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File: 106 KB, 600x900, the-godfather-flannel-michael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13932961 No.13932961 [Reply] [Original]

What does the mafia actually dress nowadays?

>> No.13932968

*wear nowadays

>> No.13933010

Some, mostly older Mafiosi may wear fedora dress hats, occasionally, but most don't wear them anywhere near as much as classic gangster films would have one believe. Flat caps or newsboy caps, reflecting a classic early 20th century look, are a little more common, but still much less common than wearing no hat at all, or maybe a baseball cap. In recent decades, Italian American gangsters have taken track suits and other forms of casual wear, but actual dress suits are still common. The movies Casino and Goodfellas are good examples of what late 20th century gangsters in America often went for, with clothes, whereas The Godfather movies mostly reflect the early-mid 20th century fashions.

>> No.13933019

This is a pretty good description; for something a little more modern though (say, 10/15 years back) I would recommend watching The Sopranos.

>> No.13933030

In prison uniform mostly.

>> No.13933031

This. Tony and the guys are basically dadmode for the most part. except for Johnnu Sack. He was undoubtably the best dressed in the series. Always to the nines.

>> No.13933036

god the sopranos is so fucking good

>> No.13933054

why do they even wear suits. impractical and too flashy for underground activity

>> No.13933059

Businessmen are just mafia without the spaghetti.

>> No.13933064

ur goddamn right.

>> No.13933073
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>> No.13933075

Mob guys always consider themselves businessmen, so they wear standard business attire when doing their thing.
IIRC, the actual Cosa Nostra even had some rule about presenting well while in public.

>> No.13933077

The Sopranos is a very good example of the modern American Mafia, I agree. I had forgotten to mention it, particularly, but I did not forget about the image of modern tracksuits and other casual clothes being worn by members during jobs.

Many businessmen still wear suits, so in classier settings, they will do just fine to fit in, and express some of their sartorial flair, looking possibly a little flashier than most businessmen look.

>> No.13933081

how do these guys even exist to this day, in a first world country on top of that

>> No.13933090
File: 167 KB, 769x566, sdvdsv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, suits getting shittier with the years

>> No.13933095

>right pic doesn't even show a suit

>> No.13933094

Be in politics

>> No.13933096

You guys need to realize that we're not in the 50's anymore. There is no such thing as rules about being correctly dressed in public etc

>> No.13933098

I'll tell ya one ting, it was me this kid was spreadin' rumors about, he'd have something up his own ass. And it wouldn't be no cock either.

>> No.13933119

the next time you see my face, show some respect

>> No.13933121
File: 50 KB, 701x394, news97385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, they don't dress differently than the people that are part of their social context

>> No.13933123
File: 151 KB, 718x1000, 1970-mens-suits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13933258
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>> No.13933336


>> No.13933385

They're nowhere near as big as they once were, and at this point they're basically just holding onto their last little vestiges of power. In my area (South Florida), they've pretty much been eclipsed by black/hispanic gangs and the Russian mob.

>> No.13933391

a lot of parking meters down in florida

>> No.13933394

you'd be surprised by the amount of money the actual italian mafia organizations make and invest around the world

>> No.13933395
File: 545 KB, 1557x1200, 699464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, lel

>> No.13933408


>> No.13933512

Exactly. The persons of this thread don't know shit about Italy and how bad the mafia is actually perceived here.

Plus mentionning Cosa Nostra even though it's been decades since it isn't the most powerful one anymore

>> No.13933519

I know everyone says Johnny but I think Ralph was the best dressed at all times throughout the show

>> No.13933533

Something crazy like 80 percent of European Cocaine trade is handled in some way by the Italian Mafia. Whether it be just networking with other countries syndicates, smuggling or elimination of competion

>> No.13933545

LMAO if you took off the b/w, right would look wacky as hell

>> No.13933723


>> No.13934940

'How does organized crime exist to this day, in a first world country on top of that'
Gee man I wonder how, I mean in first world countries illegal profits are non-existant

>> No.13934993

Ralphie for sure had good taste (I though his ascots were nice) but you have to look at the disposition in which they carried themselves. Ralphie was a sleazy cunt with a bad hairpiece and he was greasy enough to never really be able to carry himself properly. Sack on the other hand was cunning, calculating, intelligent and brutal, but never unreasonable and his unconditionally love of his wife really made you respect the guy as much as fear him. His high sense of fashion gave him the attitude of pure seriousness which was essential for his position in the mob. Also, he had every right to want to ice Ralphie for insulting his wife. His "is nothing sacred" bit is spot on. He represented the honor of old school mafia credo where if you took liberties, you paid with your life Ralphie crossed the line and he would have been whacked without hesitation had it been a few decades earlier.

>> No.13935023 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 432x432, bf2aa32db12e3b8b1549642f45fbc548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not Ralphie

Look at his impeccable sense of style. Look at this fuckin' JACKEEEET!

>> No.13935025
File: 37 KB, 432x432, bf2aa32db12e3b8b1549642f45fbc548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not Richie

Look at his impeccable sense of style. Look at this fuckin' JACKEEEET!

>> No.13935076

Is this image mirrored or are their suits women style/inverted (right over left)?

>> No.13935091

I noticed this as well, why? I put it down to not getting tailored fits no more.

>> No.13936061

Tony looked good when he wanted to. Some of his suits were sharp.

>> No.13936123


Do y’all have actual mafias where you love? I live about 20 minutes from Philadelphia and all we have are niggers.

>> No.13936148
File: 119 KB, 871x672, Merchant fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their stuff often buttons the wrong way. Whether it's to be different from the goys or some other reason remains unexplained.