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13913293 No.13913293 [Reply] [Original]

how do i achieve this physique? diet/routine ideally. I'm 6'2" and thin right now and want to put on some muscle.

>> No.13913301

Lose 6 inches of height.

>> No.13913302

I'd rather not

>> No.13913312


>> No.13913314

Ask /fit/

Gonna take you a while if you’re 6’2”. Like 3 years if natty with a skinny base.

>> No.13913327

Cheers, I figured as much

>> No.13913332

This isn't very difficult to achieve. It's winter, so start bulking now. Find your TDEE (https://tdeecalculator.net/)) and eat probably 500 calories more than that. Try to get 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. For lifting, try to hit each body part 2x a week. Go to /fit/ for more info though

>> No.13913337

Actually didn't take into account your height, so it might take longer, but if you train and eat smart it could probably be done a bit quicker than 3 years, especially if you take advantage of noob gains. Just don't be afraid to eat a lot, and keep reading up on and watching videos for good workouts (preferably those supported by science)

>> No.13913342

Thanks for the info. I'm 18 and my TDEE according to the calculator is 2,500 which seems like a lot, especially trying to eat more than that.

>> No.13913369

Yeah it's tough, but necessary. I wasted my first year of lifting because I was afraid to eat a lot. It's also tough when it's 3000+ calories, but you get used to it and it also gives you a lot of flexibility in what you can eat. If you're going to uni, you probably have access to a gym and a dining hall with a lot of food which might make it easier

>> No.13913403

I am, yeah which should certainly help. When trying to eat that much how do you balance trying to eat well (good sources of protein, etc.) and just trying to fill that calorie quota?

>> No.13913510

Also wondering, Shia is my goal body desu.

>> No.13913553

1. eat everything in site
2. take up a hobby that involves serious upper body exercise. (rock climbing, surfing, lifting...etc)

>> No.13913560

That's fucking bullshit. You could look like that after less than a year.

>> No.13913567

You can easily reach this in a year. Go on a slight caloric surplus and train hard.
Shia doesn’t have that impressive of a body and has little lower body strength. these are even edited so that the light/shadows play in his favor.

>> No.13913572

2500 for an 18 year old is not much at all. Right now is the best time for you to bulk and train hard with your 18 year old hormones.

>> No.13913621

For now: start with calisthenics (google: "recommended routine", first result should be it), you could literally start this routine right now and make sure to get more protein in - red meat, tuna, sardines, mackerels, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir are all great sources for that.

Meanwhile and later on: start looking into beginner strength/weightlifting routines - they pack on the most muscle mass for beginners (which is exactly what you want to do, especially when you're tall and skinny), teach form, programming and will give you a lot of strength to work with in w/e form of training you pursue afterwards.

I love /fit/, it's genuinely one of the best boards on this site, but it's filled with a lot of retarded trolling and memes, read its sticky and carry on. Good luck man.

>> No.13913735
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, FF47003A-EEE2-4254-93D9-27E5633E6CD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will take you a while at 6’3” as obviously 20 pounds of lean mass looks like more on some 5’5” turbomanlets short frame compared to that of your long frame.
depending on how old you are will contribute to, honestly if you’re under 19 or so still your test levels should still be rather high and ((assuming you’re pretty skelly)) should be able to achieve this in under 6 months, shia isn’t that big.
look up a tdee calculator, get your tdee and add 200-300 calories to it. 1g protein per 1lb of your weight a day.
i don’t know if you have access to a gym or not. get on ss or coolcicadas ppl.
good luck, anon. /fit/ has made me insecure and muscles dysmorphic, frequently told that i’m buff by normies but i feel small as fuck.
>t. been lifting for 4 years


>> No.13913777

you could but you would be fat. so thats +6 months of cutting

>> No.13913791

>cutting for 6 months
>not going on a 36 hard boiled eggwhites a day diet for 1.5 months.

>> No.13913911

You can gain up to 20-25lbs muscle in your first tear of lifting provided your diet is good and you're dedicated.
The amount of muscle you put on will get lower as you progress tho but that wouldn't be much of a problem considering it would at most take two years to look like that.
Whether you'll be content with having a body like that will be up to you, it will get less impressive with time.
And don't bother going on /fit/, I doubt less than half of them even lift and out of them most are lanklet dyels.

