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File: 30 KB, 627x605, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13845334 No.13845334 [Reply] [Original]

can we get an art hoe inspo thread?

>> No.13845338
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>> No.13845342
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>> No.13845345
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>> No.13845346
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>> No.13845348

why are art hoes such narcissists?

>> No.13845349


>> No.13845352

I know some art hoes,none of them has talent in arts.

How come?

>> No.13845376

art hoes are by title only, they're just thots who have figured out a way to separate themselves from the basic bitch crowd by looks only.

>> No.13845387

they are like other young people and are desperate for some kind of identity and they are convinced it will give them depth and meaning to dress up and make people think they are deep creative types.

>> No.13845469

These are the female equivalent of male "intellectuals" and if they didn't have vaginas, they would be virgins. They are female LARPers who want to seem better than the average female by putting on a facade like they're an intellectual, so part of their whole LARP requires that they seem narcissistic. Most can't create art, or anything for that matter, that involves creativity.

>> No.13845479

some rape is justified.

>> No.13845513

Pretty much, I went to art school and now working in one of student areas pub which is frequented by these people. You get male equivalents as well but 90% of the time they are gay, the other 10% are always out drinking and deeply lonely. Fucking one of these girls is dull as well, you can get hot ones now and then but they will be hairy somewhere they shouldn't and will talk about how they trying to start a conversation about rape with their new conceptual art piece that they haven't started yet and it's due in a week. My gf's flat mates are in the art school and one of them looks exactly like her >>13845345 and I chased one that looked like her >>13845346 for a few days and she was bat shit insane.

>> No.13845551

art hoes turn me on desu, especially the ones with sharp jaws

>> No.13845564
File: 200 KB, 640x1144, IMG_6266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13845603

Fuck, I just realized these feminist art thots are becoming teachers. Is this who we allow to educate our children? Maybe this is why all the female teachers during my time as a student were asshole bitches to me and other boys but loved the girls, because they were the feminists of that era? How is teaching first graders about "inclusive language" wearing a faggot shirt not a crime?

>> No.13845615

>Maybe this is why all the female teachers during my time as a student were asshole bitches to me and other boys but loved the girls,
I noticed this too when I was younger. It wasn’t until I had a male teacher did I realize that all my past 5 elementary school teachers treat me like shit which is pretty bothersome now that I think about it. They would yell at me for creativity or outside the box thinking or not taking school hyper seriously.

>> No.13845616

just skate

>> No.13845626


>> No.13845645
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>> No.13845653
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>> No.13845695

I hate these short fringes so fucking much

just grow your fringe down your forehead more and you'd be so much hotter

>> No.13845740

>new conceptual art piece that they haven't started yet and it's due in a week
wow in one sentence you've reminded me of every girl I've dated, and I'm suddenly very angry.

thank you for writing such a perfect line.

>> No.13845750

>implying they care about being hotter
They are delusional about their attractiveness because they'll get fucked regardless

>> No.13845807

>their new conceptual art piece that they haven't started yet and it's due in a week

This one is just women in general.

Usually they just have "ideas" (they have seen somewhere else, on facebook or some shit), and then they talk about it for a month but never do shit.
Sometimes, they just expect you to do it.

I once dated a girl who wanted to start a dropshipping business on amazon.
She talked about it relentlessly for 3 months, but i only realized during the last month that she wanted me to create/run a dropshipping business and give her half of the profits (but she would chose the name and the color of the site).

>> No.13845821

>i only realized during the last month that she wanted me to create/run a dropshipping business and give her half of the profits

Also, her not being able to insert a picture in a mail or just create a hyperlink, it should have been a hint. eh

>> No.13845828
File: 10 KB, 100x100, 6nCy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are delusional.

I happen to have studied at an art university institute and those girls who look like that are human scum. Privileged Western trust fund bitches who have no ambition in life nor ability for introspection, because they never had to develop it in their lives. 90% of them hate men, and/or are closet lesbians. Unhygienic, unshaven body and with a rotten mind.

