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13877417 No.13877417 [Reply] [Original]

ok /fa/ggots what kind of deoderant do you guys use?
it seams that no matter what i do i always end up stinking and for some reason i actually smell like a skunk, not figuratively, literally. i usually cycle differsnt brands every month but i dont know there must be a better way

/Deoderant General/

>> No.13877433
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>> No.13877439

do you chew a lot of dentyne? dentyne made my bo stink like skunk

>> No.13877440
File: 33 KB, 320x400, dove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly you're probably not cleaning yourself properly. I would say it's the body wash itself but if you're changing it often I doubt that's it. I really don't think there would be another reason for you to actually smell like that unless it's some shit where you would actually need to see a dermatologist.

Also if you're sweating a lot it could be your actual clothes. Do you wear breathable fabrics?

>> No.13877444

You will want to try antiperspirant.

>> No.13877463

op here, anti perspirant has aluminum in it, besides giving you cancer and alzeimers it also stains your white shirts and makes the pits yellow, nty
i dont know man, i always trim my pit pubes and obv wash with soap vigurously, often ill put on a pretty thick layer of deoderant and ill still stink like ass after a few hours
its pretty damn frustrating to be honest

>> No.13877465

imagine being this autistic

>> No.13877474

are you a dumbass or just pretending? autistic about what, the aluminum?

>> No.13877480

Really trimming your pit hair down tends to help a bit with the smell

>> No.13877482
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Shower, or at least wash your pits, using antibacterial soap. Dial is good. As compared to ordinary bar soap or body wash, it does a much better job of cleaning your pits of stink and giving you a baseline clean slate.
Then, use crystal deodorant like pic related. To apply, you wet the stone and rub into your pits until they are dry and the stick no longer rubs freely. I perform this twice in each pit.
Here's where /frag/ always hates on me, but twenty years of the same routine says they're wrong as fuck: apply a quality EdT to your pits.
>gross, anon, you just smell like BO and cologne
Yet 95% of commercially available deodorants are scented. I just apply a higher quality scent after making sure that all trace BO is erased and taking steps to prevent it from forming.

As >>13877440 says, hygiene is important. Thus the recommendation for Dial soap. Crystal deo also doesn't have any waxy residue or oils that can trap odors and are hard to scrub off in the shower.

>> No.13877492

ok ill try the different soap, ive been using dove so far but sometimes even if i scrub i get out of the shower and atill smell lol
as for the stick, i just looked into it and its basically rubbing aluminum into your skin, is there any other natural stuff?

>> No.13877497

I'm Korean so don't really generate bo unless I stop showering.
I told my friend I don't wear deodorant and didn't believe me cuz I don't have bo.
He sniffed my pit and said it smelled a little spicy

>> No.13877499
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An alternative suggestion to the crystal is pic related. However, you should still use that Dial soap and you should be careful not to overapply this one. When I first tried baking soda deodorant, it discolored my armpits. I switched back to the crystal after a few weeks. Also, if you sweat heavily while wearing baking soda deo it can discolor your shirt's pits. I had white marks in the armpits of a favorite black t-shirt after wearing baking soda deo on a hot day. They washed out, but it was embarrassing to realize the marks were visible from the outside of the shirt for part of the day.

>> No.13877503

Potassium Alum is far different from Aluminum Chlorohydrate. But feel free to try out one of the Schimdt's baking soda types. Again, don't overapply like you have been doing with conventional deo. The Charcoal / Magnesium variety is especially effective and has a mild scent.

>> No.13877509

im eastern european so if i dont smell like onions i smell like skunk lol
ya i sweat a lot and wear almost only black or white shirts so if half my clothes are bad maybe baking soda is no good

>> No.13877512

Let your natural musk be. Women will love it.

>> No.13877513

i guess ill try that, im assuming im only gonna find it on amazon?

>> No.13877515

>I don't brush my teeth because toothpaste causes Asperger's and cerebral palsy

>> No.13877525

theres a differants between rinsing ir mouth and slathering on aluminum paste to sit and be absorbed on your skin all day

>> No.13877528

so get deodorant without aluminum in it dumbass, you know they list ingredients for a reason

>> No.13877537

> ilitetate with no comprehention

>> No.13877538

You can buy the crystal deodorant at Whole Foods, which I guess is technically Amazon now. Schmidt's is sold at Target. Are you Eastern European living in the US, or are you posting from the Balkans?

>> No.13877540

no im in southern ontario

>> No.13877574

Have you tried waxing the pits? hair tends to hold onto sweat and stank.

>> No.13877581

Seconding Dove Men+Care. A lot of other antiperspirants give me a rash after a few months of use but the Dove doesn't bother me. I also really like their spray antiperspirant.

>> No.13877598

honestly if u stink all the time you should get checked for a potential medical condition

also it's frequently caused by bacteria
rub witch hazel in your pits

>> No.13877681

About that Antiperspirant/deodorant causing cancer myth thing..
Here are some links:

>> No.13877697

look into suppliments that help the lymph system and the hepatic system.
dandelion root, and cinnimon suppliments.
theres a few others too. but i cant be arsed to google.

>> No.13877718
File: 101 KB, 640x1139, 075530BE-DC0E-4BDB-9AA2-2A1C93629637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont shower for days even after sweating a lot
>dont smell anything

can you smell yourself? I rarely use deodorant.

>> No.13877724

yes you can definitely smell yourself, but other people can smell you/notice your smell much easier

you should definitely shower regularly though regardless

>> No.13877968

dont tell me what to do normie

>> No.13877970

no wonder you smell

>> No.13877974

sorry I won't anymore

>> No.13878097

coconut oil is the only thing you need my man

>> No.13878125

lmaoooo I remember you from a few /frag/ threads back.

>> No.13878126



>> No.13878350

I've been saying the same thing from years, and you don't have an argument. Tell me why deodorant is scented but one shouldn't apply EdT to one's freshly cleaned armpits. Axe and Old Spice spend millions advertising their deodorant scents but using an unscented deodorant and your own, better fragrance in the same way is bad?
Use your brain, retard.

>> No.13878360
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Doesn't shower everyday.

>> No.13878611

rub hand sanitizers on your pits. its the bacteria causing the stank, and the hand sanitizers (or any antibacteria solution really) should do the work. plus you won't smell like trashy deoderent

>> No.13878722

>showering everyday

>> No.13878843

>felling for the meme

>> No.13878896

if you don't shower everytime before leaving the house you are an actualy animal that should be butchered

>> No.13879142
File: 73 KB, 660x495, mHk9zGP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts on shaving your armpits?

>> No.13879152

I wasn't arguing with you, you fucking autist. all I said was I remembered you posting in the the fragrance general thread. I was lurking looking for recs. you can plaster shit under your armpits for all I care. it was just funny seeing your exchanges.

>> No.13879599


don't shave just keep them trimmed low. it is annoying dealing with ingrown hairs.

>> No.13879979
File: 34 KB, 500x500, SODA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rub a pinch of sodium bicarbonate on your wet pits after the shower

and you are set
absolutely no odor for more than 12 hours

>> No.13880547

terrible have to reapply 6 times a day due to weak strength

>> No.13880564

If you tried multiple deodorants and they don't work. Go to your doctor and ask him/her to prescribe something for you.

>> No.13880575

Be a man and just grab that shit and tear it right out. Like waxing but without the wax. It doesn't hurt after you've done it a few times. Not even joking.