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/fa/ - Fashion

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13876361 No.13876361 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people even wear jeans, they are ugly and nobody needs, "muh utility" with modern everything, almost as bad as using suits outside of work and sun glasses inside a building literal larping.

>> No.13876378

>using suits outside of work
i wear suits everyday with a bunch of jewelry and it rules.

>> No.13876383

>suits are just for work
this is what American paupers actually believe. There are many different suits for many different occssions

>> No.13876385

I agree, jeans only work with very little outfit. I live in the Netherlands and people here have an obsession with jeans. Pseudo-posh students wear jeans with derbies and a blazer and tie and pretend they are upper class. Jeans are even accepted at weddings. It's ridiculous.
Jeans should only be for very very casual occasions

>> No.13876386

Jackets are ok but matching suits and pants is too quaint to me.

>> No.13876389

I mean matching jackets and pants.

>> No.13876394

nah b. Oversized pattern suit in earth tones with some black 1461s and a sweater? catch me in these skreets looking like a disheveled professor or a down and out stock trader from the 50s

>> No.13876402

nah. if you are young a navy blazer and khakis is acceptable, but generally jist stick to the dresscode

>> No.13876435

Haven't laughed at a wojak meme in a long time but this transhumanist grug got me

>> No.13876825

Jeans are okay but they’re the most overrated garment in history. There are so many other options for pants that the obsession with jeans has hindered. I would be totally fine if jeans disappeared (unless it meant they were replaced by sweatpants)
Also you’re totally wrong about suits, the suit is probably the best thing in men’s fashion since the shirt collar. They rightfully deserved and (still deserve) the dominance they have.

>> No.13876830
File: 132 KB, 728x546, oldest pair of levis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jeans are okay but they’re the most overrated garment in history.

>> No.13876873

What alternative to jeans would you recommend if it's winter?

>> No.13876893
File: 60 KB, 762x1100, These boots were made for walking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually don't wear jeans but when i wear my Docs no other trousers match as well as blue jeans.

>> No.13876958
File: 111 KB, 736x552, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you anon, in that I despise jeans with a fucking passion. when I become supreme ruler jeans will be the first thing to go (along with pajamas, yoga pants etc. in public) but you and I both know that when that happens,
>replaced by sweatpants
is what is going to happen.

>> No.13876971

Do you have to work in a farm in winter ?

>> No.13876974

On a related note, back when I had fagbook I made a post about outlawing the wearing of pajamas in public and this shifty antifa stoner kid I went to school with commented saying how much he loved wearing pajamas in public and that it was his right to do so. Then he called me a nazi and blocked me kek

>> No.13876978

Shitty* but shifty also works I guess

>> No.13876983

and you probably think he was the weird one in all of this too you autist

>> No.13876985

Stories like these always skip a detail or two.

>> No.13877045

And then everyone, including Albert Einstein, the Pope, and Sir Bummington the Seventh, clapped.

>> No.13877104

I am not him so I don't work at farm in winter, so what alternative to jeans would you recommend if it's winter?

>> No.13877115

Is denim the warmest material out there ? no.

>> No.13877136

>I'll outlaw faggotry, jewry, niggery and women will have to stay at home and cook and raise babies - oh and pyjamas in public are outlawed too

*blocked and called a nazi*

>fucking antifa fag

>> No.13877156

Great strawman lmao. Where did I mention niggers and jews, I'd love to know

>> No.13877159

All at the same time, it was awesome. Wish you could have seen it, anon

>> No.13877165

Pajama-in-public wearer detected
What the fuck are you doing on a fashion board you pleb

>> No.13877237

cringe pic

>> No.13877295

So you are contrarian and hate popular things but don't really know what's better?

>> No.13877306
File: 121 KB, 500x514, 1532744105516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13877381

>Ask for alternatives to jeans
>Responds with "not jeans"
>No actual alternatives
Wool pants.