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File: 699 KB, 1948x1461, IMG_20181117_183408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13848026 No.13848026 [Reply] [Original]

i fell for the height increasing sole meme.

>> No.13848034

Did it feel like wearing heels/difficult to walk? Only works in high tops?

>> No.13848043

i tested it with boots and its perfect fine to walk and comfy. but yes i think it will work only with high tops.

>> No.13848159
File: 24 KB, 680x383, 1416783657698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go out on the town with your new soles
>Wow I'm 5'6" now good thing nobody thinks I'm a manlet
>Get drunk and hit on girls
>Take a girl home
>start to get undressed
>what are those anon
>hehe yeah those make me taller hehe girls like tall guys
>her face when

>> No.13848488

>Wow I'm 5'6" now good thing nobody thinks I'm a manlet

>> No.13848495

Am 6 foot 1. I wear boots that give me another 2 inch lift.
Manlets don’t stand a chance.

>> No.13848567

I'm 6 foot (184cm) and I used to use a 1.5 inch insole lift for about 4 years. I dont know why I was so insecure about my height, I guess I just couldnt handle people being half a head taller than me.

I stopped using them because it became too much of a hassle, feet were always cramped in my shoes and always made my shoes bulge.
And it compresses your achilles tendon after a couple of years, which mean you end up not properly rolling on your foot when walking which can become an issue. Women who wear high heels regularly have this problem.

That said, shoes with no heel support is a fucking death sentence for your knees and back so I am no fan of flat bottom shoes like vans.

Now I usually just have like a half an inch insole for dampening.
Alternatively, just buy some nike airs or something.

>> No.13848619

feels good to be 6'2", I mog you 5'13" manlets

>> No.13848635

pic of boots?

>> No.13848645

How many people actually use these? I'm 5'10 and have always been pretty insecure about my height. I'd feel like a cheat if I used these, but if half of men are using them too then why not?

>> No.13848648

El manletto senores

>> No.13848656

stop. eventually you will be out of your shoes/boots that have the height boosters and people will notice. even worse, people will point it out and talk about it because the change is so significant. realize you can't change your height and move on.

>> No.13848659

literally ALL hollywood manlets use these.

>> No.13848671


>> No.13848673
File: 509 KB, 444x960, tUsNBHP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13848680

This, but don't stop, its so satisfying to catch one of you guys, more than once I've noticed the way someones shoes fit and figured it was from a lift, so I made sure to get someone in his friend group to notice his height when they would go to pools/be at someones house and it's always
>oh wow, he really is kinda shorter at the pool
and then I tell them about the lifts or
>I just realized he never takes his shoes off till he goes to bed, how weird

>> No.13848715

this is a fucking hate crime

>> No.13848724

Don't hate the player, hate the game. You wear lifted footwear to boost yourself up on the social ladder and regain some points you'd lose for being a tiny tot, I'm just leveling the playing field because I'm 5'9 with enough pride to just wear boots as my everyday stuff, but not shy away from slides and shit that reveal my manlet status, nor do I lie about it if it comes up.
You don't belong at my level, you're not actually 5'9 and I'm mad that I'm only as much, so get the FUCK back down where you belong if I'm gonna be living at the height I belong.

>> No.13848757

What boots do those work best with?

>> No.13848788
File: 26 KB, 575x575, lee-cooper-mens-steel-toe-work-safety-boots_2895647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my boots are pic related and using the 5 cm one with them is very comfy. i think you can even use 7 cm comfortably, not sure about 9 cm.

>> No.13848793
File: 227 KB, 1083x634, 1491921443775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13849059

Haha man, me & my 6'4 ish mate get this badly, it's really noticeable, I don't know why you'd set yourself up for murder like this.
I'm always used to craning my head / neck to talk to people and I can really easily notice when I'm consciously having to notch my head down 5 more degrees or so because the guy took his shoes off.

