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13909910 No.13909910 [Reply] [Original]

>almost 2019
>still using shampoo

Just take the nopoo pill already and see how your life gets so much better.
>No more fucked up hairs because of chemicals.
>No more dry as fuck hairs and scalp.
>No more greasy as fuck hairs after one day of no washing.
>No more using external oils to fix the dryness.
>No more using styling products when there are no better product than your own natural oils.
>No more using shampoo because you need to get off all that nasty styling shit.

Stop giving money to the cosmetic industry who give you back only more troubles so you need to buy even more products.

>> No.13909933

What's the alternative?

>> No.13909945


>> No.13909947

just use water. If you have long hair you can use flour or something like that.

>> No.13909948

comb or brush out the oils from the roots.
If you gradually stop using shampoo, the oil production will slow down, which makes it easy to control.

>> No.13909959

Have started only using conditioner after buzzing my hair of. Have a dirty job so I have to wash it with something. Is conditioner bad if you use it almost every day?

>> No.13909976

What's the solution for dandruff? Also, I live in a humid place so I shampoo to get rid of the grease as well.

>> No.13909986

smelly ass hair itt

>> No.13909997

Friendly reminder that water is a chemical

>> No.13910019

There's a guy at my work who is always touting nopoo to the rest of us going on and on about how much money he saves and how his hair is so much healthier. He looks like a greasy cunt and his head smells like hot canola oil all the fucking time. I mean the shit radiates off his scalp. What a dirty fuck.

>> No.13910041

not an argument

>> No.13910047

Well he is not washing it at all then. Water is more than capable of washing your hair.

>> No.13910237

I am a Neet so I could actually try this for about 6 months and my hair was disgusting the whole time. You lied to me, made it seem like my hair would be pretty much super powered and all I did was it wash in in water. I tried doing hot then cold, just cold, just warm and nothing ever made any difference wtf are you trying to sell here.

>> No.13910282

my hair smells bad if it rains on it or only gets washed with water. it smells like wet dog. i wanna try to go nopoo but what should I do about the smell

>> No.13910326


>> No.13910338

The smell will go away after a few days. I find this the only downside of nopoo. Luckily my gf can't smell all that well. She compliments my hair on its softness, so fuck all nopoo bashers itt

>> No.13910342

I've nixed shampoo and started using homemade pomade, 50/50 coconut oil and beeswax. My hair feels pretty healthy, and it shapes it better than most commercial pomades.

>> No.13910401

Except hair genetics are different for everyone, so that won't work for everyone. Stop posting bulshit you fucking retard.

>> No.13910425

You're grim if you don't use shampoo fr

>> No.13910432


>not doing a simple every other day cowashing + once a week sulfate free low poo + once a month cleansing

>> No.13910470
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>> No.13910476
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this. I did nopoo for a while but dandriff and scalp acne always bothered me. Now I shampoo twice a day with some kinda anti fungal natural shampoo and i use a scrubber thing to really massage it into my scalp.

I still get scalp acne if i let my hair grow out too long though, have to keep it very short and faded on the sides

>> No.13910580


I tried the no poo for 3 months and let me tell you that my hair stayed greasy

water cannot remove away oil, think about oil on your hands from eating a pizza water will not remove unless you use soap

plus your hair will smell like shit

just use no sulfate shampoo

>> No.13910587

just use baby no tears shampoo every now and then

>> No.13910590

So what's the general consensus? Should I use shampoo or not?

>> No.13910601

it's not a general consensus thing, it depends on your hair genetics

you can give it a try and see if it works for you, it could improve your hair, don't change anything or make them even more greasy. I'd recommend against it if you suffer from conditions like dermatitis, see a dermatologist before deciding any treatment

>> No.13910610

only use a small amount of shampoo every 3 days

>> No.13910618

if you wanna see what no shampoo is kinda like, try sulfate free. i've been sulfate and silicone free for around 2 months now and i now get compliments on how healthy and shiny my hair looks (femanon here if it makes a difference)

>> No.13910627

I co-wash once a week and that's it, seems to work for my hair type - i'll put some morroccan oil in there sometimes just to make it smell nice, but i general i have dry hair so it works for me

>> No.13910632

Any brands that are sulfate-free? I'm kinda new to this hair health thing. My hair doesn't look bad and I get compliments on it too but it's not shiny and I think it could look way better.

