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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 46 KB, 600x338, 10E6F550-C9DB-4926-8182-0DB85C0CEF0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13866529 No.13866529 [Reply] [Original]

Hasn’t been one in a while. You know the rules, no one 5’10 and above.

>> No.13866536

But the manlet cutoff is at 5'11

>> No.13866611
File: 190 KB, 756x539, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything under 6'1" is manlet tier desu, this guy is like an even 6 foot and looks short still.

>> No.13867255

>one shot in life
just fuck my shit up

>> No.13867258
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he`s 5`8

>> No.13867310

Your fault you fucking mentally ill faggot

>> No.13867320

Top gun is on tv right now
Strange world

>> No.13867420

>implying being trans is a choice
i'd kill to be a cis guy

>> No.13867475

take some pimozide for about a month. It helps.

>> No.13867727

how is it not?

couldn't you get help from a psychologist to learn to accept your body?

>> No.13867826

>implying gender dysphoria goes away by leaving it untreated
>thinking you can just get therapy for it and repress those thoughts
being trans is not a choice because gender dysphoria is more of a symptom of a neurological condition more than anything else. basically i was born this way. transitioning is the only known treatment that works, and trust me i've tried everything else before coming to the conclusion that i'm 100% trans and that hrt is the only realistic option i have left.

it's hard to explain this to cis people, because you guys don't experience this shit. but for example, assuming you guys are cis men, if you were to start growing tits (think gyno), softer/smoother skin, feminine fat redistribution patterns, and lost your gains and muscles, you would probably do everything in your power to revert back to normal, right? it's basically like that but reverse for mtfs. having masculine traits and growing body hair legitimately depresses me because i was born trans, much like having boobs would likely depress you because you were born cis.

anyway, it's pretty fucking hilarious that you think being trans is a choice. you really think i'd go through all the trouble of transitioning, getting laser hair removal, and training my voice every single day because it's some sort of fashion statement, or that it's "in" now? please, educate yourselves. i'd love to be cis (male or female), being trans is a fucking curse and gender dysphoria is one of the worst things one can go through.

>> No.13867859

cis males btfo

>> No.13867882

You cant stop being a man. Accept it or forever chase something you will never reach.

>> No.13867886

Genuinely good post

>> No.13867888

fragile masculinity lel

>> No.13867899

>dresses better than 95% of this shitty board

Really gets my noggin joggin

>> No.13867902

Post a pic, if you're cute I'll fuck you like the girl you'd love to be

>> No.13867918
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>> No.13867929

already posted my pic on another thread, but here: >>13865632

been on hrt for just over 2 weeks now

>> No.13867940

As a manlet I'm heavily disappointed in the turnout of this thread

>> No.13867941

how tall are you

>> No.13867953

Damn, too bad you still have a """masculine""" face, at least for an Asian """guy""". When you get your nards cut, tell em to soften up your face too

>> No.13867954

5'6" and transphobic

>> No.13867964

ah, the perfect storm

>> No.13867972
File: 348 KB, 483x343, awawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah my jaw is kind of a problem. i hope estrogen will soften my features, but i'll likely get jaw reduction anyway for aesthetic reasons

>> No.13867974

he look 90% like a female, would be 100% if I glanced at you on the street

>> No.13867978


>> No.13867994

I'm also extremely feminine for a straight male

>> No.13867995

the storm brews

>> No.13868003

>extremely feminine
Sounds like you would make a fantastic trap if you got over the transphobia desu

>> No.13868010

thanks, my face has always looked like this but i've never had my hair this long before. i'm in the process of growing it out, though.

remember that i've only been on hormones for 2 weeks, so my face hasn't changed at all (other than it getting somewhat softer). fat redistribution doesn't kick in until after a few months in, so who knows what i'll look like in 6, 12, 18, 24 months from now.

do not transition if you are actually cis. only do it if you're 100% sure you're trans lmao

>> No.13868039

I just wanted to be an fa manlet
Why does this happen too often

>> No.13868055
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>> No.13868057

At which age did you know that you were trans?

>> No.13868067

knew i wanted to be a girl at 8 but didn't know transitioning was possible until 15-16. had unsupportive parents at the time, so i didn't get to start hrt until recently (im 19 now)

>> No.13868074

lel btfo OP
>is a transphobic manlet
>wants a manlet inspo
>no inspo and only trans talk

>> No.13868123


Your mental retardation doesn't make us special, faggot. Jump on pimozide.

>> No.13868126

he's definitely not 6'1". brigitte is only 5'5 - 5'6" and he looks to be a few inches taller
height reporting for male celebrities tends to be way off. timothee chamelet is listed as 5'11" but he's tiny and not much taller than his gf

>> No.13868160

>Your mental retardation doesn't make us special, faggot.
never claimed you guys were special
>Jump on pimozide
nah, i'll take medical advice from my endocrinologist over (You)

>> No.13868217
File: 68 KB, 615x876, FAMEFLYNET-UFC-Fighter-Conor-McGregor-Dressed-Up-And-Headed-Out-In-New-York.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13868242

trips don't lie baby

>> No.13868250


>> No.13868263

That's Alain Delon, he's 1.77m. Chalamet is 1.78m.

>> No.13868861

Fuck you guys I made this a manlet inspo thread not a fucking tranny discussion thread. Go seek help you mentally ill faggots trannies will never be effay.

>> No.13868897


>> No.13868914

You have to go back

>> No.13868960
File: 469 KB, 500x607, mcgreggah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mcgregor is fuckin effay

>> No.13868974


>> No.13868975

it’s not a choice, it’s an illness. do not transition. suicide rates do not change and 2/5 regret the transition. do not be a statistic.

