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File: 413 KB, 1438x1371, Screenshot_20181221-190850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13943384 No.13943384 [Reply] [Original]

Why is google so cruel

>> No.13943398

>Asking Google and not your ol'pal /fa/

>> No.13943410
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>> No.13943412

how the fuck can they get away with this?

>> No.13943413

Because they're not wrong

>> No.13943423

>we wuz inventors & sheeit

Yeah, I guess electricity is okay, but what would we do without (*checks woke notecard*) peanut butter

>> No.13943482
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>> No.13943498

Why is this even wrong? You don't see two white people and think "American" couple because if you're American, you just think "couple" because white people are the default, and white couples can also be from anywhere in Canada and Europe too.

On the other hand, "american" will always be part of "African American"

>> No.13943510

Africans are soon the majority in the world. Get used to it, white boy.

>> No.13943515

Google recommends you things based on your search history lmao nigger lover

>> No.13943615
File: 1.04 MB, 1061x800, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here,

I just wanted actual hairstyles for people with long hair, not show my hate for the negroes

>> No.13943618

>Africans are soon the majority in the world. Get used to it, white boy.
Enjoy your malthusian catastrophe, soiboi

Just post your current hair and we can give you better recs

>> No.13943619


>> No.13943824

There were 8 black presidents before Obama

>> No.13943864

Damn I hate niggers

>> No.13943873

To make it worse Bell was a Scot who moves to eastern canada

>> No.13943878
File: 1.18 MB, 640x1136, IMG_2326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this considered a normal long hairstyle for a man?

>> No.13943900

Are you guys actually retarded? Did you forget that most people try to be PC on the internet and post "African-American" causing the search results to show blacks. The same goes for Bing, duckduckgo, etc. Go back to /pol/

>> No.13943962

Google is fuckin pozzed, get real bitch. Everyone knows this. What about Damore? What about Google execs weeping about Trump getting elected?


Even if the black inventors thing is an algorithmic quirk (which I don't buy desu), I'm happy to throw any memetic fuel I can find onto the fire that is Google's PR.

>> No.13943970

You look like a trap. You'd look better w/ medium length desu.

>> No.13944086

not for a man but for a boi it would

>> No.13944312

Yeah, that sounds like the best explanation. "African American" by nature must have American in the title, while you see things like "white" up in the suggestions.

>> No.13944333

kys subhuman discord tranny

>> No.13944339

search couple and it's all whitey, 'american' makes google think you want to see african americans

>> No.13944608

have you ever thought this is because the most common way to refer to blacks is to say "african-americans" so when you search for americans it shows results for african-americans? fucking retard

>> No.13944754

Another thinly veiled/pol/ thread. How socking.. .saged.

>> No.13944907

Thomas Edison is literally the 5th in that picture.

>> No.13944927
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>> No.13944937
File: 1.20 MB, 3615x644, uss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This x1000. Try searching for United States scientists and see how different the results are. /pol/ is fucking retarded.

>> No.13944957

This is just another example of what happened here >>13943410

By searching for white couples, you are including a lot of images that are tagged with black and white, because most images with white couples aren't tagged as white (people don't usually add descriptors to something that is seen as the default). If you just search "couple" it's almost all straight white people.

>> No.13945035

Electionfags please leave

>> No.13945121

>googled search engine is so primitive it can’t distinguish from race and noteworthiness

>> No.13945187

>search for "united states scientists"
>first two results are a german and an italian
Still retarded.

>> No.13945240

Everything i dont like is pol

>> No.13945246

He's the 6th though.

>> No.13945261

They are Americans. Called African Americans. I understand that you’re racist, but they’re not wrong.

>> No.13945415
File: 59 KB, 700x566, 1397059821004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13945439

They were both american citizens.

>> No.13947124

very cute!

>> No.13947180

Thomas Edison is less of an inventor than my shit is a tasty snack. Why the fuck is he in that list?

>> No.13947183

being this delusional

>> No.13947407
File: 337 KB, 1548x369, px0Cqnz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice country

>> No.13947416

Thomas Edison just stole all of his ideas from Nikola Tesla and other people. fuck off

>> No.13947908

Bangs make u look like lesbian

>> No.13947954

Americucks are cucks.