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/fa/ - Fashion

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13859489 No.13859489 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I’ll never have a twink bf who dresses in full rock

Why even live?

>> No.13859492

>mfw ill never curbstomp this tranny's head open
Why even live?

>> No.13859503

honestly one of the ugliest people i've ever seen

just grotesque

>> No.13859517

To make horrible post on /fa/.

>> No.13859672

to be a moron it seems

>> No.13859700
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>> No.13859726

Just... Wtf

>> No.13859730


>> No.13859826

why doesnt he just transition

no way this creature is straight

>> No.13859907
File: 23 KB, 680x245, yourpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe, not only is hje a crossdressing faggoit but an ugly one at that

>> No.13859917

you havent seen me yet though

>> No.13861065
File: 169 KB, 1080x720, 1485787841856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does dressing in slightly feminine clothing bring out such an intense and aggressive response in men? It seems like such a harmless thing if you take a step back from it all.

>> No.13861116

Because it is an expression and reminder of an insipid ideology that is continuously pushed down our throats from many angles. It says "being a male is wrong" "being straight is wrong" "traditional values are wrong" "there is no truth" "masculinity is wrong" or something along those lines.

>> No.13861123

or maybe it's just someone dressing how they like to lol

>> No.13861150

>why does dressing in slightly feminine clothing bring out such an intense and aggressive response in men?
maybe it's just someone posting how they like to lol

>It seems like such a harmless thing if you take a step back from it all.
It's not.

>> No.13861193
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I think you quoted the wrong post. How is it harmful then?

>maybe it's just someone posting how they like to lol
care to elaborate? I'm not understanding the way this is phrased

>> No.13861194

>Why even live?
You dont have to if you don't want to.

>> No.13861197

Thats a full blown dickless girl just fyi to anyone wondering

>> No.13861202

Imagine being this thick headed.

>> No.13861206

Argue about gender shit somewhere else please

>> No.13861209

im not arguing im asking for clarification. Now go away

>> No.13861217

As the leader of this board, I'll go wherever I want

>> No.13861225

The problem with Kodiak is not his gender-bending

It is his incongruous, affected and plainly bad outfit ideas, his extreme sucking of rick dick and his catty attitude towards any criticism

>> No.13861229


>> No.13861235

yessir right away sir
How about every cunt in this thread talking about Kodiak fucks off back to r/malefashion, oh wait ... then we wouldn't be talking about his shit fits in the first place

>> No.13861387
File: 121 KB, 900x1125, 1526954571704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you have 3 pairs of the same boots?

>> No.13861932
File: 63 KB, 800x888, 1542559635274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice spooks nerd.

>> No.13861937

its unfair he/she has money for rick while im poor

>> No.13861987


>> No.13862077 [DELETED] 

>Tfw skelly twink
>Tfw no musclefu gf to cuddle with

Why even live lads?
It hurts lads

>> No.13862079

>Tfw skelly twink
>Tfw no musclefu gf to cuddle with

Why even live lads?

>> No.13862126

Would fuck OP tbqh senpai

>> No.13862228

hi kodiak are you tired of playing dress up yet?

>> No.13862238

isn't that what we are all doing? what a stupid comment.

>> No.13862251

i cannot fucking stand this kid

>> No.13862556

>tfw he will never step on my balls with his rick owens ss18 wedges

>> No.13862644

As I have said before, I’d fuck him.

>> No.13862742

Well, he somehow finances guidi and rick. Already richer than half the board.

>> No.13862756

neither of those are 'expensive' if you're not a teen living at home