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/fa/ - Fashion

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13925413 No.13925413 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true /fa/?

>> No.13925424

i don't know, nor do i care
What i do know, though, is that niggers can't dress

>> No.13925425

>niggers are so lucky. All they need is saggy pants...a dirty wife beater...and a pitbull... and boom Prison

>> No.13925427

Every magazine cover I see has that bald nigger woman on it.

>> No.13925432

Nah, white boys need to big muscular, cause women love alphas, not skinny onions boy faggots.

Hence why sexy white women fuck niggers instead of whites.

>> No.13925443

He's talking about models race baiter

>> No.13925471

If you are a white man, being a model is fucking stupid when all your race is getting destroyed by niggers

>> No.13925488

*peeps GQuck*
wrong for almost half a decade

>> No.13925494

>dyes his hair
>has shitty facial hair
>grows a mustache
i don't think being black is this guy's problem, i think it's that his IQ is on the left half of the bell curve

>> No.13925527

No one mentioned niggers why are you talking about them when the topic is white boys

>> No.13925559

Ybois in modelling careers:
>have to skip meals, otherwise have to pay out of pocket for expensive kale and arugula smoothies
>have to give up carbs, sugars, booze
>can never get a BMI exceeding anorexia
>day consists of doing gay cardio and having photos taken of them
>forced to attend galas and other events full of queer soi-men
>have to take it up the ass from ugly kike pedos

Niggers in prison:
>free three-course meals erryday
>get to eat at their own leisure, made by experienced chefs who once served time as well
>free to bulk up as big as they want
>get to engage in sports and bodybuilding while fighting in the downtime
>isn't coerced into doing anything, only surrounded by high-t men who rode the tiger through the modern world
>get to fuck qt inmates in the ass

>> No.13925574

you fucking disgusting

>> No.13925576


>> No.13925626

I literally can’t stop thinking about all the BBC cuckold porn that I post on /pol/

>> No.13925867

If niggers hate white people so much why are they so dependant on them? Why don’t they go back to Africa where they’ll be a king?

>> No.13925981

>all they need is a jawline

He doesn't realize what a rare commodity jawlines are in Gens Y and Z.

>> No.13926127
File: 69 KB, 970x545, 562328AB-CF2A-4451-A9D2-1506F7956684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all they need is a jawline

I somehow missed the free jawline installation when I was born.

>> No.13926237

Aspiring to be a model is the most pathetic thing i can think of

>> No.13926253

got scouted off the street recently and Im almost regretting it after meeting all the career models.

>> No.13926260

>when i was born

Let me destroy your jimmies: sure, there is a genetic component to that. But chances are your genes are enough to have given you a decent jawline.
So what happened? There's a few factors. Do you know that if your parents used teflon cookware there are chemicals in that that probably messed with you in such a way that you have small genitals, lower fertility, lower agd etc. than you were "supposed" to have as per your genes?
Same thing if your ma walked on plastic floors bare foot when she was pregnant with you.
If you had had a more athletic childhood and adolescence with better posture that would have helped give you a better jawline.
If you had been exposed to tougher to chew foods and more meat off the bone (the pulling the meat off the bone action) that would have helped you too.
Gen Y and Z got a sort of Perfect Storm of making ugly, effeminate men.

>> No.13926291

we stan jovan he is a queer icon

>> No.13926397

I mean SLP is literally proof of that

>> No.13926517

>black guy workouts once
>20 lbs of lean muscle mass

>> No.13926935

As if it's not the same thing for any other race OP? lol

>> No.13926964

So I can blame my small dick on teflon? Cool

>> No.13927084

What would you rather have:
1. Defined jawline and chin; and a big nose, or
2. No chin and jawline; and a normal sized nose

>> No.13927092

Option 1, then get the nose fixed
Cheapest and fastest option to perfection

>> No.13927396

yea for indie art hoe trendy magazines, not regular magazines like the normies in this thread are referring to.

>> No.13927408 [DELETED] 

>go back to africa
i know im on 4chan but i didn't know /fa/ was infiltrated by /pol/'s insecure meme personality it's kinda jarring.

>> No.13927482

Big nose is masc if you can pull it off with our chin and jaw

>> No.13927542

>'isn't coerced into doing anything'

I know this is bait but come on bro you coulda done better

>> No.13927584

Yes you see, all of your problems actually stem from modern ammenities. If we kill all scientists and teachers we will all become gigachad supermen with big dicks and jawlines to cut glass. So what the fuck are you waiting for? You like having a tiny dick???

