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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 227 KB, 1280x853, IMG_20181020_200140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13778878 No.13778878 [Reply] [Original]

how do I dress to attract communist girls?

>> No.13778881

Strictly Gucci.

>> No.13778882

Something about the bulge in those shorts makes me uncertain about that being a girl

>> No.13778884


>> No.13778887

i assume you're from muttland? that fat "hit me up on twitter @kawaiidesu420" feminazi would be your best bet

>> No.13778892

Seize the memes of production

>> No.13778894

Fat pussy, you virgin. Know anything about it? jejeje

>> No.13778898

I'm from Europe actually, what does it change

>> No.13779400

Are you talking about girls from commie areas or modern commies?

>> No.13779409

>no adams apple
>hands are nearly as thin as her wrists
>shoulders are the same width as her hips
just a girl who has taken a mile of cock

>> No.13779412


>> No.13779414

Be a black guy and have a short term dysfunctional relationship. Anything else and you're just going to get cucked, unless you're into that sort of thing.

>> No.13779422

If you are enough of a retard to be a communist unironically, let me save you some time:
Girls don't care about class war, muh proletarians or reading Marx beyond the manifesto. They wear the hammer and sickle as a fashion accessory and are only in for the attention. Same as trad thots.

>> No.13779444


regular business attire

>> No.13779446
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>> No.13779453

I have seen this picture countless times before and I am still not sure whether this is boy or girl.

>> No.13779462

this desu. I used to be pretty politically active, and I've come to the conclussion that women only attach themselves to an ideology because it will make them popular in that social group that holds it.

>> No.13779472

>ctrl+f "diaper"
>Phrase not found

>> No.13779501
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>> No.13779513

Dress however you want, just be attractive. They have no actual partisan loyalty and would fuck a skinhead if given the opportunity. Their whole bit is just a sham.

>> No.13779542

wtf i love neo-fascism now

>> No.13779565
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>> No.13779586

based and redpilled

>> No.13779621

>If you are enough of a retard to be a communist unironically
explain why would it be more retarded than any other political position

>> No.13779630

the stupid face models put on make them sooo fucking punchable holy shit

>> No.13779634

the entire track record of communism
>but muhh wasnt real gommunism
hold on while i roll my eyes

>> No.13779651

>the entire track record of industrial society
but going unabomber aint the way

>> No.13779652

Transforming a illiterate medieval shithole into an atomic superpower which could rival the US in mere 30 years while suffering huge infrastructural and demographic loses from 2 world wars and a civil war is quite a feat desu.

>> No.13779655

you seem to be talking about totalitarian states instead of communism

>> No.13779661

Not to mention actually improving the standard of living when compared to the Zarist era.

>> No.13779664

So they got the germans engineers that 'voluntarily' went to Russia after WW2 to build them some rockets and bombs
What an amazing accomplishment indeed

>> No.13779678

But Soviets in the streets of Berlin means they weren't already rivalling the US?

>> No.13779684

Considering their entire supply chain was held up by trucks etc built in the US

>> No.13779690


I hope thats a penis bulge

>> No.13779702

name one communist country that wasnt or isnt totalitarian

>> No.13779723

Not that guy, but:
1. Capitalism isn't utopian. All it ever claimed to be was a more efficient resource allocation method.
2. 90% abject poverty to less than 10% abject poverty with 7x the population sounds like a pretty good record to me.
3. Even if we only compared the "failures" of both systems (seeing as communists insist on claiming that capitalism has also failed), at least mass starvation isn't something we have to worry about. I would rather live in a "failed" capitalist system than the inevitable failed communist state.

>> No.13779724
File: 563 KB, 999x666, 1525418371744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>german engineers SINGLEHANDEDLY industrialized the largest country in the world while raising the living standard.
COPE harder mutt
america also "voluntarily" enlisted a fuckton of germans, not to mention giving full pardons to japanese war criminals what about that?

>send a couple outdated tanks and trucks in 1942 while totally ignoring massive factory output and technological advancement after relocating most of their industry behind the Ural
>Da sovietz would lose without us guise!!

>> No.13779749

>mass starvation isn't something we have to worry about
kek, are you joking or what

>> No.13779762

>gets political insights from a fashion board
what is communism

>> No.13779765

God I love this man.

>> No.13779780

Not really bringing utopianism into it. Reduction in poverty and enormous population growth can just as easily(or more so) be attributed to industrialisation and breaking out of the Malthusian trap as it can to capitalism. Did Capitalism cause this or did capitalism emerge from the same place?

'Failures' of capitalist systems arent so comparable to state failure of socialist countries. Consider that socialism does not exist in a vacuum free of many hostile nations (USA, Britain, Germany, etc.) and that capitalist systems are favoured by those in power. This allows the capitalist systems to function while hostility certainly impairs socialist ones.
You might need to be more specific with regard to mass starvation (russian famine 21-22?) but even in the Western world people still go hungry and breadlines are replaced by foodbanks and welfare.

