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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 62 KB, 640x480, 1522257145871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13905192 No.13905192[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Froggo is ALIVE & well !!!

>> No.13905207

y say this?

>> No.13905239

holy fuck now i know why she never opens her mouth in pics

>> No.13905240

Looks like "well" might be an overstatement

>> No.13905247

I've seen her buying groceries earlier today >>13905207

>> No.13905249

I would like to have oral sex with her

>> No.13905250

you kiss your mother with that mouth?

>> No.13905253


>> No.13905323

Amchi nik yemmak...

>> No.13905333
File: 50 KB, 604x516, cato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always want to give her a big hug

>> No.13905340

What a stalker.

>> No.13905469

did you say hi to her?

>> No.13905474

no shit >>13894197

>> No.13905785

Oh I did, she's huggy and all
I told her that we miss her and she said she's going to post soon

>> No.13905787

We live in the same city.
My thread made her post there.

>> No.13905895
File: 66 KB, 720x707, 1530328142994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13905913

jesus fuck, barely alive and definitely not well

>> No.13905927
File: 56 KB, 688x560, 1543685500829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol at all of you sad thirsty kids lusting over a poor ill woman

>> No.13906065

you realize you can check post dates right? she posted before this thread was made you sperg

>> No.13906102

god damn it, I lost the dead pool then.

>> No.13907056

that's lil xan

>> No.13907102

no it's billie eyelash

>> No.13907115


>> No.13907309
File: 1.22 MB, 3001x3000, IMG_10122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my tooths so go away you bully
dirty little liar
thats NOT nice anon
youll have to ask first okay
jesus christ you really are delusional arent ya
now THIS is cute
being nice to someone =/= wanting to fuck them

>> No.13907346

I hope you're well Froggo

>> No.13907369

too bad you didn't od

>> No.13907379

froggo needs to get friendly with some toothpasto

>> No.13907386
File: 860 KB, 1116x1116, SGAP SOUND -14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13907387

Or a dentist at this point

>> No.13907389

more like a wizard

>> No.13907401

prove it's you and hold a sign

>> No.13907412

the word is timestamp you mong

>> No.13907415

fuk u dick

>> No.13907429


>> No.13907447

Fire, extremely based

>> No.13907459

disgusting samefaggery

>> No.13907646

Don't worry about these bullies they don't go outside and will never hug u

>> No.13907683


>> No.13907693
File: 27 KB, 684x162, Captura de ecrã 2018-12-08, às 16.43.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake news.

>> No.13908287

Miss you

>> No.13908306
File: 25 KB, 576x432, puking guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is she hideous. No homo

>> No.13908393
File: 93 KB, 1387x702, kindness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, can i hug?

>> No.13908690
File: 168 KB, 1000x1045, IMG_11966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know if i will ever be fine desu but i will try thank you
your grandma wouldnt be proud of you anon i swear that was mean
i clean my teeth 4 times a day and i use a floss too, i just dont feel the need to make my teeth whiter
americans are weird with that white teeth mania
i also never go outside so that means im safe
thank u anon
i miss myself too
okay but gently

>> No.13908786


>> No.13908787

absolute state of orbiters, i don't dislike you and I'm glad you didn't OD but are you really this desperate for attention?

>> No.13908819

Froggo a cute

>> No.13908859

Froggo, your front tooth is not yellow because it's dirty, it's yellow cause its nerve is fucking ded
Go to the dentist junkie

>> No.13908860
File: 14 KB, 236x265, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that this is just a froggo imposter and the real froggo od'd

if this froggo is real post a timestamp
(he wont)

>> No.13908880
File: 27 KB, 960x718, 29136173_2074162796204626_3231756638289748844_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think im desperate for attention at all desu, i dont even have any social media accounts anon
im responding here just because people are nice and i dont have that irl, thats all
my front tooth isnt yellow, its grey and yes, its because its dead, the dentist saw this already and did something with it to prevent it from breaking
maybe tomorrow okay

>> No.13908949

Hey froggo, I'm the guy that made this threat I'm sorry that I lied and came out as a Creep/stalker.
It's just people were saying that you died everytime you get mentionned and I was afraid it was true so I did this to try to get your attention and get you to show yourself.
Once again I'm really sorry, please don't die, I wish you happiness and good fortune!

>> No.13909000

It cant get more pathetic then this

>> No.13909162

leave him alone

>> No.13909246

fair enough, I just guess it comes as attention whoring knowing there's enough orbiters to derail every thread where you post

>> No.13909300

czasoznaczek ?

