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/fa/ - Fashion

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13877310 No.13877310 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to improve your effay stat?

I'm notoriously aesthetically impaired but I enjoy looking nice and it looks like my gf is gonna leave me soon, so I'd like to improve as much about myself as possible.

Uni is completely bleeding my money so I'm kinda stuck with what I have, right now the big problem is I have long curly hair that most people like but it never fucking does what I want and shocks my confidence hard.

Lastly, is there even an end in sight bros? Sometimes I feel like I can chisel myself out of bedrock but in the end I'm a statue of rock and dust and one day even less.

>> No.13877318

true fashion is in the mind, your confidence, and how you conduct yourself. everything else is just drapery

>> No.13877324

thanks anon, I've been trying to learn a lot about myself the last few years, and have come a long way, but it's a real challenge sometimes

>> No.13877327

dump ur girlfriend before she dumps u

this will save the little remaining confidence u have left and then u can grow from there

>> No.13877371

No problem man, to further my point and answer some of what you were saying, I think no matter what you need to realize that at the end of the day you're the only person that can make yourself happy. I don't mean be vain or narcissistic in any sense, but true improvement or change can only come from the inside. An outside variable can definitely help, but that can also end up being a hindrance.

Become truly comfortable with yourself, not saying you're not, and it is much harder to become comfortable with yourself than it is to make other people comfortable with you in most cases. You can align yourself with what other people want to see and hear, but at the end of the day is that what you really want? Maybe I'm going off on too much of a tangent.

>Uni is completely bleeding my money so I'm kinda stuck with what I have

Focus on what you already have, save up for a piece that you might really want. Fashion is extremely temporary anyway as far as trends and styles go, so work on building up a personal style.

>I have long curly hair that most people like but it never fucking does what I want and shocks my confidence hard.

Do you like it though? If you do and want to keep it then look into properly caring for it, or make a slight change to it. If you don't like it then chop it. Get something new.

>Lastly, is there even an end in sight bros?

I like to think there is. Some people feel completely opposite though, they see clothing and style as constantly evolving and ever changing. That's true, but personal style can be either. I've spent years and years and too much money to find what I like and what suits me best. Now I'm at a point where I have a very personal style that I can adapt, change, and add to as I see fit.

As far as your girl goes, do what you think is right. Just don't change yourself to fit her mold, because if it does end up not working out you'll be left out to dry and probably in a worse position than now.

>> No.13877378

Dump gf immediately. Literally tonight call her and dump her.

Buzzpill to fix hair.

Start lifting immediately. Read the /fit/ sticky.