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/fa/ - Fashion

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13868617 No.13868617 [Reply] [Original]

>no sense of style
>probably buys clothes from walmart
>gets laid

>spend thousand dollars on clothes
>work out

still a virgin


Is being effay a meme?

>> No.13868620

Fashion and engaging in sexual intercourse aren't related

>> No.13868624

How many times does this have to be said
Fashion ain’t for getting chicks.
Fashion is because you are interested in fashion
If you want chicks get a trendy haircut and dress in whatever everyone else is wearing from h and m.

>> No.13868633

You're probably ugly and autistic. Gonna have to have a personality unless you're a 9+ or you want to fuck 6s

>> No.13868641


if you can swallow your pride and go drink 1-2 drinks at a bar with a hookup culture, and are willing to fuck absolutely disgusting women, you will eventually find yourself with someone like the girl in op. sex has its own momentum, and women will fuck disgusting men they meet when theyre drunk at a bar.

these bars play extremely loud music to wall off conversation to promote communication via body language. look for girls in pairs, approach regardless of the men theyre with, grunt like an animal, make good eye contact, dont be too handsy, prove to her youre not a creep, and is someone who has control of their sexual impulse enough to not become overcome by your desire for the woman. basically be driveguy for 10-20 minutes, and youll soon find yourself in a cab to her place.

continue to prove now youre emotionally available enough to caress, but not so as to be desperate for the feminine, because shes going into it just wanting a one off. but if you manage to click with her during your time with her, get a number before you leave, or leave yours when you leave in the am, and if she wants to have sex with someone whose proven himself to be safe, congratulations, youve managed to be a good animal for once.

>> No.13868642

charisma > fashion
you forget that the 5/10 fatass who smells bad but makes everyone laugh and can respond appropriately to social situations will always get laid more than the 7/10 designer wearing autismo, your clothes are a hobby, try talking to people

>> No.13868664

I want a virgin not a slut wtf?

>> No.13868672

So you want a women with high value but are you of any value yourself?

>> No.13868679


no, you want a hot broad you can fill with your seed before having her wrapped in your arm while walking around public places to trigger the other, lesser men who arent as chad as you are with your hottie

>> No.13868684

If virgin women are high value then as a virgin male I'm valuable also

>> No.13868708

Virginity isn't valuable in a man. Men and women aren't the same so what's valuable in one isn't valuable in the other.

>> No.13868744

Virginity in females is valued because you give it value.

>> No.13868810

>Probably buys clothes from Walmart
I know the fit and the look of that black shirt to know that's 100% true, that's 100% a fruit of the loom shirt, I wear one literally every single day.

>> No.13868816


>> No.13868820


>> No.13868825


>> No.13868827

Nope. A woman that hasn't had her ability to pair-bond blunted by relationships and burdened with emotional baggage is objectively a more valuable mate than an experienced woman even if the latter can suck a golf ball through a garden hose.

>> No.13868834

how long does virginity matter for women. is a 23 year old virgin woman valuable? if i move to a completely new place could i get away with lying and saying im still a virgin?

>> No.13868839

People say NoFap is a meme but it improved my confidence so fucking much. I suggest just tapping once a week like I do.

>> No.13868840

Nobody cares except abusive wife beaters and sweaty basement dwellers.

>> No.13868858

>Implying some 9/10 right wing pro trump gamer big tiddy goth would wait for you until you've hit your 40's as a neet.

Incels are pathetic but give me the motivation to better my own lyf. You can't expect someone to be a virgin by 30 or some shit. And just because someone lost her virginity it doesn't mean it was by a hookup.

No wonder you're unfucked. You're a lowkey muslim dumbfuck. Fix your personality first instead of your look or piss off to your containment boards.


>> No.13868862

just makes you a disgusting liar

>> No.13868863

What have you incoinfident about before? I'm tall and considered cute but my shit hairline and stained teeth set me off so I only had one date so far.

>> No.13868866

It's obvious if you're a virgin or not just by the way you're going to be in bed. Virgins shake like a leaf.