>> No.13913973

Yeah, I mean right now anything is an improvement so I just need to stay dedicated

>> No.13913992

if you worked out consistently and had a good diet you could reach shia's physique in that pic within a year, considering you are a skinny dyel.
>what is good diet
enough protein, for your height ideally ~170g (I'd say 150~170g during maintenance or bulk, 180~210g during cuts), adjust carbs and fat according to your macro goals, can't tell without knowing what your body looks like right now. Look up TDEE calculator to find out how much you need to eat.
PPL is fine, start the day's workout with a compound exercise focusing on strength and throw in some isolation exercises for hypertrophy afterwards.
Forget anons saying 3 years, seriously, for a body like OP's pic being lean is more important than having a crazy muscle volume.

>> No.13914009

>tfw leglet like Shia
feels bad man

>> No.13914012

I mapped out a diet I could realistically follow while bulking where I'm eating 2,900 cal. (400 over TDEE) and getting 220g of protein a day. I don't know if this is overkill.

>> No.13914021
File: 50 KB, 400x323, hm question kot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I bulk my butt blows up beyond proportions. Is this just genes?

Normal fatties have their butt remain flat.

>> No.13914025

big ass and womanly saddlebags when bulking. I just can't bulk.

>> No.13914045

it is overkill, yes.
As I said in my post, during bulk you can eat even less protein because your body spares protein while on a caloric surplus. I'd say 180~200, protein is the most satiating macro nutrient so its hard to eat a lot of it in a bulk, but your call, whatever you feel more comfortable with.
If you find it a bit hard to eat, the easiest macro to eat is fat, things like peanut butter, avocado, dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt).

>> No.13914050

>>13914045 answer this faggot >>13914021

>> No.13914051

By how much do you guys bulk up and what's your bf% to begin with?,

>> No.13914060

Well I'm bulked up from 165 to under 175lbs at 5'10. I'm not untrained and been squatting for a few years. Still I get unsightly womanly saddlebags and huge butt.

>> No.13914065

You have shit genetics

>> No.13914067

that's what i thought :(

>> No.13914114

well, I don't like bulking and cutting to begin with, so I don't have to argue for it.
When you are dyel, you get a lot of muscle mass out of noob gains phase, so you may want to consider making one long bulk and then one cut and after that just keep eating at a very slight and clean bulk to maintain a low body fat.
Seriously, as a natty, after 1~2 years of PROPERLY and CONSISTENTLY working out the amount of muscles you get on a bulk/cut cycle, in my opinion, is in no way worth it.
>have to look fatter for a good amount of the year, having a bad silhouette and face aesthetic
>have to eat a lot, buy and prepare a lot of food and suffer potential side effects like anon's ass getting juicier
>after that you have to eat like a woman for months
>potentially have bad mood, getting more stressed out, feeling depleted and weak depending on the amount of fat you need to lose
and all that for what? so that you look good for 1 month and then go back to bulking again? You are literally a dog chasing his tail if you keep bulking and cutting, you are always chasing something without getting the reward.
Again, I'm much more being lean year round, looking good year round, eating a maintenance or at a very slight surplus.

>> No.13914259 [DELETED] 

tf do you do instead then

>> No.13914332

Post body

>> No.13914348

Shit this honestly convinced me to quit my bulk and just do a clean slight bulk, thanks

>> No.13914376

So for a dyel, bulk until you're happy with the amount of muscle, cut and then eat at maintenance?

>> No.13914402

in my opinion, that is the best path.

>> No.13914414

But how do you maintain that slight surplus.

Everytime I bulk I overdo it and end up plain fat. I don't intend to eat that much but it feels like the line between "small, lean surplus" and "fattening, dirty surplus" is ultrathin.

>> No.13914433

I like this guy

>> No.13914438

lmao everyone saying its easy to achieve this body, then post your fat-ass. Idiots he is a Hollywood star he has the best fitness gurus, chefs, doctors... You think you can achieve this body naturally?? Naive kiddos

>> No.13914448

Everyone whos saying its easy blah blah, less than a year blah ... post his photo as well so we can laugh, with his delusions

>> No.13914506
File: 187 KB, 888x891, cbt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the case this isn't bait, aight, this is me
body fat bit higher than what I'd like but fine

>> No.13914669

/fa/ is not fit you dumb nigger

>> No.13914924

If you're /fa/ and /fit/ does that make you /fat/?

>> No.13915015

Plagiarize a lot and then pretend like it never happened while you fail to make a comeback

>> No.13916282
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>> No.13916290

nice how long have you been lifting?