>> No.13927589

I dont have a super strong jawline (slightly above the median of attractiveness) but I have high, defined cheekbones and big eyes. How fucked am I bros?

>> No.13927803

Your not you hit cute so your fine

>> No.13927811
File: 94 KB, 960x700, a29f0a0cd5641b25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not enough nowdays

>> No.13928945

you probably watch interracial porn more than you go outside

>> No.13928996

most of the shit on the left is literally just being a basic, functional human being.
you chasing after girls who don't have a bunch of shit on the left is a direct result of you being a desperate, thirsty ass ho.
not only that, some of the items are either blatantly wrong or doesnt even understand the premise of what it's proposing.
i realize shit like this is almost always bait, but I see more and more young men parroting this retarded self-pity narrative on this website that I can't help but treat all of the instances of this garbage as earnest.
"oh god, I have to hold down a job and be independent from mommy and daddy. the absolute fucking horror. why cant i just get a feminine, beautiful gf who takes care of me 100% and also is the only responsible adult in the relationship and also lets me be a disgusting fat piece of shit and dominate her and wont cheat on me like a FUCKING WHORE"

>> No.13929061

I wanna be white so bad

>> No.13930065

Niggers in prison:
>slippin on semen

>> No.13930086
File: 356 KB, 680x708, persianpride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whites, blacks, and now even the chinks are being worshipped online while us brown boys are mocked and ridiculed everywhere

>> No.13930089

hahahahahhaha thank you for this

t. Rocky

>> No.13930102

>all the need is a jaw line
oh yeah, let me just get my jaw line out of storage, let me just adjust my jaw line so it's good, let me just go and buy a jaw line
fucking idiot, might as well say something like "all you need to do is be tall and boom magazine cover

>> No.13930149
File: 2.40 MB, 250x188, isSvR0E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the shit on the left is literally just being a basic, functional human being.
haha I totally agree, man. I mean how can anyone in this day and age possibly be shy, a virgin, be ugly or short, have no relationship experience or friends, have enough money to take care themselves and another person plus pay for an house or apartment, be good at something actually worthwhile...... IT JUST DOESN'T MAKE SENSE HAHA!
I will never understand these beta losers on here either man they have nothing to complain about, they're delusional you cannot help them haha give up...
These days women totally have to put sooo much more effort to be desired than men do bro, Obviously these beta boys cannot ever see that haha losers haha

>> No.13930176

On one hand I do agree that we do a lot of things wrong now, chemicals definitely affect us, bad habits brought on by being surrounded by the modern world cause us to grow and live wrong.

On the other hand I'm athletic, I can afford a home gym which non of my ancestors could, I know more about the world than any ancestor I had, I can afford a variety and quality of foods that my ancestors had no access to, I'm expected to live longer than any of my ancestors - and who the fuck knows by the time I'm 60 maybe they'll have 3d printed organs and sci-fi tier medicine so I may end up living WAY longer than any of them.

Lower sperm count?, who the fuck cares I've gotten an ex pregnant by accident so I doubt I won't be able to do it when I actually want to and get as many free shots to do it as I need.

We seem to be living better and longer than at any point in history - if some sedentary idiots getting a shitty jawline and small peepees is the price, I'm all for it.

>> No.13930405

left is only if you are unattractive lol

>> No.13930409


>> No.13931131

BASED bloomer

>> No.13931157

You also probably have a mutilated cock, hows that one bloomer? You will never experience sex to the fullest.

>> No.13931302


>> No.13931423

>be shy
God forbid you have to go outside of your comfort zone
If anything this is a boon in the eyes of the vast majority of girls when trying to start a serious relationship. Stop believing everything you read on the internet. The only people who give a fuck about partners are incels and people who partake in hookup culture.
>be ugly or short
smdh, you've got a real selective view of the world if you have never seen a chick with an ugly short dude

>have no [...] friends
>have enough money to take care themselves and another person
>pay for an house or apartment
>be good at something actually worthwhile
These are all literally baselines of being an adult human being. If you do not have any of these things you have way bigger problems than not having a girlfriend. Seriously, you not having a girlfriend is a symptom of a much bigger and incredibly more important issue if you are not capable of a single fucking modicum of independence. Seek help from a mental health professional.