>> No.13868867

no one irl actually cares if a woman is a virgin, just frustrated anime watchers who romanticize women in a dangerous way. you're fine

>> No.13868874

>whiteknight redditor/roastie cope
nobody wants an emotionally tainted woman who lacks the ability to properly pair bond
>inb4 incel
have a qt gf who i met when we were both virgins ;^)

>> No.13868876

Just go fuck a fellow virgin from your boardmates in /fit/
fucking faggots i swear

>> No.13868879

It’s just nutting often makes me feel depressed and insecure about myself. I would be paranoid that I’m too short or that I’m too ugly but if I don’t jack off in a couple of days I just don’t give a fuck and I feel like a god. Maybe it’s just me I don’t know how it is for anyone else.

>> No.13868880

So you've only had one sexual partner? That's pretty boring to me.

>> No.13868884


Keep telling yourself that. Assuming it's all about looks you shouldn't be even here with the shit genetics your parents gave you.

>> No.13868894

Girls arent into fashion. They like guys with clean plain clothes (maybe a hypebeast logo here and there).

If you are into fashion to get laid, youre doing it wrong.

It's something I came to accept. Me dressing a bit different than the average person will turn off a good number of girls.

And Im okay with that, because fashion gives me so much joy.

>> No.13868950

practice talking and flirting with with girls fuckwad

You can look good as fuck and dress good as fuck but if you're a complete autist when it comes to socializing and talking to girls you're prob not going to get laid.

looking good physically and fashionably helps you look more like you have good sexual market value but if you're socially inept it won't make a difference.

It's like if you saw a ferrarri and you think wow that's a nice car so you go to test drive it and it turns out that it's using an engine from a 1996 toyota corrola or some shit.

That's what it's like if a girl does ever see you and think oh he's cute and goes out of her way to start a conversation with you despite you being the guy and you completely fuck it up because autism. She thinks oh ok he's weird

like you'd think wow this ferrarri's engine sucks dick

>> No.13868962

obsession with a base instinct sounds pathetic to me

try to formulate a coherent post next time, retard

>> No.13869031

extroverts basically get their first picks because people are drawn to them no matter what they look like and how they dress, but if you just start talking to people and stop being such a fag you can mimic that. also, in all honesty, being fashionable makes you less approachable as a person, if you're really dressing nice to get women your obviously trying to compensate for lack of social skills

>> No.13869045

>if you're really dressing nice to get women your obviously trying to compensate for lack of social skills

too real damn

>> No.13869050
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>> No.13869095

the people who usually think like this deserve to have this happen to them lol

>> No.13869124

I'm so lucky my bf isn't a faggot and doesn't care about the fact I was in a two-year relationship before :')

>> No.13869133

>my bf
>isn't a faggot
Then why is he dating you?

>> No.13869139

Because I'm a qt girl who genuinely cares about him

>> No.13869140

Tits or gtfo

>> No.13869142

I'm not a hoe sry and also it's a blue board

>> No.13869143

You're actually so fucking deluded and retarded. Do you expect to be with her for the rest of your life? You can't actually predict the future. So what if you guys don't work out? Is the next person that dates her a loser because she's no longer a virgin? What about people that wait til marriage but get divorced? There's so many holes in your shit fantasy.

>> No.13869147

>pro trump

Pick one

>> No.13869151

Not mutually exclusive

>> No.13869154

>I'm a qt girl
So then he doesn't know about your feminine penis?

>> No.13869157


>> No.13869171

Just skip all the other shit in this thread and go full "supreme gentleman"

>> No.13869191

based anon

>> No.13869209

>i'm so lucky my bf is a pussy who will take what he can get

yikes must have really struck a nerve there

>> No.13869213

High school social atmospheres are much different from real world.

>> No.13869220

depends on your standards, they love to wave around those grimy plastic blonde girls in MAGA hats
don't know how it's a point of pride if they all look like they've never read a book in their lives but I think that crowd prefers it

>> No.13869222

This, the guy who wrote that >>13868874 is probably underage or 21-ish

>> No.13869252

abstain from porn/masturbation for as long as you can, the ladies will pick up on the testosterone building up in your body and will not be repulsed by you

>> No.13869403

personality is far more important for finding sex/a partner

>> No.13869418

The guy in that picture likely knows how to talk to girls and has decent social skills in general.