>> No.13845855

>They are delusional about their attractiveness because they'll get fucked regardless

This guy knows what's up, men are often more complete people due to about 10 years of condensed fucking up before anyone cares about them (if that)

>> No.13845887

Who's this hoe?

>> No.13846022
File: 13 KB, 320x288, 21686058_269835313536840_6301793274261591411_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is such a ridiculous whore I want to puke.

>> No.13846043

This perfectly describes a roommate I had in uni. I went to art school too (regrettably) and this girl was one of the most entitled, narcissistic, insecure people I have ever, ever met. she was super Jewish and made my life hell just for wanting to move out

>> No.13846603

this shit makes my pp hard but thats it. wouldn't touch with a 20 foot pole irl

>> No.13846940
File: 252 KB, 960x960, 5zdzFcBcrbnYLs3CUyho0NnhpJy1HBq5oqQQvVCI3Pq7zc_GLpKKPyrovtCcBBl1jJqGEJQhJI6Db2uXOJuHcXZMRV69ekU6GBUSuB6YIYGsJWuZbqi5NMTeP1EuPL8G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13846956
File: 38 KB, 422x750, 90s-black-fashion-tumblr-art-hoe-outfits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13846957

If they had talent, we would just call them "artists".

>> No.13846964


>> No.13846971

>the file name

>> No.13846980
File: 44 KB, 491x610, jacket-colorblock-colorful-multicolor-red-yellow-windbreaker-art-hoe-90s-shorts-fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13847008

I fucking all of them they're just awful people but they make my cock rock solid god damn it fuckmwsoafbcnaefos's'sAx[lwd

>> No.13847077

i thought i was the only one...it looks exactly like pizza...

>> No.13847271
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>> No.13847278
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>> No.13847675
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How do I get an art fling? I haven't had sex in a year and I am about to start climbing walls like a cat. Not ugly, effay and somewhat smart here, just need some tips lads

>> No.13847707
File: 26 KB, 660x371, _104045592_lola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always hilarious to see you softbois with double degrees getting tricked by these whores who barely read shampoos labels with their finger and lips moving. Pic related is who they are after. This lad at my uni was coming home back with a different whore like that for three years and I really doubt they talked about the latest Xavier Dolan's movie.

>> No.13847766

Especially on your good ol’ mom

>> No.13847798

Are you sure you aren't just hateable?

>> No.13847847

Be the most stereotypical darkie you can be.

>> No.13847872

i remember my mum showing me some offical literature when she was going through teachers college basically saying teachers kike girls more than boys cause girls are docile and just sit there and listen

probably helps explain why we overmedicate kids esp. boys

>> No.13847878

>well thats your problem lol

>> No.13847919

this >>13847847

women only understand clichés, they are afraid of everything that is outside the box.

>> No.13848084

i have an art hoe coworker. she's approx. 5'3", fat, and constantly talks about how hot that she is. her entire social media presence is selfies. exactly the same sort of personality as any normie girl, except with an 'i'm different' facade on the exterior

>> No.13848087
File: 261 KB, 672x607, Screenshot from 2018-11-17 17-19-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based nig nog lmao

>> No.13848106

So like 99.9% of the people on this board?

>> No.13848136

Hulk Hogan wig lookin ass

>> No.13848148

I would choose a basic normie over them anyday, at least they don't have strong opinions on politics and have less mental disorders

>> No.13848422

Me and my friends keep notes of the most art school stuff we have ever heard, the best one for me was this skinny vegan girl who only ate sweets in my class was talking about if breast feeding was ethical for a child since it contains animal proteins and there is a guy in girl friends who for his project is collecting every beer bottle he has drunk over the last year and she also has to write an essay on whether a selfie is art or not.
The entire system is a joke, and schools are full of lazy, trend hopping pseuds who come out 4 years later with no skills. I would be more angry about it if it didn't put me so far ahead in comparison and I knew before even entering that it was going to be like that.

