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/fa/ - Fashion

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13767467 No.13767467[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do japs think tattoos are degenerate but we don't? They associate it with criminals and Yakuza but in the US tattoos were popular with vets and motorcycle gangs.

>> No.13767476

>but we don't
Plenty of people still consider tattoos to be trashy and stupid.

>> No.13767478

Maybe because we have two very different cultures?

>> No.13767483

motorcycle gangs are degenerate. They arent cool. Vets get tattoos because its probably one of the only things that keeps them sane or mentally in check so that their personalities arent completely absorbed by the whole.

>> No.13767500

i'm pretty sure in japan tattoos we're first for marking slaves or criminals and then those criminals eventually became the yakuza who we're proud of the tattoos and built upon that to wear it is now, it's something like that, and in north america i don't it's just like mix match of cultures anyways so it makes sense a lot of people would like tattoos

>> No.13767501

Because the powers that be, in the Anglosphere, deliberately socially engineered us to become more degenerate. Encouraging tattoos was part of that.

eg. Most popular music since the 1950s has been produced by Intelligence agencies.

>> No.13767651

You can't even get a proper job in Brazil if you have visible tatoos

>> No.13767685

traditional japanese tattoo is linked to an specific meaning, while normal tattoo could be janything you want without meaning shit. Wanna tattoo bart simpon peeing on nicole kidman? do it, wanna tattoo a microwave with a pun? go on

>> No.13767700

Because the Italian and Irish mob in the early 20th century didn't have a big tattoo culture.

By the time tattoos became a big criminal thing during the explosion of negro gang culture in the 1980s, tattoos were already established in a non-criminal context in America.

>> No.13767801

please tell me which famous pop bands were really fronts for three letter agencies lmao

>> No.13767812

Because in Japan anything that makes you stand out is highly discouraged, but with us, everybody tries their hardest to stand out or be special.

>> No.13767874

I'll give you three examples to hopefully pique your interest.
One is the founding of the major TV networks in the USA. A lot of the top guys involved in that were OSS officers. The Office of Strategic Services was like the pre-CIA CIA.

One is the Gulf of Tonkin incident. You know about this, right? Basically the USA wanted to start the Vietnam War so they put some ships around Vietnam and then claim they got attacked. Wasn't the first nor the last time the USA would use a strategy like this to launch an unpopular war. The commander in charge of that op was George Morrison. His son? Jim Morrison, a certain rock star who some fag used to post on /fa/ regularly.
Lots of those 60s counterculture bands have documented connections to military intelligence especially.

My third example is Miles Copeland Jr. Copeland was an OG CIA spook and operated in Egypt especially.
One of his sons is the drummer for The Police, Stewart Copeland. His other sons Ian Copeland and Miles Copeland III were big record execs who basically created New Wave and produced many bands you are familiar with.

>> No.13767883

The Doors, The Police, and new wave are all psyops?
This is terribly news. I'm probably under their control already.

>> No.13767907

Think about what Anglo culture was in 1940 vs what it was in 1980. You'd have to at least agree that there were some big shifts in that time, wouldn't you?
I put it to you that a considerable amount of that change is attributable to popular culture which was promoted by bands, actors etc. that we now know had strong ties to intelligence agencies.
And if they have those ties it becomes less credible to call what they promoted an organic movement.

>> No.13768189
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>> No.13768230

I gave some leads already. What would you need to consider it plausible?

>> No.13768313

How about a singlr credible source lmao. Music is degenerate because degeneracy is fun.

>> No.13768318

The Miles Copeland and James Morrison stuff are public record, they'll tell you that shit on wikipedia.

>> No.13768364

they’re not accepted as much as Europe / America and you’ll rarely see tattooed women, but young men get them fairly often without being affiliated with gangs

im not Japanese, I’ve only visited a few times whilst I lived in Korea so I’m no expert. I think a western style tattoo would be more accepted than a Japanese one, but I wouldn’t expect to be welcomed with open arms if your arms and back were covered with dragons. This reminds me of when I walked through Roppongi and saw this older women, arms covered with tattoos, wearing a fat diamond ring walking like 4 dogs down the street. Let’s just say her finger wasn’t the only thing carrying a diamond haha

>> No.13768375
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Asian girls are disgusting, hopefully only white males breed with them.

>> No.13768382

The girl on the left is cute desu

>> No.13768400

I know a girl who just moved to Japan and she said having a tattoo is bad for finding jobs.

I don't think it has anything to do with Yakuza nescessairly, it's just that tattoos never got popular there so they see it the same way we saw it like 4 decades ago.

>> No.13768431

>they associate it with criminals
>in the US tattoos were popular with vets and motorcycle gangs
Is there supposed to be some contradiction here?

