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/fa/ - Fashion

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13804146 No.13804146 [Reply] [Original]

Pls help I’ve been searching for hours, what’s the name of these shoes

>> No.13804165

air force ones

>> No.13804175

air force twos

>> No.13804182

air force threes

>> No.13804184

Air Force fours

>> No.13804185

air force fives

>> No.13804186

air force fours

>> No.13804189

air force sixes

>> No.13804191

air force sevens

>> No.13804213

air force eights

>> No.13804218
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>> No.13804219

Airforce Nines.

>> No.13804220

air force nines

>> No.13804233
File: 203 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve been searching for hours
My God, you're retarded. Literally took me seconds.

>> No.13804235

They're adidas

>> No.13804243

Wtf why did you post such a low resolution version of the promo pic from Awaydays

>> No.13804277

Are you actually functionally retarded? What the fuck do you think you found?

>> No.13804282

They're Rod Laver Super, if anyone actually gives a fuck

>> No.13804292


>> No.13804295

They're not, supers have never had stripes.

>> No.13804300

I take it back, those are def supers, you can tekk by Laver's portrait on the tongue.

>> No.13804318

I dunno, maybe the fact it has the blasted fucking brand right there?

I could have dug further, but too many retardo faggots need to be spoonfed and I'm not in the mood.

>> No.13804325

Are you trolling or are you really like this?

>> No.13804342

You're a brain dead retard. An hero. You found fucking nothing. Anyone can tell those are adies, the question was which ones.

>> No.13804349

Forest hills on the left
Just watch the movie, it's basically an Adidas infomercial

>> No.13804367

What difference does that make? You got your faggot ass shoes. Now leave my board.

Then make a w2c thread instead of one singular thread for some basic bitch ass shoe, you retarded mouthbreather.

>> No.13804376

> my board
Whoa there big boy

>> No.13804381

I'm not the OP you mold level IQ autist, I clearly namefag. Go an hero.

>> No.13804388

Tough talk coming from a twink that comes in at below 140

>> No.13804390

Oh god not another namefag

>> No.13804395

For you

All namefags will perish at the day of the rope


>> No.13804410

Stop crying bitch. Atleast I sage all my posts.

>> No.13804411

>announcing your sages
See you in a week, fag

>> No.13804417
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>> No.13804422

/fa/ has faggot mods tho, he'll still be here

>> No.13804423

Don't actually care lol
I don't think anything would happen, considering how many active off-topic threads and racist posts there are

>> No.13804437

>racist posts
Was racism always contained to just one board? It was my understanding that racism is just a part of 4chan's edgy, non-PC culture and could be tolerated on all boards.

I came around 2013, so not much an oldfag.

>> No.13804445

I don't like it here. This is a slow board and when people from pol come here just to be annoying it ruins the occasionally decent vibe

>> No.13804446

shut up nigger

>> No.13804448
File: 41 KB, 645x773, 1526709844954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What difference does it make?
Right, because Air Jordans and Air Monarchs look the same too because they're the same brand, right? Damage control some more, fuckwit

>> No.13804449


>> No.13804452

what a faggot haha

>> No.13804509

I've been here for over a decade and I can tell you all of 4chan has always been racist on every board. Anyone complaining about racism is a fucking newfag.

>> No.13804528

air force tens