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13820663 No.13820663 [Reply] [Original]

I just realized that i have a RBF, that's why people have negative attitude against me.

Here is the science of it:

Do you have it?

>> No.13820671

Yes, people say I look like a serial killer

>> No.13820735

Girls say I have RBF or I'm too serious looking. Fucking sucks too, I used to have a constant kind heart smile on all the time. My dad would threaten to beat me cuz there was nothing to be happy about.

>> No.13820744

no, but people say my face always looks apathetic and a bit sad, maybe cause I have droopy eyes or just cause I'm an emotionless autist

>> No.13820772

Same, I want to stop having Gloomy Dude Face.

>> No.13820790

Nope, I have whatever the opposite is.
I'm almost 30, I look like I'm 19. I can never look upset. My expressions range from happy to sad and 'why do you look lost?' as the median.

>> No.13820818

Based dad

>> No.13820821

>My dad would threaten to beat me cuz there was nothing to be happy about.

I know tha feel bro

>> No.13820823

Did you go back and beat the shit out of him when the scales tipped?

>> No.13820935

I'm attracted to resting bitch face females. How do I correct this poor instinct? Is it possible to self-administer shock treatment? I'll do it if you guys approve.

>> No.13820965

yes and I wanna die

>> No.13820976
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God, I remember being in biology and EVERY SINGLE DAY the teacher would either ask "Are you having a bad day?" or "Why do you always look so mean?"
I would be absolutely fine too. I think I get it from my dad because people would ask him the same thing even though he was perfectly fine.

>> No.13821008

Resting bitch face is a normie meme to normalize body dismorphia. No one looks like a single emotional archetype all the time.

>> No.13821022

Consider suicide

>all the time
This isn't what RBF is about
it's about looking like a bitch specifically when your face is at rest, and it's absolutely real

>> No.13821028
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you could always get the korean joker surgery

>> No.13821037

I have seen the complete opposite, and I find it to be more disconcerting. Until you meet them you think they are some kind person who is always happy, and you eventually find out they're the opposite. Basically the definition of passive aggressiveness because their facial expressions never seem to resemble anger or discontent.

>> No.13821044

Yes, people keep telling me I look angry all the time.
No joke, there was time when a kid looked at my face
once and looked terrified. I might just be ugly though.

>> No.13821054

By all the time I meant all the time you aren't making another face. Everyone looks fucking different though the RBF meme is literally just another way to make people feel like shit about themselves.

>> No.13821083

This is my life

>At work
>In a good mood
>"you should really smile"
>"you'd look so much prettier if you would smile"
>"why the long face?? LOLOLOLOL"
>"what's wrong having a bad day?"

I even overheard some guy whisper to himself "what a bitch.." as he was leaving. I hate this shit.

>> No.13821119

I walk around stone-faced most of the time. I think part of it might be that my father threatened or was violent with me if I smiled when he was angry at me and my brain sort of took that to mean I should not smile and should suppress any smile that I feel cross my face.

>> No.13821124

Know those feels. I decided to start taking food and it made me feel alot better. But other anon is right >>13821008
You either have to rly fix your shit (I do some smile exercises) or you need to own your grumpiness

>> No.13821128

What exercises do you do? I once suggested to someone that they should practice smiling in a mirror and do "smile pulls" with sets and reps. I speculated that if you get those muscles strong your resting face will look more "smiley." I think it might be legit.

>> No.13821130


>> No.13821141

My own mother greets me with "oh, are you mad or in a bad mood?" every time I get home. She hasn't learned yet. Years ago I used to assume that I have friendly and cute face :(

>> No.13821173

same, once a girl at a party approached me and asked my why was I so sad (I was having a good time), she was probably interested in me but I just started to ponder if I really look that miserable all the time

>> No.13821180

It's a justified way to make people feel like shit about themselves

if you have RBF, you should feel bad about yourself, and making a meme out of this ACTUAL PHENOMENON is a good way to achieve that desirable end

people who look like shit need to be made aware of it, it's better for everyone

>> No.13821196

Yeah that's what I imagine too. I just do sets of big openmouth smiles and then sets of smiling as high as I can while scrunching my nose (found it online way back, forgot where)

>> No.13821587

>Consider suicide
OK! I'll report back when completed.


>> No.13821715
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>whats wrong
>you look sad
>people constantly trying to cheer me up when im fine and want to be alone

>> No.13822254

OP here, my father did beat me as well, we may have something here...

>> No.13822297
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, FFB2D12D-F130-49AA-A362-87A98A1E71FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’ve had it all my life, it’s pretty effay desu. i’ve really embraced it and just went for being scary instead of trying to attempt instathot makeup.

>> No.13822313

resting bitch face is fucking bullshit. SMILE AT PEOPLE YOU STUPID CUNT. you probably just have an attitude problem and lack the self awareness to see it, hence this fucking stupid 'RBF' meme.

