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/fa/ - Fashion

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13876036 No.13876036 [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ here, never gave much thought to fashion but increasingly I feel as though I should project a cultured and mature image. I am 21 years old, is this guide good advice? I want to look respectable at college

>> No.13876042


>> No.13876053

You’re gonna get made fun of if you dress like this

>> No.13876062

no, you won't

its the most inoffensive, least noticeable way in existence to dress

>> No.13876063

since when do men wear engagement rings???

>> No.13876066
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Ya if you're in highschool maybe

>> No.13876077

Incredibly inoffensive dress. It's far more 'fashionable' than what most wear.

>> No.13876085

It's inoffensive and safe for an adult man in the US, sure, but it's not "fashionable."

>> No.13876087

This is just cringe advise, on par with telling people to clean their room or trolling the libs

>> No.13876097

Hence why I wrote 'fashionable'. I don't think it is terribly fashionable either. I don't think anyone should look at it and go 'wow, you look good today'. But the problem with most people nowadays is they fail to get the basics right and head straight for the designer pieces.

I don't think using this as a base is a bad place to start. Certainly not to the point anyone would make fun of you. Ridiculous scaremongering.

>> No.13876098

>This is just cringe advise, on par with telling people to clean their room
t. WAYWT but unironically

>> No.13876105

Telling everyone to walk around in oversized polos, chinos and wearing boots because MAGA is pretty awful.
Nobody tells you to dress up like a hypebeast or follow any contemporary trends for that matter but you really shouldn't dress like some 50 year old man just because /pol/ tells you to.

>> No.13876108
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haha that look is like asking to be bullied and rejected, just fueling your abstruse /pol/itical ideologies even more
i say go for it lma909032

>> No.13876111

fuck off with these threads already

>> No.13876112

>shows up at his highschool in full Americana boomer gear + New Balance shoes
>reaches into backpack

>> No.13876121

only think this is missing is a timex weekender watch to complete the r/mfa cuck package

>> No.13876139

No one's gonna take you seriously anyway so you might as well go with that pic, OP

>> No.13876146

describe your style, non-cuck alpha boi

>> No.13876152
File: 99 KB, 576x768, 1539285979404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graphic t-shirt
Maga hat
New Balance sneakers

>> No.13876162

>wearing anything but untucked uniqlo shirts and full fast fashion garbage

>> No.13876167

Most people even on /fa/ believe uniqlo is not like H&M and Zara

>> No.13876168

he looks like he would be south of the wall, if they ever built one

>> No.13876172
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mfa is all about spending as much money and time as possible to look as meek and bland as possible

>> No.13876182

yeah but they don't wear miUSA stuff and definetly not PRL due to their vendetta against logos. Expensive japanese meme jeans, uniqlo shirts with shit collars, desert memes, fast fashion chinos and god forbid you tuck in your shirt

>> No.13876185

are you european?

>> No.13876189

OPs picture is literally a bait pic (regardless if he knows it or not) and you fags are seriously defending it. How new are you?

>> No.13876199
File: 59 KB, 780x585, lf2dhn6ld1ssdh514gstfusm5ox05pubbqii5loktbk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ here
"I am a cuck btw" would have sufficed

>wearing a high school ring
l m a o. I guess passing high school is a huge accomplishment for Americans

>> No.13876205

Wear whatever you like but be respectful of the position you are currently in.

Going on a late night Wal-Mart run? You don’t need your full tailoring for that

Going to a wedding? Maybe put the hoodie away

/pol/ is a cesspool, even though I quite enjoy my time being there. Falling into a meme of a typical “respected” style determines how you will live your life- bland, unnoteworthy, unadventerous, and unimpactful. Be tasteful to what you see as a cultured and mature image THAT YOU ENVISION if that is the aesthetic that you wish to pursue, not the cookie cutter mfa.

>> No.13876208

guide is decent OP but this shithole is no place for advice. post this back on /pol/

nice macbook cuck, all liberals are the same

>> No.13876212

imagine being offended by a fucking macbook lmao

>> No.13876213
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most pol users do

>> No.13876214

>there are female poltards
>there are mulatto poltards

what. the.

>> No.13876223

This image genuinely confuses me.

>> No.13876247
File: 165 KB, 1063x1080, 1540937784185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a Lenovo thinkpad running Ubuntu 18.04

you use win10 because you enjoy being a cuck, are too poor for a MacBook, and are too much of a brainlet for ganoo/linux

>> No.13876262

We had this bait thread every fucking week and you idiots still fall for it


>> No.13876268
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Not being able to understand everyone else is trying to bait the newfag too

>> No.13876280
File: 90 KB, 736x981, 1432623633078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I run Linux

>> No.13876295

based autists

>> No.13876310

>haha i was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.13876356
File: 276 KB, 640x480, 1535733792400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he uses Windows

>> No.13876391

nah, just laughing at you for being a brandcuck who pays twice as much for the same hardware in a pretty case

>> No.13876423
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>> No.13876428

Jesus fucking christ we have this thread with this exact picture two times a week
You have to go back to 4chan

>> No.13876429

>just laughing at you for being a brandcuck
windows is not a brand?

>> No.13876434


>> No.13876756

>Chris Chan shirts

>> No.13877425

I chuckled and sharted

>> No.13877495

you'll look like every other pasty, 20 lbs overweight neocuck. Don't dress this way lmao >"hoodies are for poor people"
>"buy everything on ebay"

>> No.13877579

Everything on there is so fucking inoffensive and bland and dependent on rules, it's like they're terrified of accidentally expressing themselves through their style.