>> No.13768439
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Asian milfs get me diamonds.

Sorry Kevin, but your mom was fucking hot.

>> No.13768636

dude. not the board for this. right ..but these kids cant handle this info. they dont really know they are communist. or that they hate the nuclear family. they dont remembet when people were not degenerate

>> No.13768639

every single 60s and 70s band. that did drugs and had large concerts. crosby stills and nash. shit like that. they killed hendrix cause he was like fuck promoting that shit

>> No.13768654

All non tattooed people think tattooed people are garbage. Doesn’t matter the culture.
You suck OP.

>> No.13768657

In Japan, a lot of the older generation indeed thinks tats (and even something simple as piercings in cartilage) are not a good sign. Probably they associate it with the incapability to conform to society, which is seen as important in Japanese culture. It makes sense, as for example workplaces want people to dress as uniformly as possible. In a lot of cases, employers and school execs need the hair of their employees and their students to be black of colour. In the US and lots of other countries, you're being applauded for trying to set yourself aside from the pact by having the courage to dress differently.

However, it should be noted that a small but growing portion of the newer generation in Japan (esp girls) is keen on having tats and piercings. Usually they will have it on parts of their body that are easy to hide, such as inside of your upper portion of arm, under the chest or on the collarbone. Some girls even have the courage to pierce their cartilage with something small. Actually tattoo policy in Japan is quite mild when you compare it to South Korea, where (I think) tattoo shops are actually against the law.

Tbqh I would never get a tattoo myself as I think it would look horrible on me, but I admire those who managed to get some ink that actually looks like a lot of effort was put in trying to make it look original and aesthetically pleasing instead of just slapping some barbed wire or tribals on your upper arm.

>> No.13768679


I'm pretty sure it's because in Japan you need a medical license to tattoo. So you basically have to go to a doctor if you want a tattoo, which I'm sure is pretty uncommon, so that means alot of people who want tattoos have to travel or get it done illegally. Plus, I know people have mentioned it's usually associated with criminals and gang member, which is true. That, and Wayyyy back in the day it had associations with different ethnicities (like ainu who basically have been completely been integrated into Japanese culture that a lot of their history has been lost), and we know Japans not really big on things that are different.

I'd also imagine since it already has so much stigma, even if you manage to get one legally somehow, you'll probably be seen as dumb, reckless, and non-conforming, which arent really good traits to have there. Although the culture there is starting to shift.

Here, it's more accepted, but I think that's because the associations haven't been completely criminal. We are generally a mix of many different cultures and ethnicities, some of whom who have tattoos for traditional/religious reasons. Add that, people getting tattoos as a fashion statement, more people just having them, it leads to it becoming normalized. The older generations who think negatively of them are dying out, while most of the newer ones are looking to accept them and even encourage them.

Not saying there aren't still alot of people who think they're bad/degenerate, but it's just no where as extreme as Japan who will refuse service, put out signs saying you're not welcome, make it almost impossible to find employment, and have your family pretty much disown you.

>> No.13768692

I kind of want to agree with you but on the other hand I believe all 4chan boards should be subjected to autism.
It's not like our enemies consider anything to be neutral territory - /fa/ is being subjected to active leftypol op right now.

>> No.13768722

In the west too tattoos were up until VERY recently considered degenerate and was associated with criminals (BIKER GANGS FOR FUCKS SAKE) and other low-life losers like sailors, convicts and so on. Presumably, due to the utter ennui proceeding from the fall of the Soviet Union and resulting nihilism, tattoos have lost any cultural connotation and have become simple decoration like jewelry or make-up (also considered degenerate for a long time)

>> No.13768728

>but we don't?

Nigga who's we?

>> No.13768783

mentally ill

>> No.13768800

>we don't

>> No.13768808

>vets and motorcycle gangs.
>not mouthy lower class criminals

>> No.13768811

i wanna lick those nips!

>> No.13768825

>"When foreigners have tattoos they look cool"
Absolutely based

>> No.13768832

vets and motorcycle gangs are also criminals

>> No.13768853

What you're typing isn't logically consistent at any level and you will realize that if you have a basic grasp of logic and classical logical fallacies.
Jim Morrison wasn't a fucking CIA plant hahahaha

>> No.13768869

Whats so criminal about curing animals?

>> No.13769977

speak for yourself you subhuman mongrel cuck.Where are you even from?

>> No.13769998

doesnt everyone live in the favelas in brazil??

>> No.13770006


>> No.13770009

I guess Yakuza is the key word

>> No.13770019


>> No.13770077

This is a blue board, anon.

>> No.13770087

tattoos are degenerate if not done in moderation.