It's also important to know that systems of capitalism are global. It is generally very comfortable to live in a country like the USA or England but the same system also includes people working in Africa, Latin America, and Asia which supply the West. When you say you would rather live in a 'failed' capitalism system it sounds more like you would rather be where you currently are then there.

>> No.13779782

the entire track record of ideology
>but muhh wasnt real philosophy
hold on while I roll my eyes

>> No.13779783

She has admitted to being a diaper fetishist.

>> No.13779787


>> No.13779791
File: 93 KB, 1024x762, 1538633682734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop talking and start posting more communist inspo you fucks

>> No.13779793
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>> No.13779795
File: 68 KB, 900x598, che-900x598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dress like this
che was pretty handsome desu

>> No.13779799
File: 47 KB, 500x648, tumblr_o3iv9uinWC1tb16pso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13779800

i agree though, the world would be better off without adhering mindlessly to ideology and instead doing what makes sense on a case by case basis through direct democracy (referendums)

>> No.13779802
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>> No.13779805
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>> No.13779806
File: 54 KB, 500x278, tumblr_oh3ylu1rA91vr50j9o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13779811

>future card-holding party members the thread

>> No.13779812

you are proving their point

>> No.13779813
File: 173 KB, 480x360, 60c1514e733b3a182cff500a9b52e89e730cebaecd0ba4e2cc8e213049061f4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trotsky had a knack for avant-garde fashion though. There are no color pictures of this but during the civil war he went full leather-daddy and I believe his pants in this photo were dyed red.

>> No.13779819
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>> No.13779820

more than anything, im missing the good old days

>> No.13779827
File: 1.14 MB, 1208x1522, bliss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realise that systems of discipline, control, and governance are not radically different when coming from the 'public' or the 'private'. One is no better or worse than the other - they differentiate by what they achieve.

>> No.13779828
File: 212 KB, 1024x685, 1500323672944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13779829

wow cool, born in the 90s though right?

>> No.13779830

Careful with That Edge, Eugene

>> No.13779844

and i guess you were born right after the russian revolution?

>> No.13779847


>> No.13779849

I'm not reminiscing the good old days of civil war, or of my country being a subject of the Russian empire

>> No.13779855

even in the 90s people seemed to have a problem with commies
now theres a real possibility they will be in government, and comparing communist atrocities to nazis gets you labeled a lunatic
fuck you commie pieces of walking human garbage

>> No.13779857
File: 62 KB, 607x640, 158ed2ff730cf68b518ceaf9d7ae7722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Trotsky, may I say, /ourguy/?

>> No.13779859

Have food.

>> No.13779860


a bag of rice and you can fuck any walking bag of flesh in venezuela

>> No.13779863

yeah that's why a socialist president was democratically elected and the USA had to intervene right
you pinochet lovers are really fucking retarded

>> No.13779864

no they fucking won't, stop listening to /pol/

>> No.13779866

>no they fucking won't, stop listening to /pol/
not in the US

>> No.13779872

is this the brainlet center?

>> No.13779877
File: 108 KB, 1130x918, 1518295561355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberals are commies

>> No.13779882

Didn't you hear that private ownership of capital is socialist now?

>> No.13779969

American /pol/NPCs don't even understand the terms that trigger them so much, they just angrily regurgitate the brainwashing they've been subjected to.
Stop encouraging them on the fashion board.

>> No.13779995
File: 155 KB, 1013x1280, SubMarcosHorseFromAfar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13779999
File: 162 KB, 1280x723, blackblocg20_black_bloc_by_emerica84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13780004
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>> No.13780008

Looks like white tay-k

>> No.13780010
File: 37 KB, 385x600, 1409390472815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13780013
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>> No.13780020
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>> No.13780026
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>> No.13780027

the only good reply until now

>> No.13780035


>> No.13780047
File: 82 KB, 750x401, 1_Gsc8IfxBgDuIqIn5gnJmtA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat my ass

>> No.13780054

theres a dick in those pants

>> No.13780064
File: 31 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13780071


>> No.13780084

dye your hair, wear dresses and a buttplug

scream about the evils of capitalism nonstop

>> No.13780090
File: 54 KB, 850x400, quote-young-people-everywhere-have-been-allowed-to-choose-between-love-and-a-garbage-disposal-guy-debord-7-51-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of triggered NPCs itt is astounding

>> No.13780124

Put up a bunch of flyers about having a natsoc meetup and wait for the commie hunnies to flock to you desu.

Garbage disposal gives better succ.