>> No.13877584

>Going on a late night Wal-Mart run? You don't need your full tailoring for that
I would tend to disagree, sometimes it's fun to dress nicely when you're just running an errand, you're outside for a short amount of time, people see you, it's a good time to experiment or just look nice for the sake of it

>> No.13877585

>high school ring

In general complete dadcore. Really shows you what /pol/ is. Kids who want to act grown up and out of touch boomers playing with them.

>> No.13877587

They can look okay if you're strong

>> No.13877600

walk and act like an alpha and any outfit will look good on you.
do not act like some beta /pol/cuck

>> No.13878415

Crew neck cable knit sweaters are often better than quarter zips, and you can wear different coloured trousers as well, don’t be afraid to be a bit more liberal with that sort of thing!

>> No.13878423

86 the rugby shirts, quarter zips, and bean boots and this is fine. just make sure everything fits.

>> No.13878428

Of course normies would find this objectionable. They cling to illogical norms and traditions. Seems like useful idea. Pragmatism is the best approach for life and its problems. If it works, it works.

Maybe the most cringeworthy meetup I’ve ever seen. Literally worse than reddit

>> No.13878716

Anything can

>> No.13878974

Look at the striped first striped rugby shirt, the really wide jeans, and then the text on the rings anon

>> No.13879228

made in usa?

>> No.13879241
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>> No.13879419
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>> No.13879902

he would look OK without the medallion tbqh

>> No.13879906

only fucking tools dress like that

>> No.13879909

>successful men are tools
Whatever you say kid

>> No.13879940
File: 59 KB, 1306x354, 1543435332031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13879966

Do you go into public? This is literally what family/career men wear. Nothing /pol/ about it.

>> No.13880012

The picture's choices are so bad that cringe literally comes out from my phone.

Such a colossal idiot thought how to LARP a 50s dad with $200 wide pants in his 10s-20s is a good guide.

They are not, jesus if you want to be 'authentic American grown up' go farm to help harvesting, work at amazon warehouse or something.

A hoodie H&M jeans wearing normie who hates orange man but does such physical labors are more valuable than pol dressing in OP guide whining on internet, posing as a American grown up but essentially a typical idle marxist intelligentsia with right wing ideology.

>> No.13880026
File: 49 KB, 645x729, 1514147604484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marxist intelligentsia with right wing ideology

>> No.13881472

This guide is unbelievably terrible

>> No.13881475

Name a single with wrong with it

>> No.13881508

it's how to look like a boomer from the age of 20
who wants to do that

>> No.13881544

The successful men I know (talking yacht racing for pleasure type rich, old, white man rich) wear fleece and khakis and patterned or plain blue shirts. Successful people don't dress like this. Mid-level management who got their job via nepotism - the type to be on a constant power trip despite not being as big as they think they are - dress like this.

>> No.13881558

I'm not pretending to be one of these men or to even be in their circles btw. My father worked for BMW and all his friends that were high up there for BMW in my country, or splintered off to start their own successful businesses, dress like that. The brands are all expensive staples but they don't really look it. They definitely wouldn't wear rugby shirts, polos/golfers, jeans or half the boots/shoes listed there. They also wouldn't wear rings, apart from wedding rings, and white shirts.

>> No.13881626

I think I just understood a carefully guarded secret of /pol/

They’re menchildren who desperately want to be perceived as grown-ups

>> No.13881696

Is there any reason for why /pol/ and r/mfa like the same clothes?

>> No.13882590

neither is capable of original thought

>> No.13882601

it's all just normie menswear

>> No.13882616

I don’t think they’re trying to look old money, just like ‘real men’ or whatever you want to call it. I have to ask though, why on earth wouldn’t your father’s friends wear white shirts?

>> No.13882627

It's bait, but it does get some things right, you mong. It *is* inoffensive because it's practically dadcore. It's not very stylish, it's not highly fashionable, but it does communicate a greater sense of "I care about my appearance and the impression I make on others" more than the ever-popular "xD omg video game reference wow u like zelda too" style graphic tees.

>> No.13882631

I don't know, to be honest. I'm sure they would in a formal event where they had to suit up (I never got to attend those as a kid) but general day-to-day office or casual wear I just never saw a white shirt. A white stripe in a shirt was common, but white shirts were generally worn by the younger sales guys who dressed more "fashionably."

>> No.13882650

I occasionally hit up this old, tucked away bar where a lot of those guys still hang out (it's basically an old boys club hangout spot). The owner recently died of cancer (he was quite old though) and his young, twink, Asian boyfriend, who used to run the bar, took over. They have photos of the regulars and owners posing with politicians and on their yachts and stuff on a board in the corner. My pops is in one of the photos from when he was on board for a yacht race. If I'm in there again I'll snag a pic to show the board what old money around here dresses like. I don't really like hanging out there because I'm a disappointment of a poor fag, and I feel super out of place in there, so it won't be soon. I usually go there with my pops to watch a game in peace and he gets to catch up with old colleagues and acquaintances.

>> No.13882653

>jeans and mall polos

>> No.13882747

someone please tell me why there are 4chan threads allowed on 4channel or I'll crash the servers

>> No.13882878
File: 79 KB, 900x1200, image0-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are people pretending they're separate things now wtf

>> No.13882887
File: 114 KB, 574x574, C0204AE0-72DB-43E7-A67E-68ED02658D54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it so interesting that people actually have no sense of style. Not even being mean too I don’t get how someone would need someone to dress them cuz they have no sense of what looks visually pleasing. At the age of maybe 13 I had a decent sense of wtf looks decent Fashion wise

>> No.13882891

why would you wear that fucking vest ugh

>> No.13882892

my sides