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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 142 KB, 1024x685, 4750084668_94d9818c03_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13799677 No.13799677 [Reply] [Original]

Watch thread, post your wrists.

Somebody give me a alternative to this badboy.

>> No.13799678

That's one of the ugliest watches I've ever seen

>> No.13799679
File: 44 KB, 1200x675, DAKJh44UQAE7c7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Somebody give me a alternative to this badboy.

>> No.13799680

Yeah but it uses subGHz RF for communication, can upload firmware remotely, integrates with off the shelf RF kits and a FOSS firmware.

Being able to wear C on your wrist is pretty fucking neato. Looking for something a little less EngCore

>> No.13799681
File: 157 KB, 1500x1000, pebble-2-review-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pebble is dead

>> No.13799682

( ._.)

>> No.13799683

Is there a point to having a fitness tracker if you aren't a fat fuck who needs to count his steps so he doesn't have a stroke?

>> No.13799684

Not really, but having a dedicated device might make you more aware of your goals. Your phone can do the same thing.

Mostly signaling desu

>> No.13799685

What should I buy in automatic watches now that seiko 5s are no longer $50?

Orient 3 star?

>> No.13799686

>>/fa/ you fucking faggots you have your thread up on there cunts. its not like you're talking about internals, you are posting your fucking wrists as if they are /FA/shion

>> No.13799687
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>> No.13799688
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>> No.13799689

Looks nice, but how can I program it?

>> No.13799690
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>Not having a doomsday cult countdown on your wrist

>> No.13799691
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>> No.13799692
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>> No.13799693


>> No.13799694
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I had a Pebble Steel, then a Gear 3, but i now, i am weating a 35$ casio watch, and i like it more than the other. (sry for the crap englando)

>> No.13799695
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>> No.13799696


>> No.13799697

will they ever make a sequel to this?
would be nice if they made one that worked with standard bluetooth so you didn't have to use that dumb dongle.

>> No.13799698
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I use my casio watch because it just works

>> No.13799699

What programs do you have for this bad boy? I know there exists one that tracks movement for your cursor and uses snapping for a click, I had thought that could work well with smartglasses.

>> No.13799700

lmao gyno

>> No.13799701

look at this fucker using a gayman laptop

>> No.13799702
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reposting yesterday's one

>> No.13799703

Is there a smertwutch or fitness tracker thing that is the least invasive, privacy wise?
I mean, does there exist anything that allows you to opt out or stop the device phoning home (via the phone app or otherwise)?
Surely there can exist at least one of these fucking things that can follow heart rate, sleep, pedometer etc., without the need for sending "anonymous statistics" back to some faggot service located whothefuckknowswhere?

If something requires a mod, so be it.

>> No.13799704

why bother? use google maps, you know where you've been, just track your distance and time spent. you don't even need a device for this, just do it manually after you're done.

>> No.13799705
File: 111 KB, 800x600, pedometer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13799706

The main watch is a countdown until the Unlink from systemspace, I've got a D&D roller on there with selectable die that can be manually rolled or just rolls every minute. There's a basketball counter for up to a 3player game of 21. IRC notifications if I'm in range or my computer and the thing beeps every 5 minutes so I can keep track of time/do reality checks! Probably going to add a few more to it, still have tons of space in the firmware but other projects have been demanding my time.

I've been meaning to integrate it with something like this for a while. That way my system could unlock, lights turn on and curtains be drawn, music started when I come home.


>> No.13799707

Unironocally want 2 cop.

>> No.13799708

>sparkfun human presence sensor
That would have been useful that time I tired to follow that fad a few years ago and make one of those faggy smart mirrors.

>> No.13799709

How exactly do you get it to communicate with other things? Do you have to use a usb port or can it work with types of built in connectivity?

>> No.13799710

I know of a few projects that implemented a way to download shit from several devices, but they are all essentially abandonware at this point.


>> No.13799711

Beacaue I'm lazy and since there's devices in the market that can hit all these birds with one stone I was hopeful.

God dammit.