>> No.13910633

tits or gtfo

>> No.13910649

>noo poo babs
>not taking the only water for showering pill

Keep in mind, you need to change your diet for this. So no more fried bacon or garlic when you only use water and no deodorants because the things you eat will actually make you smell like a mudslime sandnigger.

>> No.13910655

What if I don't eat at all?

>> No.13910752

Only non retarded person on this thread. Btw take cold showers or alternatively use cold water for your hair it works better. I use some kind of shampoo 1 or 2 time per month.

With hot or even mildly hot water my hair gets greasy and smelly very fast. Plus cold water in the morning works better than a coffee

>> No.13910760

stinky thread haha
go take a shower smellies

>> No.13910764

ITT: brainlet mom science

>> No.13910803

that's a chemical

>> No.13910873

I live in the most polluted city in Europe and if I don’t wash my hair daily my pillow smells like a tire fire

>> No.13910889

Oh? Are we giving irl anecdotal information?

Myself on no-poo (washing with water daily)
1. Hair smells terrible. This extends to hats worn.
2. Hair IS greasy, even after days of a consistent washing cycle.
3. Scalp, temples, areas under the hairline that isn't getting washed by face/bodysoap generate large pimples. Daily.
4. Looks darker and less styled; like some punk who hasn't washed his hair.

I tried it.
Fuck that.

>> No.13910895

daily reminder that nopoo is a meme and water won't remove the most patrician of styling products such as clay and pomade.

>> No.13910907

Lost half of my hair due to a stress condition and I had to wash my hair with shampoo every day to apply rogaine. Hair has been shiney, silky and healthy as fuck. No poo was terrible I just got used to it. I take a high quality collagen supplement.

Fuck you i love poo

>> No.13910918

nopoo is a meme. buy a gentle sulfate free shampoo. shea moisture makes a lot of great ones. leaves your hair silky, smooth and healthy. don't be a greasy fuck like OP.

>> No.13910928
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The castor oil shampoo smells fantastic, unfortunately it makes me really flakey because I have very sensitive skin.

>> No.13910955

I've been trying this for a few days now (?) but my scalp still has bad sebum buildup and gets itchy, how the fuck do I fix this

>> No.13910965

wash it with a gentle shampoo.

>> No.13910967

Clean it with shampoo.

>> No.13910972

that's unfortunate. the castor oil one is one of my favorites. try the manuka honey one. it's extremely gentle and leaves my hair very soft and moisturized.

>> No.13910975

I use the conditioner! It's wonderful, especially for curly hair. It keeps the frizz under control without waxiness. And I may actually give the castor oil shampoo another try using one of these >>13910476 scrubbers because it just smells so good.

>> No.13910994

can you recommend any, I've used regular shampoo and clarifying in the past, but nothing has ever really changed

>> No.13911008

when i scratch my scalp i get this soft scalp buildup in my fingernails like im peeling my scalp

what is it? been like this for years and i've been slowly thinning since i've been like 10 but my hairline hasn't receded at all

>> No.13911017

same issue, pretty sure it's called sebum

>> No.13911021

Honestly this

>> No.13911025

quick question... how much water do you drink? seriously. when I used to be addicted to soda and juices I never drank water. ever. got a bad UTI and swore off sugary drink for the past 5 years. one of the most noticeable differences was my hair/scalp. I had dry flaky hair with serious acne around the hairline. after drinking nothing but water and tea for years now my hair/scalp have improved immensely. no
more itchy dry flaky scalp and hair is silkier and easier to manage.