>> No.13916321

those insertions... im so sorry

>> No.13916413

have the right genes, for ex I cannot have this because narrow shoulders

>> No.13916423

do SS + GOMAD for a year and you will look better than that.

>> No.13916424

>this body is impressive for /fa/

>> No.13916671

join the army

>> No.13916698

It looks like you just started lifting and already on roids.

>> No.13916723
File: 469 KB, 1280x853, the mire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was young I was super skinny because I had a high metabolism but when I was 21, 22, 23 I started putting on weight , in a good way (muscle)
When I was 25 though I lost my job, got depressed and slowed down and became fat. I only had about 4 or 5 good years
Latter I got a job and lost my depression but I only dropped a few pounds and kept them off cus my metabolism had slowed down.
Exercise and stay happy and dress well

>> No.13916732

Just don't become crazy like him

>> No.13916772

something like 3~5 years on and off with shit diet, my peak was squat 140kg, deadlift 160kg, ohp 50kg, bench press 80kg.
Now I've been lifting for 4 months, consistently, with a good diet. I was on 25% body fat, did a cut and ended up on that pic. Again, body fat is a bit higher than what I'd like, but I'll maintain a bit for now, build more muscles, and then I cut down to 11~12%.

I don't see nothing extraordinary with my body, not for the bad side and not for the good side so I don't know exactly what you mean. The only thing can look a bit weird, and people have said this to me on /fit/, is that my chest is very fucking long (which, for me, is a very good thing).
Regardless, can't win every one, can you? can't complain at 6'3.

>> No.13917130

No? I do jiu-jitsu 4-5 times a week, and lift weights and I have a very similar physique to this. This was all under 1 year.

>> No.13917135

Literally just some crossboarders retards sucking his dicks.

>> No.13918620
File: 28 KB, 499x481, 1513438568344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is bait. you can achieve this physique in under a year.

>> No.13918657

How are your lifts so shit
I've just started lifting properly and I bench 70kg X 5 and OHP 42.5KG x 3 after less than a month

>> No.13918664

who cares about lifts besides depressed homosexual faglords obsessed with fitness in a cartoon imageboard?

>> No.13918669

>Dude who cares about strength lmao just be weak, what are you some kind of FAGGOT?
wtf I hate lifting now

>> No.13918682

answer honestly
>great strength, looking bad
>laughable strength, looking good
if you look good, yes, literally no one cares about your numbers except for other guys that lift. Not saying you should not aim for getting stronger, just don't be obsessive

>> No.13918687

I'm not saying you should BLOATMAXXX and be a powerlifter, I'm just shocked at how you lifted for 3-5 years and didn't reach 1/2/3/4
What did you do in the gym?

>> No.13918692

were you able to read the "on and off" and the "shit diet"? 3-5 years counting ever since I started working out with the retarded program they give me at the gym.
And what do you mean I didn't reach 1/2/3/4? You do realise its kilograms? and I do not count the bar
50kg ohp is 10kg more than 1pl8
140kg squat is 20kg more than 3pl8

>> No.13918696

looking good man

>> No.13918698

>I-I didn't count the bar when I mentioned my lifts
sure buddy
You changed your tune quick btw, went from who cares about strength to IM STRONG PLEASE BELIEVE ME


>> No.13918718

kek, whatever you believe my dude, i'm from a third world country, we don't even have olympic bars here, I couldn't count its weight if I wanted, first of all, because I don't even know its fucking weight.
And I do care about strength, only at bench press though. I do not deadlift, squat or do military presses anymore, the first two due to hip injury, the last one because I do not want to.

>> No.13919032

ss + gomad

>> No.13919675

Eat clean and in excess. Make sure you hit the gym daily, but don't stay too long, drink enough water, get enough sleep. It will take longer eating clean, but it'll give you a toned look while increasing muscle mass. Make sure your core is strong. That's the most important thing. After your mass is increased about 20 lbs start amping the cardio up. Stick to it and don't make excuses for yourself or let anyone make a bad health choice for you. It'll seem like it takes forever, but time will fly by and you'll realize it didn't take any time at all.

>> No.13920628

This is easy to achieve in 6 months if you actually put the effort in.

You all are just computer dwelling /fa/ggots that are too lazy to workout. You don't even need a gym for this body. Just a shit ton of pushups, maybe a cheap pull up bar as well. Thats what I use.

>> No.13921876
File: 376 KB, 1182x1400, snoop-dogg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shia Le Beuf? More like Shia Le BUFF amirite?