I agree, every girl I've met would talk about what they wanted to do with everyone before even starting it, then it just looked the same as their "inspiration" from pinterest.

>> No.13848431

Yall need to shut the fuck u
Haha gotem

>> No.13848479
File: 11 KB, 240x240, 36085240_2238381856178088_1535767386064420864_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the glasses that give it away most of the time

>> No.13848503

Your post is a catastrophe, please learn how to use commas

>> No.13848547 [DELETED] 

These girls are literally no different than some absolute textbook stereotype yoga pants wearing basic bitch
stop being obsessed with them, they cant relate to you in any way

>> No.13848617

I think it's more of a freak-show gallery than it is inspo or appreciation.

>> No.13848628

Can someone please purge these degenerate threads? They contribute nothing except fap material and really belong on /s/

>> No.13848662

They're not even fap worthy

>> No.13848752
File: 109 KB, 960x1280, XTrpQvM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to have a messy af room and tease people with casual semi-nudes

>> No.13848754
File: 105 KB, 800x1066, ASIANDUDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13848771

Then what's the point?

>> No.13848822

i want to fuck all of these girls so bad

>> No.13848848

I dunno? I think they're just exotic and interesting to thirsty people from flyover country who haven't seen this look for years, like the rest of us.

>> No.13849225

good luck finding one of these whores with anything worthwhile to say. they spend more time diving deeper into the hivemind and finding ways to victimize themselves than developing personalities that don't revolve around instagram and the color yellow

>> No.13849245

God Tinder in the Bay Area is full of these types. Like they look totally normal for the first two photos, then you get to the more recent ones where they've shaved/dyed their hair and tried to go full art hoe. Why do women work so hard to ruin their appearance?

>> No.13849344

>be me in 3rd grade
>music class
>learn about Doug E. Fresh because beatboxing is a neat musical talent
>fellow student asks "is that black guy Jamaican?"
>mind you that the kid who asked was black himself
>white, middle-aged female teacher praises the kid for knowing that there are there types of black people I guess.
>teacher also corrects kid for calling Doug E. Fresh a "black guy", and that black people are called "African Americans"
>Dumb ass 3rd graders just accept what she's saying
>Mfw later realized she was just some dyke who thought she could correct a black person on how to call his own skin color
>Mfw she called Doug E. Fresh an African American despite being neither.

>> No.13849348

Because men will orbit/fuck them anyways

>> No.13849351

Very few women regardless of appearance have anything interesting to say. Sad but true.

>> No.13849530

that is one sad butt

>> No.13849594
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>> No.13849600

Who's this hamplanet?

>> No.13849612

This is such a low-effort attempt at being sexy
>messy room
>selfie in a mirror that isn't even full-length
>crappy lighting
>cheap $2 lace panties from AliExpress
>fat as fuck

But men will still like it, so I guess that makes it empowering

>> No.13849658


>> No.13849690

Where do you even go to find interesting people in general? Besides on 4chan, most fags sound like this to me.


>> No.13849713

just graduated, can confirm
they have no boundaries in bed though which is rad

>> No.13849727

develop a hobby and seek others who share the same hobby

>> No.13849755

fuck off

>> No.13849776

t. roastie with some big ol meat flaps :)

>> No.13849778
File: 77 KB, 500x397, cd14584dfc64c7c37c53f1e0e3d27a6c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarded brain dead art hoe detected

Out of all of the sexist bullshit in here you choose to get triggered by baito, from a namefag no less

They would probably like that, a lot of these girls are kinky as fuck because of daddy neglect

>> No.13849842


>> No.13849878

no sane man would say that

>> No.13849886
File: 153 KB, 640x849, IMG_5192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You picked the wrong thread to seek sanity