>> No.13868979

also im 6'6 please let me hotdog

>> No.13869404

Stop being a faggot and take the fucking pimozide

>> No.13869410

manlet thread and only 50 replies. This thread is fake.

>> No.13869416

The faggots ruined my thread thats why

>> No.13869430

height doesnt matter as much if you have good proportions
a dude who is 5'10" with good proportions will always look better than a 6 foot leglet

>> No.13869908
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>> No.13870154

try pimozide

>> No.13870157

welcome to 4channel

>> No.13870167

manlets never learn

>> No.13870172

>only one sample size

>> No.13870384

>dressing well
if you sincerely think this you're a lost cause

>> No.13870399

Alain Delon is 5’9” you fucking retard.

>> No.13870412

I dont understand why they don’t just give people who think they’re trans the hormone they need for their actual gender instead of the opposite.

Like if a guy thought he was a woman why don’t they just give him testosterone? Vice verse for women. They are already giving them hormones why fuck them up giving them hormones of their delusion instead of giving them their natural main hormone they are clearly deficient in and fix them?

>> No.13870590
File: 714 KB, 3264x3264, 36931hytntj11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand
yeah, clearly you don't. you are a clueless retard who has no medical knowledge whatsoever.
you really think this person needed more testosterone prior to transitioning?

>> No.13870643

>one shot at life
it's like my shit was meant to be fucked up

>> No.13870652


>> No.13870658

Because that doesn't work.

Giving them the hormone of their "delusion" is the only medically sound way to relieve them of gender dysphoria. Pumping them full of their own hormones would just cause them to suffer more.

This has been the medical consensus for decades now.

>> No.13870661

Trans ppl are mentally ill its not new news, just sunset urself now and spare your dad the misery of having to see you turn into a freak

>> No.13870664

dont you think the fact that youre posting your face and ass on /fa/ for attention screams mentally ill? most of us would feel very uncomfortable doing that

>> No.13870672

>guy shills his entire transition on /fa/
>”actually its not a fashion statement”

>posts selfies and ass shots
>”i’m not mentally ill guys”

this thread is redpilling me

>> No.13870677

>based trannies BTFOing manlets

>> No.13870725


>> No.13870892

God his smile is so contagious

>> No.13870896

Damn you cute nigga bang my line

>> No.13870903
File: 91 KB, 474x710, 61e6a44696d1a3611a46bf671601cf5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man Yukio Mishima was 5'1''. Absolute life fuel.

>> No.13870924

Mildly aroused, would consider tapping that ass

>> No.13870926

Most famous musicians are manlets. There's some exceptions sure but most music artists you see nowadays are around the 5'10 range. You could say pursuing art and becoming famous is the ultimate cope.

>> No.13870929

You have to be 18+ to post here

>> No.13870933

ur on 4chan senpai, standards are different

>> No.13870938

Tldr kys you mental nutcase

>> No.13871152
File: 152 KB, 640x635, 22B77206-DE7F-4037-A72A-92566FD39ED7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I know Uzi Vert is 5’4 I think but I don’t consider him to be effay

>> No.13871284
File: 30 KB, 600x800, monke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole thread got derailed by a fucking tranny
the absolute state of /fa/

>> No.13871296

totally refuted the point, nice post

>> No.13871302

Dang. Sucks but hang in there

>> No.13871505

The rules are:
Never use oversized clothes
The shorts should be always above the knees
Fix your posture to look taller, motherfucker

>> No.13871660
File: 70 KB, 819x476, asdsddddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13871663

>tries to be a girl with a chavvy lad star tattoo
>spends however much on transition, doesn't remove tattoo
the cognitive dissonance on this guy

>> No.13871706

Damn never knew my hero was that short

>> No.13871711

hormones are cheap af

>> No.13871741

i thought he was a girl that turned into a guy tho. u sure bout this?

>> No.13871752

nah, i've seen them post on reddit. It's a guy who transitioned into a girl.

>> No.13871765
File: 158 KB, 1475x980, gc010V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13872387

That's Jacques Charrier, not Alain.

>> No.13872390 [DELETED] 

>transitioning is the only known treatment that works
try a bullet to the head, you mentally ill freak

>> No.13872402

>my endocrinologist
you mean that dude who makes bank selling you drugs and reinforcing your mental illness

>> No.13872403

could say the same to you manlet haha

>> No.13872418

i'm 6'3, just came here to laugh at your faggot ass
do the world a favour and speed things up

>> No.13872422

you're so cute, don't listen to 4chan shitheads

>> No.13872435

you're a disgusting criminal, encouraging suicide is against the us law

>> No.13872504

looks 5'9 tops. Manlet cutoff is 5'11 and under though I agree. A real 6'0 legit tall guy is not short. Maybe compared to a 6'7+ basketball team, but not to the average male population. Anything under 6'0 though is pretty average. 6'0-6'3 is just tall but still a fair number of people that height in a normal distribution

>> No.13872505

>training my voice every single day
Post vocaroo with your voice

>> No.13872513

>transitioning is the only known treatment that works
transitioning to what? you will still be your original basic gender. anatomically and hormonally

>> No.13872526
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>> No.13872531

yes, Bono, bon Jovi, acdc, I think there is something about being extremely tiny that allows you to dance around and try to scream for attention without any one noticing. but be over 6 feet, and everyones attention is auto on you without you even doing anything, so it's magnified.

>> No.13872538

yea but 3/5 dont regret the transition, doesnt that mean overall, transitioning is good?

>> No.13872541

that's bbking, he is listed at 5'9 tops i think or 5'7, the Rolling Stones are all about 5'9 max, with heels on, i wouldn't technically call them "true" manlets though, they are basically average. bono, though is the perfect example of a true Manlet, in its purest form. he is like 5'6 with heels on I think.

>> No.13873315

Damn, so nice.