>> No.13822333
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>>people constantly trying to cheer me up when im fine

at least you have people who want to cheer you up

>> No.13822339

>Do you have it?

No. im just in bad and tired mood all the time

>> No.13822844

Looks very creepy because the surrounding muscles are relaxed when they should show some tension.

>> No.13822934

I have resting serial killer face complete with shaved head and stubbly beard, but I do have a really big smile when talking to people and am pretty softspoken.

You can make it work.

>> No.13822943

Stop posting him.

>> No.13822970
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>whats wrong

>> No.13822973


lmao my mom used to beat me

>> No.13823004
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>tfw you will live long enough to watch your asshole parents grow old and frail and get to beat them senselessly in revenge once they cant defend themselves anymore.

>> No.13823362

success is the sweetest form of revenge.
so succeed in beating their asses

>> No.13823373

The one on the right makes me hard af desu

>> No.13823414

Live the dream as soon as you can, bro. Mine got cancer, survived it, so if I beat the shit out of him now I would just look like the bad guy.

Got to give them the beating they deserve while they are still relatively young and strong.

>> No.13823590
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I don't care what anyone things of me. It's totally edgy and uncool of me but I already look like a "serial killer" according to most girls I know. But the good thing is I can fake my personality and so to people who only see me in professional environments, they see me as the responsible and presentable type. Fixing it isn't hardly difficult, it is a chore though.
But most of the time I don't want to be approachable and so I purposefully don't make any facial expression. If I wanted people to bother me then I would smile all the time like a dopey idiot.

shut the fuck up lmao

>> No.13823675

Already confirmed a female.

>> No.13823679

I tend to associate human faces with animals; your face is reminiscent of certain phenotypes of "dachshund" dogs.

>> No.13823908

Female (male)

>> No.13823976

>the joke


>your head

>> No.13824259

girls with resting bitch faces are indeed bitches most of the time

>> No.13824264

This. You're probably just truly a bitch.

>> No.13824606

I'm retarded, I find resting bitch face hot. Infact I find feisty/aggressive girls hot. I know this is going to fuck my life a bit but I can't help it.

>> No.13824626
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I think I have a resting sad face because my mom or my boyfriend will randomly ask me what's wrong when I'm completely fine

>> No.13824655

I just tend to make faces - dump stupid faces that make people laugh. They laugh, I laugh and it all feels better

>> No.13824731

if it exists, please post one photo of someone with resting bitch face please.

>> No.13824766

How new are you to the world?

>> No.13824772

I'm a complete autist and look at people directly like they owe me money. Which at best makes me look like an asshole and at worst makes me look like a retard

>> No.13824783

just post one picture

>> No.13824792

literally go outside

>> No.13824810
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You're an idiot...

>> No.13824816
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Another one

>> No.13824933

I always have a look of disgust when I'm in public

Because I do feel disgusted when I'm in public

>> No.13824935


they just look like women with a neutral expression, i'm really not getting how they look bitchy

>> No.13824955
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, bitchfaceloop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one.

What a cunt face. I love it.

>> No.13825661

Based and blackpilled

>> No.13825663

see >>13822313
you social retards

>> No.13826031

There's no need to smile if there's nothing to smile about.

>> No.13826053

>you probably just have an attitude problem

I think it would be more correct to say people are under-socialized.
It's not as if the person is walking around all day judging you and thinking you're a piece of shit - they just haven't picked up the skill of making appropriate faces because they probably spend/spent too much time alone; especially when they were small children.

>> No.13826124
File: 34 KB, 460x357, CD289AA9-8442-4C3B-BD34-0223FE7EBB07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for normie standards of beauty
Pathetic how this board has become.

>> No.13826134

yes and i'm also attractive & introverted so males and females alike hate me for being "stuck up" and aloof (this part is true)

>> No.13826137


>> No.13826205

did you look at the pictures? even if these people smile at everyone they come across, when they go back to a neutral expression they look mad again.

>> No.13826263

>Autism literally happening right in front of us.

>> No.13826617

I want to stick some chopsticks into her nose, maybe someone already did it and that is why she is mad

>> No.13826880

I was told that having a serious or determined look was better that smiling, have i just been looking like a standoffish asshole for no reason these past few years?

>> No.13826919

It's better to have resting bitch face than the obsessed ex girlfriend face

>> No.13826955

Looks like :3

>> No.13826984

>really pleasant smile but never use it
>people always surprised

rather that than be the "friendly" guy who annoys everyone

>> No.13827027

Sad and funny twist lmao

>> No.13827032


>> No.13827034

>tfw nothing was wrong until they asked

>> No.13827924

RBF is a cope lmao. If you're hot it doesn't matter. So many celebrities and instawhores have RBF no problem; kylie jenner cant even move her face.

>> No.13827967

What are you even trying to say? Learn proper English.

>> No.13828501
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