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13785745 No.13785745 [Reply] [Original]

why is it that no body wears a suit any more? all my friends think its old out of style or ugly.... how autistic does one have to be to think this looks out of style or like trash. this man down here looks like he demands respect and gets it, not to mention all that pussy too. too me its a sign of masculinity, power and maturity. i just wish more people cared how the fuck they look more often... maybe there would be less single people

>> No.13785755

Is this a pasta or are you fucking retarded

Either way sage

>> No.13785997

"Nobody" wears them anymore because they don't need to. Back in the day it was expected of you that you wore a suit unless you did some sort of manual labour. Back then you stood out if you didn't wear a suit, nowadays you stand out if you do.

>> No.13786045

If your lifestyle doesn't necessitate it you will look retarded

>> No.13786148

>Back in the day it was expected of you that you wore a suit
No, back in the day a lounge suit was literally the most casual, informal clothing you could wear. I don't think suits started to be seen as formal, "businesswear", by burgers until the 1970s.

>> No.13786299
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>back in the day a lounge suit was literally the most casual, informal clothing you could wear
maybe in homosexual europe

>> No.13786625
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fuck you nigger

>> No.13786674

why don't you wear a suit? if you like them, wear one and post fit.

>> No.13786675

literally never heard anyone say suits are out of vogue. who are you hanging out with? some sort of punkrock high schoolers?

>> No.13786758


The masses have moved back to the level of peasants. Both intellectually and economically.

>> No.13786793

This. Where do you think you're going to wear it?
Out running errands or at restaurants?
Best case people will think you just came from a funeral, if it's at night they'll assume you just came from a wedding alone
At work? If you're the only one at work wearing a suit you're automatically a laughing stock

>> No.13786807

Look at this effing dude here. Bitch you arent royalty so cut that bull

>> No.13786827

Your friends are peasants. Why would you care about the opinions of those beneath you? Sounds like a wageslave problem.

>> No.13787020

It's planned obsolescence applied to clothing. Think about it: the use of planned obsolescence in appliances closely mirrors how casual daily dress became.
They don't want poorfags to buy one suit and wear it for 20 years.
It's more profitable and safer for business to get poorfags to buy a t-shirt every month.
Suits are difficult to make so cheap that you don't mind if they fall apart in six months while actually still being something you would buy.

>> No.13787024

it's stuffy uncomfortable and stupid that's why. you're an idiot consumerist as well.

>> No.13787050

This is in the 1960s, you schmuck, not "back in the day".

>> No.13787146

Posts like these is why they aren't as common anymore, phillistines think they are highbrow for buying a suit, is just a piece of clothing it has no status.

>> No.13787228
File: 4 KB, 225x225, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to fill it and have it tailored, otherwise you look like this guy.

>> No.13787265

You don't really need to wear suits unless you're going to a formal party or are working a job that requires you to do so.

>> No.13787270

they're just swagfags OP, real men have class
but seriously--get back to whatever containment board you oozed your way out of you fucking moron

>> No.13787355

desu I wear suits for work and I quite like it

I don't know about amerilardland but in France we're usually required to dress properly for work

>> No.13787368

I live in Paris and most non-office jobs don't seem to require that you wear a suit (I don't consider the usual leather shoes + dark jeans + blazer outfit to qualify as "wearing a suit"). What's your job?

>> No.13787385

>a lounge suit was literally the most casual, informal clothing you could wear
yeah if you were the fucking landed nobility. Normal people did not wear suits casually at the time of the introduction of the lounge suit.

>> No.13787530

Shut up peasant.

>> No.13787536


Bad taste detected, probably poor and has never worn a well fitting, well made suit before.

>Implying wearing a few good quality suits is consumerist.

>> No.13787542
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>It's just clothing, it has no status

Summercamp get out.

>> No.13787740

Because suits are stupid and overrated . I don't wear em nor do I own any. We've moved the hell on

>> No.13787749

>Buy a t-shirt every month.
Ummm I still have t-shirts that have lasted me many years.

>> No.13787794

>we've moved the hell backwards as we slowly regress to 3rd world status

Suits are white European culture. Of course theyve been phased out.

>> No.13787809

No we moved forward. Hell if we kept with tradition we'd all still be wearing togas.

>> No.13787845


Honestly, nowadays you can simply have a dress shirt on and it'll be fine

>> No.13788132

>EU moved forward by importing 3rd world doctors and engineers lmao

>> No.13788207

That has nothing to do with the subject that's getting into politics.

>> No.13788386

Stopped being used when the civilization using them collapsed and gave way to comparably backwards newcomers...