>> No.13799712

There's an idea, but yeah I comb SF and Adafruit for neat shit and then go grab the cheap shit they're based off of. Currently working on a 1u Cherry mountable trackball based off the blackberry trackball :)

There's three models with different frequencies, you need a RF transciever that works on the same as your watch. In my case the 915Mhz model. The device comes with a little USB RF dongle and software for it, but anything that can operate at 915Mhz should do the trick. The watches can communicate with each other though, never actually used it.

The upside to using RF is that it's extremely low power and long range. I can usually get about 200ft (more if clear) before dropping out of range. The entire thing runs off a coincell and that usually lasts for a year or two. It predates BLE sadly, I'm hoping they make another kit sometime in the future.

Honestly half the appeal is that it's a wristwatch first as opposed to a chargeable miniPC

>> No.13799713

I still have my original Pebble. Feels bad man. Probably gonna get a Ticwatch E to replace it eventually.

>> No.13799714

>1 day battery
in to the trash it goes with the rest of the likes

>> No.13799746

Mods are savage today, goddamn!

>> No.13799816

i'm the f91w redshirt and i'm actually grateful for this. i kept saying "watches are for faggots" in those long watch threads people kept spamming on /g/. those actually belonged in /fa/

>> No.13800511

Maybe we could actually have a discussion about watch technology if you faggots stopped posting your wrists.

>> No.13801593
File: 2.60 MB, 4032x3024, DB6B27B8-484B-4C35-90DD-FD4B4B1C70AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13801602

nice nips

>> No.13801609
File: 66 KB, 522x360, b74678bb1c6a099750bff5a424cf9166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of Casio's retro digitals actually have a metal case, or are they all plated resin?

>> No.13801620
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x3024, 15408680178289124990919170070560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.t poor college fag

>> No.13801744

Some of the vintage ones are steel cased.

>> No.13801783

if you want something that looks a better but still programmable, consider garmin, like the vivoactive 3 or w/e

>> No.13802065
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Shockboys reveal yourselves

>> No.13802092
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We posting casios in here or something

>> No.13802104

Wearing a Pebble Time right now, not connected to my phone. It's not optimal but with the right watchface it can be fashionable.

>> No.13802121
File: 2.03 MB, 3264x2448, 20180914_102653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swatch fag reporting in

>> No.13802577

chromed brass oftentimes. ever a few newer ones are and they age beautifully

>> No.13802586

Can I succ?

>> No.13803348


>> No.13803566

that shirt makes you look like a girl

>> No.13803841
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>> No.13804820

Dad arm

>> No.13805266
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This one is a stunner

>> No.13805332
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Remember to synchronize your watches.

>> No.13805339
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Work beater

>> No.13805344
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>nobody posted it yet

>> No.13805381

Based hamfist

>> No.13805394

don't know anything about watches but these are my favorites in the thread

>> No.13806251


>> No.13806267
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>> No.13806589

Shit movie

>> No.13806811


ticks like an asshole. I gifted mine to my mom because the ticking was killing me on the inside.

now I just have a casio w59 and it just works and doesn't bother me. perfect at work too.

>> No.13806855

true dat, but it's only bothering in perfectly silent environments when you're alone and even then you need to have the watch in a 50 cm range to your ears

>> No.13806861

if you sit in a theatre (movie, play, doesn't matter) people might hear it and that's never a good thing.
heck, a colleague of mine sings in a choir and her swatch was bothering the person in front of her. I guess it's okay if you can avoid such situations.

>> No.13807252
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>> No.13807645

Pretty good

>> No.13807859

ya ur right but i think most 80s horror movies are "shit" i just love the special effects and im a nostalgiafag

>> No.13808646
File: 121 KB, 1024x819, c2d14b4025986e83dea114413f60f15a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would someone get a Seiko tuna for <$1000 when the SKX007 does the exact same thing and looks extremely similar?

>> No.13808670
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enhanced lume

>> No.13808927
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>> No.13809649
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finally got a proper 19mm strap for this