>> No.13911029

>baby no tears shampoo

there's sulfate in these

>> No.13911043

I've had kidney stones when I was pretty young, so I stopped drinking soda except on rare occasion. I drink mostly water, and sometimes tea, lemonade, or sports drinks

>> No.13911068

apparently this is resolved by spreading it around your scalp not getting rid of it by picking at it??

but now im not sure which brush/comb to use

>> No.13911086

You're askin' the wrong guy: I hate any drink that's carbonated. I haven't been drinking soda (or beer) ever. I just drink water and juice. So, I drink at least 2L+ of water a day.

>> No.13911089

You get used to the smell.

>> No.13911096


>> No.13911134

>So, I drink at least 2L+ of water a day.
How many times do you pee per day? Serious question

>> No.13911150

Workdays = 4 (large amounts + I don't pee at work, like, nearly 10 hours straight)
Weekends = probably around 6 or 7. Still large amounts.

As my track coach said 14 years ago, "if yer tee-tee ain't clear, y'aren't drinkin' 'nuff. Drink 'til ya don't see color." So my aim is for my urine to not have color, or as little as possible.

>> No.13911313
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I'm using pic related once every 2/3 weeks, I've only had compliments about my hair since I've stopped shampoo about 2 years back. Once you're past the awkward overly greasy period then you're all set.

>> No.13911364

thanks anon im gonna get one of these scrubbers, my dandruff isn't so terrible that you can tell but my scalp does get irritated and flaky especially during summer

>> No.13911498

Mhm. I always knew white people were shit with hygiene, but this is just crazy. Wash yourself, you dumbfuck, and use soap and shampoo, and use deo and lotion and hair oil after. Your nasty ancestors didn't wash, and they smelled like shit, and so do you

>> No.13911528

lol you musty fucks can't afford to skip a day of bathing cause you guys come out of the shower smelling like a fucking dead beaver. Nothing you do changes your inherent dogshit must boii.

>> No.13912683

Ya, it turns the freaking frogs gay

>> No.13912692

it might be seb derm, try nizoral shampoo twice a week for a couple weeks and see if it gets resolved

>> No.13912697

does coconut oil in your hair before shampooing work to reduce the oil that gets stripped away from harsh shampoos? I need to use head and shoulders for dandruff at least once a week.

>> No.13912724

just use a sulfate free shampoo. won't lather as much but won't completely dry out your hair.

>> No.13912733

are there even anti dandruff shampoos that are sulfate free? Ive only used H&S and nizoral

>> No.13912756

homeless people are on nopoo and they have great hair

>> No.13912992

i did no poo when i had short hair and would recommend/10 but i started to grow my hair out and now i have to use shampoo or it looks like shit

>> No.13913191

Works for me.

>> No.13913227

If nopoo doesn't work for you it's simply shit genetics. Nothing will help might as well accept being a poocuck

>> No.13913242

and they smell like piss

>> No.13913271

My hair used to be like a massive hay.
Speaking from my experience
, shampoo only when its necessary (scalp getting ichy, hair starts to be "heavy"? etc). I use simple chamomile and honey, all natural shampoo, ideally once a week. I dont have any problems with dryness, hair is soft and easy to model.

>> No.13913297

I stopped a few months ago and have been enjoying it. I have curly-wavy hair so it's been great for curl development. Just condition twice per day.

>> No.13913330
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>> No.13913395

ive been using water for the past year and my hair is really healthy. just get it all soaked and rub your scalp gently all over. my hair doesnt smell but i like to add a fragrance oil (nag champa) to my hair instead of perfume. then cornstarch baby powder on days my fringe gets greasy.
i think the only downside is my hair is thicker and grows really fast so i have to get more frequent haircuts

>> No.13913509

just tried nopoo. doesn't really smell anything besides a little hair grease. it feels very heavy right now and less frizzy

>> No.13913512
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>> No.13914087

It depends on your hair type. If you have curly curly hair you 100% can't shampoo everyday unless you want your hair to look like frizzy trash. The best middle ground I found is micellar water shampoo. It gentle enough to not fuck up your hair while still taking out excess oils.

