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/fa/ - Fashion

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13856068 No.13856068 [Reply] [Original]

how do i get men & people alike to leave me alone when i want to dress cute for myself pls

t. introvert who is into fashion & self care

>> No.13856071

Don't go outside amd stop larping on image boards

>> No.13856072

Open carry.

>> No.13856075

Hire a hooker from craigslist and stop being a faggot incel.

>> No.13856080
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>being introverted makes you an incel

>> No.13856083

am i ever going to get some legitimate answers?

>> No.13856107

You dont unless you get a man like me. They usually stop when you have beside.

>> No.13856130

completely untrue. please stop giving bad advice.

>> No.13856134

Gain a lot of weight. You'll become effectively invisible to 99% of people.

>> No.13856139

that defeats the cute & fashion & self care part

>> No.13856141

Resting bitch face.

>> No.13856147

Well then find some vaguely dominant-looking male to go places with you like the other anon suggested. Doesn't have to be a boyfriend.
Or even a girl, for that matter. You might still get unwanted attention, but there will be less of it and it will be less intimidating/threatening if you're with someone else.

>> No.13856179

Go to a therapist and talk to him about not only treating your social anxiety but teaching you to handle day to day things that not only do not bother normal people but they don't even remember happening by the end of the day.
You lack basic social skills whose absence guarantees you will have a miserable life.

>> No.13856197

just act like youre in a hurry or very disinterested
for the stubborn ones be straight forward and tell them as such
I honestly wish women made it more apparent to men that they wanted to be left alone
dudes are dumb and need to be told this type of shit
near impossible for some to figure it out or take a hint

>> No.13856205

The reason those men keep at it is because they have enough experience with women to realize persistence often pays off.
It's 2018 - no one wants to talk to strangers. Learning how to quickly win over a disinterested person is important.

>> No.13856249

Stfu. Give me a good argument against my argument.

>> No.13856251


Giant knife at all times. they're also effay

>> No.13856285
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id love to know too. i've left so many social events and public spaces because I got approached too much. people usually tell me "then why do you dress so fucking nice". it sucks balls. i havent figured a solution - because holy fuck im not going to just stop taking care of myself in an attempt to get people to leave me alone - but i suspect one day I'll just stop giving a fuck and be aggressively bitchy to anyone who show interest in me, and I'll try not to have any quarrels about it. As is now, that's the main issiue for me. I feel sorry for all the poor guys who actually think it's about them not being efficiently attractive or whatever. it's easier when you dont have any fucks to give

>> No.13856290

Swallow the consequences of looking good or learn to actually dress up to look ugly.

>> No.13856380

why are you so triggered for being wrong?

>> No.13856384

i mean it's not even that, it's the constant freaking stares which makes me feel on edge like i'm being studied all the time and can't just relax and breathe. like all the staring is just making me insecure af

>> No.13856445


>> No.13856446

You are wearing a thot uniform and you are complaining about being treated like a thot

Maybe if you weren't so fucking basic you'd actually get treated different

>> No.13856471
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Look like you're always angry or pissed off. Works for my female friends.

>> No.13856473


>> No.13856475

How am i wrong retard?

>> No.13856476

look angry

>> No.13856479

these are some first world problems kek. I get it to an extent, when youre being approached by men being rude and touchy it's annoying and you should have all right to tell them to go kill themselves. but if it's men just chatting you up? just tell them "sorry, i'd like privacy". i doubt you get approached literally every other minute to make even that a problem

>> No.13856483

>tfw no pissed off looking gf

>> No.13856527

Post a picture, 99% of people arent that attractive and i find it hard to belive you are. Regardless of how you look if you wear kneesocks, mini skirts, stockings, or fishnets your always going to get looks stay away from these if you can. Also know one cares about you that much get over yourself.

>> No.13856535

sorry you're uggo but can you go away now?

>> No.13856541

not rly trying to prove anything here

honestly just saddened at this catch 22 situation which plagues my life : ) the only reasonable thing which has been mentioned is having a r.b.f

>> No.13856548

The mind is powerful, get over it and be safe. I suggest mushrooms and snuff films.