>> No.13849107

I wore some for about a year not too long ago. Me being 5'6 was crippling me emotionally and the insecurity was driving me up a wall. The lifts made me feel better for a while, then worse than ever because I truly felt I wasn't good enough for myself and that there was something wrong with me. I suppose it was a blessing in the end because I was able to work through my complex and become a better man in the end.

I'd rather be short and true to myself than 6'2 and it be a lie.

>> No.13849124

being this insecure

>> No.13849251
File: 606 KB, 441x459, 89ef7f45d1788ffc8be2cd5ccacff5ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk more

>> No.13849260

Do they fuck with your feet long term? Like high heels

>> No.13849272

what do you think sherlock?

>> No.13849542

rip manlets feet

>> No.13849559

holy shit i thought the dudes wearing lift insoles were insecure but you're on another level anon

>> No.13850408

Move to a country where the average height is lower. I'm 5'7 and average height here is 5'6. I legitimately never even thought about my height till I saw niggas on 4chan crying about being 5'9. I still don't care although I'm anticipating that shit will hit me hard if I travel to somewhere like Norway or the US.

>> No.13850463


>> No.13850583

>tfw 6'1"
>never get told I'm tall
>wear shoes that give a 1inch boost
>"Omg anon you're so tall! You've grown!"
Fuck it I'm claiming 6'2" anymore

>> No.13850586


>> No.13850591

I'm 6'1 and constantly get told I'm tall, the fuck's wrong with you? Do you live in the Netherlands?

>> No.13850608

No, Ireland. Even though our average height is like 5'10, most of my friends are 6ft+.

>> No.13850615

So are mine, my main friend is a 6'7 giant.

>> No.13850618

Your insecurity is a product of mental health, not your height.

By all means help them, it will make you feel better, but also seek help.

>> No.13850626

so its like an air in this sole?

>> No.13850639

My lifts are just under 6 inches, yes they are hard to wear at times but with them it feels good to almost be 6ft tall.

>> No.13850643 [DELETED] 

got pics?

>> No.13850655
File: 106 KB, 811x1200, boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well they are just like OPs but I use 3 pairs to get me close to 6 inches. Then I put them in these boots (picture) as they are easy to conceal and those boots add another 2 inches in height.

>> No.13850789

what in the world...

>> No.13851535

Im 5'11 and i get told im tall with long legs all the time. Im in the US tho

>> No.13851566

That's really fucking pathetic and this is coming from a 5'5"er. Seriously nothing more pathetic than people getting hung up on their height. The delusions on this board, Christ...

>> No.13851574

I'm 6'1 as well and I wear Cuban heels all the time. There's this thought in the back of my mind that normies will mistake me for a manlet wearing the boots to gain height and if I were to take them off I'd only be 5'11.
It only takes the existence of manlets to fuel this thought, they need to be exterminated.

>> No.13851576

Manlets on suicide watch kek

>> No.13851771


>> No.13851787

So they'll be as disappointed as when we get their bra off and their double D tits turn into sad droopy sausages, one of their fake eyelashes falls off and their makeup comes off and they look like an alien.

>> No.13851790

hahaha oh wow this might be the most insecure thing I've ever read. Good job.

>> No.13851818



>> No.13851853

Surprising no one mentioned how clothes look better on tall people....

>> No.13851901

I'm 6'7'' and wear Austrian memes around you cant compete

>> No.13851923

Holy shit I cant when imagine how dumb that makes your proportions look

>> No.13851974

Like an Asian country? Won’t some uppity gooks kick my ass for being a white devil?

>> No.13852202

5'4" male here
The moment you added those to your cart was the moment you should have killed yourself.

>> No.13852442
File: 178 KB, 649x731, 1477524051484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13852465

based manlet defeating a lesser manlet

>> No.13852467

just move to Bolivia or Indonesia and live the rest of your life like a tall man

>> No.13852813

holy shit

>> No.13852819

>6'2 but always wear docs or other boots so get used to having an inch or 2 increase in height
>feel short barefoot or in other shoes now

>> No.13852835

Mel Gibson is the king of manlets.