>> No.13909739

so where did you go and when are you selling the dog drawing? many people here want one or a shirt of it

>> No.13909843

>i clean my teeth 4 times a day
u only supposed to do this 2 time a day4 time is really bad actually

>> No.13910855
File: 47 KB, 1200x1202, IMG_1754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i look like i have a fever but in fact i really do

that was kinda creepy my man but thanks anyway
wowowo nice trips
orbiters will be orbiters, right? they will be everywhere where girls are, thats the way it rolls
also i dont consider them as my orbiters desu, i dont feel praised or anything like that
niedziela wieczur
i was trying to figure out some stuff about myself
i mean i could sell them but im too lazy to make myself a paypal account
but maybe.... i dont know when .... i will be able to sell something
dummy i just clean my teeth after every meal, its not fucking bad jesus
(he will)

>> No.13910922

This is obviously shopped.


>> No.13910970

That's clearly not a fake
The frog lady is alive

>> No.13910982

ok black guy

>> No.13910987

why did you post a timestamp from September??
obv fake froggo

>> No.13910998

>i mean i could sell them but im too lazy to make myself a paypal account
>but maybe.... i dont know when .... i will be able to sell something
Bruh just sell it on a society6 print website or something and give me the money.

>> No.13911023

Plz make white ts with the dog drawing on them
You could use redbubble for it

>> No.13911036


is that brown tooth from smoking or just a dead nerve?

>> No.13911042

Glad you not dead, new videos when?

>> No.13911091

The F was for Froggo.

>> No.13911168
File: 47 KB, 898x504, 31416730_2098267797127459_2471529569234075633_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus CHRIST i just cut my thumb with scissors

ur mom is shopped
'lady' lol im obviously a man
i hate america
this is the best idea youve ever given me
i dont know if it makes sense since theres just the two of you who want to have it anon, just do it yourself
dead nerve
january maybe

>> No.13911470

>i dont know if it makes sense since theres just the two of you who want to have it anon, just do it yourself

upload a scan of it then pls
someone else will make money from it if you won't

>> No.13911624

Some questions Froglady....

1. Your skin appears to be quite oily. What is your hygiene regimen as regards skincare?
2. You strike me as a female incel. Am I correct?

Thanks Froglady.

>> No.13911760
File: 226 KB, 948x1000, 1514241831931[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can I tat your Nice doggo?

>> No.13911789
File: 1.30 MB, 250x210, 1409516172011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be depressed all day
>come home to a blessed froggo thread
you're my superhero

>> No.13911998
File: 1.31 MB, 3352x4520, Froggo Doggo made on Photoshopo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Froggo Doggo made on Photoshoppo

>> No.13912373

I'm going to Poland in February/March what do I need to know/expect?

>> No.13913152
File: 167 KB, 1024x706, 1516380441362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill consider it
YES YES DO IT it will be my opus magnum
you are so nice anon, if i were ur mom id be proud
oh my god this is so good!!!
depends on where youll be staying i think

take sunglasses and an umbrella with you, weather here is always weird
dont wear bright or suede shoes, mud can be everywhere in march
eat always at local milk-bars ('bar mleczny' in polish), theyre cheap as fuck and the food is really polish and tasty
talk to girls, theyre pretty and they love foreigners

tell me where excactly youll be staying and ill try to give you more advices okay, the differences between cities here are huge

also what ethnicity are you? its important too sometimes here... im sorry

>> No.13913159

Not the guy above, I'm algerian (north african) with brownish skin, how will I be treated there?

>> No.13913187

love u froggo

>> No.13913208

in some places (especially in the south like kraków, katowice, sosnowiec but also łódź - in the center or białystok on the east) you could be taken as an arab (im sorry if thats offensive to you) and that would piss off some people, theres been few causes of guys from i dont know, turkey or chechenya who have been beaten here just because their skin is light brown, even girls are beaten here sometimes
but you'd be rather safe in gdańsk for example and thats my favourite city here
islamophobia is strong here

>> No.13913372

youre seriously so beautiful I want to hug you really bad

>> No.13913381
File: 129 KB, 450x600, 0c5ed68bc127d3feb27488f9353aa62e92fb2561368e440d423b3386d31522a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what happened to you here

>> No.13913385

hello dear froggo how old are you? :=)

>> No.13913503

why were you gone and is there a way we can keep up with you if you dissapear again, the person spreading the death rumor said you deleted your ask and made an instagram, is that true?
make more doggos please froggo

>> No.13913505

wtf she dated xtentacion?

>> No.13914217

sorry i forgot to answer
i have really dry and sensitive and problematic skin and im forced to use emollient cleansers and a cetaphil lotion, thats why my skin looks greasy or oily. i do not like this, but i dont have a choice here
i am not an incel
how old do i look?
i was gone because i needed to
there is no way you can keep up with me now, but maybe in the future who knows
i do not have ANY social media accounts for now
i wish, he was hella cute

>> No.13914218

which style of male from this board do you like?

any of the other tripfags?