>> No.13914222
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>> No.13914269
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>mfw I check /fa/ out for the first time, and see this retard post.
Nice board you have faggots.

>> No.13914281
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>homeless people are on nopoo and they have great hair
I'm sure you have never seen an actual homeless person...

>> No.13914300

I haven’t used shampoo in over 5 years, same thing with soap.
NEVER gotten any complaints, though I originally started doing it because Inwas curious if I would be smelly. I don’t really sweat normally, and my sweat is almost odourless, so it wasn’t a huge change.
My skin is normal and not-dry. I keep my hair short, so it isn’t greasy at all. Nobody has ever mentioned it, my partners have never noticed it until I mentioned it.

If you are smelly or greasy normally, it will fuck you up. If you are a part of the “normal hygiene” masterrace, then you’re golden. It also helps when camping, since you will be the inly person who doesnt smell like shit after a day or two, since your body is already used to essentially self-regulating.

>> No.13914316

What should I use if my scalp is dry, get itchy and small wounds?

>> No.13914319

No Poo is a MEME! I tried it for 2 years and its complete bullshit. I only shampoo once every two weeks now and condition every day and my hair texture is so much better now.

>> No.13914328

The redpill is DON'T EVER take a cold shower. It will fuck up your scalp. And also >>13910580 this

>> No.13914333

you don't need to use conditioner at all if it's buzzed

>> No.13914363

>nopoo for a month now
>condition 2 or 3 times a week
>hair smells either like conditioner or nothing
>hair got wavy as fuck
Just firmly massage your scalp when taking a shower. An interesting fact I've found is that it takes a lot more time to dry my hair now. I'm hispanic btw

>> No.13914541

not her but right now im using some random trader joes brand shampoo that has no sls (sodium lauryl sulfate). the most popular sls free brand I see people use is called OGX but there are a lot of brands that dont use it, just look at the ingredients on the back. just switched to suflate free toothpaste too

>> No.13914579

smelly Frenchman, you've grown accustomed to your filthy stench

>> No.13914677

I‘m a med student (I have a great passion to specialize in dermatology so I read a lot about this stuff), and I want to warn everyone to NOT do the no poo method. This will seriously cause hair loss, water alone will NOT remove the build up from your scalp. Yes, conditioner without silicones will remove it to a degree but nothing beats to shampoo it every two days. But, because sulfates are so drying for your hair the best thing you can do is go to your local organic store and buy a sulfate free shampoo and wash it every two days or every day, depending on how much build up you produce. Honestly shampoo is not the evil, sulfates are. Even black people with their extreme kinky hair should wash their hair regularly with a sulfate free shampoo.

>> No.13914949

dont fuckin shampoo every day and dont shampoo never. just wash ur hair once every one or two weeks. its called moderation u fuckin dirty hair faggots

>> No.13915014
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What if I shampoo daily and have none of those problems? I even get compliments on how soft my hair is.

I've honestly tried nopoo for periods of up to about two weeks and the main problem is that my hair gets knots while I'm showering and it's really hard to get them out without shampoo for some reason.

>> No.13915027

This is the only thing I've read on this shit hole of the internet that has ever been true.

>> No.13915100

this meme was always awful please don't. always felt kinda bad cause you can just tell the people trying to do it never got their hair done outside of like...supercuts or done it themselves.


>> No.13915105

uhhh.. no. Cold shower improve your scalp and hair you fucking brainlet.

>> No.13915140

meme thread aside lets get to the real question boys

night shower or morning shower?
>inb4 both

>> No.13915146

Morning. You generate a lot of heat in your sleep and sweat too. You'll wake up smelling like must. Could be a good or bad thing.