>> No.13770097

Thanks, asshole. I just got fired.

>> No.13770137


>> No.13770151

because asians
are a genetic gathering
of pure
autism and

>> No.13770301

Cheers to this absolute dumb fuck mod who banned me for 3 days for posting a picture with zero nudity, yet this clowns thread gets to live on. Fucking dumb cunt. KYS.

>> No.13770340
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okay but who gives a fuck? why should I care? I now get to enjoy a hedonistic drug fuelled lifestyle and fuck art hoes, what do you do? you LARP on the internet faggot, gay cuck LARPer

>> No.13770392

Japanese culture has a strong emphasis on conformity. America is a country founded by rebels, with a cultural focus on individuality and independence.

>> No.13770420

/fa/ mods are the biggest faggots on this site. Only board where i get banned regularly.

>> No.13770483


>> No.13770490

Hi yoshi

>> No.13770891

tattoos are like clothing there are trends and if you get clothing that is in style it will look tacky in a couple of years same with tattoos. If someone can show me an example of a timeless tattoo I am interested.

>> No.13770931

why do you
type like you
got three or five dicks
down your anus
and boipussy

>> No.13771089


This is the greatest example of just how sheltered and stupid suburban losers really are. Why the fuck do you even post here? Don't you have some chinos to iron or hush puppies to polish?

>> No.13771094
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>tfw had sex with a girl in Japan with those tattoos once
>didn't know until later what they meant

>> No.13771148
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Prostitutes got them as well you know. Firefighters too I think, both predate the Yakuza connection.

>> No.13771227
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>> No.13771242

>we don't

>> No.13771637
File: 15 KB, 644x800, B3E7402B-2BC4-42FC-B7AE-215D72C858DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>motorcycle gangs are degenerate

>> No.13771643

Most people that get tattoos are misguided trend-chasers, NPCs if you will. That's why everyone is running around with the same flavor of the month ink.
I personally look down upon most people with tattoos, unless it's something genuinely creative, or at the very least stylish.
I have straight up turned down a hoe, because she took her top off and she had one of those retarded dandelions whose seeds transform into birds. Boycott and shame NPCs.

>> No.13771851

lmao nigga r u off goop

>> No.13771924
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For artists it's alright but for normal people it's considered trashy where I'm from. Basically screams I don't care about looking presentable and I make bad choices.

>> No.13771934

Fuck off boomer.

>> No.13771944

me and daniel

>> No.13771945

Literally who fucking cares what the Japs think? They're all retarded
>ah yes henro my son wercome home from the schooor
>your father is not home yet because he's passed out drunk on the train because he is so stressed about not bringing shame to famiry
>no son i do not rove you because you don't do well in school
>now remember to bring honour to famiry and always do your best and never engage in degenerate behaviour
>now go fap to your loli mags before dinner, and don't forget to run out to the panty vending machine for your fatheru-san before he get home

>> No.13771960

~>Literally who fucking cares what X think
This is the dumbiest post.

>> No.13771966

I care about what lots of people think, just not any variety of bug men.

>> No.13771986
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>Meth is cool

>> No.13772013

Implying motorbike gangs aren't degenerate

>> No.13772040

I went to high school in Sao Paulo and lots of my teachers had tattoos

>> No.13772637

lol i know her.
Bill Salmon’s wife, Juuni
they have a shop on Van Ness in SF - Diamond Club
that’s a pretty old pic btw

>> No.13772675
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OP's style exists for 500 years.

>> No.13772709

>but we don't?

>> No.13772758

You literally answered your own question in your post

>> No.13773971

la creatura

>> No.13774263

>Vets get tattoos because its probably one of the only things that keeps them sane or mentally in check so that their personalities arent completely absorbed by the whole.
t. never met a vet in his whole life

>> No.13774266

I posted something with nipples in a /fa/rt thread and got b&

>> No.13774272

this. Bohemian tattoos are typically top-tier, but normies get pictures of some asinine meaningless shit like a football because "I like football"

>> No.13774848

Tattooing was also a form of torture

>> No.13775145

That's kinda hot.

>> No.13775265
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shut up capitalcuck

>> No.13775361

Americans don't see degeneracy the same way fish don't see water.

t. Proud American

>> No.13775824
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>> No.13775968

What a shame she ruined her body like that

>> No.13775970

They have proper sensibilities
They never fell for the body positivity and feminism memes like the west has
In other words, Japan should have won WWII

>> No.13775975

Tattoos being banned by the Japanese governent in the late 1800s probably didn't help either

>> No.13775994

You sound like an insufferable faggot.

>> No.13776000

>t. soiboi with shitty tats