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13778199 No.13778199 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /fa/ggots

I just got my first pair of nice leather shoes. Everything I read says to use shoe trees in them. But that seems kind of silly and unnecessary for work boots. Should I get a pair? I want these boots to last a long-ass time.

>> No.13778208

Do you think the workers that originally wore these ever cleaned them or even knew what a shoe tree was? I doubt it

>> No.13778215

Yeah but people were dumb as fuck back then

>> No.13778220

“Don’t take care of shoes or listen to experts on the subject because some people years ago didn’t do this one thing”
Way to give bad advice.

It helps with moisture, structure, and smell. The first extends reduces the amount of maintenance you need to do on the leather. Honestly, just oiling or polishing or conditioning the leather will do more than shoe trees. However, I think it’s worth the 10 seconds to put them in every night.

It’s not required, but it helps.

>> No.13778233

kek I can just picture the so᠌yboy with his official red wing complete leather care kit

>> No.13778359

Sweet. I was asking because I don’t own trees. I didn’t want to spend the money, but now that I think about it I shouldn’t complain about buying $20 trees after buying $300 boots

>> No.13778390

It depends how you want them to look and what you use them for.
I don't use shoe trees in my Iron Rangers but at the same time I don't really care how beat up they look. I wear mine when I'm working in the garage or on a car and when I go hiking with the dogs so they're gonna get beat up and I'm fine with that. If they crease and wrinkle it won't matter.

I have a pair of White's MP Service Boots that I use as more of my everyday boot that I wear to class and out and about. I don't baby them but at the same time they were pretty expensive and I try to keep them looking nice, even though I'll go out and work in them or hike in them too.I just like them looking nice so I use shoe trees.

The trees will prevent creasing, prevent moisture from damaging the leather and they also make them smell nice, so if any of those things matter to you then get them.

>> No.13778557

Shoe trees do the thing shoe trees do and if you want that then get shoe trees.

>> No.13778577

What the fuck are you even talking about? What workers? Workers own boot styles now?

>I can just imagine the leather shoe owner taking care of his leather shoes
Yeah, holy shit, the onions.

You know, most people take care of their leather boots because leather boots are expensive, and boot polish is really cheap, but this guy. What a fucking basedboy for not wanting the leather on his boots to crack.

I'd rather have my 2-year old leather boots leak than be a basedboy and take care of them.

>> No.13778617

s o y

MEN wear their leaky boots with pride

>> No.13778708

Just get the shoe trees. They're only like $25. Sweat is bad for leather.