>> No.13780126
File: 24 KB, 350x375, 30516505_381454702371908_5292427481461030912_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13780295

god he's so fucking hot

>> No.13780760

of course he was handsome the cunts face has been a memed shirt graphic like the joy division one for like 20 years you think if he was some ugly bloke it would stay like that ?

>> No.13780762
File: 94 KB, 500x497, 1526800252357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do I dress to attract _______ girls?
Like this

>> No.13780916


>> No.13780920
File: 14 KB, 287x289, ec123f88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13780968

I do this every time. You and me are the only ones who know.

>> No.13780979

everyone knows it, special snowflake

>> No.13780985


>> No.13780991
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely fucking not

>> No.13781082
File: 64 KB, 605x790, 8818_23_22-hungarian-calvary-uniforms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He had a full train crew of men uniformed in red leather.

>> No.13781179

t. someone who thinks communism = totalitarian government

>> No.13781186

Sorry you have completely missed the point

>> No.13781256

Cringe extreme cringe teens

>> No.13781263

I need that puffy Vag on my life, fuck

>> No.13781269

talk about how evil whites are and how you love diversity

>> No.13781274

imagine still believing communism isn't a fucking joke that actively goes against human nature

>> No.13781282

The guy on the left has a great fit. A shame about the communism.

>> No.13781283

you most be ultra autistic, or just an edgy teen with a small dick.

>> No.13781288

Read what dialectical and historical materialism is, brainlet fuck.

>> No.13781293

my close friend has a phd in german idealism, trust me when i say your arrogance is embarrassing

>> No.13781298
File: 186 KB, 1200x1798, 167685-zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dated a communist indian girl in hs ama

>> No.13781300

imagine believing human nature is monolithic and unchanging in the face of environmental or cultural forces

>> No.13781304

imagine replying with a non sequitur

>> No.13781308

>steal everyone else's technology
>"Hurr we're so good at everything!!!1!"

>> No.13781310

>the natural state of humans is paying rent
crazy how nature does that

>> No.13781323

>humans never traded value amongst themselves before the existence of landlords

>> No.13781325

imagine applying traditional rhetoric to 4chan

>> No.13781326

sometimes i wonder what compels people to make such idiotic, non-sensical posts like these but then i remember this board is filled with teenagers who think themselves to be enlightened because they've read introductory marx and post-modernist hacks like derrida

>> No.13781334

>Le post-modern boogeyman

>> No.13781339

are you legitimately retarded? nevermind, don't answer that

>> No.13781347

>doesn't argue the post
>g-go back to /pol/

>> No.13781348

Who tf is that communist loli qt?

>> No.13781357


>> No.13781364

OK then, what makes Derrida a hack? Can you explain what post-modernism is? How is paying rent to a landlord "human nature"? What is "human nature"?

>> No.13781368

nope, don't care
just wanted to let you know you're a retard also nice knowing i hit a nerve lmao

>> No.13781373

>i-i really don't care, you're just a retard! totally triggered you!

>> No.13781383

>npc tier projection
>n-no u
holy shit i was fucking with you earlier because you're probably just a stupid 16 year old but get help before you're too far gone lol

>> No.13781492

better to classify him as a post structuralist instead of using postmodernist as a catch-all buzzword desu

>> No.13781507

these people have never read anything post-modern. Daddy Peterson just tells them that Foucault is an evil gay communist

>> No.13781509

>he can't answer but its okay they did the 'go back to pol' thing

>> No.13781514

>tfw I'll never get fisted by a gimped out Foucault in a San Francisco bathhouse.

>> No.13781533

Wouldn't poststructuralism be under the label of postmodernism? It was a French tradition that technically came after modernism, but where I'm confused at is whether it has the same aims of postmodernism. It's a tradition that goes against structuralist literature which was seen as modernistic no? Genuinely curious.

>> No.13781535


>> No.13781540


>> No.13781542

You know it's true.

>> No.13781546
File: 389 KB, 3000x3000, 07-eastern-rise-euro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 5% of this thread is fashion
why am I not surprised

>> No.13781552

The point is more that post-modernism is really broad and can kinda be used interchangeably with "relativism", whereas post-structuralism describes a specific movement of thinkers that all tie back to Saussure's linguistic theory.
Think of pointing at a dog and just calling it an animal. "postmodern" has, at this point, pretty much just become a buzzword, a nothing-statement.

based cringeposter

>> No.13781553

it's /fa/, this board is nothing but literal attention whore teens and autistic tryhards

>> No.13781555

fuck up commie

>> No.13781602

Did her cunt smell like cumin?

>> No.13781611

>142 posts
>Young Stalin hasn't been posted yet

>> No.13781614

he's hawt

>> No.13781616

W-What's her ig? (´・ω・`)

>> No.13781657

that's the onion