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/fa/ - Fashion

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13821989 No.13821989 [Reply] [Original]

Going out with a woman tonight (never done before), what should I wear as a semi /fit/ student with almost no money to spend?
The weather will be cold and we'll either end up in a club or bar at some point.
Any other useful non /fa/ tips would be great too.

Help me out /fa/ I'll pay you pack with whatever I can

>> No.13821993

your favorite button-up or well-fitted shirt.
masculine outerwear. if you have a leather or sherpa jacket, that'd be ideal.
some kind of leather shoe or boot. doesn't have to be a formal oxford.
your best dark jeans.

>> No.13822000

Yeah, go with a sherpa jacket. But don't worry too much, I heard when you date trannies they don't worry to much about the outfit of their date.

>> No.13822001

What the fuck, "doesn' t have to be an oxford" like who the fuck would ever wear oxford shoes with jeans
It's best to just do your own style but if you don't have one than this (just a basic ass style you can buy for like 100 withouth shoes and you probably already have half the stuff for, that girls consider somewhat dressed up even though it takes 0 effort) : white button down collar shirt (tucked in) , navy crewneck lambswool sweater, braided leather belt, stone (not khaki) chinos, socks, penny loafers

>> No.13822003

Hopefully I can find all of that for £20 At Primark.
Mind posting a pic so I can better visualise what you mean.

>> No.13822010
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Que es no funny amigo. I've had a tranny keep coming onto me for the past 3 weeks. No it's not in my head it hugs me and grabs my crotch while whispering shit. I only date REAL women (female)

>> No.13822015

why are amerifats so obsessed with traps

in europe, its not a topic at all

>> No.13822017

Make sure you're wearing something you're comfortable in. The other suggestions seem pretty good; it's best to stick to the basics. People can usually tell when you're trying to be something you're not. Usually.

>> No.13822021

the most important thing is probably to don't think that your clothing of all things will decide matters

>> No.13822082
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What else should I worry about?

>> No.13822084

if you have an understated watch, put it on and roll up your sleeves all the time

>> No.13822106


worry as much as possible and let it show. women love that.

>> No.13822134


>> No.13822139

About personality, just be grumpy and funny, clothing just go for the normiecore nightout.

>> No.13822144

I'd worry about the fact that you thought to source your dating advice from the internet let alone 4chan. You asked an anime forum to dress you up the same way your mom would for your first day of school.

There's no way you're as stupid or cringey as I'm making you sound, from my perspective I'd guess that you're most likely just anxious. I get it, that kind of stops you from thinking properly and efficiently, so you turn to wherever you can for advice. The only thing you can do though is be yourself and if she doesn't like you being yourself (insofar as being yourself =/= being a dick) not apologizing for it. Be as casually confident as you can be and if you make a genuine mistake (coming off as desperate, coming off as aggressive or angry, coming off as rude), learn from it and don't beat yourself up for it. That's really it, you'll be all good OP.

>> No.13822216

If you let that shit go on for three weeks you obviously enjoyed it.

>> No.13822220

the us is degeneracy hq. they have to make it popular here first, then they can make the rest of the world eat that shit up too because 'americam culture is cool'.

i hate what this place has become.

>> No.13822237
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Ok boss, I'll try to stay cool and be confident.

>> No.13822244
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What was I meant to do? Kill it? That has consequences.

>> No.13822886

you know it

we're all proud of you OP

go get er tiger

>> No.13822903


remember OP, this is your first ever date, and due to that inexperience it probably wont go perfectly, but it can still go well.

Try not to sweat it though, and instead to enjoy the ride/rush of dating whilst youre in the moment.

Cool thing is you will probably always remember this date too, for good or bad, and the first of many.

>> No.13822927

I just ghosted my first autist anime gf and chose the black pill

>> No.13822954


>> No.13822977

The irony of this post is that it's good advice, yet shits on him for coming to an anime board for that advice.

>> No.13822995

Are you gonna fuck her

>> No.13822998

hahahahaha I'm that poster

This is very true. I went on /fa/ to see if they had a list of outlets on the sticky because I'm redoing my wardrobe... which is even more ironic I guess. But I ran into this post and I thought I'd help out because I've been in this position before: asking for dating advice on 4chan, and it's never gone well for me lol.

>> No.13823006

wait so you didn't go out with her?

>> No.13823011
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Yeah...uh looks like I'm actually staying home tonight. I guess I'll remember this advice if I actually get to go out with a woman. Thanks guys, I can always count on you.

>> No.13823019

Well we went out, but we werent going out. We ate out twice and watched an anime movie in theatres. I started realizing its alrdy too late for me to accept my degen life since ive embraced black pill and effectively ghosted her

>> No.13823042
File: 151 KB, 1959x1029, BladeRunnerHP-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe next time haha

>> No.13823043

happens to everyone, how about a good movie to cheer you up? The Illusionist is solid

>> No.13823065

Lol she bailed?? Hahahah

>> No.13823068

Sure but I'll go with Blade Runner 2049, it puts me to sleep fast and has a qt holo gf

>> No.13823090

Protip: If you get some tension goin, may it be on the pub or at her/your place, and you are afraid you are going to show how horny and hard you are easily (or just cum fast), make sure to masturbate before going.

Now the trick is, most guys do this, and girls can feel it (it shows on your emotions, such as being tired and sleepy easier for example), so make sure to cum on a tissue, and first thing you do when you say hi and give her a hug, is to show the cum filled tissue and tell her how you were so exited you made this specially for her.

Your commitment will come off as very sexy and flirty, she will be into you when you barely even had to make conversation, it's a trick i was taught by my uncle when he was also taking a shit next to me while i took a bath.

Good luck fellow /fa/ bro, may god be with you

>> No.13823107

Huh thought only I knew this

>> No.13823114

Actually made me laugh

>> No.13823115

it's not a topic in the us either retard, it's a topic on 4chan

>> No.13823130

can confirm this works ive fucked ~20 women using this technique

>> No.13823140

brown oxford brogues with jeans and brown tweed jacket is a classic look

>> No.13823439

here's a secret for you homie

the advice wasn't just for your date. being yourself all the time, not apologizing for who you really are, and not beating yourself up for your mistakes and being able to introspect and learn from them... that's the formula for life my man. if you do that, there's another date coming in no time.

>> No.13823556

wear whatever you want as long as it's clean and appropriate for the occasion. Fashion is about being unique and expressing yourself through the clothing you wear. If this woman cannot appreciate you for your style and uniqueness then you shouldn't force yourself to be an actor everyday in a relationship that you have no obligation to be in.

>> No.13823557
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He's right. You'll get more pussy than anyone if you do this