>> No.13849895

its funny how thinking back the best teachers i had were male in terms of objectively teaching a subject and being nice people overall. i think having the same female teacher for year 3,4,5,6, and 7 was pretty horrible looking back

>> No.13849897

how do i passive aggressively insult an art hoe who is in my friend group? Shes an annoying narcissist but i cant outright tell her to fuck off

>> No.13849898

"wow you look just like daria"

>> No.13849901

shes a zoomer who wouldnt get the reference

>> No.13849906

how fucking young? im only 21 and daria was one of my childhood shows (granted it ran heaps in australia). just tell her anyway, then explain daria was the medias personification of an acerbic teen. mention she was made by the guy who made great tv shows such as king of the hill and beavis and butthead.

you need to do it in a positive manner though as if your complimenting her about it

>> No.13849912

shes 21 also but i literally just told you shes a narcissistic art hoe why would she get any reference to something beyond the past year or so. She doesnt have any original thoughts or ideas.

I'll try the teen angle

>> No.13849916

just explain art hoe is a systematic movement to belittle 7th wave feminists into sub ordinance.

god what am i even typing

>> No.13849919

god why did i read the youtube comments

"Daria is the reason I wish I was a nineties kid."

>> No.13850186

"wow you look just like teenage negasonic warhead" - prior to having a conversation about media aesthetics of course

>> No.13850193
File: 105 KB, 923x615, 1593439-nouvelle-deputee-solidaire-taschereau-catherine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost matches with far left MLA Catherine Dorion


>> No.13850196

She's a narcissist, so passive aggressive insults aren't going to do much, if anything
she'll turn it around and fuck you up/one up you. Be sneaky and set up the conditions
for drama to occur and let her start shit with you then turn your friends against her and
get them to force her out of the group.

>> No.13850272
File: 191 KB, 768x960, 46024635_2110034042644922_8961651740747235328_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of people are prone to self-destructive behavior and self-sabotage. Actually having to compete with real beauty is scary. It takes a lot of work, humility and introspection to cultivate good character. It takes a lot of discipline and attentiveness to take care of your physical features.

Picture is definitely not related to this thread.

>> No.13850275

Never underestimate the amount of lonely, desperate and/or undiscriminating men there are in the world.

>> No.13850281
File: 34 KB, 640x356, 17361590_10212901266626353_1520567929555233363_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13850398

10/10 Hate Fuck material

>> No.13850403


That big tiddy art hoe. Too bad she seems insufferable in her personality.

>> No.13850411

I'm not even from the South (from the UK) but northerners using it pisses me off.

>> No.13850421
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>> No.13850424
File: 1.34 MB, 1080x1080, icannotknow_22_9_2018_8_30_52_311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her ig name is goodwillg0th i think

>> No.13850425

y'all a bunch of faggots

>> No.13850426
File: 1.12 MB, 1080x1080, 33961158_210379973092712_3397616729419939840_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13850430
File: 59 KB, 640x640, cherrycolouredfreak_11348115_1913762445514902_652739274_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13850432
File: 46 KB, 640x640, pbrbarbie_19932896_317223685355955_4969976601191120896_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13850434
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>> No.13850456
File: 24 KB, 399x388, pukingpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13850469

Southerner here, we really only use it in a few passing instances but the rest of the US thinks it's a meme and they overuse it.

>> No.13850516

what about "you guys"?