>> No.13869421

>>have sex with disgusting women
No thanks. I can get better looking women by looking for prostitutes on the internet. Oh and a much lesser chance of catching STDs then from fucking some skank from a fucking bar.

>> No.13869424

I just want to point out that 40 year olds are not obligated to only date/fuck other 40 year olds. It is perfectly possible to pursue younger women.

>> No.13869426

lol this is fucking bullshit.

>> No.13869428

True. Has good facial structure and height. If he lost weight and dressed better + haircut, he could be a slayer.

>> No.13869431

guy ain't ugly though. 6-7/10 at best. Average people don't look like that. He probably just get bossed around by that bitch. Some women just want a none-threatening guy that will steal their attention. You have to know that most women are attention whores and usually get jealous if somebody takes the limelight from them. If you are a 7-8/10 with attention grabbing clothes chances are you will irritate most women because they only want the attention focus to them.

>> No.13869434

Good luck finding a girl who's a virgin past 18 and isn't severely ugly or autistic lmao

>> No.13869447

>not wanting a cute autistic girlfriend

>> No.13869454

show me proof that says otherwise nigger

>> No.13869459

>probably 6'3 or taller

>a manlet

It makes sense.

>> No.13869589

>21 year old virgin
I just want to know what it feels like
I’m not even ugly, just socially inept
I’ve got 800 matches on dating apps in the past 4 months but only met with one girl and she ghosted me afterwards

Why is this shit so fucking hard?

>> No.13869593

>with a hookup culture
This isn't a real thing. Ironically, this was a thing with Generation X, but all of a sudden the media is talking about it even though millennials and whatever comes after millennials don't actually have sex.

>> No.13869596
File: 869 KB, 1242x681, 322ECE39-7886-48AC-9061-9A8A7DA1C8B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at this ugly deformed thing.

His face looks like a fucking potato and he doesn't even smile.

>> No.13869600
File: 1.32 MB, 1242x805, 22FBA0AA-CA59-473C-BB5E-EFF13321F496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That potato thing gets to be balls deep insidd this. HOW?

>> No.13869604

>Is the next person that dates her a loser because she's no longer a virgin?
A loser and a cuck.
>What about people that wait til marriage but get divorced?
Divorce is degeneracy.

>> No.13869609
File: 27 KB, 500x359, Jinkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey bitch maybe it's your personality, you sound like a little baby bitch boy

>> No.13869613

Ok faggot

>> No.13869652

Yeah he looks a bit slow and she looks pretty average. Also you’re the dumbass for obsessing over an average bitch. This isn’t a vent board.

>> No.13869659

>a person was in a relationship
>the relationship didn't work after a few years
>the person loses ability to find another partner because they aren't virgin

So happy it only works like that in 4chan users' imagination.

>> No.13869661

...your right..

>> No.13869667

ok, this is epic
libtards btfo

>> No.13869671

>wanting a virgin girl
Yeah can't wait to fuck a girl who has no idea what to do in the bedroom and is most likely too fucking shy to actually do anything fun. once you've had sex you'll see why.

>> No.13869698

Not a rebuttal. But no you didn't strike any nerves. It's just fucking stupid. AND I'm even in the position that you romanticize, because my current gf of almost 3 years was actually a virgin when we met, despite being 23. So I can actually attest to it, that even if she wasn't I wouldn't have cared.

>> No.13870144

Wildwood is nigger tier

>> No.13870165

damn he looks fucking likeable 9/10 would hang with him

>> No.13870179

you sound like a lil beta faggot
maybe if you had a personality outside of calling clothes "pieces" and smoking menthols you'd get laid

>> No.13870207

I haven't actually cringed physically at a post in a fukcing long time
> and are willing to fuck absolutely disgusting women, you will eventually find yourself with someone like the girl in op
the girl is literally the most regular non-offensive looking girl ever what the fuck are you talking about you complete fucking autist
go drink 1-2 drinks at a bar with a hookup culture?

>> No.13870213

Maybe if you live in some beta pussy country where people are too afraid to talk to strangers

>> No.13870226

Have you tried being a virtuous person yet

>> No.13870855

Fuck, anon I'm the same as you. Gf and I were virgins when we met. Still together 9 years later. Wouldn't trade it for the world. I spend 5 minutes in other women's company and I realise how... cheap they are. Shallow might be a better word. It's hard to list after thots when you have a good, pure woman. Keep being absolutely based.

