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File: 152 KB, 575x413, Niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13912471 No.13912471[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Could we get a face rate thread going

>> No.13912474

is this a before and after transitioning

>> No.13912550

No. Those threads belong on >>>/soc/

>> No.13912598

I mean they look the same but mans got a girlfriend. With that face face and outfit you gotta give the kid props

>> No.13912625

That girl is nothing to be proud of tho...

>> No.13912634
File: 25 KB, 489x627, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homar from samsans

>> No.13912640

I know that ass

>> No.13912672


>> No.13912778

Look at them two frumpy asses man it just makes sense. Date in your league right?

>> No.13912797

stop making threads with your ugly ass face please, someone is still salty that I exposed that he was a friendless faggot in high school who had a crush on my girlfriend

>> No.13912800

Yeah exactly. Its pathetic that they cant achieve any better and therefore should be endlessly ridiculed for their insurmountable shortcomings

>> No.13912805
File: 945 KB, 1242x1225, B11C6C4F-FFA7-41F0-A62E-E6601FA2BAD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate me hehe :3 go easy please constructive criticism only

>> No.13912807

He seems like he would be cool to hang with in hs even if he didnt have friends and hes probably really cool now and hangs out with a lot of new cool people

>> No.13912833

You look like you're one wrong pronoun away from chopping your dick off

>> No.13912838

"It's like Morrissey wrote those songs specifically for me"

>> No.13912841
File: 28 KB, 491x404, top lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck forgot picture

>> No.13912842

t. written by op
nice try tho

>> No.13912845

i think they look cute together. Like 20 year old grandparents. When its one its gay but two kinda makes is

>> No.13912850


>> No.13912851
File: 2.20 MB, 750x1334, B69A436E-DD52-49D2-9783-10D45BEB7B7F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13912853

Now i know why he blurs his face holy shit jesus hes bloated and hideous

>> No.13912854
File: 708 KB, 887x1298, 20181209_232723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls rate my facial aesthetics. Positive criticism only thanks

>> No.13912859

I see a fellow based and redpilled ryan impersonator has joined the thread. Upvoted.

>> No.13912860

>pretenting to be some random fringe internet personality

Cringed and bluepilled

>> No.13912861

I went to highschool with him, I was friends with him when >>13912805 was taken LMAO

>> No.13912864


Try not to smear and shit on your keyboard when you reply to this shitskin

>> No.13912868

>Internet personality
Literally just some self obsessed kid who thinks he dresses well because he posts and hangs out with an echo chamber of fellow delusional fashion autists

>> No.13912869

Are you saying you know this faggot and youre pretendto be him on the internet? Thats unreal levels of sad

>> No.13912871

What was he like lmao i cant even begin to imagine the cringe stories

>> No.13912874

Idk what he does or what people know him from i just see him here a lot desu

>> No.13912877

If anything thats less sad and justifies his deeds. Personally knowing that ryan was a retard faget in HS is perfect justification for this

>> No.13912879

You look like a reddit

>> No.13912880

Wouldnt they be out of school unless underage b&? Seems p gay to seethe about some kid who probably doesnt know them

>> No.13912883

Get off of 4chan Ryan its past your bedtime

>> No.13912887
File: 19 KB, 293x319, Adobe_20180131_163341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this much of a victim

>> No.13912888

I'm doing this to make fun of both of them, Ryan was pretty cool until he decided that he was too effay for everyone else. OP was always a friendless faggot.

He was a drumline/cumline faggot that got pushed around a lot because he could barely hold his bass drum up (it's literally strapped to your chest). He lusted after a girl a few years younger than us and everyone thought he was a creep because of it. He dressed like a hipster zoomer fuck (see >>13912805 ) until the middle of junior/senior year when he decided he was a superior fashion man or whatever and stopped associating with guys that dressed normal (Ryan overdressed most days). As for OP, he had no friends outside of this kid in band who looked like a squash. Would post yearbook photos but theyre at parents house, will be there tomorrow though.

>> No.13912893

Imagine being this stuck in the past

>> No.13912894

this rivals the flylo pasta

>> No.13912895

you lost, robot?

>> No.13912897
File: 189 KB, 750x1334, 0E549BBA-3149-4902-88C0-E36B87C71B44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13912900

Cute girl