>> No.13851546

[pukes internally]

>> No.13851573

This Tory cunt just admitted to going Cambridge and also he basically thinks He is inferior to a literal black nonce.
Hahahahaha spineless Tory get the fuck of my board reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.13851819

Too gendered for this twat

Imagine being proud of this mom bod

>> No.13852277


>> No.13853398
File: 140 KB, 1080x1080, 43625297_2014456801969602_5197772019373206176_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're not like the other girls

>> No.13853402

>im not like the other girls


>> No.13853409

A blackpill appears

>> No.13853473

Don't forget that book milk and honey

>> No.13853488

fuck, can confirm. Haven't really thought about this, but now that I looked back, one teacher that studied in Sweden probably caused a bit of psychological damage on me and other boys. She had a really good workplan and creative excercises but pedagogically, she was vicious. I remember she used to shame us in front of the class and we really couldn't trust her with anything. And the girls got away with immense psychological violence against some poor girl because she didn't adress it well enough. We got a male teacher later, that was really fucking strict with all of us especially boys, but didn't tolerate any girl bullshit as well. Always fair, a bit feared, but only did us good in the long run. Other older female teachers were ok tho, probably because ex-socialist country.

>> No.13853494

forgot to add that she was a total whore, she was married and fooled around with one of the teachers at a summer camp once. Later divorced and remarried.

>> No.13853503


>> No.13853504

ooh oh ahh eaahh

>> No.13853614

You don't have to have talent in art to be an art hoe, but art hoes generally are a fan of art including music, theatre, and visual arts

>> No.13853981

that fat girl *drools*

>> No.13854025

you guys just have criminally low standards

>> No.13854209

Dye her hair blonde and some light color like pink or cyan and you got exactly a younger classmate of mine in my small liberal arts college
She was one of the smarter classmates ironically, but still a social justice type.
She liked her black platform combat boots.

>> No.13854724


>> No.13854736

Wasn’t as bad as it is now. Next generation is really going to get it bad with all these liberal hipsters infecting the ciriculum

>> No.13854810

So how does one tell if they have become an art hoe?? I'm a girl that does art... are they the only qualifiers?

>> No.13854826

post a pic of face and/or fit and we'll tell you

>> No.13854846

Post ass and feet

>> No.13854860

they don't understand that men and women are different. they think bragging up going out to a bar and getting laid and being loud and brash is a positive quality, but they're too fucking stupid to realise that it's a positive quality in men, not women. they're obsessed with "equality" but all they end up doing is acting less like women and more like men, and then are confused why suddenly their version on "strong, independent" is undesirable. "isn't being strong and independent a good thing? people must just hate when /i/ do it because they hate women for no good reason" but they never stop to think that maybe men and women have different qualities that are desirable.

>> No.13854954
File: 357 KB, 640x480, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw unironically try to rock the male art hoe equivalent

>> No.13855065

>does art
automatic disqualification

>> No.13855078

Thanks. She reminds me of an ex.

>> No.13855082
File: 1.47 MB, 931x1862, broken mirrors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, are broken mirrors /fa/?

>> No.13855128

you look like a lunchlady neck yourself or change the outfit

>> No.13855159

if you are actually creative and produce art you dont qualify to be an arthoe

>> No.13855503

"I hate America almost as much as I hate consenting women."
-Stephen Colbert

>haha libtard BTFO

>> No.13855530

god damn the girls in this thread are BEAT

yall need to reevaluate your tastes

>> No.13855783

based, redpilled, and high IQ post

>> No.13855834


>> No.13856081

>it's sparkling grape juice
okay these girls are flirting with irony which is okay

>> No.13856204

Remember, 1917 is followed by 1933 every time. :^)

>> No.13856254

Why would you want to do that?

>> No.13856498

I know exactly what you intended posting this and I am here to notify you that it is a crime against humanity to not instantly post the followup and that it will be treated as such.

>> No.13856516

she goes to my college lmao
for anyone who doesnt know she got arrested for throwing choccy milky at the republican club on our campus

>> No.13856563

90% of my coworkers are literally arthoes, either in dancing or painting, design, whatever. It's a fucking nightmare when we don't have enough work to do they start fighting over art methods and a definition of an artist. Reminds me abouut 90's hip hop feuds.

>> No.13856573

Can't believe she got elected wtf Quebec city. You don't vote for someone just because they are white that's nig mentality.