>> No.13870864


>> No.13870905

anyone with real virtue is a volcel

>> No.13870921

No he looks dead inside, autistic

>> No.13870944

OP looks like a state fair in flyover land. Those 2 prolly known each other since kindergarten or grade school. He's the football Chad and she's Stacie the cheerleader. You date the people you know, and that are around you.
Clothes don't get grils. Cars don't get grils. You have to have something more than surface shit that the girl wants, like a personality and a sense of humor. Guys that can communicate and make a girl laugh are 90% of the way to pussy central.

>> No.13870946

Dude, you got it all wrong. That kid is the girls semi-retarded cousin, and their just on a family trip.

>> No.13870948

>being effay to get laid
this is why you fail

>> No.13870961

i mean there aren't any cheats to get girls other than being having money and paying a literal prostitute.

this out of context image is meaningless for trying to prove a point. obviously personality matters to some extent you idiot.

literally most of the human population manages to get a romantic partner without spending thousands or being unusually athletic.

>> No.13870973

your larp is a cope

>> No.13870978


>> No.13870980

Not a larp, literally nothing to cope with though because I'm not an incel faggot like you

>> No.13871031

nothing gets 'grils' anon

>> No.13871395

>immediate ad-hominems
yikes seek help weirdo

>> No.13871418

He probably buys her shit with his family's money.

>> No.13871753

Not ad homs, I mean them. You have a twisted and pitiable worldview because you are like this. It's very sad

>> No.13871777

>tfw 28 and still virgin

>> No.13871791

Unironically very enlightened post

>> No.13871799


22 y/o male here and sex with virgins is overrated. I've been 2 girl's (and 1 guy's) firsts and the sex got boring quick and once they've lost their virginity they generally want to experiment with other people now that they realize sex isn't a big deal. All of the best sexual experiences I've had were with people with multiple partners before me.

>> No.13871811

you're not even replying to one person, spastic

>> No.13871813

jesus christ calm down

>> No.13871844

>/fa/ complains about being loser
Ya, you guys are. For every one person here (male) who is fashionable and attractive, there are another nine that are worthless in looks, skill, and ability. Greetings, saw you guys from the front page. Bye now.

>> No.13872226

Sorry. Didn't intend to come across as yelling. It's just very cringe and frustrating to see someone with a fabricated sense of self respect and shitty unrealistic logic hold themselves on a high horse - especially if that horse consists of paper mache and chicken tenders

>> No.13872235

>black is not stylish
>buys clothes from walmart
is saving money bad?
>gets laid
you can't possibly know that

>> No.13872238
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he literally looks like some normal dude who isn't that fashion focused and OP is shitting himself

>> No.13872421

I hope you're referring to the fact thatbeing in a long-term relationship isn't boring and you don't think that a girl who had a bf before can't be a good, pure woman and an excellent wife material.

>> No.13872571

It's possible but far less likely imo

>> No.13872574

do you understand basic statistics? what are the chances you find the perfect person for each other on both of your first tries?

>> No.13872611

No, you're right. But I also don't really believe in the "perfect" match. You fall in love and learn to work through your differences and eventually those differences turn into strengths in a weird way. But I agree, can't help it if you're simply incompatible and it's better to move on. That wasn't what I'm talking about though. I meant that girls who are serial "daters" constantly in a new relationship, or fucking random dudes, are way more likely to be broken trash. And that's like most women that I know nowadays. Sucking some dude's dick at a party isn't about finding love.

>> No.13872853

based and redpilled

>> No.13872854

cringed and blue pilled

>> No.13872867

Im jobless, very fat, and got a 8/10 gf and chicks that want me, and im a boring fuck, what the fuck

>> No.13872906

any tips?

>> No.13872929

but anime said they are actually sluts BUT also virgins

>> No.13872933

I don't know honestly, i guess i just have a pretty face even if ugly and dress fairly nice (kinda skater kinda punk) and have cool interests and am funny.

