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/fa/ - Fashion

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13927617 No.13927617 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a more dumb fashion trend? It's like wearing gloves with the fingers cut off in winter or a scarf in summer. It literally defeats the purpose of the hat (to keep your ears warm).

>> No.13927621

That's how we wear it in Russia

>> No.13927654

>the purpose of the hat (to keep your ears warm).

No, the main perpose of hat is protecting your hair from snow or rain and stay warm. If you need additional protection for your ears than buy USHANKA or any other hat constructed for it

>> No.13927703

If you’re not wearing a tiny hat are you even living

>> No.13927712

There are way worse fashion trends to pick on. Ninja-core, for one.

>> No.13927716

watch caps look good

>> No.13927727

Go out in the cold and tell me what bothers you first or more. Your head being cold or your ears. I'll wait.

>> No.13927728

i wear these because it looks nicer than slouch caps

but im asian so it looks like traditional chinese cap

>> No.13927748
File: 54 KB, 1080x873, 46039279_277855436207427_4252089490231209057_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The alpha cap

>> No.13927888

i mean if the only thing that you care about is functionality you might as well wear a fleece-lined jumpsuit all day

this is a fashion board

>> No.13927981

most hats don’t cover your ears even ones for cold climates.

ushankas are only worn with the flaps down in extremely rare cases

by keeping your head warm it allows more warm blood to flow into your ears thus keeping them warm I don’t know how you don’t understand this, fingerless gloves are similar and they’re normally the best you can do if you need your fingers in the cold for example if you’re a busking guitar player

when im /out/ I’ll wear a beanie that covers my ears but to assert that the primary function of a hat is to warm ears is absurd, it’s a useful bonus but not necessary if you’re acclimatised to cold

>> No.13928034

holy shit what a chad lad

>> No.13928215

I tried wearing my hat like this after seeing this. Actually kinda comfy. Better for indoors

>> No.13928251

Always just over the top of the ear

>> No.13928265

I used to wear these, mostly so I could keep warm and show off my glorious hairline

>> No.13928313

It's a skater thing, no clue why but it's been 'trendy' for atleast a decade now. Condom beanies are trendy and helmets are uncool, according to the fag side of skating atleast...

>> No.13928570
File: 307 KB, 1045x699, CBA35920-2226-475E-809A-C391DF9D17E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s been “trendy” since 1940

>> No.13928588

thought i was going mad seeing this everywhere

so it's actually a thing a real trend now?

>> No.13928602

that was the egeneral trend though that everyone wore hats like flat caps, bowlers, top hats, etc

>> No.13928604
File: 69 KB, 564x845, cc9c7fe1172a28ca8c1a4e15cf2f32c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The alpha choice.

>> No.13928645

this started originally because beanies were sticking up too high because they were too big. so naturally people rolled them to fit correctly but as time went on it got more and more dramatic.

>> No.13928664

I wish I had the jaw to pull this of. Jesus Christ he looks good

>> No.13928673
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>> No.13928688

i understand the hat but fingerless gloves actually serve a purpose, it's for a better grip on things, it won't help in a very cold winter though for sure.

>> No.13928781

If they wore more fitted trousers this would look like the queue at Berghain

>> No.13928814
File: 485 KB, 499x670, Capture+_2018-12-16-03-13-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this year

>> No.13928835
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shitarded opinion

looks gay unless you're built like popeye

fellow man of taste and who is also attracted to jewish women

>> No.13928836
File: 197 KB, 834x555, 1387525797803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this basedcuck hipster. absolutely disgusting.

>> No.13928961

Look a the Finnish/German field caps. if you keep your head warm, your ears are mildly uncomfortable for about 6 minutes until they feel normal again and you RETAIN YOUR SENSE OF HEARING instead of muffling everything with a big flap. Ear flaps should only be worn in literal snowstorms or temperatures under 0 F.

>> No.13929135

Why is this damn thread being made every single fucking day. Holy shit just stop.

>> No.13929323

that's why they're the chad cap, dofus

>> No.13929361

Yeah, this trend triggers me.

>> No.13929364


>> No.13929387
File: 284 KB, 582x504, trawler beanie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13929397

No we don't, only a few "people" do and it is during performances.

>> No.13929412
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>> No.13929420

Woah, a bit antisemitic there, bud.

>> No.13929452

It's born because some people are wearing beanie inside

>> No.13929552

is that the judge from blood meridian

>> No.13929557
File: 183 KB, 849x787, fanny-pack-trend-on-the-runway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has there ever been a more dumb fashion trend?


>> No.13929559


no that's rummelsnuff, a german singer and actor, also a very friendly guy. Met him a few times on shows from Die Orsons and he is not at all how he looks.

check this out

>> No.13929566

>It's like wearing gloves with the fingers cut off in winter
fuck off you NEET faggot

>> No.13929569

based and nicepilled

>> No.13929573

No, we do. I guess you just don’t live in a big city.

>> No.13929623

I live in Moscow and no one does.

>> No.13929683

he also used to be a bouncer at berghain.

>> No.13930373

It's the cheapest, most basic, functional winter hat that goes with literally everything.
You can buy them for 5$ at every drug store around, no shit you see them a lot, retard.

>> No.13930375

niggers don't know there are different designs of watch cap for different weather conditions.
some cover your ears some don't.
but don't let me get in the way of you arguing.

>> No.13930682
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>> No.13930787
File: 60 KB, 750x625, varg-vikernes-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say that to my face, fagget.

>> No.13930804

>Comes to a fashion board to sperg about utility
o i am laffin

>> No.13931411

it's the
>"daddys money and into fashion woke neo-beatnik-core"
just hang out near coffee shops in big cities and you'll see these posers all over the place.

>> No.13932129
File: 139 KB, 972x1000, MV5BMTMyNDExMDU0NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjE2MDAxMw@@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,972,1000_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP and also germanfag here, this make us look autistic, we already have a bad reputation, please stop.

>> No.13932137

How is this even a trend, fannypacks have appeared in subcultures all over Europe for the last 30 years or so. Stop basing your worldview on your shitty flyover state.

>> No.13932159

You know the guy in your pic is Ralph finnes, a British actor right

>> No.13932164

It’s sagging pants tier when it comes to utility

>> No.13932169

As a German you should be worried about real issues like immigration instead of focussing on petty shit like this. Eternal Kraut strikes again.

>> No.13932171


my grand dad had one of these I don't remember their name, teach me

>> No.13932172

fuck off c*ck

>> No.13932179

You're the cuck here Mohammed.

>> No.13932311

>Eternal Kraut strikes again

This. The eternal Kraut shilling so hard for politicians, got Hitler, a american banker shill in power. Immigration is not the real problem, our government + elites are and yes, even AfD are shills for the j*ws.

>> No.13932312

All got cucked, even jews are played out by the zionist, but average people can't grasp this.

>> No.13932326

sagging pants actively hinder you, these don't and are actually functional

>> No.13932555

Light scarves are good in summer.

>> No.13932568

>Has there ever been a more dumb fashion trend?
Ed Hardy / Affliction
Shutter shades
Where I live: snowmobiling jackets and fucking gigantic Sorel boots

>> No.13932728

I live in Norway and I've been wearing hats like this through winter for years, pussies can't handle a bit of cold