>> No.13914234

this question is kinda weird
i dont have any styles of male i like, i just admire people who look good in their own skin. i guess it depends on ones confidence. maaaaaybe i have a soft spot for comfycore rocking guys, but its kinda natural i think.
but there are ones i really dislike and full rick is on the top of the list. i dont like full black too. and fuccbois. the rest is fine i guess. show me style youre asking for and i can tell you if i like it

>> No.13914237
File: 14 KB, 236x306, d89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frogo never existed. It was just some anon that got ahold of this girls FB and posted her pics here. I Messaged her one time and she flipped out. You guy's are being tricked

>> No.13914278

lmao you're not her

>> No.13914317

i wont get a trip and i dont care if anyone here believe me so theres no point in saying things like this anon
i said many times that i just hate full rick fits

>> No.13914324

fuck off

This thread is complete shit no matter if you really were her.

It's completely off-topic and the bitch is uninteresting.

>> No.13914358


>> No.13914367


>> No.13914369
File: 4 KB, 150x146, gleeful weeb fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13914435

big if true

>> No.13914443

What the fuck is this thread

>> No.13914458

what's your problem with full rick

>> No.13914478

her teeth are so fucked why do people let this happen to themselves

>> No.13914479

always looks bad on real people. bad in a goofy way. and if i just think how much does it cost to look like that im gone

>> No.13914570

not froggo but has it ever looked good?

>> No.13914614

Get fucked you savage,cave-dwelling rock worshipper. Europe’s full with your trash already. Deus Vult!

>> No.13914617

Roaccutane? One course might cure you! Xx

>> No.13914623

I'm going to Krakow and I'm white with red hair and green eyes.

>> No.13914625

Lmao fucking arab

Also who is froggo? Why is everyone giving it attention?

>> No.13914632

Why the hate?

>> No.13914638

What have I ever done to you? You ruined my night, thank you.

>> No.13914640

I am not hating, I‘m just asking why /fa/ is collectively orbiting an ugly man

>> No.13914649

I'm talking 'the arab' part
and I think froggo is cute and has some good fits desu

>> No.13914651

What did I say..? I just said you‘re an arab. Ana 3rabi kaman hobi..
Show me her fits then beta orbiter

>> No.13914657

jfc she look like a vegan

>> No.13914686
File: 222 KB, 870x1200, dd68b7431f88a55774aa5a28add42d0ea23801d4c7da92042ad51e7600d7e86e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beta orbiter? Not cool my dude, not cool.
There's this one above >>13911760
This too

>> No.13914693

Hmmm i like it
He can dress but his face is so jacked up I don‘t get why people are beta orbiting him

>> No.13914707

splurge on some expensive designer boots, those are pedestrian af

>> No.13914738

Want to come to Europe? Integrate. Leave your ass-backward death cult at the doorstep. In fact Anon, I’m looking out for you to be frank. Things are going to get hot here in the next decade. Stick to fapping to mentally unstable white girls from the comfort of your sharia rape dungeon.

>> No.13914745

I’ve heard that Froggo is literally FESTERING with hyper-resistant STDs...

>> No.13914747

Explain her timestamp pic.

>> No.13914756

You kiss your mother with that mouth?
Raist piece of shit.

>> No.13914768

Drop your sex tourist blacked.com fantasies right now. You’ll get your fucking head kicked in if you act the prick and think you’re going to see panties dropping because you have a tan. Just imagine if a western man started flirting with your camel-faced muslimin in your stone-age failed state.I’m sure that would go down well with the sweaty locals you double-standard anticipating desert monkey. The same will happen here in Poland. It isn’t France or the UK here yet you fucking heathen.....

>> No.13914772


>> No.13914773

love u froggo. Glad you're doin okay.

>> No.13914787

Lol. Ima go over there and impregnate as many of your women as allah will let me

>> No.13914793

Ok, so I don’t go on here enough to have caught your original threads, so I never understood the obsession with you. but based on your responses, you seem like a genuinely well-adjusted human bean. I hope you’re well.

>> No.13914798

Big words coming from a beta faggot's mouth who's even afraid to show his little bitchy face shut the fuck up for God's sake you're making us look bad

>> No.13914820
File: 405 KB, 1441x1517, 1544397112313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13914839

Go back to /pol/ tards

>> No.13914859

top kek
I want to black a polish bitch now

>> No.13914863

“Us”? Incels lusting over roast beef with overactive oil glands?

>> No.13914870

If by pol you mean reality....I have news cunt....you’re already living /in it/. Faggot.

>> No.13914873


>> No.13914877

come to brazil