>> No.13872935

But guys can do it because?
What about you kill yourself

>> No.13872938

i meant "even if fat", my bad

>> No.13872940

>But guys can do it because?
They shouldn't either

>> No.13872950

So how's your personality? Are you an entitled manchild? Because that's probably it

>> No.13874129

Women find you creepy and you're way too timid. Develop a personality

and it's not easy to develop a personality.
find a spergy girl or one that will put up with your shit no matter how weird and feminine you are. This will probably take you some years.

Good luck!

>> No.13874135

t whore

>> No.13874427

i forgot the pasta of that one /fa/ggot being mogged by a literal gopnik in all round Adidas whom he didnt even dare to look directly in the eyes

>> No.13874521

if he's taller than you then literally every point against him is completely negated
this world was not made for manlets

>> No.13874828

You do these things not for yourself, but rather to appease your insecurity. Thus, you remain unattractive.

>> No.13874853

Fashion is just a pretty wrapper. Imagine opening the wrapper and instead of finding a delightful treat you find a bitter turd.

>> No.13874911

Late Gen X here, even for us hook up culture wasn't that great. The AIDS scare killed a lot of the free love momentum, and now that everyone lives under the microscope of social media they're less likely to engage in indiscretions because info that used to take days or weeks to spread just in your local community can now be shared worldwide in a matter of minutes. Hook up culture has always been exaggerated by the media anyway because it's a quick and easy way to strike a chord with someone's insecurities and insecure people buy more shit to feel more secure about themselves. The vast majority of people will never have a random bar hook up, most people who do have a hook up usually do it with someone they know and feel at least a little comfortable with. People love to gossip about hook ups though. It's more exciting to talk about the two people at a party that hooked up rather than the thirty people that didn't. It's like airplanes, the news only talks about the few that crash not the thousands that land normally every day.

>> No.13874967
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Incel is not effay

>> No.13875013

based anon, based

>> No.13875249

>It's just very cringe and frustrating to see someone with a fabricated sense of self respect and shitty unrealistic logic hold themselves on a high horse - especially if that horse consists of paper mache and chicken tenders
Then don't come to 4chan. I'm being serious, what do you expect to find here? All you'll do is get mad at people who will reject any logic you give.

>> No.13875705

131 posts in and this ginna ain't posted a fit yet

>> No.13875714

having sex and a gf is so fucking overrated. after a month i can't stand these chicks.
>anon i have anxiety hold me
>*texts me at 2 am* anon i had a bad day at work lets talk
most females are nothing but leeches remember that lads. gone monk mode. no sex no women.
about to buy my first house at 23. while every girl i dated still lives with their parents or stays with shitty roommates.
stop worryin about women. and get some passions and get your money up

>> No.13875726

enjoy your crippling depression and eventual personal collapse once you realize that what these supposed leeches are attempting to do is emotional processing, which is fundamentally important for your long term happiness and that all these career and achievement successes you're striving for are just defective alternatives to boost your own self worth

>> No.13875731

>enjoy your crippling depression
why because I don't wanna spend my early 20's chasing girls?
I have a great group of friends male and female. that i hang out with weekly. I never said i'll stop trying to date forever. but too many of u guys waste time and money trying to impress women who aren't even stable themselves. i feel fucking fanatic i can afford my own place soon. even if i do get depression i'll see a therapist and work on it. stop being close-minded

>> No.13875746

this entire post is cope

The only thing a man should do is ascend, women can be lovely but if they're not helping you ascend and are merely asking for help in the mud, it's not worth it. You're better off doing something your proud of e.g. learning a new language, starting your own buisness.
Emotions are such a fucking meme I don't know why men even bother, of course emotions become a problem when you're a loser, you're a loser and I say that as someone vastly unsuccessful

>> No.13875755

Are you actually pretending that the average liberal chick isn't a total airhead as well?

>> No.13875761

Pair-bonding isn't the same thing as swiping right on some fuckboy on tinder, retard.

>> No.13875779

>why because I don't wanna spend my early 20's chasing girls?
no but because youre incapable of emotional regulation.

when people say "i have anxiety, hold me", theyre engaging in emotional regulation. when people say "i had a bad day at work, lets talk", theyre engaging in emotional regulation. this is the one thing in the west that women have been taught by their peers, and the one thing that men lack.

there is also no need to chase girls. there isnt even any need for a relationship. what i pointed out was your unreasonable responses to perfectly normal requests by your romantic partners, people who are not just there for sex, but for an emotional bond. what you perceive as unstable women is actually women who are engaging in emotional healing. something that men neglect to do, for years, and when unlucky they lose both their source of emotional regulation in their life — their female partner — and the one source of self worth — their career or personal projects — and having never learned how to take care of themselves we arrive at suicide statistics in which 80% of victims are male.