>> No.13915151

this, I'm so fucking torn over it.
>morning shower
start the day clean and refreshed, but go to bed sweaty and dirty
>night shower
your bed will be cleaner, you'll sleep better, but night sweats are a thing

>> No.13915199
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>Go nopoo for 5 years because /fa/ convinced me and I was using pleb tier shampoo to unflattering results
>Hair continues to be shitty and flat, never get complimented on my hair
>Dejected but feel as though this is my lot in life, who is perfect?
>Go to fancy men's barber at behest of a friend
>Chug the beer they give me
>Tell the barber just fuck my shit up, my hair sucks
>Barber says okay and does his thing
>Not paying attention, barber is finishing up and proceeds to shampoo my hair
>Start to say something, but realize it's too late, my five year streak has ended and my hair will somehow end up being worse than before because I've let the soap Jew touch my locks
>Hair is soft and has was more volume after
>My scalp isn't rotting away
>mfw I gave 5 years of my life to a meme

Nopoo is for retards

>> No.13915377

Does anybody else get seasonal oiliness?
From autumn to winter I can go weeks without shampoo if I wanted to but in summer it's like 3-4 days max.
I tried to push it in summer but i never noticed it ever getting easier, don't know if long hair changes anything though.

>> No.13915521

When I had a swing shift job I got into a routine of showering in the morning and it was quite nice, even did it on mornings that I had classes. Ever since I've worked in the day though I've found it to be more convenient to shower at night, although it's not as refreshing and my hair doesn't look as good.

>> No.13915527

>washed with baking soda and apple cider vinegar for 3 months 1-2 times a week
>washed with only water for 3 weeks
>hair thick with grease and dandruff
>wash with apple cider vinegar, thick grease and dandruff go away
Think I'm gonna maybe alternate weekly doing just water one week and acv the next. I don't wanna wash with baking soda anymore though that was helping to get the grease out. I get kind of sick of the vinegar smell, but it works. My hair feels pretty nice, no dandruff, no dryness, feels healthy

>> No.13915564

A N A L .

>> No.13915567

You are a faggot and you're mom is gay LMAOING at ur life rn

>> No.13916733

give me a quick rundown on shampoo bars, I've heard they're way better than any other form of shampoo. are they efficient when it comes to removing product?

>> No.13916976
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My mom got that and the conditioner, she didn't like it though so I ended up using the conditioner and this though don't know if it is a good idea to use everyday.

>> No.13917012

Here are the ingredients in the Panten Pro-V one

Water/eau, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate,Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, SodiumXylenesulfonate, Fragrance/parfum, Cocamide Mea, SodiumChloride, Sodium Benzoate, Tetrasodium Edta, Peg-60 AlmondGlycerides, Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride,Linoleamidopropyl Pg-dimonium Chloride Phosphate,Panthenol, Panthenyl Ethyl Ether, Histidine, Cucumis Sativus(Cucumber) Fruitwater, Zeamays (Corn) Silk Extract, CitrusAurantium Dulcis (Orange) Flower Extract, CamelliaSinensis Leaf Extract, Methylchloroisothiazolinone,Methylisothiazolinone.

Of course I'm aware that the panic over chemicals may be blown out of proportion but guess it would still be good to know.

>just switched to suflate free toothpaste too
I read that toothsoap shards are just grated Castile soap with mint essential oils. I used the unscented Dr. Bronner's liquid soap but it stings a little and looking at the ingredients it says it contains some tocopherol acid.
I wonder if a Kirk's bar soap which doesn't appear to have any acid listed in the ingredients may be better.

>> No.13917624

I can guarantee this works. Have been traveling in SE asia for about 3 months now and I've stopped washing or even styling my hair. Looks incredible now

>> No.13917643

>smell like shit
Enjoy OP.

>> No.13918586

If it's typical conditioner you're only caking silicone on your hair. The "no poo" way of conditioning hair is to use apple cider vinegar. It sucks

I tried no poo for a while and my hair looked so fucking greasy. And DO NOT wash it with baking soda either it will RUIN your hair. I did that once and I could already tell it was shit. I've taken to washing my hair once every 3 days now, which is a big improvement over every day like I used to do, but i don't trust no poo

>> No.13918591

False, you just got used to the smell and other people are too polite to tell you that you look and smell like a greasy bum

>> No.13918593

So that's what a plumbus is for