>> No.13856551

ITT: humblebraging bitches

just imagine being an average white woman in current age. god dayum, all these betabux, free dinners, gifts and drinks I would receive from lonely men. I'd fuck whenever I want to by simply opening Tinder and messaging the next Chad that pops up
fucking life on easy mode I tell ya

>> No.13856553

>tfw no qt effay gf to protect from strangers' stares
bad feels man

>> No.13856571

when u think abt how the men wanting to fuck these women are mostly incels like you, you might come to the realization that no one, including yourself, wants to spend time with let alone fuck you and being a woman is mostly just a state of being creeped out by losers. chads are usually n relationships anyways and for those that arent there are like 10 more incels around the corner, waiting for their prey

>> No.13856595

what has this board come to
were just gonna sit here and let this chick passively stoke her ego?
she's a normie roleplaying on the internet
post one fit pic thats actually you and doesn't look like Tumblr 2016
go ahead

>> No.13856601

>I'm a gigantic attention whore bitch.

>> No.13856621

If you dress like pic related then you're essentially saying you want my dick.

>> No.13856625

typical low IQ roastie reply. I can barely comprehend the argument you are trying to make and I don't want to argue against some lazy assumptions

>the men wanting to fuck these women
reply again, but this time not against arguments I never even made

>> No.13856631

I am a dude

>> No.13856664
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What you said originally wasn’t wrong complétele but everyone has to deal with and talk to people they don’t enjoy romantically and platonically. Are all women perfect to you? This woman is unable to cope with a basic part of living in a society. She should get help and you should realize that you are stupid. Too many people think what they think matters. You are garbage.

>> No.13856705

Lmao what a shitty thread. So you dress for attention and can't handle people looking at you? Isn't fashion all about showing off personality and looks?

I also doubt you're really being approached that much, if you're that pretty then you should've learned how to deal with it by now. Most normal guys wouldn't even approach a constantly bitchy girl.

>> No.13856715

You aren't getting any legit advice because you're asking this question in the wrong board stupid roastie. This is /fa/, fuck off to >>>/adv/

>> No.13856750
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I really fucking hate teen whi*e girls and their pointless screeching

this is your answers now fuck off

>> No.13856759

I'm actually starting to think that the Europeans were right to import millions of Muslims.

>> No.13856764

So you're narcissistic, boring, and devoid of social skills. But you look good, so you have people who talk to you. You don't like that because then you have to interact with them, which is something you are entirely inept at. You'd rather they see you as an attractive mystery than whatever half formed child you are.

Get help.

>> No.13856772
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All of a sudden I'm really glad that I was too chickenshit to ever say anything to her.

Guess it's time to just bookmark /d/ and accept my lot.

>> No.13857045
File: 476 KB, 960x540, 1540126080463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a guy and i have the same problem. i still value my appearance but i've managed by just simplifying my wardrobe. i used to wear skinny jeans and very baggy jumpers, now i only wear slightly skinny jeans and slightly baggy jumpers.

honestly part and parcel of dressing differently to normies is that they're gonna mistake you for an outgoing person.
this anon probably gives the best advice itt. act disinterested, tell them you're on your way to meet your boyfriend or something

an r.b.f would contradict the point of looking cute. your expressions and mannerisms carry the clothes you wear.

>> No.13857327

A little resting bitch face goes a long way

>> No.13857330

idk, show your tits and then maybe we'll talk

>> No.13857334

No. No, I'll make an effort to explain this to you, I think you should know. When I attend a social event, I like to interact, with strangers as well as with friends. But I also like to be able to chance to breathe, watch from a distance, retreat to have a silent smoke or drink from a dark corner. Imagine a cool old guy who does that. I like to do that too. But I'm a friendly looking girl. I'm not ridiculously attractive, and I actually dress somewhat modest. Definitely not thot. Not for attention. This is important to understand. Effectively I hit that sweet spot where I'm attractive enough to catch guys' attention, but I'm not too attractive for them to think I'm out of their league. Effectively that means I get way more attention than 10/10 über cuties, okay? And I'm a friendly person, and it shows. When someone smiles at me, I smile back. I don't ignore people, especially people I suspect are used to being ignored by attractive girls, because I know it sucks and I know they might be awesome people regardless of their sub-perfect appearance.