>even if i do get depression i'll see a therapist and work on it. stop being close-minded

why do you think i am close minded? you're the one who is refusing to accept criticism of their behavior and character here.


btw stop kidding yourself, real life isnt an RPG

>Emotions are such a fucking meme I don't know why men even bother, of course emotions become a problem when you're a loser, you're a loser and I say that as someone vastly unsuccessful
i'm 28, married and work as a junior prof at uni. the only reason I am where I am is because I learned to deal with my emotions, because guess what, every human has them, you do too. all youre trying to do is desperately avoid the issue because like most men your own emotions are the thing you fear the most. and eventually, your fears are going to catch up with you

>> No.13875789

>like most men your own emotions are the thing you fear the most.

Holy projection.
Not every guy is like you, my greatest fear is wasting time doing stupid shit, that includes willingly stepping into puddles when I don't have to. Spoiler alert: It solves nothing but nothing is inherently resolvable, it's all semantics, you'd know that if you actually had an internal monologue which I doubt you do

>> No.13875791

>real life isnt an RPG
>I'm [age] and my job is [blank]

>> No.13875792

You imply i project a lot. Why? How do i fear my emotions if I advocate for talking through them and acknowledging them, while you seem to deny they have any worth in your life whatsoever? Your defensive behavior is weak.

>> No.13875834

what kind of jobs do women in their early/mid 20s have? and why do they still live with their parents

>> No.13875891

the n word

>> No.13875939

Your an empty person, he isn't.

>> No.13875992

tall people get a pass

>> No.13875994

>no but because youre incapable of emotional regulation.
thats probably true.

>why do you think i am close minded? you're the one who is refusing to accept criticism of their behavior and character here.
nothing wrong with criticism but assuming somebody will get depression because of that is in poor taste. depression is serious and something I wouldn't wish anybody.

>> No.13875996

Anyway to add on the girls i mentioned. they would have no issue talking to me about their issues. but vice versa they wouldn't allow me to communicate when I was going thru personal behavior.
it's great you found a solution that helped you tho

>> No.13876003

getting a gf or laid is literally about being in the right place at the right time

>> No.13876005

You don't understand women or attraction. That's not only why you don't have one, but it's why you're puzzled about not having one.

This thread has made me feel better about me life. Thanks to everyone who participated.

>> No.13876056
File: 676 KB, 680x645, 1530094883350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vast majority of women salivate at the thought of deflowering a man, especially one in his 20s. Virgin men are cute and special. That being said, you have to still be desirable, virginity in itself isn't enough to be seen as a desirable lay. Nobody wants to have sex with an ugly loser.

Not affected by number of relationships. If you are of low character, you will only ever find yourself in the company of women who are also low in character, which is a never ending cycle as it reinforces your view that all women are low in character.

In truth, it has nothing to do with whether or not she has had multiple partners. If you are going to use that as an indicator of the character of a woman, it's essential that you understand and gather enough context and have enough social nuance to interpret the information properly. But I'm going to guess that you don't, otherwise you wouldn't be saying stupid shit like this on the internet, you'd have an intuitive sense otherwise.

Additionally, everybody has emotional baggage. Every human being is subject to the mortal coil and suffers from the human condition. The world is not a Disney fairy tale. There is no perfect princess, there is no happy ending. Stop believing in new-wave, self-help-tier internet meme drivel shit for social retards like the alpha/beta dichotomy and virginity being hugely important. Your life is what you make of it, but you won't be able to make shit of it if you constantly listen to demonstrably false shit because it triggers your addiction to self pity.

>> No.13876079
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This is actually a very smart and underappreciated post

>> No.13876263

No anon, you're not having sex, normal young people are.

>> No.13876269

This is one of the most idiotic posts I've read in my life and reeks of projection.