>> No.13788444

They actually stopped using them way before that. Still togas are superior to what is basically 19th century english country wear

>> No.13788607
File: 93 KB, 453x439, 20978CA3-8F3B-4D1D-8669-EF6AAFCB88E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>patch pockets with a three piece suit


>> No.13788652

yeah but youre also on a board for fashion, majority of people buy cheap trash

>> No.13788661
File: 1.06 MB, 866x563, by allah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ReviewBrah is a fashion god, fuck off. No other style would be suitable for him. He can get away with it unlike us mortals.

>> No.13788664
File: 3.70 MB, 488x291, checkem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toga superiority.

>> No.13788754

Is 15-20 considered "Cheap" ? That's usually the price I see for the t-shirts I have.

>> No.13788817

sorry when I say back in the day it usually means a day you or someone you knows actually remembers not some fucking autistic daydream about when le men were men and wore their formal suits and defended ladies honor and were rewarded with their warm succulent gash

>> No.13788825

>Ummm I still have t-shirts that have lasted me many years.

Did you stop buying clothes, for years, though? I doubt it. I bet you make small clothing purchases on a monthly or weekly basis. That makes you a more reliable revenue stream than if you bought one big expensive set once and then didn't have to buy anything else for many years.

It used to be that something like a fridge or a dishwasher was built to last. A lot of stuff engineered in that era is STILL working today and still rivals new shit.
But you get a dishwasher today and it's engineered to break down just after the warranty runs out.
Because if everyone buys one expensive dishwasher and they are set for life: the guy making them still goes broke after that.

>> No.13788859

suits are impractical and dress shoes are uncomfortable or at least not near the comfort level of sneakers, that's partly why most people don't wear them casually anymore unless it's necessary if you still wear suits casually, you'll look out of place in most everyday situations like these two douches i met a few days ago while grocery shopping and if it wasn't enough, one of them was wearing sunglasses indoors kek

>> No.13789051

For real, you need to be in law, finance, funerals or work in a store or else you will be known as “suit boy”. At my job, which yeah is total IT autisticville, you will see board members wearing suits and that is it.

>> No.13789076

Pretty sure the prominent success of tech companies has everyone moving towards that kind of corporate culture in some way or another, and that includes their lax dress code.

Never heard anyone say that suits aren't fashionable anymore, just that they're not comfy (and everyone wants to be coddled in sweatpants and flip flops all day for some reason). Girls are still generally attracted to guys wearing well fitted suits.

>> No.13789222

In all honesty, I find a well tailored suit more comfortable than sweats.

>> No.13789671
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>> No.13789691

>Girls are still generally attracted to guys wearing well fitted suits.

Not really. Women are attracted to successful men and a suit can reflect that, given the right context and, well, rest of the man. But if the specific criteria are not met, then a suit just signals that you are "boring" and do not know how to "market yourself". This generation, thanks to the rise of neoliberalism, is all about marketing itself like a product, don't forget.

And just how our culture industry is degenerating into a sorry state of only rehashing what has been there before, fashion is too.

>> No.13789760

It's not even a three-piece suit, the trousers don't match. He's wearing matched uppers and separate trousers as though it's country tweed.

Honestly there's no point in critiquing any part of the fit in OP because it's just a trainwreck from beginning to end. Dismiss it and move on.

>> No.13789770

The thing is, this guy looks like a fucking idiot here, but I guarantee you he looks even worse in a hoodie and fat-guy jeans.

>> No.13789776

When you have sunglasses adapted to your view you don't remove them each time you enter a store.

>> No.13789798

I work in IT and can confirm this. I like to wear causal suit or at least suit jacket and trousers when I go out. Why? Because it looks elegant, you can wear good perfume with it, wear nice shoes. You have to practice this kind of outfit to find balance in cost/fit/materials for your body sizes. I would recommend to buy clothes that gravitate your wardrobe towards suit appearance, you won't lose with it unless you are lil' rapper or something, it will definitely make your shopping quicker and easier.

>> No.13789799

>demands respect
someone who has to demand respect never gets it

>> No.13789825

Yeah sure back in the day fridges and shit never broke.

>> No.13789834

Are you being obtuse or genuinely retarded? Planned obsolescence is not just some shit I made up.

>> No.13789879

Yeah but it means you can't fix shit like you could before. It doesn't mean that shit is designed to brake down. Back in the day fridges and such were shittier but if something shat itself you could easily swap out the broken.

>> No.13789887

>It doesn't mean that shit is designed to brake down.
Some things definitely are and I suspect there's a lot more than what we think.
A good example and famous case are tights, companies spent a lot of money on researching tights that would break more.

>> No.13789896

I think you're fairly naive about planned obsolescence and would urge you to look further into it.

>> No.13789988

Sure cheap stuff be like that
I think youre fucking retarted. Think about it for a second. Who the fuck would buy a new fridge from the same company again if the last one just died just after the warranty?

>> No.13790163

>I think youre fucking retarted
Dear friend, just google the term and come back when you're done reading.

>> No.13790176

refers to a double pieing