.13953861

>Then it would have been eliminated from the gene pool retard, and not affect 2/3 of men
It's carried on the x chromosome. Women are responsible for the survival of baldness. Not to mention nonwhites don't suffer from baldness too often.

>> No.13953866

Yeah your mom shouldn’t have given you that X chromosome, fuck her

>> No.13953870

Most men don't bald significantly until middle age, when they've already reproduced. Premature balding isn't necessarily going to ruin your life (and a lot of people seem to think any slightly high or widow's peaked hairline is 'balding'), but it's usually unattractive and *is* selected against.

>> No.13953887

Tfw I can but there's one issue, I'm fat.....

>> No.13953891

>Women still can't except that they are often insanely hot bald

>> No.13953916

Luckily modern textile technology how allowed us to invent these things called "hats," which can be worn on the head and performs basically the same function of keeping the cranium warm and protected as hair does. So not important at all, really.

>> No.13953945


>> No.13953979

Are you actually balding or did you just mistake a normal high/peaked hairline for balding? It's common for your hairline to change subtly through adolescence and early adulthood, and hair threads are always filled with "Should I just shave it all off now?" posts by guys with 100% normal hairlines.

>> No.13954140

my hairline is about Norwood 3 and even my barbers act surprised when they see since I'm so young

>> No.13954153

if the bald man is masculine looking it doesn't affect him too much.
but if a feminine or twinkish looking person goes bald then it can look very unfortunate.
also depends on the headshape.
in saying all of this, I often find masculine looking bald men very attractive, I wish it wasn't such a stigma in our society.
also I don't think there should be such a stigma attached to men wearing wigs either, it could be a viable option imo. Being able to freely switch between hairstyles would be a cool thing.

>> No.13954159

Yeah, that's valid and it's shit you're in that position. I just want to combat all the panic from guys who think they're going to be bald in two years because they don't have prepubescent hairlines anymore.

>> No.13954161
File: 72 KB, 618x410, elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13954200

>just be a millionaire bro

>> No.13954235

A hair transplant, in spite not being inexpensive, does not even come close to reserved for millionaires.

>> No.13954252

a good hair transplant is in the range of 20k
can you afford to spend that much money for results that aren't even guaranteed?

>> No.13954257

This. The cheap ones(under 5k) are very obvious, plus you need to have touch ups every few years(or more frequently if you don't use finasteride, which comes with potential side effects).

Hair transplants are still out of reach for most people. they're more expensive and less practical than laser eye correction, and even that's still too pricy for most people.

>> No.13954380

>told I look like clark kent
>not tall enough to look good when I'll go completely bald
well fuck.

>> No.13955108

A hair transplant isn't that expensive

>> No.13955532

Depends on how attractive you are otherwise

>> No.13956175
File: 711 KB, 500x378, 1459884191157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes, little sensitive on the subject huh baldy

>> No.13956179
File: 257 KB, 948x1267, McGuinnessFace_custom-a375ae1124a7a7e937fcefb8207a0006d34f6dfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel bad for you, brah.

>> No.13956316
File: 501 KB, 601x742, 1543341405273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being bald makes your features stand out more, if those features are good(chiseled chin, sharp nose, big cheekbones, hollow cheeks) you are winner, if they are not or are soft, you obviously Are not winner, never were and won't be whatever you do.

>> No.13956374

there are plenty of extremely successful bald men who can have anything they want in this world. every guy on /fa/ who makes fun of hairlets is a troll who probably doesn’t do shit.

if anything, losing your hair is a massive redpill as a man. the world only cares about what you achieve— that is, outside of circles of extremely superficial people who literally do nothing all day besides judge others (a.k.a. /fa/).