>> No.13876305

he goes too far in the other direction but he is right. the same people who complain about needy partners are the same people posting in "who else /doomer/ here" drinking their loneliness away, the irony completely lost on them

>> No.13876367

>he same people who complain about needy partners are the same people posting in "who else /doomer/ here"
i dont like doomer posting. when will the projecting stop

>> No.13876775

here's a reasonable and surprisingly
honest couple of reasons why men never open up.

A. because women get turned off when men cry (it shows flaws in his ability to protect and be the leader)
B. because women (mostly young women) regularly weaponize men's insecurities in relationships as blackmail for stupid shit (like not seeing their parents) once you've been through this once, you'd rather go through a whole year of depression than repeat it.
C. because guys often lose trust in overly sensitive to make buisness deals / parties successful
D. because "emotional" for a guy isn't the same as "emotional" for a girl, we're talking wanting to fuck someone's skull to death versus wanting to purposely exclude Janice from a girl outing

>> No.13876961

this isn't too far off actually. don't know why everyone is so mad about it.

>> No.13876966

youve never been in a (functional) relationship is all.

>> No.13876988

you know nothing about me aside from my snide post, stop assuming you do, I'm lucky to have the friends I do

>> No.13876995

your post told me enough. no woman worth a damn gets turned off by their partner crying or would ever weaponize it or emotionally blackmail you.

>> No.13877002

alright, we're playing that game then huh
Well I'll comfortably assume that your either in denial about yourself or do not understand women

>> No.13877008

become a lyft driver and park outside nightclubs and wait and drunk chicks will get in your car and you can fuck em. I use to do that shit all the time got laid every Friday and Saturday nights

>> No.13877010

imagine bragging about something like this

>> No.13877015

You should try it.

>> No.13877024

Drunk chick gets in your lyft either by accident or purposefully, solo.
Detail how you go from picking them up in your car to getting laid if you can

>> No.13877025

Pin them down and take advantage of the situation, it's not that hard.

>> No.13877030

you're in the front seat of the car and they get in the back and then you abruptly get out of the car before setting off without saying a word, get in the back-seat without them making a loud noise and then pin them down and have your way with them?

>> No.13877041

absolutely true unless you find a women you actually enjoy being with that you can converse with instead of these mentally ill bitches who have "panic attacks" every fucking weekend.

>> No.13877353

>A. because women get turned off when men cry (it shows flaws in his ability to protect and be
the leader)
Not only is the principal idea wrong, but what you have written in parenthesis indicates that you
have bought into a dysfunctional caricature that will only serve to give you problems... as if that
wasn't apparent by you thinking bottling your emotions is a good idea.
Also a hot tip, when a woman says she wants to feel "safe", 9/10 times she is not talking about
safety from strangers, because that is not the primary source of danger contemporary women
face in their lives.
>B. because women (mostly young women) regularly weaponize men's insecurities in
relationships as blackmail for stupid shit (like not seeing their parents) once you've been through
this once, you'd rather go through a whole year of depression than repeat it.
Believe it or not, psychological manipulation is not a feature of a healthy relationship. The way
this is phrased makes it sound like you were in a relationship with a cluster b, and that really
does suck. But here's the thing, manipulators fucking love repressed emotions. You're serving
your insecurities up on a silver platter, because unlike you, they understand on an intuitive level
how emotions work and their role in the brain. You're making yourself light up like a christmas
tree. Might as well drape a sign around your neck saying "Look at me, I'm very susceptible to
peer pressure and I'm an emotional powderkeg!"
>C. because guys often lose trust in overly sensitive to make buisness deals / parties successful
The operative adjective here is "overly", you should note. Crying is not a mood disorder, but
refusing to express sadness will absolutely give you one.
>D. because "emotional" for a guy isn't the same as "emotional" for a girl, we're talking wanting
to fuck someone's skull to death versus wanting to purposely exclude Janice from a girl outing
What are you even trying to convey with this non-sequitur?

>> No.13877356


>> No.13877365


>> No.13877833

senpai this is 70% of the /da/ audience

>> No.13878058


>> No.13878086

damn bro thats rough i would prolly get a prostitute at that point so u at least kno what it feels like

>> No.13878094

>dress in designer clothes
>but autist
charisma and personality play a huge role in getting women and laid