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/fa/ - Fashion

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13762887 No.13762887 [Reply] [Original]

I don;t wtf to do. I can't decide if I wanna go for the skin look and lifestyle or the kpop style and look.

I'm the whitest gangster. FUCK EVERYONE EBK

>> No.13762894

What an embarrassing post

Grow out of diapers first, then consider having fashion tastes.

>> No.13762896

>I'm the whitest gangster
This thread is so fucking cringy. Is this what the cumskins on effay restored to?

>> No.13762897

It's what zoomers of all races resort to

>> No.13762900

I'm probably the same age or older than you, lol. I'm just fked up (drug-wise is all). I've just been debating this in my head cause im an autistic retard and I finally felt confident to say it on an anomous boardy.

>> No.13762902

i dated a girl with mild autism, quite possibly the worst shit imaginable I hope every autistic girl dies

>> No.13762907

Since you want others to tell you what to do, I'm telling you to wear nothing but zoot suits, only listen to classical music from the year 1674 and have the lifestyle of a litteral barnacle.
Then post pics.

>> No.13762913

what are u on g?

>> No.13762918

Try the kys look!

>> No.13762919

Real talk I want your honest and proper opinion but your all coming like some fuccbois that think they are hard. I know its just an online forum but fuck you and fuck everyone if i wasnt autistic i would kill you.

>> No.13762921

you are all into the same shit . a lot of you a fake. a lot of you are under 18, alot of you have a warped concept of rteality like everyone else but refuse to accept it. I hate this baord, I hatw this websutw bit some of you are actually smart and undersatnbd stuff above the sufrace level.

>> No.13762923

its not fken nice, I want to kms everyday but you gotaa be the best you can be and move on right?

>> No.13762934

>but you gotaa be the best you can be and move on right?
>you gotaa.

Not really, everyone dies eventually. Every effort you put in life is meaningless. None of this matters.

>> No.13762940

>Not really, everyone dies eventually.
I already know this as you do.

>Every effort you put in life is meaningless. None of this matters.
it's all about how you think.

>> No.13762957
File: 312 KB, 446x668, Chocolate-Brown-Zoot-Suit-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do it already

>> No.13762960
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>if i wasnt autistic i would kill you

>> No.13762984

so thats what a zoot suit is. I'm good thanks.

I probably wouldn't if im being honest. I just hate people. I dont care to expand on that.

>> No.13763001

>so thats what a zoot suit is. I'm good thanks.
No no no, you don't get a say in this.
You have so little personnality that you come to an Internet board to ask people who you should be. They tell you, you follow. That seems to be what you want, so just do it.

>> No.13763003

>You have so little personnality that you come to an Internet board to ask people who you should be. They tell you, you follow. That seems to be what you want, so just do it.

Maybe your right. i'm so devoid of personality, I'm dead inside. i thought that's what 4Chan was like maybe times have changed. Im horrible at making descions. I hate my life, I want to die sometimes.

I just was hoping for mature responses seems I've come to the wrong website and expected too much.

I can see why the older tripfags left.

>> No.13763008

You can't ask a dumb question that shouldn't even have entered your head and expect mature responses.

"Which lifestyle should I follow?" Are you shitting me?

>> No.13763024

>"Which lifestyle should I follow?" Are you shitting me?

I don't how old you are but this a serious question for older people.

>> No.13763036

then seriously wear a fucking zoot suit

>> No.13763042

I thinks it's more about my hair than everything else. Should of posted in /hair/ general. I know what I want to wear lo.

Sorry for wastinf everyone's time.

>> No.13763068

No, it's the exact opposite.
Young, insecure people think an ourfit is a lifestyle and that you need to be part of [blank]-core.
Then they mature and realise they shouldn't waste time acting like someone they think they want to be.

>> No.13763073

I want to be someone and I dont know who. im lost maybe i went to far down the rabbit whole.

>> No.13763074

lad you’re trying to act hard when you can’t even decide if you want to look like a skinhead or a queer. You’re a gimp lool. fuck off and take a few more drugs preferably a hot dose

>> No.13763078

Fuck off with that "I'm so fucked up" posing.

>> No.13763125

stop adding stuff to give yourself a personality
your personality is already there
if anything, take stuff away

>> No.13763137

Not OP, but that's a good way of looking at it.
Pull a Walden, OP. You'll know who you are, and who everybody is.

>> No.13763162
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>lad you’re trying to act hard
If I told you how hard i was acting i would be in prison and on watchlists right now. i had a good upbringing. im lucky.

>a skinhead or a queer. You’re a gimp lool. fuck off and take a few more drugs preferably a hot dose
>a skinhead or a queer.

Think about how different those two are. Take a second and actually think about. then you would relaise how fucked up it is.

>Fuck off with that "I'm so fucked up" posing.

I wish I could.

This is me as much as I hate it. I'm not some poser wannabe. This is how some people think, when there not right in the head believe it or not.

I'm so alone.

>> No.13763163

Would u connsider letting me pump you full of cum?

>> No.13763164

>I'm not posing as a poser
Oh we know that, you're an actual poser.
Stop it

>> No.13763167

Interesting question. At this point in time I would have to have denied your request.

Be straight up with me. Do you want to keep what your doing or do you want to have a proper talk?

>> No.13763177

>denied your request.
Not the first and not the last, you'll regret this decision later

>> No.13763178

Depends on your opinion of timeline's.

>> No.13763180

I want you to go drink some bleach ASAP

>> No.13763181

fucking hell you spell like a toddler


>> No.13763191


I'm heavily intoxicated give me a break. You would spewing like a toddler if you took what I took.

Also nice responses to my questions and statements. That honestly showed the differences in maturity levels but you didn't notice that did you?

>> No.13763637

because op is being a bitch ill go ahead and take up your offer.

>> No.13763761

White people trying to look Asian is the biggest fashion cringe ever

>> No.13763789

wow dude you sure are mature for asking retarded question and posturing around with your compensation drugs

>> No.13764055
File: 72 KB, 680x671, e2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13764073

ooo your hard

>> No.13764717

Neither, both are trash. Skinheads are low IQ edgy fucks and bald is not a good look whilst k-pop is for teen girls and closet gays who like korean twinks

>> No.13764882
File: 22 KB, 600x387, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You would spewing like a toddler if you took what I took.
maybe you should stop doing drugs if you can't handle them and do them responsibly underage b&

>> No.13764941

Just worry less OP, let your style find you. Seeking it out is only going to make you take more time to find it. Truly one can only solve a puzzle if they step back to look at it.

>> No.13765037

Thank you. Honestly I know where I am going. I don't need to find a style. I was just a bit out of it last night.

>> No.13766218

You sound like a fag and your shits all retarded