But I shouldn't smile back. I don't blame anyone for this. It's just how it is. And it doesn't mean any of what you said is true.

>> No.13857387

i say gauge how social you are feeling and dress accordingly. also those cool guys know how to be forgettable.

>> No.13857467

a pretty girl who dresses "forgettable" is what you know as fashionable. change my mind

>> No.13857474
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>pretty girls get attention nevermind their attire
Holy shit
You got your answer attention whore
dress like shit or live with the consequences

>> No.13857481

I was referring to the ability of saying something without saying anything at all. I see your point most people see something simple but well executed as forgettable.

>> No.13857483
File: 66 KB, 560x860, 1540112396882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the grass is always greener on the other side huh ladies? if you weren't good looking you'd be complaining about all the attractive women that get the hot guys while you're left with the fat beta fedora-tipping faggots. and if you are good looking you're complaining about how much guys find you attractive.
tldr: women will complain about everything and if they think they cant complain about it they will find a way to complain about it.

>> No.13857489

What even is this thread? Fucking shut up and go to Reddit already.

>> No.13857524


>> No.13857598

My tummy feels upside down poopy

>> No.13857602

>self care
>not hating yourself to the point of day dreaming about inflicting pain on yourself and suicide

not effay

>> No.13857611

normies try to talk to me all the fucking time when i go out
i hate it so i stay home

literally just stay home if you don't want to deal with people

>> No.13857618

This nigga complaining that dressing attractive is attracting people

>> No.13857629

How bout you hang out in cool places with cool people and be so cool that people freeze before they reach you. Goddamn shit head, fucking hell man I hope you die (I really mean it)

>> No.13857632


>> No.13857633

right so you want people to give you the attention you want when you want it and then give you space when you want it and you get everything you want when you want it but dont have to actually put in effort or communicate anything and if you dont get it then its everyone elses fault but yours? So just like every other average to above average looking girl between 16-23, seriously wtf are you women doing that you end up thinking like this and deluding yourself into believing your expectations are anything close to reasonable or not insanely selfish and narcissistic? Legitimately what is happening, is it the highschool environment or something?

>> No.13857701

See... your first mistake was making eyecontact with strangers, then smiling at them for some fucking reason. That invites everyone in.
just like ur mom does everynight

If someone starts talking to you there arent only 2 options, you realize that right?
Learn how to be as awkward as possible, aka reply with one word answers and stare them down whilst you do it, WITHOUT smiling.
You can literally always say "I don't feel like talking right now, sorry" and leave. Please don't think that normies approach you because of what you are wearing, they literally do not care most of the time. Its not that deep woman, it rly aint

>> No.13858382

don't you think it's interesting that "cute for yourself" also happens to be the exact same as "sexually appealing for men"? if you don't want people to bother you, don't wear whatever is currently synonymous with "i am actively seeking male attention, more particularly surface level attention that's solely based on my sex appeal".

>> No.13858397

Sexual attraction goes beyond your feelings.

Short answer is deal with it.

>> No.13858598
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yeah guys cant do this either fyi people will talk to you when youre smoking and the only thing you can do about it is not smoke

its an invitation and thats just the way it is

that and things like it are the reason most every girl keeps a bf tied around her hip. because its easier than learning how to deal with being spoken to by someone they dont want to be speaking to. fine.

can i use your lighter?

>> No.13858604

why are there so many fucking roasties on this board now? the reddit influx really killed the last semblance of decency this board had

>> No.13858616

this the dumbest fucking thread ive ever seen

>> No.13858665

move to a better area and/or stop caring

>> No.13858674

this isn't anything new. /cgl/ and /effay/ have always had crossover posters and /cgl/ was so full of catty female posters that they had to start their own quarantine chan style forum just to survive being deleted by moot. and that was in the early 2000s so definitely not females that were "normie" forum users

>> No.13858699
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>> No.13858812



>> No.13858875
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Best thread this week

>> No.13858959

>silent smoke
such a thing does not exist, even for the ugliest man alive

>> No.13859136

Men are also people. Just sayin'.

>> No.13859137

Get a boyfriend.

>> No.13859585

Don't worry, smoking and drinking will turn your face wrinkly, red and puffy before you know it, and then no guys will pay attention to you.