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/fa/ - Fashion

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13892990 No.13892990 [Reply] [Original]

What is more fa:
being healthy or unhealthy?

>> No.13893024

healthy lol

>> No.13893027


>> No.13893030

Healthy skin and hair (unless you're going scumwave etc) and unhealthily gaunt body

>> No.13893048

unhealthily skinny with a polysubstance drug addiction
but clear skin and hair
(this is the objective answer)

>> No.13893049


>> No.13893056


>> No.13893110

Being healthy despite not acting healthy

>> No.13893119

Unhealthily skinny unironically looks like shit, no matter what the retarded NPCs in this thread say. You’d honestly be better off being slightly chubby than being grossly underweight and looking like you’re in a concentration camp. Healthily slender, like the models in the 80s before the fashion industry decided everyone needed to weigh ten pounds, is probably the best look.

>> No.13893123

>the anorexic look was decided to be good looking after the 80s
Lmao fashionlets need to stop revealing their powerlevel

>> No.13893131

People did it then, but most models were normal thin and not scary-thin like you see now. At any rate, it doesn’t look good no matter what you say.

>> No.13893151

Fat looks bad on the eyes, admit it. You're just coping with your bad lifestyle choices by tricking yourself into thinking your body is ideal. You're delusional.

>> No.13893162

Health is always /fa/ because we're biologically programmed to like it. Being unhealthy is just for hipster edgelords who think they're cool.

>> No.13893164

Being healthy but looking unhealthy

>> No.13893199

having a healthy diet and moderate lifestyle to offset the effects of drinking/smoking/drugs is the most /fa/

>> No.13893207


>> No.13893242

Unhealthy can be effey for the few years you can pull it when you're young before it takes its toll and your body/face turns to shit. Thing is, you can be just as effey by being healthy instead, AND you can actually maintain it for much, much longer.

>> No.13893250

being unhealthy but in a drug addiction way

>> No.13894358

bulimic is the only way OP

>> No.13894366


This. Pale starving heroin autists out here looking like they bout to be naturally selected.

>> No.13894691

looking healthy but having unhealthy habits, particularly smoking

>> No.13895408

>What is more fa
Big danks.

>> No.13895416

Being healthy but having mental disorders/addiction problems