>> No.13856586

What was the charge? Aggravated milking?

>> No.13856691

fuck the noles, t. knight
nah jk but yeah she looks like the type to assault college republicans

>> No.13857783

Slick rick is from wimbleton, but wheres doug from?

>> No.13857812

1, 2, 4, the guy in the background, then 3

>> No.13857847

I don't know what you're talking about...

>> No.13857876

she looks like she fucks black guys

>> No.13857894
File: 2.13 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2018-11-20-17-26-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF? I'm a liberal now.

>> No.13857977
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, D681B560-289C-420B-8E4F-7671EF2A3340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13858469
File: 843 KB, 2284x3000, Sonoya Mizuno maniac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13858481
File: 13 KB, 342x410, pooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

winnie the pooh lookin ass

>> No.13858541


>> No.13859005

who fucking cares?
jk wikipedia says he's from Barbados or at least his parents were. That kid in anon's class was surprisingly close

>> No.13859105
File: 137 KB, 823x823, 4515315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13859113

my GF has that exact haircut lel
she aint that generic instagram arthoe doe
she's more post punk

>> No.13859116

>tfw no post punk gf

>> No.13859119
File: 73 KB, 750x657, 39969989_294822824677904_5216162469253571432_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13859122

trying to date one of these girls atm
desu its insufferable but im not gonna back out yet

>> No.13859203
File: 27 KB, 500x375, 1413466735679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Absolute butterface.

>> No.13859205

this. all these girls get degrees in useless shit and either work at a dead end job/use their boyfriend or parents for money.

my gf is an electrician but does more art on the side than most of these broads. i would qualify her as an art girl but not an art hoe

>> No.13859301

So you're just humblebragging about having an arthoe gf then

>> No.13859335

These girls want the arty/creative look but have no skills or motivation to actually create art. They want the life style but not do the work, it's the same idea behind gamer girls.
It's a socially acceptable larp.

>> No.13859388
File: 85 KB, 440x1078, 1539590518023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13859389

>art hoe

Art hoes are the opposite of inspiring

>> No.13859496


>> No.13859762

post punk has been art-hoe tier for awhile now

>> No.13859770


>> No.13859852


>> No.13860119

I know her she's a whore

>> No.13860146

made me spit out my water kek

>> No.13860252

I spot underarmour so you obviously are doing this very poorly or for bait not even fisherman beanie and those glasses vro aren't round enough fuck

>> No.13860711
File: 170 KB, 675x900, 1454829853092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love/hate arthoes
>goat aesthetic
>whenever I interact with one irl I want to alt+F4

every single one is a conceited basic bitch who just physically wears some other art-hoes instagram. completely unoriginal. And goddamn, I didn't realize how much I hated other artist until I studied art and art hoes are the gist of that. And yet.. the glasses, the bob-cut, the relaxed thrift-store comeliness. fuck, you'd think these bitches might even read books or be capable of independent thought. And I'm the fool who breaks his own heart over the pastiche of a girl I've never fucking met.

>> No.13860719

Elias fucked yo bitch

>> No.13860771

move to Brooklyn the art-hoes here dress post-arthoe but actually know shit about music and art. Most went to Pratt NYU or Bard

>> No.13860807

It's not a good idea. The Male contemporary of the art hoe needs to be overwhelmingly masculine while still maintaining the same values as the art hoe. If you reflect the exact same look and feel you're going to come off as unattractive to art hoes.

>> No.13860810

I like ur glasses

>> No.13861512

lol @ the pulp fiction poster

>> No.13861563
File: 160 KB, 331x10000, 40F81039-85B7-4078-851B-B4BB5B694148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything worthwhile to say

>> No.13861590

t. reformed ogreposter

>> No.13862285

less so than the insta/stoner type atleast

>> No.13862320
File: 102 KB, 720x544, IMG_6906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He cute Doug Dimmadome

>> No.13862355

what is post-arthoe?